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Re: CBM 1.7 released
If you'd like to add gem gens back into the game I'd suggest using gem generating summons rather than magic items, since monster modding is much more robust than item modding. Some of the advantages:
Differentiation & Limitation: one of the problems with clams is that anyone could (and did) make them so they didn't just benefit the nations that needed them and that they were forged in quantities only limited by the game engine. If you go to a summons based system using unique national summons you could say, for example, that Jotunheim gets 1 unique gem generating summon, while Bandar Log gets 4. Or you could vary the income per summon so that nations that needed gem gens got more out of their summons. You could also generate gems other than S/E/F in order to better match the character of a nation. You could also vary the cost/research level of obtaining gem gens. A weak nation might be able to obtain their first gem gen summon at a low research level/cost while a more powerful nation will not be able to obtain any gem generating summons until much later/at a higher cost. Quote:
Reduce micro: instead of a clam generating 1 pearl and having dozens of clams you could have a summon generate several gems, making management of this resource easy. Presence on the map: A frustrating thing about gem gens is that you can breach the walls of a castle that you know has clam holders and they'll just be transferred to another location. If the gem generator is an actual unit though it won't necessarily be able to escape. You can make these units of varying strength; perhaps some will be quite resistant to damage while others are vulnerable to even low level remote attack spells. Perhaps some are mobile while others are not. I think you can make the unit immune to being enslaved/charmed/etc so that while an opponent could eliminate your gem generating units they couldn't gain them for themselves (have to test this though). You could make them immobile, no leadership, negative magicboost - basically try to make it so all they can do is stay in one place and generate gems. It's not perfect (for instance you could prophetize them) but I think you could have house rules not to do that kind of thing. Options: with the range of monster modding commands available you could do all sorts of interesting things. Maybe a summon that generates a large amount of gems for a few turns and then generates only a few gems but also dom summons allies? Or a D gem generating summon that also causes unrest and population loss? Now the one problem here is that you can only add so many summons to the game. The next patch will help with this immensely. Until then, I still think you could implement something like this (I'd have to check to see how many free slots are available with CBM 1.6 or 1.7) though perhaps you'd have issues if you combined this with mod nations. |
Re: CBM 1.7 released
I am a new player, and I must say. I am going to host my first few games with CBM 1.41 +EDM.
I don't much care for these radical shifts in magic items 1.6 and 1.7 have brought out. Although I guess I can understand that if you have been playing for a while change is refreshing. Ideally I would like to see the CBM branch, with one copy staying as it is and one holding closer to the origional with these 6 items re-added, as well as possibly other changes. Quote:
Re: CBM 1.7 released
I have played this game long enough to dislike anything that spoils the fun - the fun of playing different games. I just hate the late-game effect when every nation is the same. You seek earth gems to make more hammers to put more gear on tartarians. They make every game repetitive. And they give you nothing in exchange. Gemgens are about pure hoarding and being the best horder. If anyone wants that, then probably Dom is not the right game for him. Hammers and SDRs are about hording too - you just forge so you don't waste hammer time. SDRs make you want to forge it for every mage. They make you forge SDRs before making anything else with blood slaves.
So really, if you want to use that stuff and you don't mind late game being exactly the same for every nation, then spend few minutes with text editor and undo all changes that annoy you. It's very simple. But please, do not try to tell me gemgens are cool. |
Re: CBM 1.7 released
I see a lot of talk about making "houserules" about gemgens. I gotta say that I do not see how those can possibly succeed. I suspect that finding someone willing to take the time to check the turn files is going to be very difficult, and i wouldn't be surprised if people who didn't believe they had a real shot at winning just decided "**** it, they won't check me anyways since I won't win" and ignore the rules. Unlike sickle farming, LAD abuse, or bogus orders, gem gen limits cannot be realistically checked in-game. Therefore I think such "house rules" are doomed.
Re: CBM 1.7 released
Let me get this right, Zeldor: If people say that something that the game shipped with, but which you seriously dislike and consider a bad gameplay mechanic (such as gem generators, hammers, and SDR), is cool and wants to play with it then a) The game is probably not right for them, and b) They should not tell you that they consider it cool, because you know better.
I'll admit to being pretty arrogant myself, but I doubt I'd ever have the gall to tell other people as you are doing: "If you like the game mechanics the game shipped with, the game is probably not the right game for you". This may not have been what you intended to say, but it is what you ended up saying. :D |
Re: CBM 1.7 released
Perhaps Zeldor's point would have been better phrased as "then CBM is not for you."
