![]() |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
I know *everything* Jurri, that much is obvious. If I don't know it, then it isn't relevant. Oh wait, I was killed, so I ought to set arrogance aside.
This mechanism about Vastnesses/Greater Othernesses has been mentioned several times on the forum, and I have tried it myself. I think one of my mages had a summoning skill of 130 or some such, and only summoned two Vastnesses; an horde of Greater Othernesses had been summoned as well. The figures for "when you can hope to summon a Vastness" are approximations however: level 13 is the earliest I got one (it could have been level 12 though), and I didn't get any Vastness after level 20. Level 17 is my own guess for when you are most likely to get a Vastness, as witnessed in my own experiments; level 18 is another figure given for this, but I do not believe there has been any official word on this. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
It must be a year since I last played R'lyeh so I'll accept your theory. Would that mean that it would be actually best to alternate summoners in the void? As in, keep a dude there no longer than until he's ~20 in skill and then change to another. Since the vastnesses really are great. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
You might be able to get Vastnesses after summoning 20, but there's a "might" here (I think it might be possible to get them a few levels after 20, but they will completely disappear afterwards).
This part was actually confirmed by one of the developpers if memory serves, though they only said the odd of getting a Vastness decreased as summoning level increased, and not that it was impossible to get them past a certain threshold. But yes, if you do want Vastnesses, you should switch your summoners after level 20 or so; then again, Greater Othernesses aren't the worst thing in the world either. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
That sure is a good thing to know, thanks Alneyan! A Greater Otherness is like an Earth Elemental to me, and Vastness like a Horror. So it isn't too tough a decision... Although quantity has its own virtue.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
cool thanks for the info and pity i thought at high levels you would get really weird stuff
and curses i forgot your own domes stop your own magic as well. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
So how are you fine folks enjoying the Wrath of the True God so far? Looks like at least Soapy is finally on the move towards some action, so I guess at the least he is pissed off http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
I will bend like a reed in the wind...
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
the munchans are happy the wicked air queen of the west is dead. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
You want a house dropped on your AQ or what? I'll see if I can't arrange that...
Too bad rex stole my scythe, it would have been so poetic to cut the reed with it. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
the scythe is stuck on a wounded moundKing a lot of good it will do there but i plan on killing him on one of you good mages -beserker mage http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Feh, my strat nowadays is to have a dude on doing a monthly ritual: Summon Air Queen. Also, to lessen gem expenses I don't give my combat mages any gems. Learn these tricks and you too can save handling time and gems!
Yo, Soapy, did you have a proper video of the battle in the fortress at Innarlith? I get the imp attack on Theymarsh when I try to view it... A weird bug. I wonder why 4 of my HoFfers have heroic toughness. Guess I drive them too hard. Still, thanks, rex, for help in getting there! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif Who's that Witchking dude in there, btw? |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Yeah same problem here. Well obviously I did not win it http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Yeah http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif My dude racked up three whole afflictions though, so it must have been a great battle indeed!
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Alas, stabbed in the back by Mictlan... This may be an extra short war for Tien Chi!
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Awww... It's not stabbing in the back if I smile!
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif It was more a case of you being the only neighbor without an NAP... |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
I quite understand, and I am not faulting you for anything except geo-political short-sightedness http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
looks like the air-queen is up again and a very odd battle w/ the WQ and the stone sword if the stone sword is up for forging then the queen is dead to(by her own hand, looked like she blew up).
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
i have been having game load problems last turn it toke ~7 tries. and the time cruch is killing me may i please have a longer host time i will try to do it in 48 hours but-if i every play ermor again on a big map someone should shot me. the time crunch is logistics, is there any command in dom to automat troop shuffling? send moundkings w/ troops to the frount them march back again for more is killing me and my time. if anyone knows how to spend up the logistic of ermor please tell me and i would not need more time i am normally quick (in fools 3 i do my turn in ~20 miniutes.
but in this game i need 2 hours just for logists.(i have limited time per day to play) |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Hear, hear! I've solved the time crunch by using only single SCs/small groups and centralized troop summoning/moving. This cuts down effectiveness to less than a quarter but lets me keep my sanity http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
In fact my strategy right now is to kill you by boredom http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif By assassinating your leaders I force you to put bodyguards on them which must be living hell with the amounts of leaders you have! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif I'll set the hosting to 72hQH, if no one objects; We haven't had a stale since January I think, anyway. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Heck, you can set it to infinity-quickhost as far as I'm concerned.
Aren't single SCs rather ineffective at knocking down castle gates? Maybe less so when the defenders don't have brains... |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
if boredom is your strategy then it is failing it takes 1/2 hour just to play the battles, some are very funny,(did you air queen really blow-up?) or the vamps blowing around your tartarian's feet as he tramped them and general knuckalbones surviveing ~7 mindattacks. but the bodygaurd stuff is living hell i do not know how many commanders but i stopped naming them after "mule 70" and "camel 50". plus the mages ect. if i had good leaders it would be much easier but your single tarts kill any number of unboosted undead i can throw and every battle is 300+ undead destroyed.
