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Gregstrom May 20th, 2009 03:01 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Ah. In the course of surveying neighbours for 46, I think I worked out the problem.

99 was stated to be be a start point, but wasn't set as one in the initial mod. 99 is adjacent to 46, which meant when it was set as a start point, it could maybe exclude 46 from selection.

Luckily, 46 has too many neighbours anyway and so I can cut it off from 99. I'll see if that sorts it out.

Burnsaber May 20th, 2009 04:09 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
I'd also like to say a few words, concerning my mods that are in. Just some tips on how to handle them, so that I can't try to leverage my obscure mod knowledge.

- With Holy War, holy sites are much more common, althought the effect is somewhat diluted by the magic site mod. My careful estimate is that about 8% of sites will be holy. All common holy sites can be found with a level 1 priest, uncommons by level 2 and rare sites by level 3. It's recommendable to send at least h2 priest out early to search some holy sites. Most of the sites do not give lots of gems, but allow access to good quality units & priests. Most of the indy sacreds can be pretty good even with a moderate bless, and some need no bless at all to be of use (Penitents, for example, are just undercosted heavy infantry), so it's worthwhile to search even if you don't have a bless. Most also give some gold and/or resources. Most of the holy sites are just for land, so rarely concern sea terrains. However, the "Temple of the Deeps" common holy site is still there, so holy searching is worthwhile just for it.

- Be careful with the CPCS spells - consider the new options they give for your opponent against you, so that you are not completely taken by suprise by a new spell. Let me state an example. You are facing against agartha, earthpower + bladewind and some love att statues. strong shielded high def thugs sound good. But what if their script is for Grip of the Marshlands? Sliming halves def, and the statues can easily hit if you are earth gripped.

- Also consider the new cross-holy summoning spells (Call Guardian of X). They need precious mage-time (only one unit per summon), but the troops are pretty good, and sacred to boot. If things get hot, they might just be the silver bullet you need. For example, Guardians of the First Flame have high attack and high-dam magical attack. They might be just what you need to croak those pesky ethereal thugs. Guardians of the Throne deal nearly no damage but are ethereal, high def and small size. Perfect to buy you some time on the battlefield and to exhaust enemy troops as they try hit them. Guardians of the world tree have magical ranged attack -> perfect for popping up mistform.

Executor May 20th, 2009 04:32 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
The guardian spells are a bit screwed up, air and water summon the same unit, earth summons nothing.

Yap, a bunch of spells are a bit off.

The blood/holy spell that should summon flagelants as the description says summon the Dergoth the Exile pretender.
This pretender generates astral/death gems, so anyone with blood and nature can GoR him to get free gems and a damn good unit.

Burnsaber May 20th, 2009 04:50 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 692031)
The guardian spells are a bit screwed up, air and water summon the same unit, earth summons nothing.

Yap, a bunch of spells are a bit off.

The blood/holy spell that should summon flagelants as the description says summon the Dergoth the Exile pretender.

Yeah, I now noticed the same thing. The compilation mod changes some monster numbers. In mod code, units are referred by those numbers.

So apparently all of the holy sites in Holy war are now broken along with all summon spells which summon modded units (there are 8 in holy war, mytheolgy has one (summon demon toad), are there any else?).I can fix it manually tomorrow morning (Gregstorm has sweaten enough over this already, me thinks). But now clock is nearing midnight here, so, sleep.

Gregstrom May 20th, 2009 04:52 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
1 Attachment(s)
Argh - llama's combination script doesn't handle summon spells all the time?

Bother it... what with work and life taking up my time, I don't have enough hours in the day to both fix bugs and test for them.

I've attached the .dm with fixed sites to this post. Burnsaber: if you're going to have a look at the issue, it'd be best to use this file.

Fakeymcfake May 20th, 2009 05:02 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
So what's the plan?

Executor May 20th, 2009 05:07 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.

Originally Posted by Fakeymcfake (Post 692042)
So what's the plan?

Phase 1, Executor uses all the bugged exploits,
Phase 2, ???
Phase 3, Executor wins.

Sounds like a solid plan.

llamabeast May 20th, 2009 06:51 PM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Aargh, sorry guys, I thought my script was bugless, but it seems I had underestimated the number of things that I hadn't tested it for! These mods have very different things in to the ones I tested it on you see.

Unfortunately I am suffering from similar time problems to Gregstrom, but I will try to fix things when I get back from the library tomorrow night.

Burnsaber May 21st, 2009 03:31 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
1 Attachment(s)
Ok, I did it. The summons and sites should work now. The mod is not synchronized with the antilarium map thought (in my test game, one site was defended mainly by Great Eyes :P), but I have 0 experience with .map files, so I'm kind of hoping if someone else could match the custom province defenders to the new unit numbers?

Once the mod and the map is synchorized (and the starting point bug fixed), I think that were good to go.

There still might be some bugs left, but since were all human here, I think that we could agree not to exploit buggy mod behaviour that are found during the game?

If you are not sure if it's bug or WAD, post on the thread and the players can decide if you're allowed to recruit angels of death with their AOE instakill attack for 0 gold from that "Happy Rainbow" magic site. :)

llamabeast May 21st, 2009 04:06 AM

Re: Unsanity... surely this is modness! MA Mod-heavy game. Pretender design.
Oh, the map... might it be possible to leave the Antilarium mod out of the combined mod, and just combine the rest? It probably won't clash with the combined mod. Otherwise the map will probably be pretty much ruined.

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