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Re: Sub for Skaven
So could you give a general update on the state of things in the game?
Re: Sub for Skaven
Bandar Log invaded me with a bunch of elephants and double-blessed f9w9 tiger riders, white ones, plus a few random militia. The elephants, tiger riders, and white ones chopped down my mixture of hoplites rather handily. I've driven them off, now, but I can't make headway against them. So I've sent a large army to hold the line.
And now that most of my troops are there, Tien Chi has massed somewhere around 300 troops on my other side. >< I don't know how anyone else is doing, except that the mod nations and abysia are dominating the HoF |
Re: Sub for Skaven
What're mannanas?
Re: Sub for Skaven
Re: Sub for Skaven
Re: Sub for Skaven
High Priest Heinrich sat at his desk, reading the monthly Inquisition Reports from scouts all over the lands neighbouring Ulm. In the days before the Civil War this office would have been luxuriously decorated, filled with portraits with gilded frames and hung with velvet curtains. Now the room was all but empty. The Aufklarung had brought the understanding that material goods were merely a distraction from piety. Never again would lust for gold distract the priests of Ulm from spreading the enlightenment of Archaeon.
Heinrich paused as he read a report from a young scout by the name of Hans, who was travelling through the kingdom of Skavenblight. Relations between Ulm and the men of Skavenblight had always been cordial, and Heinrich had not expected any trouble. But the report made for strange reading. -- On his second day in the lands of Skavenblight, Hans had come across a swarm of giant rats, each as big as a large dog, feasting on the carcasses of sheep in broad daylight. Startled both at the bizarre sight and the fact that the vermin were not being stopped by the local farmers, Hans nonetheless stayed undercover and moved on, mapping the lands he travelled through. On the fourth day he saw in the distance across another swarm of rats - this time moving intently to the north. They did not appear to get distracted by the livestock around them. In fact... they even appeared to be moving in formation. As the swarm came closer and he was able to see them more clearly, Hans choked back a gasp of horror. The swarm was led by some kind of horrific being - it walked upright like a man, but otherwise had the appearance of a rat - what kind of abomination was this? As soon as the swarm had passed out of sight, Hans knew he must act. The men of Skavenblight must be warned that such monsters moved amongst them! Without delay he made his way to the nearest town, and asked that he be allowed to speak to the mayor. The men of the town regarded him with disbelief, but dutifully led him up to the town hall. Hans was kept waiting outside the main hall for some time, but finally the doors swung open. Hans gasped. Assembled before him was not as he expected a mayor and his loyal retinue. Instead, on a throne sat another rat-thing, dressed in white robes encrusted with filth, and all about him stood more of the rat-men, dressed in armour and carrying weapons like men. As the door opened they turned to look at him, hissing evilly, their eyes glowing red in the dim room and saliva dripping from their maws. Hans screamed, and ran for his life. Back out through the corridors of the town hall, through the streets and out into the safety of the forest, he never slowed for a minute. Luckily for him the human guards made no effort to stop him - it seemed they had no love for the rat-things themselves. Once in the forest Hans had sat recovering his breath for no more than a minute or so before he brought out his parchment and quill - Ulm must be warned! Having finished his account he brought out the magical scroll contained he had been given by the White Priests, and placed the parchment within. There was a flash and a puff of smoke, and the parchment was gone - his message was safe with Ulm now. -- Heinrich sat back in his chair, shocked. There was no choice, it seemed. All this time they had been dealing with Skavenblight, they had simply assumed the kingdom was one of men, like those of Ulm, Man and Bandar Log. But it seemed it was ruled by blasphemies of the highest order - Skavenblight was an empire of RATS! The Neugeboren Guard would be summoned from their barracks. The steeds of the Black Templars would be readied. The enchanted armours of the Anchorites would be awakened, and the Black Priests would urge the Penitents into new frenzies. New Ulm would march to war! ------- Digress: In case you hadn't guessed, that's a declaration of war - my troops are invading this month. Sorry. Let the battles begin. |
Re: Sub for Skaven
Ah, it seems Skaven took their turn while I was writing that last. Sorry - I did want you to read it before I invaded, to give you a little warning at least. I meant to write it last night, but got back really late.
Re: Sub for Skaven
The seers had read the signs and our scouts had warned us of the slow march of Ulm's various religous loonies.
Steel against disease ridden rats - woo hoo. |
Re: Sub for Skaven
Yes, I thought it was probably pretty obvious.
It should be interesting. I actually have no idea which of us is stronger, and it should be a cool and dramatic fight in any case. |
Re: Sub for Skaven
We rats think your healthy province advantage and somewhat "distracted" neighbours may well prove decisive.
The Skaven find themselves at war midway through an unplanned (but enforced) strategy change. This is somewhat unfortunate. The seers of Skavenblight send a message to all powers who still have delusions of victory :- "Cease your petty bickering and look at the rising power of Ulm for it is taking on the characteristics of an unstoppable juggernaut, albeit without the dominion spread (you have to pay for that bless somehow don't you llamabeast http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif ), that will crush you all" |
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