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vfb June 11th, 2007 04:59 AM

Lizard power

Saint_Dude said:

Turns out that the 1 army that was mentioned was well over 90% of T'ien Ch'i's force. There are now about 800 politicians aggregated around our capital preparing for a siege. We would be very surprised if there is another warrior to be found anywhere else in T'ien Ch'i's vast empire. All their borders are surely undefended as is their capital. Yet the Ostriches of the unlucky world stick their head in the sand and hope the threat will just evaporate.

Even outnumbered 10 to 1, the Giants have some surprises in store for the invading paper pushers. But the ostriches shouldn't get their hopes up too high. In all probability, we will be swept under, and there will be no defense left.

All this talk of ostriches is very amusing to the inhabitants of the Mictlan jungle, and we are sure that it is even more hilarious to CTis, who are right now very busy cleaning up the ginormous puddles of demon blood and piles of body parts left outside their castle walls.

Tien Chi is not the only inhabitant of these lands running around with Tartarians smashing everything in sight. The formidable lizards have their own supply of undead gods roving through the lands, backed up by wily wizards wielding deathly magics.

Woe is Mictlan! For we fell for Niefelheim's story that Tien Chi is the only mighty power remaining, and our council chose to make war on CTis, so that our own power might be increased by acquiring their lands. Meanwhile, in the North several devils are in the hospital for surgery following injurious battles against the Abysians. Greed will be our downfall!

It's a good thing us jungle folk have a fine appreciation of dark humor. Otherwise we'd all be crying instead of laughing.

jimkehn June 11th, 2007 08:55 AM

Re: Lizard power

Surely Mictlan jests. His powers are unstoppable. Their source from hell itself. Poor, poor peace loving Abysia. Her armies melt ('scuse the pun) in front of Mictlan's devils and unnatural aberrations. Her lands are trodden asunder. Her children taken into captivity. (we all know what happens to children in Mictlan). In only a short time, the ancient Abysian race will be no more.

vfb June 12th, 2007 12:49 AM

Server is down?
I can't access the game or the web site at game.dom3minions.com. Is it just me, or is the server down?

jutetrea June 12th, 2007 12:54 AM

Re: Server is down?

I just got in at 11:54 PM, so not sure

LoloMo June 12th, 2007 01:06 AM

Re: Server is down?
Seems to be working fine for me

jutetrea June 12th, 2007 01:30 AM

Re: Server is down?

talk about a nerve wracking battle - Jolly blue giants hit my prophet with a vengeance of the dead... about 70-90 undead spirits. My poor prophet who was laden with 2 nice artifacts was down to 4hp due to dominion. Thought for sure he was a goner, but I guess those little ones are pretty weak and go down to banishment pretty well. Needless to say, the loot has been divvied up http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

vfb June 12th, 2007 02:09 AM

Server access is okay
Okay, I can access the server again. Thanks! (Or thanks internet for fixing yourself, if Gandalf didn't have to do something).

LoloMo June 12th, 2007 06:16 AM

The Demons Shall Burn in Hell!
The Ancient Gods of C'tis shall crush the ugly demons of Mictlan! The Defense of Cedar Box is but a taste of what future the foul demons of the jungle have waiting for them. Come and face us in open battle! Enough of this sneaking around terrorizing unprotected villages. Come and face the might of the C'tis Legions, you cowardly demons hiding in the night! Don't make us chase you around!

vfb June 12th, 2007 07:07 AM

We like it hot
In case you didn't notice, we prefer it when it's nice and toasty. And as we're not fond of getting our bones broken by your towering titans and evil magics, you'll just have to try and catch us!

Don't worry, we will put your (former) villagers to good use. They were just lazing around anyway.

Saint_Dude June 12th, 2007 11:53 AM

lucky prophet in an unlucky world
The Giants are dumbfounded (and a bit depressed) that the prophet of T'ien Ch'i survived our attacks. In truth we only have ourselves to blame. We should have sent another vengeance his direction last month and finished him off proper.

