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Baalz January 23rd, 2008 07:29 PM

Re: Mictlan Gem Sale!
Your condescending attitude is quite presumptive and abrasive Xietor. I think I'll leave my response at that.

Zeldor January 23rd, 2008 07:34 PM

Re: Mictlan Gem Sale!

I guess everyone was thinking about how to deal with you after conquer of Man. And after taking down Abysia probably most people were almost ready to stop all wars and unite against you.

Xietor January 23rd, 2008 07:49 PM


My sincere apology baalz. I was not trying to be abrasive or condescending. You are an excellent player to have earned the wrath of the entire free world while playing one of the weaker races.

It is an honor to have a player of your skill in this game, and i do hope you accept my apology. No offense was intended. I will edit my poorly worded post.

Baalz January 23rd, 2008 07:55 PM

Re: Mictlan Gem Sale!
Apology accepted Xietor, and I appologize myself. I'm just a bit grumpy as I very much disagree with your assessment that I'm still winning. I'm not bowing out by any stretch, but I very much expect a drastic drop in my score graphs shortly...:) It's not obvious from the army graph because I'm using mostly thugs but this last turn was rather catastrophic for me army wise...

DrPraetorious January 23rd, 2008 08:00 PM

Re: Mictlan Gem Sale!
Xietor's style leaves something to be desired, but I don't think he means in that way.

Anyway, Xietor's assertion that I could still be competitive in this game has some merit to it, if I really wanted to be tenacious. However, after my second disastrous war, and many other irritating mistakes, I think I'll chalk this down as a learning experience and concentrate on my other two games (where I'm winning.)

There are few things more frustrating that suffering the consequences of your own shortsightedness and stupid mistakes http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif, which is exactly what's happening to me now.

With clever diplomacy I could stay in this thing - and I'm not going AI yet - but I hardly think it's likely.

Tichy January 23rd, 2008 08:04 PM

Re: Mictlan Gem Sale!
Baalz: "It's not obvious from the army graph because I'm using mostly thugs but this last turn was rather catastrophic for me army wise... "

So...I can has my capital back?

By which I mean:


Baalz January 23rd, 2008 08:13 PM

Re: Mictlan Gem Sale!
ROTFL Tichy, how I begged you not to attack me. I begged, I pleaded, I offered a big bribe, and in the end I told you the war would screw me up but I was sure it would screw you up more. Well, if its any consolation I think it did screw me up as much as I don't have any way at this point to even slow down Arco's stately march into my lands. I'd offer to give you your capital back, but I'm sure Arco has other plans for it. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Tichy January 23rd, 2008 08:31 PM

Re: Mictlan Gem Sale!
Yes, all of these things are true, and were tempting. I knew it was a gamble stacked against me to attack you, and I knew I really wasn't ready because the dance with C'tis had stalled my research and diseased half my mages. (You may have seen them. They were all the guys in the front with 2 hit points casting magma bolts until they ate firbolg.)

But my only other option was to sit tight and do nothing as you or whatever coalition attacked you became increasingly powerful, or attack Arco with whom I have good relations, and who wasn't expanding his way to dogpile bait. I made my decision and stick with it. I just wish you'd had to use more than one damn strategy to cause me so much grief.

Zoshan January 23rd, 2008 08:31 PM

Re: Mictlan Gem Sale!
I will, with grace and humility accept anyones surrender at this point in the game. Feel free to send me all your gems and gold.

shard January 24th, 2008 02:25 AM

The Battle of Water and Earth
DrP: I thought it was a pretty even battle actually, until all your ancient ones started breaking, which was pretty lucky for me. I wasn't expecting a full blown attack either.

Xietor: I don't think my silver orangs played a major part in it though, other than some mopping up towards the end and freezing the rest of my troops to death http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Anyway, seeing all those amphibious troops... well - Panjang No Like.

PS - not used to big battles with so many commanders. Is there a way to 'fast forward' without having to use the 'n' key? And does orang refer to the Malay word for 'man'??

Agema January 24th, 2008 07:00 AM

Re: The Battle of Water and Earth
Baalz's tactic with the stealth caught me very much on the hop as Man, although nothing was quite as crippling for me as being stale the first two turns I was attacked. I was quite lucky I'd hired lots of knights of Avalon: they were just about the only troops I had capable of taking on the thugs apart from Beowulf.

Still, this is only my joint-second MP game, and my only non-newbie game, and I'm just hanging in there to learn as much possible before someone completes my demise. (Note to self: make more use of thugs.)

