![]() |
Re: Time, Turns, Stalls, Mictlan, Tien Chi
Mictlan... Jomon...
Pangaea? There was that server futz-up... I'll wait a 50hr cycle before adding them to my list. I still see their nation around. |
Re: Time, Turns, Stalls, Mictlan, Tien Chi
Whee! Good news everyone.
Mictlan gone, only one staller left, Jomon. It's a pity they are password protected as well. Everybody else got their turns in on time, so I have only one nation on the list. |
Re: Time, Turns, Stalls, Mictlan, Tien Chi
Thank you, thank you, please, no applause is necessary. I was just doing my part to speed up armageddon. Really, if you want to show your appreciation you can trade me a thistle mace. I can pay from my copious reserves of air gems, or from my somewhat less copious reserves of water gems.
Re: BAG (Started!)
Does anyone know if Marignon is still playing? It looks like they are going to stale. It seems these games are primarily going to be decided by who is next to someone who if things don't go entirely their way, just quits, without even bothering to tell someone, or even setting themselves to AI.
That's the Imperial Highway, be next to someone who just stops playing. |
Re: BAG (Started!)
It looks like they're in the game. This is only their second stall (non-contiguous) from the beginning of the game. People do miss the deadline sometimes. |
Re: BAG (Started!)
I am in need of a dwarven hammer. Will anyone sell one to me?
Re: BAG (Started!)
My internet died. I should be able to make my turn in Saturday.
Re: BAG (Started!)
Beware the liars of Atlantis, who break their treaties and attack treacherously.
Re: BAG (Started!)
Beware the gibbering AI of Atlantis.
Re: BAG (Started!)
Midgard has triumphed in the arena! Let this be a warning to all who would challenge Midgard's might. Do not press us, lest you be hewn like so much kindling.
Re: BAG (Started!)
Anyways, I've gone AI in this game. I'll still be administering it, however- so if you need changes made, Private Message me.
Re: BAG (Started!)
Hmmm, apparently it was not quite warning enough. Ermor and their ally Abysia have declared war on Midgard. I do not expect to survive their assault, however I would at least like to drag Ermor down with me. If you are a neighbor of Ermor, you will never have a better time to attack. They will be busy meeting the full force of Midgard's armies, and will not be able to protect themselves against any serious assault from the flanks. When I do go out, I will be happy to deed any of my remaining gems and items to those who have aided me against Ermor.
If you do not stop Ermor now, you will not have another chance. They are large and growing larger each turn. |
Re: BAG (Started!)
Do not listen to lies of Midgard. Anyone with scouts out can clearly see Midgard is the biggest of nations, controlling 4 capitals and a threat to us all.
Re: BAG (Started!)
It has started. Ulm will be united once more and this time it will last! Our armies are spearheading into the shadow-filled land of Ulm. Their armies cover and hide before our righteous fury, but their dusty holes in their bloody woods will see the light of Aufklarung!
This is the chance for Ulm's neighbours to prove themselves free of sin. Help us clease our vile brothers and you will get a powerful friend. |
Re: BAG (Started!)
Let's do a quick fact check on Abysia's statement. Does Midgard control 4 capitals? No, we do not. We control less than 4 capitals. So, you might not want to go to Abysia for fair and balanced information.
In any case, the people of Abysia are at least living, which is why I do not ask for the world's aid against them. As I'm sure this board has seen posted countless times, LA Ermor is an abomination, and must be stopped before they can blight any more lands. |
Re: BAG (Started!)
Descrimination is an ugly thing. Just because we are dead doesn't mean we don't have feelings...in an intillectual sense.
Re: BAG (Started!)
Wow, I had no idea how disliked the people of Midgard were. This turn, not one, but two (2!) new nations attacked us, breaking their long held NAPs. For those of you who just joined us, that brings Midgard's total number of opponents up to 4 (four). Ryleh and Caelum were the NAP breakers. I can somewhat understand in Ryleh's case, since they at gained a huge amount of territory from the move. Cealum on the other hand picked up exactly one province. If you have NAPs with either Ryleh or Caelum, well, you really don't.
To conclude, I would like to revise my earlier statement. LA Ermor, LA Ryleh, and LA Caelum are abominations, and must be stopped before they can blight any more lands. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: BAG (Started!)
I didn't break a NAP. Did I? I'm pretty sure I didn't.
Re: BAG (Started!)
No no, Ermor is scary but honorable.
Re: BAG (Started!)
I'm having trouble with the new turn. I've had it resent 3 times, but each time it tells me it is corrupted and shuts down. What should I do?
Re: BAG (Started!)
Re: BAG (Started!)
Ok, things are not going well. I staled my last turn, not being able to even see what is happening to me. I can't access the turns(it always says that it is corrupt) and, for the moment, I can't find a solution. I can't reinstall yet because my disk is broken(that is a story I don't even want to think about) and For that reason, I was hoping that we could again postpone, for a few days. I like to think that my nation has enough import that repeated stales or going AI would be a very bad thing, gamewise, and I hope others feel the same. Except for my enemies, I expect they like the stales.
Re: BAG (Started!)
The new turns is corrupt as well? Hmm, that's weird. I will try to take a look later.
Re: BAG (Started!)
BigandScary do you receive your attachments through a web browser based E-mail service or a POP3 server Microsoft Outlook E-mail program? I had a similar problem that was solved when I went to Outlook to grab this current turn.
