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Num September 5th, 2010 04:27 AM

Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
Every game is functioning exactly the way you describe, the pace is the turn interval, which is determined and modified as the players wish (1 day for this game, but modified by earcaraxe going out).
It is very hard to assemble 15 people for a daily task, for a few months.

September 5th, 2010 06:37 AM

Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
speaking of such things: why is our game still set to 120-hour turn-hosting? Maybe after this turn we could change it back to 24h? Please hurry guys, because I don't want to wait another two days for this (rather uneventful) turn.

earcaraxe September 5th, 2010 09:28 AM

Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running

im back, and turned the hosting interval back to 24hrs.

mscfish September 5th, 2010 09:37 PM

Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
It is realy upset for waiting so long.Please hurry,guys.

Finalgenesis September 6th, 2010 09:26 AM

Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
To the Lady of Clouds Arnob,

Thardun and southward as far as the eyes can see is now our country, we deem the current borders to be favorable. You may take East Faindun at your leisure.


Originally Posted by arnob (Post 756125)

Originally Posted by Finalgenesis (Post 756117)
The Jarls of Jotunheim would like to express their intention for peace, lest anyone encroach on their territory in the Eastern wasteland.

Dear frost god of Jotunheim

I am very pleased to read that you are looking for a lasting peace between our countries.

I propose that our boundaries are as follows:
- Thardun is in our country
- All that is south of the territory is yours, including bridges across the River.

What do you think of this agreement?


arnob September 6th, 2010 10:43 AM

Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
Dear Frosty Giant

I'm afraid that you didn't read well our first message. So I will emphase the most important aspect :

Could you move, as quickly as possible, from Thardun ?

You are far from your capital and I do not want to embarrass you in inflicting a stinging defeat!

I have the honour to remain, dear Frosty, your most humble and obedient servant.



Originally Posted by Finalgenesis (Post 756945)
To the Lady of Clouds Arnob,

Thardun and southward as far as the eyes can see is now our country, we deem the current borders to be favorable. You may take East Faindun at your leisure.


Originally Posted by arnob (Post 756125)

Originally Posted by Finalgenesis (Post 756117)
The Jarls of Jotunheim would like to express their intention for peace, lest anyone encroach on their territory in the Eastern wasteland.

Dear frost god of Jotunheim

I am very pleased to read that you are looking for a lasting peace between our countries.

I propose that our boundaries are as follows:
- Thardun is in our country
- All that is south of the territory is yours, including bridges across the River.

What do you think of this agreement?


Finalgenesis September 6th, 2010 12:25 PM

Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
Interesting, Not only have I not agreed to your "proposal", I have already owned all that is south at the time of your proposal. Your proposal brings nothing of value to us but rather seek to bind us for your gain, an ill-intentioned insult you fling in our face indeed.

If you are implying that Thardun lies closer to your capital, I would raise to you that Thardun lies exactly in the middle, 2 provinces away from each of our capital. It is more then obvious that you do not plan to deal in good faith and seek provocation for war.

Do not mistake the declaration of peaceful intent of the Jotuns for weakness, we will gladly accept your declaration of war, prepare thyself.

arnob September 6th, 2010 03:10 PM

Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
Dear Frosty Giant

Your stubbornness and your aggressive territorial expansion leaves us no more other choices !

It is a drama for people so quiet and peaceful as mine. But we shall do everything we can to reconquer the territory of our ancestor.

But we know how to be generous: if you leave this place and let us take up it without bloodshed, we are ready to offer a long-lasting peace between our two countries.

I know that the blood sometimes has difficulty in irrigating a head of giant, but I hope that you will know how to take into account our justifiable territorial request.

I have the honour to remain, dear Icy Giant, your most humble and obedient servant.

Arnob, King of Ulm and Prince of Thardun.

Finalgenesis September 6th, 2010 05:13 PM

Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
To Pangaea,

my scouts have spotted your province, and would like to extend peace to you in the form of NAP 3.

To Ulm,

You short lived humans did not even exist as a race when we owned the land now called Thardun, that you claim it as your ancestral land is laughable. Your one-sided oratory on your so called "proposal" amuses us greatly.

We see through your excuses and veiled attempt to instigate war, mistaking our generosity to the younger races for weakness would be the your downfall. This is surely a sign that treacherous humans need be purged.

-Council of Jarls

arnob September 6th, 2010 05:44 PM

Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
To Mscfish and Num :

Hello Dear Gods

It seems that you have borders with our friends giants. You certainly noticed the cooling of our relations recently.

You have the fate of the people of Ulm into your hands, if you let FinalGenesis destroy us, he will doubtless become the most powerful god of this world. And because you are his neighbors, you certainly will be the next target...

We hope your supports :-)


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