Baalz January 24th, 2008 10:46 AM

Re: The Battle of Water and Earth
Agema, you've done a wonderful job in a rough situation. FWIW what I did would have taken the most veteran player unexpected. I attacked with no warning whatsoever, using thugs nobody could deal with at the time and hit every one of your provinces in two turns - you just had the misfortune of being next to me when I hit con-4. Honestly, if you had stayed dead when you were down to just a sieged capital (I badly underestimated Beowulf and was way too slow countering those knights) I would have been able to roll over Abyssia fast enough to have the forces ready hit T'ien Ch'i overwhelmingly the turn that war started leaving me with free troops to fight Arco or Ermor while skirmishing the other. The fact I wrote you off prematurely is directly responsible for my current woes.

Baalz January 24th, 2008 10:47 AM

Re: The Battle of Water and Earth

shard said:
PS - not used to big battles with so many commanders. Is there a way to 'fast forward' without having to use the 'n' key? And does orang refer to the Malay word for 'man'??

Hit 'f'

Xietor January 24th, 2008 04:45 PM

Re: The Battle of Water and Earth
Silver Orang is just a name I came up with. So it has no intentional reference to anyone or anything, living or dead. Any resemblance to anyone or anything is purely coincidental, and if proven otherwise by a final judgment of a court with valid jurisdiction, it should be considered "fair use" of the term(s) within the meaning of the International Copyright Act.

Xietor January 25th, 2008 05:50 PM

Re: The Battle of Water and Earth
Bones addressed the faithful:

"Eriu is far from done. But while their Great Mother with 405 hps(in her dominion), 16 revig, 25 prot, and 86 regen, is fighting us, our friends are regaining what they lost.
So other nations should see little resistance in gobbling up Eriu Provinces.

Rumors spread by Eriu that Arcoscephale is attacking Tien Chi's capital are an attempt to sow dissension among the victimes of Eriu's aggression that have banded together to throw his Tuathians back into their own foul lands.

We have a mutual defense pact and a 3 turn nap with noble Tien Chi. And we have worked in concert with Tien Chi. And it is our intention to see Tien Chi occupy Eriu's capital.

Arcoscephale is not an aggressive nation. We treat with our friends, and wreck havoc on our enemies. Any race with a death dominion IS an enemy of Arcoscephale. And we are comfortable with our present borders.

While our forward army was defeated by the Great Mother last turn, we are pleased that our brave troops hacked so deeply into one of her giant legs that she now walks with a limp.

Our Astrologers have also marked the Great Mother for special attention should a Nation with Blood Magic desire to send a Horror or 4 to the province in which she dwells(180).

Now that we have seen the Beast, our Astrologers are busy studying methods to bring her down!"

Xietor January 28th, 2008 11:33 AM

Re: The Battle of Water and Earth
New Patch 3.14 is out.

Llamabeast says for the turn that hosts next, you can use old version, but you must download the patch for next turn.

shard January 28th, 2008 12:03 PM

Re: The Battle of Water and Earth
What happens if we dl and use the patch now? Will there be any difference? Can't wait to play around with Bogarus!

Meglobob January 28th, 2008 12:29 PM

Re: The Battle of Water and Earth

shard said:
What happens if we dl and use the patch now? Will there be any difference? Can't wait to play around with Bogarus!

If the servers 3.10 and you use 3.14 you will crash the server and the turn will not run until your 2h file is deleted.

Meaning you will stale or after do your turn all over again from scratch using 3.10.

Copy your dom exec to your desktop, rename Dom310, cut/paste it back where it was. Then install 3.14. Now you can play sp 3.14 and use the 3.10 exec to do your turns.

Xietor January 28th, 2008 12:30 PM

Re: The Battle of Water and Earth
I would send in your turn before downloading the patch(just to be safe). But Llamabeast says you can do it either way for this turn. Everyone must use the 3.14 version for the turn after this one.

Meglobob January 28th, 2008 12:38 PM

Re: The Battle of Water and Earth

Xietor said: But Llamabeast says you can do it either way for this turn.

Llamabeasts tech knowledge is far superior to mine, so I am probably wrong but I am sure he said that last patch and there were problems.

My way is 100% safe and I have been throu all the patches from 3.00 ---> present.

Xietor January 29th, 2008 11:10 AM

Re: The Battle of Water and Earth
Llamaserver added an extra day to the host(because of the patch). But I do not think we need 72 hours at this stage to do a turn. And I reserve the right to shorten it back to the original duration if a delay is not warranted. In this case Llamabeast applied the patch in minutes so no delay at all is warranted.

