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DonCorazon July 13th, 2008 12:18 AM

Re: Intermission
By my calculations, the turn is supposed to host in 3 hours. I don't think I got the usual turn notification today, not sure if anyone else did either. It is supposed to give a warning 9 hours before the turn hosts. Anyway, Agartha and Mictlan have yet to take a turn and I am about to head out for the evening so I am going to add 9 hours and consider this the notice plus I will send one manually from llamaserver.

Ironhawk July 13th, 2008 12:51 AM

Re: Intermission
Thanks for thinking of me. I actually did forget but then realized my mistake an hour or two ago. I'm in prior to the original deadline, I believe.

Omnirizon July 13th, 2008 12:57 AM

Re: Intermission
yah just got my turn in. i did it yesterday but needed to think about one decision, so decided no to send it in immediately. then I had really bad hangover this morning and couldn't get out of bed to send in the turn before I had to go work.

thanks for the extension, i had expected to stale.

Ironhawk July 14th, 2008 03:17 PM

Re: Intermission
Alas, the key northern front of the Mictlan world war has collapsed. Tien Chi's use of Enslavement totally butchered the last real army standing b/w them and my proud capital. While I'm sure the war will drag on for many turns it is now, quite clearly, over.

DonCorazon July 14th, 2008 04:49 PM

Be on Alert:
From the Desk of the Minister of Foreign Invasions:

After a previous engagement that resulted in the complete slaughter of TC’s 2nd Brigade, including our nation’s most beloved heroes, the Three Amigos (3 abominations known for their silly death ray antics), TC is proud to announce a victory against the demonic fiends of Mictlan. After air dropping numerous flyers proclaiming the benefits of serving in a well-ordered bureaucracy with guaranteed lifetime pensions and free healthcare (including heart replacements for blood sacrificed relatives), we were able to convince a few Mictlanese to join our ranks. We also found a spell developed by an obscure TC scholar that had been languishing in the great library. That spell, Demon Cleansing, proved to be quite useful in clearing out an infestation of Mictlan’s netherworld friends.

Nevertheless, a huge force of fiends of darkness, vampires, lords of hell failed to show up for battle, disappeared from our scout’s view, and remains unaccounted for. TC’s citizens, fearing repercussions, have been told to remain indoors until these scoundrels can be located and dealt with. Any information on their whereabouts will be rewarded with a lifetime supply of delicious egg rolls.

DonCorazon July 14th, 2008 06:40 PM

We Interrupt This Program...
Given some of the forum traffic lately, I thought I’d make it clear that I consider Mists of Deception a lame spell to use period and a cheat if used in conjunction with retreating. I think everyone else here agrees as nobody has used it that I know of but if somebody feels otherwise better to deal with it up front. Anyway, this is Zeldor’s game and I know he considers it against the law.

Reason I even bring this up is I just noticed a game I was in, Figment, where it has become an issue, and on the main boards there is one guy saying if its not explicitly banned it should be allowed. But unless someone disagrees, the MoD - retreat tactic is banned (and I will never cast MoD period given the chance it turns out to be abusive) along with flooding the magic item chamber and other cheap moves obvious to most people.

And now back to our regular programming…

Omnirizon July 14th, 2008 06:45 PM

Re: We Interrupt This Program...
as always, DC humor has a delightfully rarefied glibness. very entertaining to read.

Ironhawk July 14th, 2008 07:52 PM

Re: We Interrupt This Program...
I dont retreat from battlefield enchantments of any kind. IMO, if you cast a spell of that nature your mage needs to stay on the field unless killed or routed by enemy actions. So under that premise I'm against the MoD exploit as well.

cleveland July 14th, 2008 09:26 PM

Re: We Interrupt This Program...

Ironhawk said:
I dont retreat from battlefield enchantments of any kind. IMO, if you cast a spell of that nature your mage needs to stay on the field unless killed or routed by enemy actions. So under that premise I'm against the MoD exploit as well.

Took the words right out of my mouth. I've never used MoD & won't until it's fixed.

Ironhawk July 17th, 2008 06:15 PM

A Brief Respite
This turn, the people of Mictlan were given a brief respite from the constant battering of Pan and TC. The beuracrats of TC, bogged down in thier own red tape, could not manage to push forward on the critical northern front. Instead they sent in thier enslaved Air Queen, Shaik, to do thier dirty work. Unfortunately for her, she was outsmarted by the cunning and devious Belial, Lord of Hell, who slew her in personal combat.

In other news, Mictlan made a mockery of the Pangean advance this turn, burning down a key fortress directly in the face of an oncoming horde. Additionally, serval key Pangean leaders fell prey to a surprise round of assassinations, costing them dearly in gems and personnel. Amusingly, this is the second time in this game that the owner of the Flying Ship has been assassinated by Mict.

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