Level 4 priests tear up the undead chaff with banishment. Still, he was down to 97 fatigue at the conclusion of the battle. Another 10 soulless and he would have been a goner. A second vengeance with 150 or so soulless would have killed him with ease.

Equally remarkable, that lucky dirt farmer also survived multiple plagues and an extremely cold winter (which killed off a large number of the regular troops) with only 4 h.p.. Not only did he survive, but somehow, he also avoided catching so much as a sniffle.

Bad omen indeed. Even worse than the forge of the ancients, and the dozen or so Tartarians along with their several hundred closest friends about to storm our capital.

BTW: Where does one acquire shadow seers? There are sure quite a few in the motley mob laying siege to our capital.

jutetrea June 12th, 2007 06:00 PM

Re: lucky prophet in an unlucky world

Shadow Seers from a site, can't login atm so don't know which one. Pretty nifty and not too expensive.

Yes, very lucky... talk about a stressful battle, and yes the fatigue was noticed. I'm surprised the high fatigue didn't lead to 1 measly hit...would have been a crit and probably over the 4hp.

And yes, the plagues/winter were extremely painful. I would have been very disappointed if I got the "defenders are repairing faster"... its a lot of effort to get troops over there.

Saint_Dude June 13th, 2007 01:37 PM

The end of Bob the boulder?
Bob is now in mortal danger. The T'ien Ch'i horde is pouring over the walls.

Our Hags made sure to finish of the T'ien Ch'i prophet last month, but alas, it was a month too late. The prophet had already distributed the key artifacts in his possession. We fear that the Sword of Aurgelmer and the Sword of Injustice will prove to be our undoing in the coming month.

Our fate is sealed. Our only hope now is to die with honor.

jutetrea June 13th, 2007 01:51 PM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?

Unfortunately, I don't think its that clear cut. Bob may be in danger, yet your empire is still going strong. With the income/gems you're pulling in I'm not thinking it'll be a pushover.

Traipsing across the sea with re-enforcements is quite annoying, so I'm really hoping my resident force can at least take the capital. My troops should be like 4 stars for the trials and tribulations they've had to endure to get there. The next turn should be very interesting.

jutetrea June 14th, 2007 01:02 AM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?

Ok, what happened?

Big epic battle at Bob the Boulder's house, Storm whoops me but wailing winds + blood everywhere causes Nief to Rout - cool, I still have about 1/3 of my forces left. My CR guys wade through the frozen statues of their fellow soldiers and start chipping away at Bob. 908 hp to start, but the rock is fragile due to the chill. I kill bob, kill the last 2 fleeing units and I win. Wrong.

I've lost 90% of my troops, 3 lousy commanders get away and Bob is still alive and kicking...or as much as a big rock CAN kick. Even if he was immortal, which he's not, he should still be dead or sieging the conquered castle.

Bit miffed. Is it also WAD to have battlefield enchants stay after their owner is killed/routed?

My billion dollar army shall be avenged!

$#@%#$%$# *grumble*

Micah June 14th, 2007 01:33 AM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?
Routed should keep working, dead should not.

LoloMo June 14th, 2007 01:35 AM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?
Hmm, so if you cast a BE spell, then retreat, the spell would stay up the whole battle? Interesting.

Come out come out little demons wherever you are. Our tarts promise to play nice!

vfb June 14th, 2007 01:42 AM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?
If the owner is killed, the battlefield enchantment should go away. If the owner routes, the battlefield enchantment currently stays, and that's described in the bug shortlist thread (CBT 002).

Is this another case of the replay not matching the reported battle results?

jutetrea June 14th, 2007 01:50 AM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?

Yes, and obviously I like the replay results better http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif 1 dead rock and a good chunk of troops left over. Not to mention a bunch of deaded commanders.


vfb June 14th, 2007 01:50 AM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?

LoloMo said:
Hmm, so if you cast a BE spell, then retreat, the spell would stay up the whole battle? Interesting.

