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-   -   MP: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game Over. Vets defeat Noobs. (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=42603)

Lingchih March 19th, 2009 10:52 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysteria's Revenge. EA, CBM, Sign Up and Discussion.
OK, here is the url for the vets:


Just register for the forum. It will send me an email asking if I want to allow you to enter the forum. When I confirm, you will be in.

I guess I should add a #6 to my sig. For serious post. This would be a #6.

Lingchih March 20th, 2009 12:38 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysteria's Revenge. EA, CBM, Sign Up and Discussion.
I believe the Team Vet is final. Just need to get confirmation from you guys.

PM me vets. I need to get a final list together. Thanks.

Septimius Severus March 20th, 2009 01:46 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysteria's Revenge. EA, CBM, Sign Up and Discussion.

Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 681208)
OK, here is the url for the vets:


Just register for the forum. It will send me an email asking if I want to allow you to enter the forum. When I confirm, you will be in.

I guess I should add a #6 to my sig. For serious post. This would be a #6.

Good job in getting the vet forum up and running. I've added the link to the main post.

Septimius Severus March 20th, 2009 02:01 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysteria's Revenge. EA, CBM, Sign Up and Discussion.

Originally Posted by Lavaere (Post 681172)
I like the Orania map, and random starts please. Make it more of a challange, though perhaps a NAP for maybe 6-12 turn. In case opposing players end up starting on each others doorstep. 9 vs 5 looks good, we'll just need a couple more players. Unless some of the alts join the noob side.

I wouldn't do random starts. Too risky... I need control of placement to ensure team members end up near each other.

Septimius Severus March 20th, 2009 02:21 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysteria's Revenge. EA, CBM, Sign Up and Discussion.

Originally Posted by Ironhawk (Post 681154)
Ok, I talked it over with QM for a while trying to find some kind of compromise and this is what I came up with. We play on Orania, the smaller of the two maps, with 5 vets (ling, atul, demon, qm, iron) and 9 noobs. I say 9 noobs here only to give more provs/player overall which is something that sept would like to see, not because I'm worried about numbers. Dont think anyone really minds 10, if that would be preferable. Anyway, that works out to something like 17 provs/player - seems a fair difference b/w qm and sept.

What do you think?

You may have come up with a reasonable compromise, though we are a couple short on the noob side, even moving namad over and bringing grudgebringer in. You know how I like to have alternates especially for the larger team. I'll mull it over and while I give the map another look to see if it is something I can work with, whilst we see if we can get a player or two more.

As the noobs would be understrength, I may decide to nullify the vets first choice option (except for Lingchih) to compensate. We do need players with a decent attention span though, yes there may be some MM, that is an issue for the developers to take up, it is part and parcel of the game. You take the good with the bad.

I would like to keep the ratios straight if possible, though I prefer the 8 vs 4. Perhaps our vets will consider a 7 vs 5. No more players would be needed (without first choice of course).

namad March 20th, 2009 02:52 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysteria's Revenge. EA, CBM, Sign Up and Discussion.
it's only been 3days since this thread was created if you give it time maybe you can recruit a bunch of really new players?

also if the vet team would be willing to have me play on their team i think it would defeat the purpose of the game to have me play on the noob team? I really wanted to play because the premise of the game sounds so cool but if me playing weakens that premise it'd be best for me not too... although i do feel like i would do a lot worse if the irc guys just ignored me for a bit ;)

Septimius Severus March 20th, 2009 03:41 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysteria's Revenge. EA, CBM, Sign Up and Discussion.
Disregard that 7:5 proposal, it would be too lopsided.

TheDemon March 20th, 2009 07:34 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysteria's Revenge. EA, CBM, Sign Up and Discussion.
10:5 on Orania seems fairest to me. That keeps the 2 to 1 odds, and the provs per player are 17.2 if you only count land, or 18.6 if you include water.

Septimius Severus March 20th, 2009 10:08 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysteria's Revenge. EA, CBM, Sign Up and Discussion.

Originally Posted by namad (Post 681225)
it's only been 3days since this thread was created if you give it time maybe you can recruit a bunch of really new players?

Namad has a point, there is nothing stopping us from going for the larger 16:8 on the larger map provided enough players sign up. Who knows.

It is important for all the vets to think of this series of games as a public service for new players 'pro bonum publicum'
. As vets, you have both a duty and responsiblity to educate fresh young noob minds and put your personal preferences behind you, while at the same time not seeking to shield them inordinately from the harsh realities of the game.

I thank all the vets who have participated or will participate in the future. Keeping this in mind, I charge you all to seek out fellow vets and noobs alike, and urge them to join, stressing the selflessness and nobility of our cause.

atul March 20th, 2009 10:44 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysteria's Revenge. EA, CBM, Sign Up and Discussion.
Heh, noble thoughts.

But, in this particular case, I think you're misinterpreting personal preference and hard-earned experience. One of the things that people learn "through the heel" as us Finns say is that too big maps aren't fun on the long term. People get easily overwhelmed by the size of their empires. I know, having had more than 100 provinces in one game. It isn't a preference or weakness of mind, it's something that happens when you cross some threshold.

Rules of thumb are good to have: 15 provs per player -> big game; less than 10 -> crowded. 20 per player is huger than Cartman's behind. Just be warned.

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