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Ygorl September 15th, 2004 01:31 AM

I just wached Oreigenes, King of Rock and Mountain (or somesuch) petrify himself with the Stone Sword! It's not really a bug, but it would seem thematic for him to not be bothered by turning from stone to stone. Possibly also for Barathrus (though you could make a case that he's really turning from dirt to stone...) and maybe even some of the other stony summons? But I am convinced that Oreigenes should not die of petrification.
Anyway, thanks for making such a phenomenal game!

Hasslmaster September 15th, 2004 04:34 AM

Re: re: amazons

Endoperez said:
You can recruit all the normal amazon units (onyx/jade/crystal/garnet amazon, sacred amazon riding mythical beast, priest-mage (priestess) and mage (sorceress) ) if you conquered the province they were defending because they live in there. Just like knights/longbowmen or hoburgs live in their own provinces. Amazons just happen to be more special and have mages and mage-priests. Amazon provinces are very valuable, as you already have noticed!

But why wasn't I able to recruit those units pre-patch? And I'm sure I wasn't!

Stormbinder September 15th, 2004 04:36 AM

Re: re: amazons

archaeolept said:
routing is very quirky. I just watched a battle where one non-immortal unit non-berserk did not rout even though all other troops and commanders were killed. And Stormbinder reported having his banelord not rout when the PD was killed, while I certainly have had SC's rout under similar situations.

Archae is correct. Both events he was refering to have indeed occured to me in our Throne of Heavens game during the Last 2 turns.

In the first case I lost banelord who didn't retreat when he should. He was standing in the back on "5xhold" orders, and after PD was slaughtered by GR attack that I anticipated, he just keep standing there all alone in the corner and than he started fighing, when undead cavalery finally reached him (1 or 2 battle turns *after* PD was slaughtered).

He did have a hellsword (ptentila berserker) but he did not "gone bereserker", just standing still in the back, following his "hold orders".

I also seen others none-bereserker none-immortal SC who did not rout in my other games, like Cohen's Archdevil who didn't rout after all PD was killed. Again, no bereserker/immortal status, no friendly summons/troops left on the field.

Somebody suggested that this may be due to the fact that PD and other soldiers were killed before they had chance to rout. Could it be possible? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif

Another case of units not routing was with my AQ prophet this very turn(again, no bereserker ability). All commanders and soldiers except her were slowly killed one by one during the fort defense. None tried to retreat though, and AQ have finished the battle successefully by herslef about 20 battle-turns later. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif

Could it be due to the fact that she was defending the fort? But I was reasonably sure that commanders can rout from fort defenses just like from regular battles. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif

Anyway, could one of the devs comment on these cases please? Before these two battles I though I undersand routing mechanism in dom2 pretty well. Now I am not so sure... Were these bugs or features? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif


Arryn September 15th, 2004 04:47 AM

Re: re: amazons

Hasslmaster said:
But why wasn't I able to recruit those units pre-patch? And I'm sure I wasn't!

In order to recruit Amazon priestesses, you must first build a temple in that province. For Amazon Sorceresses, you need a lab there. The non-commander amazons may be recruited anytime so long as you have sufficient gold and resources available to do so.

Soapyfrog September 15th, 2004 03:49 PM

Re: re: amazons

archaeolept said:
however, there is a longstanding "bug" wherein immortal units don't always come back when dominion is only 1...

In this case candles were bright and in my favour. Two turns earlier a Vampire Lord had died in the same province and ressurected properly, but then twice I had VLs rout and they did not come back...

Alneyan September 15th, 2004 03:52 PM

Re: re: amazons

Arryn said:
In order to recruit Amazon priestesses, you must first build a temple in that province

A minor nitpick, but you also need a Laboratory to recruit the Priestesses (at least the Jade Priestess needs both buildings; I have no game with the other Amazons to check at the moment).

Edi September 16th, 2004 08:12 AM

Re: re: amazons
All the amazon priestesses need both lab and temple, because they are both mages and priests.

As an aside, sacred non-priest commanders who are also mages(e.g. witch) are supposed to require both lab and temple to build (at least according to the interface), but they can be recruited after you have built a lab, you don't need the temple. Some Jotun commander is a sacred non-priest and non-mage as well, and can be recruited straight out without anything. Is this a bug?


Horst F. JENS September 16th, 2004 12:10 PM

Ritual of Returning not working if fatigue > 100 ?
Did anyone of you noticed that a ritual of rturning did not work ?
I had this, in a multiplayer game (patch 2.12), and lizards killed my arch Theurg. He had Ritual of Returning cast some turns before. My main citadel was still in my hands. I wonder if ritual of returning did not work when the mage is too fatigued (>100) ? Or can there be other reasons ?

Taqwus September 16th, 2004 12:18 PM

Addn\'l notes
The "Soulstone of the Wolves" still summons helper wolves underwater. Seems a touch strange. Call of the Wild can also be cast from underwater, not sure if that's an issue.

Has the Void Summoning logic been changed? I'm taking a -long- -long- time with a R'lyeh SP game (e.g. forced myself to clear all the indy-9 water provinces before making any serious push onto land), and my Starspawn summoner has never been feebleminded. Yes, there's luck dominion (something like +2), and the Starspawn is holy, with starshine skullcap and further empowerment, but it'd surprise me if the odds somehow went down to 0%. He has been attacked, however.

Heavy snowfalls can occur in an underwater province.

I once ended up with a preaching starspawn inside a fortress somehow ending up on the outside, besieging a (small) enemy inside, without a battle. The castle might have been cast that very same turn, and IIRC the Wild Hunt (which appears to attack as the owner's side, and not Special Monsters) attacked an enemy commander in that province that turn.

Cainehill September 16th, 2004 03:06 PM

Re: Ritual of Returning not working if fatigue > 100 ?

Horst F. JENS said:
Did anyone of you noticed that a ritual of rturning did not work ?
I had this, in a multiplayer game (patch 2.12), and lizards killed my arch Theurg. He had Ritual of Returning cast some turns before. My main citadel was still in my hands. I wonder if ritual of returning did not work when the mage is too fatigued (>100) ? Or can there be other reasons ?

Pardon what may be a silly question, but was your arch theurg in friendly dominion? RoR, like immortality, only works in friendly domain.

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