I dunno, my opinion is that if you script this intentionally (cast & retreat, or just wield & retreat), it might fall under the "interestingly similar to an exploit" category. If the BE stops when you die, that means you need to be maintaining it, and if you flee to another province (or script returning) I don't think that should be possible. SP though -- fair game! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Micah June 14th, 2007 01:57 AM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?
How is it an exploit? Retreating is never mentioned in ANY documentation that I can remember (please provide a page number in the rulebook or a location in-game if you have one, I may be mistaken) as a cause of the enchant dropping. It's always stated "the enchantment lasts until the end of battle or until the caster is killed." Retreating is neither, and therefore the continued spell functionality is not a bug, and hence cannot be exploited.

Besides, if the caster is under 100 fatigue after the spell goes off the person casting it is out a caster for the battle if he retreats, and if he's dropped unconcious from casting it he's not doing much retreating for a while anyhow.

Saint_Dude June 14th, 2007 02:07 AM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?
The replay bug strikes again. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Pretty darn costly for both sides none the less. You lost more troops, but I very likely lost more gems and toys.

What I can't figure out is why your troops didn't scatter in absolute panic? There were over a half dozen battlefield enchantments up causing wide scale damage and moral hits. Many of your troops were down to moral 7 or less and taking damage constantly, yet none of them ever broke! What gives?

I am also really bummed that I let you secure a retreat avenue for your troops (not that many fled). I should have poured a couple hundred gold for PD in that province last turn to make such an event less likely.

Darn: attachment failed

jutetrea June 14th, 2007 02:17 AM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?
I don't know why I didn't rout either, in hindsight it would have been preferential. The ironic bit, if you'd had more commanders stick around you would have hit the jackpot in items.

Did you see the same replay I did? Routed troops do not show up as "dead" on the combat log, correct? From the replay I should have had control of the province, plus a bunch of commanders and troops. From the combat log I should have zilch but you should still have about 20+ commanders at your capital, instead of just solid bob.

Even if you lost more toys I think I got the short end, its tough to get an army over there. Even more important its tough to supply gems to the right folks or futz around with items.

*ding* *ding* *ding*
Round 2

vfb June 14th, 2007 03:23 AM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?

Micah said:
How is it an exploit? Retreating is never mentioned in ANY documentation that I can remember (please provide a page number in the rulebook or a location in-game if you have one, I may be mistaken) as a cause of the enchant dropping. It's always stated "the enchantment lasts until the end of battle or until the caster is killed." Retreating is neither, and therefore the continued spell functionality is not a bug, and hence cannot be exploited.

Besides, if the caster is under 100 fatigue after the spell goes off the person casting it is out a caster for the battle if he retreats, and if he's dropped unconcious from casting it he's not doing much retreating for a while anyhow.

No, it's not in the manual. It just seems kind of cheap to me. If you enter a battle wielding a Staff of Storms, Storm takes effect. If you die, the Storm stops. Why does that happen? As I said, it's just my opinion, but if the maintainer of the Storm has gone away, then I think it makes sense that the Storm would end.

I suppose we'll know for sure once the status of the item pertaining to this in the Bug Shortlist thread gets resolved (WAD or bug).

Saint_Dude June 14th, 2007 01:38 PM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?
Argh!! So much death and destruction! (yet, curiously, only 34 corpses in our capital).

That battle, and the subsequent results make no sense at all. Very unsatisfying. I was very curious how all the battlefield spells would stack up, and how certain mages would perform. The way things turned out, I am left with little information - just a lot of dead mages and lost toys. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

And for all the difficulty T'ien Ch'i has in transporting troops across the sea, there is another huge force preparing for a siege already. Round 2 looks like it is going to start immediately. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Saint_Dude June 14th, 2007 11:10 PM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?
OUCH!!!! and more OUCH!!!

Three fire storms, 5 earth attacks, 3 ashen angels, lots of Tartarians, a bunch of astral probing/attacks. Nasty, Nasty, Nasty!

Forget for a moment the shear gem cost, which is huge, T'ien Ch'i has demonstrated that it has a large number of high level mages in various paths (perhaps all the elemental royalty and some demi liches?).

