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Zeldor August 6th, 2008 03:14 AM

Re: ELF - Eriu Liberation Front
My estimation of capitol ownership [I could make some mistakes about eastern continent]:

3 capitols:
LA Man [EA Ermor, MA Abysia]
EA Lanka [EA Hinnom, LA Pythium]
EA Niefelheim [MA Pythium, EA Agartha]
LA Marignon [LA Atlantis, MA Ermor]

2 capitols:
EA C'tis [LA Mictlan]
MA C'tis [MA Machaka]
MA Bandar Log [EA Ulm]
LA Utgard [EA ARcoscephale]
EA Helheim [EA TC]
MA Marignon [EA Sauromatia]
MA Atlantis [EA Caelum]
LA Pangaea [EA Yomi and going for MA Ashdod]
LA Caelum [EA Vanheim]
EA Tir na n'Og [MA Vanheim]
MA Arcoscephale [EA Marverni]
EA Mictlan [LA Patala]

1 capitol:
Well, other nations.

JimMorrison August 6th, 2008 03:24 AM

Re: ELF - Eriu Liberation Front
Since the only place we locked horns was in the thread about abusing BEs that don't end, I could only assume that was where this animosity comes from. You were openly hostile in that thread, and now in this one as well.

I have almost 1000 posts now. Many of them very verbose, and many of them expressing a conflicting or differing point of view from someone else. Almost no one has expressed any discomfort due to this, you are a glaring exception, Foodstamp. I'd appreciate it if you dropped the issue, and let Cleveland decide if he's unhappy with our exchange. I don't see anyone else complaining, but I'm sure if they did, they'd be more polite about it. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Fortunately, most people pick up on the profuse use of tonal markers such as http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif, http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif and <3 so it's understood that I rarely mean anything as an attack, and often as simply a playful portrayal of the devil's advocate.

And I just gotta say, I've played LA Marignon in one MP game, and I liked their potential..... but am I the only one surprised to see them in what is basically the top 5 in this game so far?

I'm just glad that Dr P saw Bogarus as more of a "late game" threat than little old Gath. One day, he may regret the lovely 12 turn NAP he forced down my throat. Even if that day is 12 turns from now. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Oh and for those who missed the others - <3 <3 <3

In this dog eat dog world, I am not afraid to be a cat - MEOW!

Or a bush baby.


cleveland August 6th, 2008 08:32 AM

Re: ELF - Eriu Liberation Front

JimMorrison said:
And I do hope Cleveland understands that I do not have the slightest shred of animosity towards him.

Of course, and the feeling's mutual.

And with that let's abandon the whole conversation. My apologies for driving things so far off topic.

Very interesting Z. Your list meshes well with what the Sidhe tell me. How have you been able to keep track of all this???

Darkwind August 6th, 2008 08:46 AM

Re: ELF - Eriu Liberation Front
Actually, I thought it was EA C'tis who had LA Mictlan. And, upon looking, yes it is. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif

Foodstamp August 6th, 2008 08:58 AM

Re: ELF - Eriu Liberation Front
I took a different position on the subject of MoD because the spell was used against me in MP, not the other way around.

I was only quick to jump to another forum members defense because I had been the focus of something from you that was definitely not tongue in cheek. I apologize for getting involved and will go back to lurking.

Zeldor August 6th, 2008 10:09 AM

Re: ELF - Eriu Liberation Front

Are you sure? I would have to check my older scout reports, they have almost the same flags and it could confuse me.

Darkwind August 6th, 2008 10:10 AM

Re: ELF - Eriu Liberation Front
Yeah, I'm right next to EA C'tis. EA C'tis definitely owns LA Mictlan.

Zeldor August 6th, 2008 10:11 AM

Re: ELF - Eriu Liberation Front
Ok, I will fix the list. And I have scout in your capitol anyway [he witnessed the Eriu invasion], TC makes nice temple spam on your border http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Darkwind August 6th, 2008 10:26 AM

Re: ELF - Eriu Liberation Front
Temple spamming when I'm not looking? That's rather rude. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Ossa August 6th, 2008 01:51 PM

Re: ELF - Eriu Liberation Front
No offence intended. I'm using my temples as schools and I want to raise the literacy rate among my peasants.

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