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HoneyBadger December 4th, 2008 04:09 AM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
Thanks, Endoperez!

Ocean = "deep sea". Any sea = "sea". I hope that helps.

Also, I was thinking, if we do run out of space on this one, it might not be a bad idea to do a couple different site mods. That way, people could add different site mods to the same map? Mix it up a little.

Maybe we could ask Gandalf nicely if he'd please create a random site-assigner? Seems like it might be his kind of thing?
A program that added a random batch of sites to a given map, from a big pool of vanilla and mod sites, would be really useful, and really cool, especially if it worked with the random map maker.

How many free site slots do we have available to us, anyway? Also, do we have any information on the breakdown of sites in the vanilla game? In terms of paths and levels?

Would you mind posting a format for how you'd like the sites to read in a .dm file? I don't have access to .dm's right now, so I don't know exactly how they should look, but I'd just as soon post new sites as they would appear in a .dm. That would save everyone a lot of work and trouble, and they'd be immediately useful, rather than rewriting every one in a language the computer can handle. If someone will do that, I'll rewrite all my sites and put them into a post that can just be copy&pasted directly into the game itself.

Endoperez December 4th, 2008 04:56 AM

I can't upload any of my working files before Saturday. If you look at the file attached to the first post, you'll see how I've done stuff. Unit numbers start at 3100 IIRC, sites started from 998 and are going down.

It's really simple, I just copy-paste an empty site form and add stuff in the order of the suggestion in this thread.

There are just 200 or so magic sites ID numbers, total, available for modding. It's 750-999 I think.

HoneyBadger December 4th, 2008 05:02 AM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
I can't do it, I'm afraid...I can't download anything, so I can't look.

Endoperez December 4th, 2008 05:40 AM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
Ah, yes, you had that weird security stuff. Do you have access to Dom3's modding pdf? I guess not.

New units:

#newmonster 3110
#copystats 459
#copyspr 459
#name "Foul Spawn"
#gcost 9

New sites:

#newsite 906
#name "Circle of the Dripping Skull"
#path 7
#level 4
#loc 2
#rarity 2 (0 - common, 1 - uncommon, 2 - rare)
#com 785 -- gygja
#gems 5 1
#gems 6 1

#newsite 903
#name "Throne of Wild Magic"
#path 0
#level 4
#loc 17119
#rarity 1
#gems 0 2
#gems 1 1
#gems 2 1
#gems 3 1

0-7 Fire, Air, Water, Earth, Astral, Death, Nature, Blood
8 Holy
#gold, #res, #mon, #com

#incscale increases NEGATIVE scales: 0 Turmoil, 1 Sloth, 2 Cold, 3 Death, 4 Misfortune, 5 Drain
#decscale decreasis negative -> increases POSITIVE scales: 0 order, 1 production, 2 heat, 3 growth, 4 Luck, 5 Magic

You need a list of locmasks before you can do the terrains, but I'm afraid I can't give them right now. They would be easy to add afterwards if you just list the terrains you'd like the sites to appear in.

#loc [value], 1=plains, 2=forest... and so on for mountain, waste, sea, cave, coastal, farm, deep sea, and unique, probably not in that order.

Gandalf Parker December 4th, 2008 06:59 PM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread

Originally Posted by HoneyBadger (Post 657201)
Maybe we could ask Gandalf nicely if he'd please create a random site-assigner? Seems like it might be his kind of thing?
A program that added a random batch of sites to a given map, from a big pool of vanilla and mod sites, would be really useful, and really cool, especially if it worked with the random map maker.

Ive already done so. My biggest headache was that unlike monsters and pretenders and poptypes and forts, magic sites dont seem to select by number. Only by full name. So a program has to have a list of all the site names. But I did finally iron it out.


How many free site slots do we have available to us, anyway? Also, do we have any information on the breakdown of sites in the vanilla game? In terms of paths and levels?
I havent seen a breakdown in a long time. Edi's database gives all the info in a way that is easy to look thru. I would also like to see a breakdown so we can fill some gaps. How many require certain magic and levels to find, how many provide gems of each type, how many affect which scales. If it was a database done in a database program then Id have a chance to do that but its actually a database in a spreadsheet(grr, minor peeve). Edi or some other spreadsheeter might be able to whip it off for us.


Would you mind posting a format for how you'd like the sites to read in a .dm file?
I know you have limited access right now but the latest patch put an updated doc file in your dominions3/doc directory. The section on magic sites is easy to get to and nicely explained. But like many people I do better by seeing an example so I will try to dig one out and paste it.
EDIT: Oops. Endoperez beat me to it. :)

Gandalf Parker December 4th, 2008 07:05 PM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
I forgot to agree with the SemiRand thing.
Actually I have a number of ideas where expanding SemiRand to do mods might be alot of fun. SemiRandom new monsters, SemiRandom new magic sites, SemiRandom new pretenders, SemiRandom new nations
HEY BALLBARIAN! Lookee lookee :wave:

HoneyBadger December 4th, 2008 07:09 PM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
Thanks, everybody!

Gandalf, I only have access to the original, preordered version of Dom3. I might someday be able to update everything, but I'm basically running things on an abacus, aside from my work computer.

HoneyBadger December 4th, 2008 07:13 PM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
Gandalf, not to run off into a semi-random tangent, but I don't suppose there's a way to make a program that would semi-randomly send forged items to AI Nations while playing SP?

Gandalf Parker December 4th, 2008 10:37 PM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
Hmmm... Im afraid thats impossible.
Of course "impossible" is a technical term meaning "of course its possible because its a computer but its more trouble than its worth". In other words I cant think of a way doing it with just the standard map or mod commands.

HoneyBadger December 4th, 2008 11:26 PM

Re: Magic Site Idea Thread
I think you'd need to set up an AI that would forge everything, and then another program that told you which item to send where. The user might actually have to do the sending, though, which is less than ideal.

Ofcourse, that could be done with just a numbered list of forgeable items and a set of percentage dice.

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