Nonetheless, I did leave 10 hours of the delay in tact since 2 persons did not have their turns in yet.

Xietor January 29th, 2008 03:48 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
General reporting to Bones, Supreme Immortal:
"Sire, despite sound defense, we were raided by Eriu's pretender and 10 thugs. We regret to report that we killed only 2 of his thugs. many provinces were lost."

Bones chuckles. "Eriu will find getting his thugs into my lands is easier than getting them out. While he has only been a nuisance to this point, and i did not want to shift mages away from key research, the time has come to fully commit to the war effort. And that includes our mages.

"Let the Mind Hunts Begin in Ernest!"

"Also General, hard times call for hard measures. You may notice that our forces are now being bolstered by undead generals. I do not anticipate that your men shall ever be in close quarters with the undead.

But I have determined these Undead Generals are just what we need to take back our provinces from Eriu with minimal loss. Not to mention, should we outguess him and have our Bane Lords waiting in a province he attacks, his fey thugs will prove no match for our Undead Generals.

I also think these Undead Generals can kill that accursed Great Mother. Time will tell. If she has the heart to leave her dominion, I will kill her myself.

Hadrian_II January 29th, 2008 04:23 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
It seems that our war agains marignon has forced the evil empire to pull back his troops from the outer realm and now big parts of his former empire have become independent.

We have also retreated from his capital to recieve reinforcements, and we are now almost ready to deliver the final blow to marignon.

Bandar log will also provide asylum for the caravans of agarthans that arrived in our capital lately. We hope that the caverns of our lands are big enough for them.

Baalz January 29th, 2008 11:50 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
I fear the song of the Tuatha draws near to the end. Foes rise from every corner of the world overwhelming us by sheer press of flesh. From north and south foul sorceries destroy the minds of our lords while foul undead are raised in ever growing numbers as the twins Arcoscephale and Ermor slowly crush the life from us. Insurgents in the former nations of Abyssia and Man continue to bleed us while the Emperor of T’ien Ch’i continues to mount resistance and defy our retribution for his aggression. Our noble lords are slowly ground down as the waves erode boulders, small as their lives and will are these common men have numbers without end.

The future looks bleak for the Sidhe, and the last of the Tuatha suit for their final battles. With little hope of lasting victory we marshal our last strength in defense of the old ways. Once we are gone the world shall be a bleaker place but one thing is certain, the final verse of the Tuatha song will be a glory worth singing.

shard January 31st, 2008 05:08 AM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
While we believe that the Monkey people only have the utmost of good intentions for the plight of the Agarthan citizenry they can be assured that such concern is unnecessary.

Agartha's citizenry will hopefully achieve what they have always dreamed for eversince swarms of amphibious ones were spotted on the coast; freedom to enter and roam the seas. Under the benevolence of Panjang, of course.

Xietor January 31st, 2008 02:51 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Chief Astrologer Quadious reports to Bones:

"Sire, we are pleased to report 4 of 5 of our mind hunts were successful. That is 4 less Eriu commanders in our lands, and they were all carrying items."

General Alexioz reporting to Bones:

"It was as you said my lord. Eriu actually tried to attack our twin capitals. And we killed the invaders and captured some neat items. We also retook 3 of the provinces we previously lost, and successfully defended another. Eriu's invsion is not yet fully contained, however. Eriu still has a few thugs running around making mischief."

Bones smiled evilly. "Eriu has clearly underestimated us. If he thought to paralyze us as he did Abysia, he has no earthly idea who he is trifling with. And even had he succeeded in sieging our capital, does he not realize that the time of armies has passed?

A new power has awoken. A power that needs no gold or food to survive. Tremble Eriu. The time of thy doom is at hand. And your aggressive actions against our peaceful people has hastened it.

I see you Great Mother, limping and horror marked. A pitiful sight for a pretender to be sure. All we need to do is curse you and you will be a complete mess.

By all means keep coming North dear. One foot in my dominion and you will learn why your ancestors feared the night!"

DrPraetorious January 31st, 2008 06:36 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
After Agartha terminates the invasion that is being carried out by the wicked Atlantean and Marignonese, Atlantis will no longer be a power worth considering. I say to those depraved individuals who plot beneath the waves, thinking to perpetrate psychological war and brainwashing: wait. Do not be hasty because your disappointment will be huge. You will reap nothing from this aggressive war, which you launched on Agartha, except for disgrace and defeat.

-- Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf, Prophet of Knife Bright Insight

Xietor February 4th, 2008 01:43 PM

Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
In a deep cavern underneath the Capital, Bones, immortal, undead, and surrounded by an unearthly chill gazed clearly upon his undead general despite the pitch black condition of the room.

Undead General: The Great Mother is no more Creator.

Bones: Yes, the weapons I forged for your "brother" were designed to kill her. She really never had a chance. Poor woman. In time I will release her from the fragile shell in which she dwells. Then she will serve me.

She was a worthy adversary, however, and likely would have gone far had she not become too dangerous to leave unopposed.

Xietor February 4th, 2008 04:51 PM

The standings Late Summer year 4:

1. Atlantis
2. Caelum
3. Eriu
4. Ermor

1. Atlantis
2. Caelum
3. Eriu
4. Ermor


1. Atlantis
2. Bandar Log
3. Caelum
4. Eriu

Gem Income
1. Atlantis
2. Caelum
3. Ermor

Army Size
1. Mictlan
2. Caelum
3. Ermor

1. Ermor
2. Bandar Log
3. Ermor

Clear leader is Atlantis, though he is not battle tested. Caelum is likely the true leader, with Ermor hot on his heels.

Mictlan, Eriu, Arcos, Bandar Log and Marignon are in the hunt, but behind.

Man, Abyisa, Tien Chi, Agartha,and pythium are all likely too far in a hole to climb out of.

Sir_Dr_D February 4th, 2008 11:58 PM

Re: ReStandings
Sure Xietor, leave out the dominion score where I am leading. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif And everywhere that I am forth you only list the top 3.

Incidentally I just found an unexpected use of the Tithe collectors sacred monuments. Horror mark decoys. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif It seems that Bandar log actually tried to to horror mark my pretender. Too bad he was elsewhere at the time. I suppose that when a horror finally comes to take the lives of those poor sacred monuments, that we will end up with a blind horror. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Xietor February 5th, 2008 12:03 AM

Re: ReStandings
You need to read the message of the day. Words of wisdom. It is not necessarily a good thing to lead the score graphs!

Tichy February 5th, 2008 12:13 AM

Re: ReStandings
I'm just amazed by Ermor. First AND third in research. How does he do it?!

shard February 5th, 2008 02:04 AM

Re: ReStandings
Atlantis isn't a leader, just bumbling along, discovering new things about the game every turn! %^$#@ castles on land can't recruit any leaders was one lesson I learnt that way. And that there are SOOOOO many spells that can't be cast underwater which I had taken for granted.

Incidentally, when you receive a notice that so and so has been slain by a mental attack - that means you've been targeted with a mind hunt? Whats the best way to prevent those? My poor scout... anyway, is there a way to tell if theres been a failed attack against you?

Meglobob February 5th, 2008 02:48 PM

Re: ReStandings

shard said:Incidentally, when you receive a notice that so and so has been slain by a mental attack - that means you've been targeted with a mind hunt? Whats the best way to prevent those? My poor scout... anyway, is there a way to tell if theres been a failed attack against you?

Yes, definately mind hunt.

Have your own S mage in the province.

It fails when you get a message saying your dude resisted and survived.

Baalz February 5th, 2008 03:01 PM

Re: ReStandings
*sigh* incidentally, you'd think having a MR of 17-21 would provide some resistance to mindhunts, even with penetration boosts. Sadly I'm not exaggerating when I estimate that about 15 of 18 mindhunts I've been hit with this game have been successful. Am I wrong about the mechanics of how that works (figuring I'd have a better than even chance against even a rune smasher + eye of the void + spell focus) or was I just unlucky? I suppose some of them could have been from big astral pretenders, but man it's annoying to watch even my guys with MR pendants dropping like Ulmish knights.

Anyway, I'm not long for this world. I'm going down fighting, but I do hereby release those of my neighbors who've held their NAP's with me. No need for my friends to miss out on the feeding frenzy...

Meglobob February 5th, 2008 03:11 PM

Re: ReStandings
Well you have been slightly unlucky Baalz, 17-21 MR is simply not high enough, you still have a 30% - 40% chance of dieing, approx.

Thats why sometimes lead shield, rainbow armour and armour of souls are good too.

Of course, it sucks big time when you play a nation with little or no astral magic.

Xietor February 5th, 2008 03:34 PM

Re: ReStandings
I feel for you Baalz even though I must admit I am the guilty party with respect to your mind hunts. And you are correct, the mind hunts are pen. 5.

