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Evilhomer May 29th, 2007 09:46 AM

Re: Hall of Fame

Get a sub for the wedding and immerse yourself in the game instead!

Good one ich http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

HoneyBadger May 29th, 2007 01:26 PM

Re: Hall of Fame
"I, prophet of He Who Shakes the Mountains in the nation of Niefelheim in Perpetuality, do hereby declare holy war on the nation of Midgard, and swear to remain at war with Midgard until the nation of Midgard or Bar is destroyed. Now give me my damn pendant. Signed, The HoneyBadger."

Now, if anybody wants to try to keep the pendant I promised to my Niefel Jarl away from him, I'll be happy to let him know exactly who's denying him his present.

WSzaboPeter May 29th, 2007 05:32 PM

Re: Hall of Fame
"I, prophet of DreamSlayer in the nation of Arcoscephale in Perpetuality, do hereby declare peace and friendship with the nation of Midgard, and swear to remain at peace and friendship with Midgard until the nation of Midgard or Arcoscephale is destroyed. Now I damn your pendant. Signed, Serenity."

HoneyBadger May 29th, 2007 05:34 PM

Well, I guess we\'ll just do things the hard way.
Well, we'll just have to get our pendant from LA Ermor by other means.

atul May 29th, 2007 05:39 PM

Re: Well, I guess we\'ll just do things the hard way.
The prophet of Agartha was unable to comment on this dispute regarding Midgård, but some of his remains were found under the heels of DreamSlayer's sandals. Or whichever footwear he chooses to use.

Next time we'll just appoint someone less squishy.


HoneyBadger May 29th, 2007 05:42 PM

Re: Well, I guess we\'ll just do things the hard way.
In the meantime, we hereby cancel the hit on Midgard and offer a non-aggression pact with said country atleast until such time as EA Marverni is destroyed, buried, and forgotten. We formally declair war on the deceiving, devious, and damn lying low down dirty EA Marvernians, and will take great joy in using the skulls (attached, but not for long) of their children, and their childrens' children (there won't be many) in the process of inventing the game of golf.

WSzaboPeter May 29th, 2007 06:15 PM

Re: Well, I guess we\'ll just do things the hard wa
I'm really sorry Atul, it happens with me all the time. Once I stepped on a coin and made change...

vfb May 29th, 2007 06:39 PM

And in Spring of Year 2, a Menhir fell from the sky in Marverni. And he did bounce around, and crush some werewolves, and crush some more werewolves, and crush yet even more werewolves.

And the werewolves fled from the Menhir, and he did bounce around some more. And as the werewolves fled, so were they crushed. And so the battle went on, with the Menhir hardly scratched, and the werewolves running away.

But then the Menhir flew off, when there were only 6 werewolves left on the field of battle.

Oh Menhir, what the heck are you doing???? Don't go!

Marverni will honor our pledges to deliver the pendants to the Ermor nations. Our item crafters got drunk celebrating the victory against the werewolves, and have not woken up yet. We will inform the nations of Perpetuality when there are new offers to pledge war on Midgard and get a shiny Pendant.

Midgard is welcome to return to the fort of Marverni and be squished by our Menhir some more.

HoneyBadger May 29th, 2007 07:09 PM

Re: Menhir
As soon as our mighty God returns from his studies abroad (hopefully not too long from now), Niefelheim would be more than happy to loan Midgard the use of a hammer which crushes stone the way other hammers crush walnuts.

RamsHead May 30th, 2007 12:23 AM

Eastern Continent
EA C'tis hereby declares war upon Midgard and LA Arcoscephale.

My fellow nations of the Eastern Continent, if we do not oppose these forces now, when will we? They will stop at no one until they have consumed our lands. They will destroy us one by one if we do not act now. The lizardmen of EA C'tis would rather die than serve under the dark cloud of tyranny that these nations would create. Let us stand together or die together. Let us stand resolute in our opposition to this unholy alliance, for such an alliance is a threat to us all and must be dealt with immediately. EA C'tis will honor our NAP with Midgard. Consider this your first month on notice.

EA C'tis also declares war on Niefelheim and any other nation who supports the unholy alliance.

May Naegoulok, King Dragon, and Udum'ukinna guide EA C'tis through this difficult time.

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