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RedRover November 19th, 2005 08:10 AM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
Great! Tell me that the details are accessible to modding and you will make my week.

Heck...You will make my month!

Ed Kolis November 19th, 2005 01:58 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
/me still wants a fully moddable game ala SE4... so you can add additional nations (Hyrule?), magic items (the Triforce, the Wind Waker, the Ocarina of Time?), forts, etc. fully specifying their attributes and without having to replace other objects in the game to make room http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

RedRover November 21st, 2005 02:12 AM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
Complex Event Modding
Assuming we get the ability to play with Events, it would be fun to have the tools to create Events more complex than are available in the current game.

Here is an example of such an Event, inspired by B0rsuk’s planned Slavic project:

Event: “Rusalka appear in [PROVINCENAME] and lure local soldiers to their doom. These hostile water nymphs are likely to continue their actions until they are driven off.”

The Guts: Rusalka are female Slavic river nymphs. They appear only in a river province, which they cannot leave (they are much like dryads in this respect).

First, the event happens only in Forest or Swamp River provinces. Second, this event only only occurs if Luck scale is 0 or negative. Third, this event cannot occur in a province with a fort in it (this is thematic and prevents a capital from being messed up). Reroll any result that affects a province with a fort. The event:

· immediately reduces province PD to 0, and

· makes the province independent unless nation-controlled troops are present, and

· creates 10+ Rusalka, and

· activates a Beckon spell in the province that triggers during the Ritual Magic phase of each turn in which any Rusalka survive in the province.

Say the Base number of nymphs appearing is 10, adjusted by +5 per Misfortune point. So the worst that can happen is 25 Rusalka in Forest/River/Misfortune 3. Add a Witch leader per 10 Rusalka, and the event is complete. (Unit note: Use Hama Dryad graphic and stats, but change TGA colors from greens to blues, since they are water- as opposed to forest-spirits.)

rolandthemad November 21st, 2005 02:12 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
There should be more things you can build in your provinces. I don't have the full game yet, just playing the demo, but I'm going to order it tomorrow. Are there other buildings besides forts, churches, and labs?

One thing that is kind of bothersome that I noticed in the demo is that I usually start off on a peninsula with maybe one other foe, and I defeat him and move into the main continent. Down there though I usually find two or three all coming at me at once. It'd be nice if you could build a wall across your provinces like the great wall of China, or just something to keep the hordes at bay.

Endoperez November 21st, 2005 03:27 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
Currently, the best you can do is recruit some provincial defense and hope that it keeps the AI at bay... If the AI thinks that you have strong defense, it doesn't attack you in the first place. Sometimes you can also use strong independent provinces as an upkeep-free guard. 80-strong army of Knights and Longbowmen will keep AI armies from coming to you through that province, and while the income might be nice the fight would be costly!

However, buying more than 11 is rarely worth it, but 11 allows PD to occassionally catch enemy scouts, and with nations like Ulm, Marignon or Jotunheim might even help if enemy does attack. For any real threat, PD alone won't work, but recruiting some independent units in addition to PD works much better. Some heavy infantry with Marignon Crossbowmen supporting them works very well as long as the enemy army isn't too big.

There are no more buildings in DomII, and I haven't heard about any more in DomIII. I'm not sure if PD will be changed, but I seem to recall one of the developers stating that making defense a viable option would make the games boring. Currently, some people already consider gem-generating items like Clam of Pearls or Earth Blood Stone a viable strategy that really pays off after 50 or so turns... Games can last so long that it isn't fun anymore.

Etaoin Shrdlu November 21st, 2005 06:29 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
Don't know if this has already been addressed but:
Wraparound now goes on either both map directions or none. Could there be an option for Horizontal-only map-wrap (the Ribbon option) as well as both ways (the Torus option) since well-designed worlds aren't donut-shaped? (Technically they won't be ribbon-like either but the polar lands have a tendency to be nigh uninhabitable so it works out almost right...)
{For the reason I thought of this see the discussion on the new NeoPangea map...}

Sammas November 21st, 2005 06:40 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
Gem-generating items need to be fixed so that they don't offer exponential gains. At the moment, gem-generating items can fuel their own construction with little loss in efficiency. And since gems can be used to counter almost anything, any large-scale game is always under threat from a hoarder of such items.

Wish for magic power is also way too good. And wish for artifacts should have to overcome some kind of test if a unit is wearing the item.

Strands of arcane power has a serious flaw as well. Basically, the spell should have some risk attached to it, with the duelling of enemy astral mages. So if you cast it with minimal astral investment, then you could be caught out by a high level astral mage. But that rarely happens, because high level astral mages are highly unlikely to fail the MR test due to their high astral resistance - meaning that the duel never takes place.

Cainehill November 21st, 2005 07:07 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist

Endoperez said:
(...) I seem to recall one of the developers stating that making defense a viable option would make the games boring. Currently, some people already consider gem-generating items like Clam of Pearls or Earth Blood Stone a viable strategy that really pays off after 50 or so turns... Games can last so long that it isn't fun anymore.

Eh, but I think that's more of an issue with the maps and victory conditions involved than it is the gem-generating items. I mean - we have maps with 360-420 provinces, and arguably the clams etc are the only thing that can finally help win a normal, no-special victory condition set game on those in less than 1000 or so turns.

B0rsuk November 23rd, 2005 12:32 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
Quick, before it's too late !!

Separate skills for Hide and Sneak
It would allow for traps and ambushes. Sneak would be for moving stealthy only, while Hide would be used if you wanted to stay somewhere for a bit longer.

An army with decent Hide ability would be great for setting up traps. Coincidentally, I'm gathering information/ideas for a new nation which could use this.
Sneak and Hide in one pack is too much, sometimes.

Extended leadership effects
At the moment leadership is measured only by single number. It is assumed that a better leader can lead more troops and that's it. What I'd like to see is a way to make commanders boost their troops somewhat.
Better military commanders would give +1 attack/defence; mages +1 MR, priest +1 Morale perhaps (perhaps not necessary since priests already can boost morale).
Standard ability would become a subcategory of Leadership.
Other options could include: a commander who gives Mountain Survival (guide) to his troops; enchantments (low power) like Air Shield, slow regeneration/reinvigoration etc.

Neophyte November 24th, 2005 12:14 AM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
Would it be possible to make it so that item produced gems were not able to be used for alchemical purposes? If so, would this help with the clamming complaints? If this was done, obviously (to me at least) any gem use should first use item created gems, preserving the alchemically active gems as much as possible.

A score (similar to Civ) would be a nice, trivial to code boon to the SP players.

It would be nice if when you clicked on an enemy controlled province the enemy's nation name appeared - as a newbie, I haven't yet memorized the various flag icons.

What do people think of making it so that if your pretender's astral rating + enemy dominion score >= 11 you learned the identity of the enemy? This would represent pretenders being able to "feel" each other coming (a la the old disturbance in the Force - maybe this should only work if you name you pretender Obi Wan http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif ).

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