thankyou for the 72QH. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
I've some bad experiences 'bout quickhost only, so let's go with three days. The spell of the day is Crumble: with that I need not bother with inefficient armies that only cause routs to my SCs, and still can siege castles. In theory. You know how well I apply stuff http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
That was a joke 'bout the boredom thing http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I like the big battles! Only, I can't be bothered to ferry troops to and fro, so I'm pretty limited in what I do. Perhaps me and Ygorl should make war instead; at least then it would take only a couple of turns to move my troops to the front http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Nah, death to the undead! Wait... And man, I tell you, that general knuckalbones is something else altogether. Those mind hunts were with +5 penetration, so the chance of him surviving them all is 05^7 (He's got a mr of 15), unless I'm mistaken. So, under 1%. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
vengencence on the wicked witch air queen of the east, we rejoice at her sisters death may we all rejoice at her death. (that is one tough gal) |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
General Knuckalbones is DEAD!!! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../beerglass.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../beerglass.gif
I meant for him to die of a remote, but alas, it was not to be. He was too tough until the last un-breath; no Mind Hunt, no Earth Attack, no Wind Ride could touch him. Rest in pieces, and good riddance! He'll live in legend though, for henceforth every Bane Lord prophet of mine shall be named after him, he was that worthy a foe. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Hehee, what an event! A crosspost to commemorate! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
I am honoured and humbled at your kind post, to the late, but amazingly luckily Bane Lord General Knucklebones. With nothing more then a good sword and fleet feet to guild him to victory, General Knucklebones will live on in memory. Now if only the rest of my slack jawed sacks of bones would live up to his standards.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Take that, Mictlan! That'll teach you to disrespect my capital province my sending such a meagre force http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Yes, you certainly gave me a few things to think about... I think that's the most mages I've ever fought against in one battle.
I'll see what I can do about making the next one more interesting... Cheers! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
I have asked Jurri to set it to infinity quickhost for a few days... I'm heading down south to visit my parents, and I don't think I'll be able to take this turn before it hosts (and it's unclear what my playing schedule will be like for the next few days - I'll probably be able to take turns, but I'm not completely sure)
Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience. Cheers! |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Done! No inconvenience at all, I say.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
I should take my turn(s) tomorrow, then I'll be out of the imaginary world again until Sunday, at which point I'll be able to return to my regularly-scheduled getting-beat-up-on.
Thanks for your patience! |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
i am enjoying the much longer time frame. these turns are very time consumming and i need to find hours just to do the basic troop shuffle. so PLEASE take your time on the turns-it gives me a chance to catch up on the rest of things i am suppost to be doing in RL.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Well, I guess we could go with a week or so QH, if it's alright with everyone. More than that and I start forgetting even more than is usual what's going on. What say Soapy and anatoli and Ygorl? I guess you guys have much less to do than do I and Rex (although that's undoubtedly gonna change once Rex sends me to oblivion with his brand new Nexus http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif), so if it's too much of a bore to go with so relaxed a schedule voice it and we'll see what can be done.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
I am a prisoner in my own capital, so I dont have much to do but await the final assault...
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
I'm happy with any hosting schedule. Whatever suits y'all is fine with me.
I am a bit disappointed that Jurri hasn't taken this turn yet; I was looking forward to getting two in a row before flying down to Pittsburgh... Though, this way, I might get a chance to shower and pack and such. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
I haven't??!! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif
...Ach, sorry guys, looks like I'm as confused as is usual. I thought I made it about a week ago before traveling North to my folks' place. Looks like I forgot to upload it http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/fear.gif Quel idiot! Well, anyways, I'll make it anew this Saturday at the latest; I beg your pardon for the inconvenience! I'll also set the hosting to the 7day QH at that time, unless anatoli objects. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
See the power of Arcoscephale! My last curse was to make Jurri use French phrases every other sentence, and it appears to be working as planned. Now, I merely need to make that happen more frequently, and I will be able to take over his mind.
Arcoscephale, the Revival (nobody expects us!). |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
I'm easy with any host schedule
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Une nouvelle tour. Quelle horreur!
Does anyone know where the 2.14 exe could be found? I can't seem to find it anywhere. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
A turn is a male thing in French; don't even try to understand why some names are masculine and others are feminine. You did very well in previous posts with that thing, however (a wonderfully annoying part in grammar).
The 2.14 patch can be downloaded from Shrapnel, as explained somewhere in my MP guide (I am feeling lazy as you can guess); in short, copy the URL of the current patch and replace the numbers. I also have the 2.14 exe on my computer, if you are also using Windows. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
The number-replacing worked like a charm, thank you for that! I wonder why there is no direct link in the Shrapnel page. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
i have been informed that my ally has gone AI.
i will also fold. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif And just when it got interesting!
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Nothing left of me anyway... just waiting for the final assault...
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
The battle in the Shaar leves me speechless! That was a work of art, guys. I think it would be a fitting end-statement for this game, so shall we leave it at that?
I'll never look down on T'ien C'hi mages ever again! |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
I wish I could have seen it...
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif Good play, all. Thanks. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
I did something good? I'll have to look... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Heheh nothing like a castle wall to completely destroy an assault. Snagging Father Illearth was a nice coup! He just happened to have 30 earth gems on him too http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
I admit I was actually expecting him to bring a pile of storm demons... otherwise the storm really hurt him because it didnt let his devils simply fly over the wall and wreak havoc with my mages in the rear. It didnt hurt me, of course! All I needed was for him to get gummed up in the entrance of the fort and slowly wear him down... which is exactly what happened. Pretty cool, if insanely long, battle... |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
And I had a pile of storm demons sitting next door, too.
I wish one of my air casters had put up a wrathful skies, though; nothing like a bunch of lightning bolts to take out a mob of frail mages! "Flight" was not a particularly well-thought-out choice, in its stead. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Heheh, well I was anticipating the Warthful skies, which is why I cast fog & storm warriors amongst other things... however given the sheer length of the battle had you cast wrathful skies you probably would have either crippled me irrevocably or outright won the battle (which, honestly, I was expecting! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif).
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