Round 2 is shaping up to be just plain ugly. All these remote attacks managed to take out some of our top leaders. I am afraid our northern force is irreparably damaged. The end is near.

jutetrea June 17th, 2007 02:19 AM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?

Ok, these turns are now marathons to finish.. way to much Micro. Ouch is right, for the results I way overpaid. Really could use a few discount sites http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif End is near my buttocks, I got slapped around completely last round. All my nice little spell combos pretty much fizzled and not getting your god is gonna hurt this time.

Not to mention you have 2 other huge armies and another moderate force on the way. The plan was to take your sparsely populated capital, and then combine armies and sweep the heathens from north to south. I'm about 8 turns and about a billion gems behind plan...plus the matter of a few hundred quality troops. Damn discouraging.

Be that as it may, forge isn't doing us much good right now. If anyone wants some items forged, let me know. 1/2 off almost all items, i'll just take profit in the hammer reduction. We're pretty tapped on a few types of gems, so even buying them for cash.

jutetrea June 20th, 2007 11:42 AM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?


Ok, now its just frustrating... that bottleneck sucks.

And Arnvid's a lucky bugger, same with that darnvge(?) guy. Is Arnvid's MR like 30 or am I just repeatedly unlucky? I just want the dead to get their vengeance, is that wrong?

Never tried to siege a prepared MP player (little MP experience)...is this the way it always is with sieging Nief or are you just playing well and getting lucky?

I will say that the little green sacred TC guys are surprisingly effective for cost. The resistences are huge with all the battlefield spells flying.

Round 3

jimkehn June 20th, 2007 12:06 PM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?

I'm out now as Abysia, but enjoy reading the battle reports.

Saint_Dude June 20th, 2007 05:36 PM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?
As was prophesied some months ago, T'ien Ch'i is a breath away from securing the Niefel capital. The Giants held out as long as possible in the face of overwhelming odds. But the end result has never been in doubt.

Our empire is broken and the cause is lost. Bob the boulder will do the unlucky world a favor and dispatch another 1-200 T'ien Ch'i thugs, then it is lights out. The Giants will be going to the great AI in the sky in the very near future.

jutetrea June 20th, 2007 06:36 PM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?

You'll go AI after losing your capital? I only have like 10% of your provinces?

Saint_Dude June 20th, 2007 06:59 PM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?
There is just nothing left that can stand up to the T'ien Ch'i horde. My only other formidable army is in the far south, many months away. It is inevitable that the Niefel empire will be ground to dust in the coming months.

From here on out I am just playing the part of spoiler. There is no way that Niefel will ever rise again. I can try to see to it that Mictlan wins (by continuing to punish and delay T'ien Ch'i), but considering how I have already done much of their heavy lifting, I am not really inclined to do any more. I can also amuse myself by killing off the monkey people, but that is hardly sport.

Gandalf Parker June 20th, 2007 08:10 PM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?
-- Do not go quietly into the night
rage rage rage against the dying of the light - Dylan Thomas

What does that mean? It means dont be a putz and quit the
multiplayer game before your candles are snuffed.

BandarLover June 20th, 2007 08:39 PM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?
I always liked that line of poetry, Gandalf. Thanks.

And did my monkeys just get called pushovers? Ouch, dude. Ouch.

I still don't understand why everyone thinks Tien Chi has this all wrapped up with a pretty ribbon. Mictlan is leading in almost all of the score graphs, yet all I've heard now is, Tien Chi this and that. Personally, a strong blood nation this late game scares me a hell of a lot more than a nation with Tartarians.

