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Sandman August 11th, 2004 04:13 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread

I captured the magic site "The Primal Forest". I'm getting the gems from it, but my nature mages are not getting the option of 'enter magic site' to summon Hamma drayads.

This has happened to me as well.

Endoperez August 11th, 2004 04:20 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
Boots of Long Strides do not cause any increase in the stats themselves, but make moving a grid cost less aps. That would make it affect fast creatures more than slow ones, if I understand it correctly. I quess you could try to search for the answer devs gave when this came up the Last time. I don't think it was labeled as a bug, though.

Endoperez August 11th, 2004 04:24 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread

In my current game - playing Man and Using the Earth Mother as Pretender (3N 2E) my Earth Mother doesn't seem to be able to find Magic sites.
I have searched 2 provinces with her which should have given me nature sites but nothing came up when I searched with her.
When I searched those provinces again , later in the game (one province with a 1A 2N Mage and the other with a 2N 2D 1B mage) the nature sites showed up.

Of the four searches total I have done with the Earth Mother I have had NO RESULT at all.
No nature sites and no Earth sites found at all.

This sounds really strange. Are you sure they were nature sites, not death/ air/ blood ones that just happen to give some nature gems? Also, have those provinces really been searched? Check if they have been searched by 3N2E mage.

Agrajag August 11th, 2004 05:02 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
I had two commanders attack a certain province and another one attack it from a different direction, only the two commander never attacked, they patroled (?) instead...
And that Gygja hero for jotunheim (don't remember her name, she's the mother of monsters though), her name is in the Jotunheim name selection, so when you get a regular commander with her name its quite stupid... (anglobear or something?)

Sheap August 11th, 2004 05:09 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
Angerboda the Great Hag.

It is a common name in the Jotun mythology, so it's reasonable (if slightly confusing) to have it turn up on non-hero gygjas. The regular vaetti hags can get the name also. Just rename your units, or remember what's what http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

As Jotunheim I always take misfortune anyway, and have never gotten the hero Version of Angerboda in a real game, powerful tho she is.

Borg August 11th, 2004 05:29 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread


In my current game - playing Man and Using the Earth Mother as Pretender (3N 2E) my Earth Mother doesn't seem to be able to find Magic sites.
I have searched 2 provinces with her which should have given me nature sites but nothing came up when I searched with her.
When I searched those provinces again , later in the game (one province with a 1A 2N Mage and the other with a 2N 2D 1B mage) the nature sites showed up.

Of the four searches total I have done with the Earth Mother I have had NO RESULT at all.
No nature sites and no Earth sites found at all.

This sounds really strange. Are you sure they were nature sites, not death/ air/ blood ones that just happen to give some nature gems? Also, have those provinces really been searched? Check if they have been searched by 3N2E mage.

Sites which were NOT found by my Earth Mother Pretender (3N 2E)
Glen of Verdant Greenery
Farm of Plenty
Forest of delights

The Glen was later found by a 2N 2D 1B Lamia Queen.
The Farm and Forest were later found by a 1A 2N Mother of Avalon.

I'm 100 positive about these facts and I already brought them forward in this thread

I was really getting "frustrated" http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif with my Earth Mother always coming up with ...... nothing .... on her (4) searches.
Much to my surprise, when searching for Death and Air sites I found three Nature sites.

Thufir August 11th, 2004 07:37 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
My apologies if this has already been posted, but I've dones some searching and haven't been able to find anything related.

I've got a saved game file that reveals two (possibly related) client side bugs:

1) Under a certain set of repeatable actions, one commander dissapears from the list of commanders in my capital (I mean the display you get by right clicking on the flag for the province). It may be the case that another set of actions makes the commander show up again (I've seen that happen), but I haven't tested for repeatability.

2) In harvesting the pearls from commanders holding clams in two provinces, it seems that frequently those commanders don't show the pearls they actually are holding. For example on turn 50, I know a given commander with 2 clams should have 2 pearls, but he doesn't. Then on turn 51, that same commander shows up with 4 pearls (meaning of course that this is likely a client side bug). I haven't tried real hard to check on the repeatability of this, but I think I've got a save game file I can make this bug repeat on.

If anyone knows a workaround for #2, I'd love to hear it, as I see this a lot.

- Thufir

Agrajag August 11th, 2004 07:44 PM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread

Angerboda the Great Hag.

It is a common name in the Jotun mythology, so it's reasonable (if slightly confusing) to have it turn up on non-hero gygjas. The regular vaetti hags can get the name also. Just rename your units, or remember what's what http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

As Jotunheim I always take misfortune anyway, and have never gotten the hero Version of Angerboda in a real game, powerful tho she is.

Im going to write this message again, since the Last one was killed off by forum bugs.
For some reason I believe the random events got somehow screwed up in that particular Jotunheim game:
With Luck-0 and Order-0 I got two national heroes by turn 15.
I also had a random event show up almost every turn, even when I only had 1 province.
Usually I get a consistent event with atleast ten times the provinces (10 times 1 = 10 :P)...
The events seemed to be balanced between good and bad, with a slight tendancy to bad (all just statistics!).
Maybe its just "that kind of map" =P

August 12th, 2004 02:30 AM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
The boots of Long strides have an effect of 'haste' on a unit (during battle, no animation or visible effect). Though it's not visible by the AP of the unit (when you look at it) it doubles the movement of a unit during battlefield. This item is of questionable use. But it's cheap, so there you go http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Sandman August 12th, 2004 03:50 AM

Re: Dominions II Bug Thread
Yeah, I did a 'race' and the boots of long strides do indeed have an effect. Sorry about that.

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