+ 2x attack + AP attack + Death poison + PR - Const 6 - Cost 10 N Moonblade: + 2x vs magic (I'd take just AP over this, less powerful, works on everything. same with 2x attack if less power vs magic but more versatility) o Cost 5 S - 2 hander - Const 6 Really, I would make moonblade 1 hand AND give it either a) +MR b) slay magic or c) x3 vs magic creature, all of which are thematic and gives it an actual purpose. Up price to 10S with the above modification, and it would be a weapon that might actually be considered. Quote:
same # of attack, no AP, no death poison, no PR, same gem cost (though using W rather then N), the only advantage is Const 4... Same with axe of hate, you get a fatigue damage on hit which has its use, but would you trade it for kryss' list of utility for the same price? Though it does comes much earlier at Const 2, so I could actually see it stay as it is now when you need to kill something BIG before const 6 rolls around. Edit: Zeldor's list looks pretty reasonable too, though I have little experience with artifacts (never gotten Const 8 early enough). |
Re: CBM 1.7 released
Nation balancing: LA ryleh
Some more suggestions for discussion: LA Ryleh has sustainability problems, in any reasonable sized game they hit a point rather soon where they can no longer recruit mages or priest as your population dwindle to nothing, which you need to wring any use out of the chaff. On paper the various ways to help with their income is: 1) Luck - a) inconsistent. b) luck income is hit by your maintenance cost before you can spend them, making most of the smaller luck income event meaningless. 2) Fire gem - Even with alchemy stone if you manage to forge it, thats 13F per mage, 19F without. If you can make this feastible in a clamless game, I salute you. 3) Summon mage - your V spectre cost 25S, has only 4S path with none of the utility you can get out of mage. Their cost reflect their purpose: to make things go insane rather then replace your mages as buffer, battle mage, researchers ...etc. Honestly, it's almost the cost of a golem, or an elemental royalty if you consider wish conversion rate. Finally, their freespawn chaff have a gold cost of 1, meaning every 15 of them have a 1 gold upkeep. Why do they take upkeep? Maenads don't require upkeep, why are my junkies and crazies asking for gold? Some suggestions: 1. No upkeep for chaff, hell if it was moddable I'd suggest -2 gold cost for that matter to generate gold and require decision on using them or saving them for gold income. 2. national mage/priest summonable, though I can see various problems and abuse for this. Perhaps a spell to change 10S into 500 gold? So you can actually switch to a gem economy (as LA ryleh certain don't have the choice of gold economy). Your "spell" income would still get hit by maintenance so you want to do multiple casting in one go, the upper limit imposed by gold economy is still there since your spell income gets hit by maintenance before you get a chance to spent it. You'd still be disadvantaged since others get gold + gem economy (or blood+gem), while you can only run on gem economy with "free" chaff to "compensate". 3. Dom summoned cultist can have higher/random paths, currently they can possibly get 1S and abit crazy to boot. I can frankly imagine hedge wizards and witches getting the dreams and turning to your cult, god knows my summoned casters and mermage slaves go bonkers fast enough. With high insanity on them it is already a heavy enough penalty and make marching armies in formation diffioooOOOO shinyyyy! 4. LA National summon spell to call a small batch of random void monsters, more for flavor then anything else. The power of the void grows and the star spawns can now open the gate anywhere given preparation (lab). LA ryleh strikes me as dripping with theme and oppurtunity to enhance their gameplay (not more powerful, but more different / weird / thought out). The void takes a small role in MA, and supposedly in LA the void has become much more significant, Spawns receive great dream powers (dream of ryleh), their void spectres can be called back and the voice influence sleepers around the world. I could easily see global spell (In the vein of soul gate for LA Ermor and carrion woods for Pan) for ryleh and greater access to void creatures, and other unusual mechanic to make goldless Ryleh work. |
Re: CBM 1.7 released
Some improvements to Rlyeh are pretty easily moddable.
I'd suggest the following and then reanalyse: 1. replace water only free spawns with with amphibious. Mid+ you have no need for these troops, adn they become cost drain and micromanagement hell. 2. The immovable free spawns should be modded to other cthulu inspired units. Personally my cbm mod replaced some of them with map move 1 dom spreading units. |
Re: CBM 1.7 released
On top of that I'd suggest adding a silver mine or something to the capital, so you keep a trickle of gold after population is dead. |
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