Just saying. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

LoloMo June 20th, 2007 08:45 PM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?
Awwww crap if the Giants go AI that means that big army of theirs down south will start rampaging in C'tis lands adding to the big headache we are currently experiencing.

vfb June 20th, 2007 09:21 PM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?
Well, you shouldn't have taken your provinces back then! If you'd been nice and let Mictlan conquer your lands, instead of sending your tartarian legions on a killing spree, then it would be Mictlan who'd have to worry about the Nief AI army. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

BandarLover June 26th, 2007 07:24 PM

Re: The end of Bob the boulder?
I'm going to have to drop from this game. My internet service is spotty at best (I just got back online after 3 days without service) and I don't want to hold this game up any longer with unforseen delays. Can you get a sub for Kailasa? The position is decent for late game.

vfb June 28th, 2007 01:35 AM

Kailasa needs a sub

Gandalf Parker June 30th, 2007 03:05 PM

Re: Kailasa needs a sub
My apologies.
During the many starts/restarts of this game it appears that at one point I used the wrong script. It created and recorded a "new" master password, which does not work. I have no way of retrieving the original master password. So unless a player left their password blank or provides their password, there can be no subs

jutetrea June 30th, 2007 04:09 PM

Re: Kailasa needs a sub

well that's difficult. I don't think bandarlover has disappeared completely, we may still be able to retrieve his pw.

Gandalf Parker June 30th, 2007 06:03 PM

Re: Kailasa needs a sub
OK Kailasa sent me his, and I have forwarded it to someone who showed an interest at filling in.

jutetrea June 30th, 2007 11:53 PM

Re: Kailasa needs a sub

Who is the new Kailasa?

hoo July 1st, 2007 06:33 PM

Re: Kailasa needs a sub
I've taken over as Kailasa. Sending missives out to folks now.

LoloMo July 1st, 2007 08:53 PM

Re: Kailasa needs a sub
Heya hoo, welcome!

Saint_Dude July 2nd, 2007 02:11 AM

Re: Kailasa needs a sub
I still think T'ien Ch'i has the most formidable army in the Unlucky world.

However, by the looks of things they may be dominion killed in the very near future. I wouldn't have thought it possible on a map this big. But Mictlan's dominion is growing like crazy. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif

jutetrea July 2nd, 2007 02:36 AM

Re: Kailasa needs a sub

Have you even seen Mict's army? Its pretty nasty.

And yeah, this whole dominion spread is pretty brutal. I've got options still.. C'tis is looking in trouble.

Somehow between me last checking my turn, uploading my turn and seeing the results.. all my manifestation throwers targeted my capital. Needless to say "no enemy targets found". Color me surprised.

vfb July 2nd, 2007 03:12 AM

Re: Kailasa needs a sub
Mictlan's dominion does not extend much past our borders, and all our neighbors have many Dom10 provinces full of temples. So we don't think we'll Dom kill anyone. It's just there's been a brief lull in the fighting so some of our priests spent a bit of time up controlling an infestation of virgins that popped up.

And our army stats are only scary because we're busy trying to drown a bunch of Militia who 'luckily' volunteered to serve up. But they are extremely lazy and are taking their sweet time marching down to the lake for a swim.

With TC holding all the artifacts and also having AN up, us jungle cats are truly in a weak position.

LoloMo July 2nd, 2007 08:01 AM

Re: Kailasa needs a sub
With everyone claiming weakness, C'tis will step up to the plate and declare ourselves the SOLE REMAINING SUPERPOWER!!!

So, will all of you weaklings bow down to the Council of Sauromancers, be true to your claims of weakness, and admit defeat?


vfb July 2nd, 2007 08:32 AM

Re: Kailasa needs a sub
Mictlan admits that CTis defeated us soundly in the Battle of the Fortress at Cedar Box, demonstrating for all that us jungle folk are meek and cowardly and not anything to worry about at all.

CTis is truly a power to be reckoned with.

jutetrea July 2nd, 2007 10:04 AM

Re: Kailasa needs a sub

Of course TC is weak, we lost repeatedly to a rock. A named rock no less. We were only able to win when the rock teleported (!) out.

Although I got a good snicker out of Lolomo's comment.

jutetrea July 12th, 2007 01:44 AM

TC feeling apathetic

My apologies for taking so long on these turns. The micro involved just kills me, I don't ever feel like doing it. If people are cool with the glacial pace I'll stick, otherwise I'd like to get a sub or go AI.

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