In Alpaca i was facing Gameextremist who was playing Arcos, while I was playing Pangaea(high mr mages)and I was simply amazed as to how high your mr needs to be to resist mind hunts. Typically above 25 is almost mind hunt proof. 23-25 is pretty safe.

Below 23 and it is open season. I have 2-3 threads that fell on deaf ears on the forums saying cost for mind hunt should be raised above the paltry 2 s gems it costs.

And the sad thing with arcos, is the risk of feeble mind is completely negated if you have 3 priestesses set to healing in the province from which you are mind hunting.

I finally took his capital and that ended the mind hunts. Short of that, you are screwed.

Xietor February 5th, 2008 03:45 PM

Re: ReStandings
I would caution any race that taking "free provinces" from an enemy when i have done the bulk of the work is viewed by me with great displeasure.

If you are not presently at war with Eriu(I thought everyone was), than take Eriu provinces at your own risk.

Xietor February 5th, 2008 03:53 PM

Re: ReStandings
Lastly, I want to do a public salute to Baalz. He came up with a tremendous strategy for playing what I wrongly thought was a race with no hope. And it is completely viable in a vanilla game with no mods.

Had Baalz not be ganged by 5 races, he certainly could have won this game. Which is why I suspect he started a new game with score graphs off! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

shard February 7th, 2008 01:13 PM

...of mindhunts and screwing

Xietor said:
And the sad thing with arcos, is the risk of feeble mind is completely negated if you have 3 priestesses set to healing in the province from which you are mind hunting.

I finally took his capital and that ended the mind hunts. Short of that, you are screwed.

Say... aren't you Arcos?

We're screwed! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Xietor February 7th, 2008 01:23 PM

Re: ...of mindhunts and screwing
Hardly, i am not in the top 3 of any score graphs(: Never could overcome my slow start. So I am basically helping the newer players in my area.

If I really was going to win I would have taken Tien Chi's capital when Baalz had it under siege and i had an army next to it. Instead i freed his provinces for him.

Arcos will be a king maker this game, not the King.

Sir_Dr_D February 12th, 2008 12:33 AM

Horrible news in Marignon.
Flagellant Bob: I just heard some horrible news. I have heard some bad things about the monkey king, but I didn’t think even he would resort to that.

Missionary Dave: You are referring to what happened to poor Taurvati? (may he fill us with power.)

Flagellant Bob: But Taurvati is so gentle, and has done so many good things. He only rose to become the new god so he could save the world from wickedness. Is what the monkey king did really true?

Missionary Dave: I am afraid so. Last month Taurvati learned he had a number of followers in one of Bandar Logs provinces. He traveled there to teach these people, and give them wisdom. But the mischievous monkey king showed up. Taurvati tried to reach out to him, but instead the monkey king poked him in the eye. Tauvrati, as powerfull as he is, could have easily defeated this monkey, but instead Taurvati flew away so he could think of some other way to reach out to this wicked creature.

Flagellant Bob: But now Taurvati is going to have to spend the rest of his existence with only one eye! I will poke the monkey king in the eye and see how he likes it.

Missionary Dave: Remember Flagellant Bob, Taurvauti teaches forgiveness and to only use violence when necessary. The Grand Masters forgot about that and got greedy with there power and what happened?

Flagellant Bob: heretic monkeys arrived and slew them.

Missionary Dave: But Marignon had many virtuous followers such as yourself and what happened?

Flagellant Bob: Creatures out of the sea rose up, and destroyed the heretic statue makers, and powerful angels arrived and helped us drive the heretic monkeys out.

Missionary Dave: See! When you are virtuous things go your way. And now the heretic monkeys are on the run ,and we have freed a number of provinces from the monkey kings influence. Which means we can now start teaching the monkeys the joy and wisdom of Taurvati.

Flagellant Bob : Hurrah!!! We get to save the monkeys!

Missionary Dave: Now you should really find the Tithe Collector. He has some things he needs you to do.

Flagellant Bob: The Tithe Collector scares me, but I will find him. (He starts wandering off chanting ‘Stop the monkey king! Save the monkeys! ‘ )

Xietor February 12th, 2008 01:13 PM

Re: Horrible news in Marignon.
Agartha, led by the indomitable Dr.P, has been defeated on turn 45.

Dr. P had the misfortune to get caught in a 3 way war with none of 3, Atlantis, Marignon, or Pythium on his side.

Thank you for playing Dr. P, and any comments on the Agartha Hero will be appreciated.

