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DrPraetorious November 22nd, 2008 02:54 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Obviously I failed to notice the request for an extension - sorry about that. Good luck to everyone.

I'm going to start setting stale positions to AI soon - who all needs to be set to AI?

Zeldor November 22nd, 2008 03:54 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Pythium, I guess. He has staled last 10-15 [ouch!] turns and his lands are not getting conquered by his neighbours [not even a teammate, huh].

PsiSoldier November 22nd, 2008 04:37 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Errrr actually it looks to me like Ulm has been gobbling up Pythiums province's like taking Candy from a baby.

Which has me a bit worried. So by all means set him to AI to give Ulm a little bit of a challenge at least.

Micah November 23rd, 2008 03:32 AM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Well, he's not using them! =)

Executor November 23rd, 2008 08:36 AM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Hello all, I've taken over Jomon.

One stupid question perhaps, haven't played many network games.
Shouldn't there be some sort of password protection?
I mean to me it look that anyone can look at anyones turn.

AreaOfEffect November 23rd, 2008 09:44 AM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
It is something the players forgot to do (thanks llamaserver). We've been on the honor system, so be honorable.

Executor November 23rd, 2008 10:14 AM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Honor system?
Sorry if I do not put so much faith in people but many players rarely honor even NAPs not to mention the ability to see the other players turn.

Psi just told me that Gandalf can check if someone is cheating, so I assume that means if someone downloaded some turn besides his own.

Well at least I can look at my allies turn.

DrPraetorious November 23rd, 2008 02:39 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Failing to honor an NAP is *not* cheating. It's dishonorable but within the rules, absolutely.

Looking at another player's turn w/out permission *is* cheating. The server records (with a timestamp) whenever someone connects. I can match that up with connection logs but it's a major pain. Generally speaking, there has been only one download of each turn per turn cycle, so if someone has been spying on turns, it certainly hasn't been widespread.

That said, if I'd been more on the ball when the game started, I would've reminded people to set passwords - the start of the game was delayed to a very inconvenient time for me, and I uploaded the wrong pretender file myself. There wasn't much interest in trying to restart.

Zeldor November 23rd, 2008 03:20 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
We should have restarted when it was discovered after 1st turn. But I really doubt someone was/is cheating and looking at someones turn. At least I hope so.

Executor November 23rd, 2008 04:21 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
I know dishonoring a NAP isn't cheating, but I assume people get tempted to check the turn. It's like catching a glimpse of a test your about to do.

I'm just saying you can't expect people to play fair all the time.

Generally speaking, there has been only one download of each turn per turn cycle, so if someone has been spying on turns, it certainly hasn't been widespread.

I'm not really familiar with network games but I assume it can be checked whos turn someone downloaded? For example if I downloaded my and my ally turn?

Lingchih November 23rd, 2008 06:52 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
You can't look at my turn Exe. I used a condom.

Seriously though, no one has been cheating. It's a bit messed-up, but everyone has been honorable. After all, do you really want to win a game that you have cheated in?

Executor November 23rd, 2008 07:16 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
I hope it remains that way.

After all, do you really want to win a game that you have cheated in?

Huh, ask that the player who got kicked out for cheating in KingMaker.

Zeldor November 23rd, 2008 07:17 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Kingmaker? There was a cheater in Victoria.

Executor November 23rd, 2008 08:13 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Well I don't know some large game where they put him to AI and nobody can kill the AI now.

DrPraetorious November 23rd, 2008 10:11 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!

I'm not really familiar with network games but I assume it can be checked whos turn someone downloaded? For example if I downloaded my and my ally turn?
Oh, yeab, several people (myself included) have been set up to download their turn and their ally's turn at the same time - I filter those out when looking for inconsistent downloads.

It would be possible to scheme the system in such a way that it would be hard for me to tell that something was wrong - but it'd be a lot of work.

PsiSoldier November 24th, 2008 07:08 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Ok, Marginon has disregarded our NAP and attacked unprovoked without canceling the NAP first. His forces are pathetic however and will be easily crushed.. I suppose his sneak attack may have actually just been a suicide attempt to get me to take him out of the game..

Well that is whats going to happen now.

Zeldor November 24th, 2008 07:15 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
R'lyeh confirms - Marignon is ruled by madmen, even without our dominion there! They are doing suicidal things for some time. We may need to replace their madness with our madness. Better version of madness of course.

PsiSoldier November 24th, 2008 07:43 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Hahaha I just noticed they attacked me with Belphegor the Lord of Hell and their Moloch pretender. My sacred troops will eat them both alive in mere seconds. That is if my Province Defense alone doesn't kill them first.

Its ok though R'lyeh need not get involved Nor the Land greedy nation of Ulm T'ien Ch'i has already dispatched Sacred riders to towards the border of Marginon and the last of Mictlan's province's will fall VERY soon (Given the fact that two of his forts strangely dissapeared for no Apparent reason this turn meaning we do not need to siege them) allowing our Huge Northern army to move south.

I love it.

Executor November 25th, 2008 09:34 AM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Jomon will be joining this holy crusade against the evil devil worshipers. :)

AreaOfEffect November 25th, 2008 08:55 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
We are only waiting on Pythium. They should be set to AI and then we will know if the quickhost is still on. I personally can't remember the last time a turn happened in less then the maximum turn cycle.

Lingchih November 25th, 2008 08:59 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Yes, all the staling has definitely turned what was a fun game into a real grind. Hopefully all the stalers are AI or dead now.

PsiSoldier November 25th, 2008 10:31 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Ok, I will be leaving for Thanksgiving traveling 13 Hours to my Grandmothers house in Illinois where I will not have access to internet or my computer from Wed. tomorrow until Sunday night.

