![]() |
Re: Bug thread
I've seen this within some of my current games. |
Re: Bug thread
And frankly, I see no reason why twiceborn should no longer work for death outside of combat. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif |
Re: Bug thread
Commanders who go crazy under the effects of Dreamlands dominion are able to declare themselves to be prophets even when you already have a living prophet. The temple ui still only listed 10 spread for my prophet, but all of them got the increased holyness and stats... I had maybe a dozen prophets (Cthugal and many cultists) during my first Dreamlands testbed.
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
Well Ia Cthulhu then, that rocks.
Re: Bug thread
Twiceborn worked for drowning in dominions 2.
Re: Bug thread
I seem to Crash to desktop everytime I try to cast Fata Morgana. When I end the turn it runs through all the processes and then the game closes. This is a copy of the last line of my log, each crash log ends the same.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Gavin Hawk) is casting spell 400(Fata Morgana) (a2=100, a3=0) Labspell: Gavin Hawk casts Fata Morgana created ench 4 Fata Morgana (might 20) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ive tried using diffrent levels of might and still the same crash to desktop result. if I load the game and play the turn it crashes everytime, if I load it and stop casting Fata Morgana it completes and I can continue playing. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/rant.gif |
Re: Bug thread
Im not sure if the following are bugs or not...:
-how much are here, in DOm3, temples for MAN? I have to pay 400. In the "tips of the turn" (or whatever it is called) there was written that they are half cost (for MAN) -during siege, my Castle has for example 300 Supply. After a few turns supply goes down to 50 and even lower - does it mean that the soldiers inside are eating out their supply? I thought it is an amount of food which is enough for a particular amount of defenders to hold their position for a long long time... And the dominion, death scale and other doesn't not impact. -During creating a game you can choose the same nations - the game will not start, but if you dont know what is going on you will not proceed. I think there should be a message that duplicate nations has been taken or simply, like in DOm2, player wouldnt be able to take one nation twice Question: In the manual, there is written that up to 5 soldiers in a group have a morale penalty. Does it impact on a lonely commander as well? If so, what can be done to make him/her more brave?:) A group of at least 5 units with "guarding commander" order? |
Re: Bug thread
Edi |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
Supply = (base supply of fortress / siege turn #) + supply from units or items Break the siege; use troops that don't need to eat; or use magic items or units that add to supply. Edit: Well, technically, item/unit supply doesn't add to supply; it reduces supply required. Same effect, but it's reported differently. |
Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Problem during calculation of a turn, the game stop when resolving a battle
It seems to be a infinite loop or something like that, the processor is 100% used, but the music have no problem, the game just seems to resolve the turn battle 3 of the first battle for a infinite time. The savegame is in the zip attached. |
Re: Bug thread
Another funny one: I've created two Polypal Mother pretenders for R'lyeh and both times the pretender, presumably female, has been gifted with male titles, aka 'He' etc and 'Prince of' whatever As a side note along this line, it would be nice if we could choose the sex of pretenders who don't have a set gender, such as great krackens or divine glyphs, and if we also got a message when creating pretenders that specified male or female, as some magic items are gender-affecting.
Re: Bug thread
A weird thing happened to me in my last game.
Basically all or my provinces are now considered "hostile" as far as tooltips are concerned. (e.g. The province contains about 60 hostile units. etc.) I don't think this is anything more than a display problem, but it's very annoying. I can't remember exactly when that happened. Maybe I just tried to break a siege, and the suddenly I got these strange tooltips. I ended the turn, to see if it was temporary, but it seems like I'm "flagged" hostile for life as far as tooltips are concerned. I thought others would've had this bug, but after reading through the 25 pages, it seems not! |
Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Son of Heavens has no attack sprite
New map editor bug
I've just discovered a map editor bug. If you would like to set a province to work as a starting position, the game won't recognize it as a spawn point, if the same province contains fresh water. [IE. "fresh water" flag on & "no start" flag off]
Re: New map editor bug
Ive found yet another bug.
Encase in ice is a w3 spell, and since some of my jotun skrattis have "spawned" with w3 magic, I've decided to try out this spell....however they cannot cast it! [its greyed out on set battle orders / cast specific spell list] |
Re: New map editor bug
It only works on underwater. I think.
Re: New map editor bug
Re: New map editor bug
The "no start" flag is not meant to be set in ALL province other than those 5 you want the nations to start in, its only there to mark 'special' provinces which should not be used as starting positions when those are randomly distributed. As soon as you overlook 1 province somewhere, you can't tell if either the "fresh water" province really wasn't considered as starting position, or if it was just the RNG that positioned the nation elsewhere. If you want to give every nation its own fixed starting position, use: #specstart <nation nbr> <provincenbr> Use this command to assign a specific nation to a specific start location. Nation nbrs can be found in the modding manual. If you want to specifiy provinces where a nation might start, but want to have them distributed randomly among those provinces, use: #start <province nbr> By creating at least one start location for each player, every player will start at one of these locations. |
Re: New map editor bug
Yeah, it gave errors indeed, and when I removed the "fresh water" flag, it worked after that.
*Edit* Now I flagged them as "fresh water" and it is working now. I have no idea that why it wasn't working before, since I haven't changed anything else. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif |
Re: New map editor bug
Okay, now we have figured out that what is the problem. If you would like to play on my Clash of the Titans map for example against 3 random AIs, the game will crash with the following error message "can't find valid starting province", if one of the random AIs is a water nation, since there isn't sea provinces on that map. The game recognizes that there isn't sea provinces, however it is still trying to add water based nations for the AI players.