Re: BAG (Started!)
BigandScary, I've manually sent you your turn, and this time the turn file is definitely not corrupted (I checked it myself), so hopefully you will be all good.
Re: BAG (Started!)
is Lazy_P gone for some reason? I still can't play my turns. I quess I will have to find a sub.
Re: BAG (Started!)
well, strangly, after 3 turns I couldn't play, this one worked. I am back, even if I have had 3 stales.
Re: BAG (Started!)
I'd suggest a break in hosting schedule for the holidays http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: BAG (Started!)
I've set it to effectively quickhost-only (really long turn timer). The next turn's due on the 2nd of January.
Re: BAG (Started!)
I'll be going to military service on 7th of January, but despair not, for Ulm Reborn will not go AI. Digress has shown himself willing to accept the light Aufklarung and will take command over Ulm Reborn on 7th of January.
I'll inform him of all current NAPs, trade deals and basic geopolitical situation which Ulm Reborn have. He has not said yet if he will honor them or not. |
Re: BAG (Started!)
I can be relied on to honor any NAPs and ongoing trade deals that Ulm Reborn has entered into. I am confident that Burnsaber will see that I am well briefed.
I can equally be relied on to do all I can to ensure that the light of Aufklarung remains undimmed. See you on the seventh. |
Re: BAG (Started!)
The timer for this game needs to be put to something more reasonable.
Jazzepi |
Re: BAG (Started!)
Yeah, is this a week per turn?
Re: BAG (Started!)
Just a tip, you should conctact Lazy_Perfectionist with a PM or e-mail to get him change the timer. Since he's elimanated, he might not be watching this thread so carefully.
Re: BAG (Started!)
LP has not been around recently, I'd suggest it might be a good idea for someone else to take over admin. Any volunteers?
Re: BAG (Started!)
Jazzepi |
Re: BAG (Started!)
Great! Okay everyone, I've PMed the password to Jazzepi, so he is now the game admin.
Re: BAG (Started!)
I can't shorten the timer, so we'll have to wait the full duration of the holiday timer. Once this upcoming turn hosts, we'll go to a 48 hour timer.
Let me know if you have any questions/concerns. Jazzepi |
Re: BAG (Started!)
jazzepi you can put in a negative number when "postponing" the game, then you will shorten the time to next host by that number of hours.
Re: BAG (Started!)
Jazzepi |
Re: BAG (Started!)
Just wanted to flag the fact (again) that Burnsaber has passed the leadership of Ulm Reborn into my extremely moderately capable hands (those of you who have played me before this not an invitation to second my personal assessment of my playing skills).
I will attempt to PM those who have current dealings with Ulm Reborn in the near future (Burnsaber sent in the current turn) to reaffirm Ulm Reborn's stance on these matters. I am looking foward to playing - we seem to be living in interesting times. |
Re: BAG (Started!)
Well, it seems it's time for fires of Abyssia to be quenched. Down to some few last provinces i see no chance of accomplishing much anymore, so i'll be going AI next turn.
Thanks for the game, have fun http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Possible issue
There appears there might be an issue with Ulm Reborn and the new patch v3.14 (there certainly is an issue on my Windows machine).
Have contacted llamabeast, whose machine has been patched and will be processing my turn - when he gives me the all clear to send it in. Also Sombre, the author of the mod to check for issues - perhaps to confirm that it isn't a problem at my end. Will keep you updated on the progress in working out the glitch. Will also contact Jazzepi directly. |
Re: Possible issue
Hosting postponed for BAG by 48 hours. The game will now host at 05:35 GMT on Saturday February 2nd.
Please note that this information will not be updated on the game status page for a few minutes. Hosting postponed 48 hours so that we can make sure the mod will work properly under the new version. It'd be very smart of all of you to make sure you keep your 3.10 installs around in case we can't upgrade for this game because of the Ulm Reborn mod. Jazzepi |
Re: Possible issue
Upon testing the issue appears to resolve itself without crashing the game. Ulm Reborn loses its national spells for a turn then regains them - I assume it was an odd effect generated when I patched from 3.10 to 3.14.
I will submit Ulm Reborn's turn to the llamaserver ASAP and inform Jazzepi. Thanks all - especially Llamabeast. |
Re: Possible issue
As soon as we can I'll get Llamabeast to setup the server again and we'll get this show on the road.
Thanks everyone for their patience D: Jazzepi |
Re: Possible issue
Could you set LA Midgard to AI? I think I've done about all I can to slow Ryleh and Ermor down, and I don't want to re-install version 3.10 just to manage my 4 or so remaining provinces.
Good game everyone, it was fun! |
Issue Resolved itself
The game will contine using 3.14 - the problem cropped up after I patched to 3.14 but my .2h was hosted successfully and the weirdness disappears.
So the llamaserver will host using v3.14 - so we should continue to use 3.14. |
Re: Issue Resolved itself
Yup, this is correct. I indicated in my message to keep a 3.10 copy around because I wasn't sure what we would have to do.
I don't have control of the admin options, but when I do, I'll send out an e-mail through them, and put the hosting back 24 hours. After I do that, whatever the hosting time is, we'll stick with. Jazzepi |
Re: Possible issue
All times are GMT -4. The time now is 08:34 AM. |
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