Xietor February 14th, 2008 01:22 PM

Re: Horrible news in Marignon.
General Tartasis reporting to Bones: Our never defeated army was destroyed my lord. The Tuatha mages cast fog warriors, then the great mother cast earthquakes, while their other mages peppered our troops with orb lighting, petrify, and frozen heart.

Bones: Baalz has feigned weakness it seems. Eriu is far from dead. We will have to pull the remnants of our army back to our lands and regroup. A sound defeat.

Our fears that Atlantis has been aiding Eriu with gems is also confirmed. And more than that it seems they are acting in concert. The foolish undersea dweller does not realize that destroying Eriu, if we are able to finish the task, is a public service.

shard February 14th, 2008 03:03 PM

Re: Horrible news in Marignon.
Atlantis aiding Eriu with gems? Acting in concert? The mind hunters have great penetration, but this must have been quite a desperate shot in the dark.

Panjang proclaims anathema to heretics, those who threaten his abode under the waves, and those who betray him. The concerns of the rest of the landlings interest him not. In fact Eriu's plight concerns him even less, as it is a most fitting punishment for they who were foolhardy enough to venture into the deep seas without Panjang's leave*.

*See Page 23

Baalz February 15th, 2008 11:04 AM

Re: Horrible news in Marignon.
Never fear, the world vs Eriu alliance remains strong. Atlantis is in fact on the very long list of people attacking me and in fact was the first to do so other than the ones I attacked. That battle really only used like 15 gems, just had the right research and it was unexpected.

The song of the Tuatha continues to draw to a close, this was likely the climax as I remain utterly unable to staunch the blood flow. Those who haughtily lay claim to the heartland of Eriu though will find no free meal here.

Xietor February 15th, 2008 01:36 PM

Re: Horrible news in Marignon.
Baaltz you lost a host of vine shields. there is no way you had that many n gems. Someone is feeding you(or was).

Though you are outnumbered, 3 of the nations are small and/or have new players, and one stale turns a lot and has more interest in taking abysia provinces then taking yours.

But it is always harder to dig out a person in his castles in his dominion. Much easier to defend than attack when it comes to castles.

You had a good battle plan. I actually anticipated the fog warriors, but not the earthquakes. Not much i can do about that with my present research and mage paths anyway.

Baalz February 15th, 2008 02:58 PM

Re: Horrible news in Marignon.
Nah, with the exception of one trade partner (who I traded for some nature gems) the most anyone has done to help me is to honor their NAPs. You will, of course, believe what you want but with the epic heroes in play and plenty of time (at this point) to have adjusted themselves every single one of my adversaries is steadily advancing on me, it's pointless to even send out lone thugs with Ermor and Arco very effectively mind hunting me regardless of who's territories I attack, and being attacked by 6 people (7 if the Mictlan AI decides I look like a weak target)...well, my larger armies can only be in a couple places at a time and other than a couple tricks aren't that terribly scary.

I suppose your point is that you believe I'm feigning weakness, I guess I'll take that as a compliment that you fear me despite the terrible position I'm in. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

(FYI, I started site searching turn 2 for water/nature sites for exactly this reason)

Hadrian_II February 16th, 2008 12:58 PM

Re: Horrible news in Marignon.
Bandar Log is crushed, we werent able to defend against the evil empire of marignon. Our great army was shattered without survivors. Raiding parties of the evil empire roam free through our territory.

The people of Bandar Log are leaving their territory, hoping to get asylum in the east in arcoscephale. And the human leaders of the outer parts of the empire are starting to collaborate open with the enemy.

We call on the empires of Atlantis and Arcoscephale to shield as much of our territory from marignon as they can.

Notes to the log.
Communions are no tool for battles, when you see 20 communion slaves die in one turn, then something is quite wrong. (Just 6 masters)

Flaming Arrows are a pain in the arse, does someone know if they can dispel mistform?

Why have rishis always to cast stuff like berserkers and healing http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Agema February 16th, 2008 04:00 PM

Re: Horrible news in Marignon.
There's a 1% chance of a mistform being cancelled by an attack, and it's automatically cancelled if 25+ points of damage after protec are caused. I think flaming arrows actually cause two attacks (the arrow, then the fire). So that gives them twice as much likelihood of getting a 1% cancelling, as well as the chances that 25 damage may be inflicted on one of the two occasions.

It's possible that the fire and the arrow may be counted together for the damage, in which case 10-12 damage (AP?) plus an AP fire attack has a fair chance of causing 25 damage to unit with average protec in the one attack.

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