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HoneyBadger September 4th, 2008 11:23 PM

Multi-Tier PD.
HoneyBadger has created a thread in the main dominions forum containing his wishlist/modding suggestion:

Wishlist: Multi-Tier PD

The original content of this post can be found at the above link. HoneyBadger felt that the content was relevant to this thread and the Mod forum, but to allow extensive discussion of the suggestion, he requested that I edit this post.

Have a nice day. :)

- Ballbarian

Edratman September 8th, 2008 11:44 AM

Re: Modding shortlist
I've searched the short list and this thread and haven't seen this suggestion. (No guarantee there, one would have to have much more patience than I possess to claim 100% accuracy.)

How about a spell that is the reverse of banishment or smite demons that demons and undead could use on sacred/holy non-demons?

Also, while going though the short list I saw the magic item section the following:

"#prec [bonus] Item grants commander specified bonus to precision"

I make weapons with enhanced precision using the "#precision <>" command. Won't this work on items also?

Endoperez September 9th, 2008 02:16 AM

Re: Modding shortlist

Originally Posted by Edratman (Post 637236)
"#prec [bonus] Item grants commander specified bonus to precision"

I make weapons with enhanced precision using the "#precision <>" command. Won't this work on items also?

Longbow of Accuracy item doesn't affect precision, but the weapon it gives to the unit (also named Longbow of Accuracy) has very high precision stat. When the commander uses the bow, he's very accurate. If the commander casts a spell, he uses his normal accuracy.

Eye of Aiming affects the unit's precision directly, and affects spells as well as fired missiles.

Spell modding is rather complicated. Unit abilities are all given as independent command tags, but spell effects and specialities are given as bitmask values that can be used to enable a number of options from a greater pool. It might be possible to mod a spell that only affects sacreds; if it isn't, it's unlikely it will become available.

Edratman September 9th, 2008 06:24 AM

Re: Modding shortlist

Eye of Aiming affects the unit's precision directly, and affects spells as well as fired missiles.


I understand the difference. I thought about that difference on my drive home last night and surmised that might be the case.

Sombre September 12th, 2008 04:10 AM

Re: Modding shortlist

Originally Posted by Endoperez (Post 637339)
It might be possible to mod a spell that only affects sacreds; if it isn't, it's unlikely it will become available.

What like Bless? I presume you can just take the 'friendly targets only' bit off bless and add 'enemy targets only' and you'd have your spell.

Sombre September 15th, 2008 06:18 AM

Re: Modding shortlist
#Prophetshape {monster name/ID}

Used to provide a second shape if the monster is prophetised. This is already in the game for units like the Abysian Warlord, Ctisian Lizard King etc.

Edi September 15th, 2008 08:41 AM

Re: Modding shortlist
Added to shortlist as #prophet [monster nbr] | "monster name"

Edratman September 16th, 2008 11:08 AM

Re: Modding shortlist
Would it be possible to have "go AI" possess a turn limit option?

I think this would be useful in testing mods, choosing to run 5 or 10 turns on automatic pilot, so to speak, and assessing the graphs.

Right now all I get is "GAME OVER". I can't even figure out who won.

Sombre September 20th, 2008 11:36 AM

Re: Modding shortlist
I can't find an extremely important 'wish' for mods on the wishlist:


We used to have a few we could use. We now have only 2 nametypes which are free, 127 and 128. Naturally a lot of mods use these. And if we can get more nametypes, can we get a LOT (like hundreds more) so we don't run out. They were supposed to have been extended before but it didn't work out.

HoneyBadger September 20th, 2008 02:32 PM

Re: Modding shortlist
I'll second Edratman's suggestion-I had the same thought myself, last night-(I'd suggest the name 'Blasphemy' to replace the 'Banishment' spell, and 'Fall From Grace' to replace 'Smite'), and also Sombre's nametypes. Both of them are excellent, intuitive suggestions that ought to be included.

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