There won't be a problem in MP games on maps without sea provinces, since the players won't pick a water based nation anyways. |
Re: New map editor bug
1 Attachment(s)
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Citadel battle graphics is corrupted
Happened to me twice in 1 game: I watched a battle replay from a citadel assault, the citadel had a very strange graphics: some disconnected walls and grates. Defenders started in the open. See attached picture for details. |
Re: Bug thread
I suggest a *new* bug thread be opened, now the thread is ridden with discussions/debates.
It'll even be better if someone could step up and maintain a running list of bugs... Just an idea, don'take it harshly http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Recruitment queue bug when undefended fortress is conquered
I conquered a fortress (undefended) where the AI had an uncleared recruitment queue, and the queue was still one for units I could not get (Arcoscephale national units, which was the AI nation, not mine). The queue was greyed out, and when I cleared it, I got Arco's money back... |
Re: Bug thread
I don't know if this has been reported before, i can't really read back all 25 pages. Just slap me if it's old (if it's not system-specific i suppose it is old).
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Commander list does not scroll I was playing Ermor, and when i wanted to select my pretender to cast i ritual spell i noticed that he was no longer displayed. The list only showed 24 (i think) commanders without the option to scroll down to see the others. Since i tend to just leave all researches in my capital in SP ermor there were a LOT more. I had to give them orders via the nation overview. |
Re: Bug thread
2) There are scroll arrows on the right of the list, on the outside .. hover over them with the mouse and they'll turn red. .. better search the forum next time, will save us all some time. Thanks. |
Re: Bug thread
Ah thanks for the info. I tried searching, but probably didn't come up with the correct search terms.
Not so much a bug as a question but imo still in the right place: Is there a reason the manual contains national summoning rituals and national non-ritual spells but not national non-summoning rituals? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif Maybe include that in the next edition if there is going to be one. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: Bug thread
mercenary commanders dying of disease-
the units under their command becomes permanently stuck when u go to army setup. you're unable to select them and they never go away- |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
<font color="green"> EA Vanheim can recruit two identical dwarven smiths </font>
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
Sorry, I misread/understood. You are correct. Howver, you might want to move this to the manual typos thread, since this isn't exactly a bug.
Re: Bug thread
Tien Chi Barbarian Kings display says it has Water, Astral, Air, and _Fire_ for magic. Since none of their mages can get fire, that's incorrect.
Also, says "Priests: Average" - with only H1 priests, so should display Weak. Also : some nations display Average, others Medium - what's the nominal difference? |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] ordinary unit was shown as the caster of global enchantment
During a battle replay I spotted a Velite (either PD or a recruited unit) with the symbol saying that he had cast a global enchantment - see the picture attached (green pentagram, got black when I put a mouse pointer over it, there's a tooltip Global Enchantment at the bottom of screen). The unit in question fled from the battle, Pythium had no global enchantments, the only global was Arco's Darkened Skies. |
Re: Bug thread
Agartha's Rhuax Pact can be cast underwater.
It doesn't look right for "magma and fire" creatures... |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
Stability Issues -
I don't know whether this has been raised, but I have had the program abruptly end and bounce me back to windows. Sometimes, I can relaunch the game and get through the turn, but about half the time I can never complete the turn - it simply shuts down. |
Re: Bug thread
Don't attach the saved game if you already successfully went through processing the next turn... only a saved game which has not made it thru processing the turn. |
Re: Bug thread
Maybe not exactly a bug, but LA ermor gets auto-spawn commanders in underwater provinces that are not amphibious. (Namely censors) So they drown instantly.
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] The description of C'Tis says "preferred heat scale +1" while the scale effects indicate that it's indeed +2. |
Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
Event Soldiers held in Stasis during Sieges.
This is a weird one. I am Atlantis and sieging a castle of Arco. On Turn X I was sieging a castle and received a message that the province had been attacked by Knights. There was no battle report. On a later turn, I stormed the castle and won the day. Yeah me! And on that same turn, I got a message that Knights had taken over my undefended province, trapping my army inside the castle with the event generated troops from months past on the outside. The really weird thing is that not all of my army was storming that castle, some were moving into the province. So the game didn't check for the Knight take over until after I had taken the castle and all of my units had reverted to Defense for the next turn. I attached a turn file. -Frank |
Re: Bug thread
The point is, most summoning rituals that summon non-aquatic/amphibious creatures cannot be cast underwater, so I think it makes sense that Rhuax Pact should be restricted to the surface as well -- unless there is some role-playing reason behind it, like Agarthans having a big time looking at magma children going poof-pshhhhhht when summoned underwater... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
Re: Bug thread
Temple of Light holy site often redundant
Not strictly a bug, but it's possible to find Temple of Light in provinces where priests can be recruited anyway. ToL lets you recruit priests and lowers unrest by 5. Not terribly useful, but when the province already has priests it's downright pathetic. As far as I remember, you even need a temple in both cases. You end up with a province with two identical priests to recruit, and impressive -5 to unrest. |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
Not a bug... but I agree the site is worthless. |
Re: Bug thread
Would make sense if one of the sites gave a temple and the other one holy-2 priests, wouldn't it??
Re: Bug thread
-Moded healing is bugged. Healing of 100% hasnt healed any affliction for 10 consecutive turns .
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
Nearly all Flagellants from event come with afflictions.
34/39 units, 40+/50 units, etc. |
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