If the game can be delayed until My return that would be great. Or if not then hopefully Executor can sub for me somewhat But I'd like to see the game delayed so I do not miss anything important.

I see there is only 4 hours left until it hosts this turn so hopefully I can go ahead and get this next turn done before I leave and it could be delayed after that until my return which would hopefully only be about an additional 48 hours maybe a bit more if this next turn goes the entire 48

Lingchih November 25th, 2008 10:40 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Get your turn done before you leave Psi, pretty please/

Micah November 25th, 2008 11:15 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
I'm with Psi, I'll try to get my turn done tonight/tomorrow before I leave, but I won't be back til Sunday night.

Lingchih November 25th, 2008 11:17 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
After the host tonite, we might as well just hold til Monday or so. American players are mostly on a holiday.

DrPraetorious November 25th, 2008 11:51 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
I'll turn off the hosting timer after the current turn hosts, and then turn it back on again on Monday?

It'd be nice if some good samaritan would log on and start setting positions to AI. I will do so once I'm eliminated :).

Lingchih December 1st, 2008 01:00 AM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
I think we are good to go for Monday. Everyone seems to be back (that is, those who are coming back).

Let's try to get this baby finished by Christmas or so, eh? It's been a long game, and we are all getting tired of it.

DrPraetorious December 1st, 2008 01:52 AM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Well, you could all just surrender to me, since you have no chance anyway.

Timer is set back to 48 hrs.

Lingchih December 4th, 2008 03:42 AM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Hey, bug out, Tien Chi. This is not your war.

Lingchih December 8th, 2008 01:02 AM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!

The small and seemingly insignificant nation of Pangaea had survived the onslaught of Ermor and Agartha. They were sorely tested, but with the help of their god Hysteria, they beat back the undead hordes, and with the help of their ally Ulm, defeated them. Many of their lands were rendered dead and infertile, but the end was achieved.

But, while this war had been going on, the Pan mages conceived of a new plan. This plan was too reanimate the corpses of the old, revered Pans of the past, and re-unite them with their immortal souls. And so, the Carrion Lords were born.

The Carrion Lords are terrible to behold, and they command vast armies of raised manniken. When these armies were ready, they set out to conquer the lands of the blasphemers Pythium and Marignon. Their deadly sleep vines tear even the mightiest heroes to shreds.

Now, Pangaea means to make a name for itself in the history of the Great Nations. No longer just a support force for Ulm, they will conquer vast lands of their own.

Hysteria be praised!

Micah December 8th, 2008 04:49 AM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Quiet you, now get back in the kitchen and make me a sammich!


Lingchih December 9th, 2008 03:17 AM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Make your own sammich, sir! We may fight with you, but we do not cook for you.

That said, we just made a really good harpie sammich. Roasted harpy with lettuce, tomatoes and cheese, on a sourdough bun. You should stop by and try one.

Lingchih December 12th, 2008 05:11 AM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
December bump.

Heh. That was a joke. But it did get the thread moved back onto the first page.

Micah December 12th, 2008 04:35 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
I'm out of town for the weekend and might need an extension. My ally has told me that my turns hurt his head, so asking him to sub for a bit might not work out so well.

He can't even make a decent sammich...


Zeldor December 12th, 2008 05:02 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
I'd support 24h more for the turn, I won't have much time during the weekend.

AreaOfEffect December 12th, 2008 06:55 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
While reviewing my allies situation I inadvertently ended the turn rather then quit without saving. I'm sure Zeldor wants to take the reins on this next turn. That said, can we either turn Quickhost off for the moment or somehow remove the turn orders for Ry'leh.

DrPraetorious December 12th, 2008 08:26 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!

Send me a pm (just one, plz) when something like this happens as I don't check the thread religiously.

Lingchih December 12th, 2008 08:54 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
I'm more than fine with an extension. Please don't make me play Micah's turn.

Zeldor December 12th, 2008 09:00 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
You must be happy you didn't survive in KM after all? :) Some people have really huge empires.

Lingchih December 12th, 2008 09:06 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Yes, I like small games. When the turn report takes me half an hour just to read it all, that's too much. And, needless to say, I never play LA Ermor. It's been a while, but as I recall, I basically suicided myself in Kingmaker.

DrPraetorious December 13th, 2008 11:27 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Does anyone besides Lingchih wan't an extension? If I see three or more requests (arbitrary number I just made up), then I'll turn the host timer off for a while.

Zeldor December 14th, 2008 12:58 AM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
I could use 24h more to do my turn properly.

Lingchih December 15th, 2008 01:28 AM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Sorry about the stale. My turn is in early this time.

Lingchih December 17th, 2008 03:26 AM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
And my turn is in even earlier this time.

Not hard to do turns, when all you are doing is whomping on a dead AI nation.

Zeldor December 17th, 2008 11:53 AM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Wanna change? :)

AreaOfEffect December 17th, 2008 04:37 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Your doing more then just that Lingchih. I here you and Ulm haven't had much success with a few of your scouting parties.

Lingchih December 17th, 2008 10:06 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
Yeah, found out the hard way that Carrion Lords are not really very stealthy.

Executor December 19th, 2008 08:47 AM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
I think it's about time that everyone teamed up on Ulm and Pangaea, since they control half the map and have the ultimate gateway, which is probably why they control half the map.


Micah December 19th, 2008 01:41 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
We have the ultimate gateway? Man, why didn't I notice that? I must suck at this game. Thanks for letting me know about it, I'll go double check my turns now!

We also don't control half the map, in case anyone was in the business of believing what Executor is saying.

Executor December 19th, 2008 01:54 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
You just had to ruin my plan to start a World War against you!
Do not believe Ulm, they do hold the Ultimate Gateway!

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