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Kristoffer O November 3rd, 2005 07:49 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
The wolves feed themselves http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Nerfix November 4th, 2005 02:19 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
A simple fire spell:


This spell evaporates liquids from a target. Normal creatures will take only small damage and become exhausted but this spell is effective againstliquid or plant based enemies.

Endoperez November 4th, 2005 03:44 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist

Nerfix said:
A simple fire spell:


This spell evaporates liquids from a target. Normal creatures will take only small damage and become exhausted but this spell is effective againstliquid or plant based enemies.

I don't see the need. There is no stat for liquidness at the moment, and the some of the few plant units already have fire vulnerability... I'd much rather see some nasty Water spells, like mass-version of Sailor's Death... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif

There are lots of possible spells, but not all of them would work in the theme and world of Dominions. There is no need to have counters to Vine Men/Ogres and Mandragoras, because they have their own, build-in weaknesses. Also, the developers are willing to make different spells, instead of the same old ones again and again. As an example, a AoE 10 caster-centered spell which would cast Breath of Winter effect for one turn would offer new possibilities. It is rather weak, and unless the AI knows to only use it in severe situations (it WILL damage the caster and everyone around him) it will be another nuisance... But if it were a Water 1 spell, a mage with stupid random might just be able to counter scary Dragonfly or even Black Hawk assault. Nature spell that makes target to attack its closest comrades (it's on your side and has Attack Closest orders) until it succeeds in a Strength roll against 13. Air spell that pushes targets around, doing minor damage (acts as Trampler of size dependant on caster's Air level). A spell that severely poisons target and gives him 8+ Poison damage. If he dies, a cloud of poison appears around the place of his death. Higher-level Howl-like spell that summons animals like Summon Animals spell, 1 or no gems. Blood spell that calls forth a spirit that possesses a Horror-marked unit, making it Berserk and forcing it to attack the closest creatures. Water/Fire spell that transforms Rain or Strom into Acid Storm (acid-based Wrathful Skies) (maybe counters Wrathful Skies if it is already in effect?). A low-damage AoE Blood and/or Death spell that creates a neutral Vengeful Spirit (comparable to Dispossessed Spirit) for every non-mindless, animate (NOT inanimate), non-undead, non-demon unit that dies from it. A Death spell that causes random affliction. I want something different. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Kristoffer O November 5th, 2005 01:44 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
Hidden scouts are displayed now. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Olive November 5th, 2005 03:50 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
It's good news. I always forget half of my scouts http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif .

RedRover November 7th, 2005 01:17 AM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
The first item has an unusual history. I wrote it over a year ago, but just before I was going to post it, someone else brought up the idea. Not wanting to play the copycat, I buried this version of the idea in my files. However, no one has specifically added the idea to the Wishlist thread, and it has been a full year, so I’m sending it in now.

Seasonal Pretenders
Another vector of changing god power—Seasons. God stats are cyclical and change from turn to turn, based on month of year, in addition to changes by dominion. (Suggest limit this to human nations only.)

1. Seasonal Pretender stats peak in middle of “high” season, then wane to a low in the middle of the annually opposite season, then wax to maximum strength again (maybe 12 variations using % multiplier, one per month).

2. A standard variation of +/- 33%, looks ok to me (maybe 25% minimum, to a 50% upper limit).

3. Example: Possible breakdown for human nations:

Spring High: Arcosephale, T’ien Ch’i; Man (std),
Summer High: Machaka, Marignon,
Fall High: Mictlan, Pythia; Man (Last of Tuatha),
Winter High: Ermor, Ulm.

4. Seasonality might also be made an attribute of a specific Pretender chassis, or possibly a pre-game setup option.

5. This would add an additional timing factor for advanced players.
[end of section]

Item Mod Wish
A special #noprod command to prevent an item from being manufactured in a scenario, regardless of its actual statistics. This would not, of course, limit a modder’s ability to add the item to the scenario manually in the design phase, or schedule its appearance if we get moddable trigger conditions.

Magic Item Wish
I wish to see a HUGE magic item that takes THREE Misc slots to carry. I don’t care what it is, as long as the item is good enough to make it a viable choice (but not a no-brainer)!

The idea is enable the creation of items specifically designed to be mounted on an Elephant or similar. Somewhat lesser items intended for smaller animal mountings might only take two slots.

Endoperez November 7th, 2005 05:10 AM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
#noprod already exists. You can have an item that needs Construction 10 to be crafted, e.g. an item that CAN'T be made at all. It can, however, be Wished for.

Currently, Elephans only have two misc slots. The units with three misc slots are specialist magic-users, including Crone and Oracle. Size or Strength requirement might work better, but then we would have Firbolgs with Bear Claw Talismans, Boots of Giant Strength, Stypmhalian Wings etc' flying around with all the cool stuff.
It could be done, but not as an item. Check out Juggernauts. They are very close to what you describe. Construction 5, 7 and 9 should have more spells, which would effectively include making an item which only specified unit/construct can carry. Also, each Behemoth in controlled by a Revenant, but it is only seens in the picture of the unit; there is no revenant except in the description. Similarly, there could be items that only exist in the carrying units' description.

Chazar November 7th, 2005 09:00 AM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Luck scale might influence the probabilty of finding magical items after battles, which, btw, is too low any way. It might be thematical to have a low chance of finding weak magical items, but shouldnt low-level magical items be common in a magical world? Apart, it would be certainly more fun to see more minor items in gameplay (e.g. my current chandrea map features at least two independent commanders with #randomequip 2 per province, but most do not have any items and if they have and if the commander was killed instead of routed, then finding the items is pretty difficult. There is almost no difference between having two random equipped guys in every province as compared to normal game play -- taking into account that the victor brought more than 3 commanders, including spell caster)

It isnt a large issue or big impact on gameplay, but it is simply no fun!

RedRover November 9th, 2005 02:40 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
Endoperez: Your statement about elephant slots confuses me. I found three misc slots on Hannibal, and checked out the Elephant (unit 150) on the Black_Unit_View--also three misc slots.

Is one of the listed slots disabled?

And just so the post does not go without another useful item:

Commander Mounts
Introduce more mounts configured as items that fill the Feet item slot. ([Cohen’s brilliant idea!])

Current: Horse, Alicorn, Griffin, Pegasus, Chariots (as Arco, Std+GE), Lizard (as Amazon), Spider (as Machaka), and very moddable (Greyhawk dragonnels or Hoburg eagles, anyone?).

Endoperez November 9th, 2005 02:59 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
Re: Elephant
I misremembered that. Maybe I was thinking of Dom:PPP? As there all commanders had two misc slots, and the only Elephant commander I can think of is a mercenary, I might not have seen them in Dominions II at all... My fault, sorry.

Re: mounts as items
I don't think it would work. Mounted units are totally different from un-mounted units. Besides, the fact that graphics wouldn't change would be annoying, as you wouldn't notice it before you right-clicked a commander.
Some kind of an item that acts mostly as mount would be better IMO. Strategical (main map) flying for commander, and even for small number of troops with a Chariot, or rejuvenation and map move 4 (unicorn), would be some of the more apparent options.

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