![]() |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
I don't know how well spider riders fit thematically with dom3k. I am having trouble imagining a spider rider that could charge into a line of ulmish space marines without being shot to pieces. Maybe instead you could use just Black Hunters, and turn them into some kind of super-heavy sacred tank? Maybe you can find a way to make it work though.
Likewise I don't know about making the spider independants into machaka recruitables, they can be useful but it's already pretty easy to recruit them if you want. It wouldn't really help that much to have them as recruitables. Possibly as a cheap summon wouldn't be too bad, but I think if you do it should almost be a different kind of spider that's a bit better than the indies you can recruit. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
Yeah, the only currently approved map for Dom3k is the Solar System Map. The Galaxy Map was basically the beta map for dom3k, scrapped when aezeal decided to change over to forest spaces instead of water. I am currently working on a second, larger map. Hopefully it will be done within a few days and we will have another galaxy to fight over.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
yeah my bad Loren, I still had both up and when I needed to add something else (ow the preview for that map rdonj is working on I wanted to deleted galaxy at war but somehow removed to other one I noticed only after I'd asked you to DL the mod, sorry to have wasted a game for you.
Hope it works now. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
Rdonj if we aim for a short and fast test game it might be nice to set up the MP game now on the old map and then do a quick and nasty game to test it all and then do some changes and try a new game on your map (which might be finished then and tested (also important).
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I've released 0.76, it's not much changed, only added the arena reward and lowered the ulm farsummon a bit.
I did it mostly since there where multiple 0.75 versions and that would not be a good idea for MP I think, now everyone will have to play with this one :D I'm creating a MP thread in the MP forum now.. all regulars in here are welcome sign up. I'll take R'lyeh since it was said to be the weakest nation. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Ok, an observation on the correct map:
My gripes about being pinned by water are gone. In SP at least I find the dragons unplayable on this map. My victories in a more normal game have always been based on being able to pin his armies with assassins. Against the races of this map that doesn't work as well and it's moot anyway--the battle is at knife-fighting range, there's no space to use the strategy that works. I won an early war that Ulm picked but then I was approaching the limits of what my income could support. The game dissolved into being pecked away at by a combination of Jomon and Ry'leh and there was simply nothing to do about it. I could maintain only two fighting forces and that realistically gave me two provinces and a severe negative cashflow. Furthermore, I was always fighting, I couldn't research my way to summons to help, not that I would have had the gems to summon much of anything anyway. It's possible the dragons might fare better in MP because a low army strength doesn't result in an automatic gang-up like it does against the AI but I still don't like it. This race needs room or it dies. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
The new map should make that a bit better... with 130 provinces and 7 players, that's 18 provinces a player, versus the current 69/7 = 9.8. The current map is definitely crowded for 7 races, it will be very hard to expand much with so few provinces. Just curious, what difficulty were you playing on?
I think for dom3k the bonebiters are actually probably not an optimal choice, you'd probably have better luck with ghost dragons. Fighting in space is probably also a good idea, since most races are weaker in space. Unfortunately jomon is not one of those races, and R'lyeh is a terrible enemy for the dragons to have to fight period, because of mind blasting. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Well the MP game now will be relatively short and is mostly to test this sort of thing. R;lyeh is indeed a nasty enemy for every one who uses lower amounts of troops and dragons are one such race. On the otherhand commanders and summons have high MR. Dragons CAN fly and attack rear though so they can bypass the chaff more easily than other nations and just kill the mindblasters faster.
Since there is a lot of flying around all ranged troops need to be supported even more by melee troops else they will be attacked in melee. On the other hand most ranged troops have a better melee ability than most archers and such in the regular game. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
The ghosts can't take out many of the more powerful leaders and the ability to control the enemy with the ghosts is essential for the dragons. Quote:
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
That is based on the Samurai Jack episode "Jack and the Spartans". For some reason, of the dozens of people who combined visuals of that episode with the trailer of the movie "300", only ONE included the awesome "chainsaw-shields" scene: 0:35-0:36 in this one. Nothing else to see in that vid, though. Any way, hoplites are hoplites , so here's the weaponry for Machakan Space-Hoplites, based on the above: SPEAR Rocket-launcher: limited ammo, good range, low-ish precision, high damage + AP, causes 2 points of armor-negating stun damage (fire resistance negates stun) in AoE 2. SPEAR Shockblade: Basic spear upgraded to Dom3000 levels. Probably nothing fancy, although it could deal a point or two of lightning or fire damage if that fits. Hoplite Shield (weapon): bonus weapon with high damage, -3 att, len 1. Shockblade: Used instead of Bane Blades (so limited to few commanders). Armor-piercing, deals fire or lightning secondary damage. Some troops (Spider Rider equivalents) have SPEAR Web-launchers instead of normal rockets. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Oops, I wasn't thinking at the time, sorry.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Umm... I just started a new game with the dragons under the new version and ended up in province 1 with no starting army. I'm not quite sure why, I checked the .dm and the lines for starting units are there. I think maybe it's the province. Btw, you never did fix the venemous dragon's ranged attack.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Monster number 1394, a space kraken is named "predator alien". It's possible it's both ways, I didn't see. Also I have some monter number 0 PD in a forest with dragons.
Well, it's possible to expand with the dragons, but it is REALLY hard to accomplish a lot. I had to use ghost dragons to assassinate most things, and steel dragons to take krakens. Haven't met many space eels but I was able to kill one by sending 3 stargazers set to cast personal luck and attack. Though blessing first would be a good idea to get a little extra morale. I think as things are now the dragons are definitely the weakest race, they can make annoying for other people by assassinating commanders, but they're stuck at their weak level for far too long. I don't think that a rainbow pretender with paths within booster range will work, at least for this map, as you basically need to hit construction 6 to summon anything. Couple that with the amount of research and gems you need to summon anything, you're looking at several years of research before you can summon anything. I think the dragons need to ramp up faster, and possibly reduce the cost of the summons. Possible changes to make them more competetive in dom3k: 1. Give at least some of the dragons a research boost of a couple points. 2: Make stargazers recruit-everywhere. 3: Make another type of dragon that's good at research and not horribly expensive, but otherwise relatively useless. 4: Give the dragons some level of air magic on recruitables, even just 1 air on stargazers would be enough. 4: Reduce the cost of the level 5 conjurations by about 10 or so gems. They might end up being slightly cheap for that level, but you still want 10-35 extra gems worth of equipment to use them, and since you can't get forge bonuses for the nation they'd still be a lot more expensive than something like a bane lord. Plus the dragons need thugs more than other races anyway. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
OK I know what to do.. more AP attacks for the lot of them just like all races here dammit :D (just for dom 3K though)
Why air 1? stargazers recruit everywhere: why not and I'll give them one more research bonus. (unless I decide to give them air one since then they will have more magic already) What was I supposed to fix again in the venemous dragon. I thought the summons where already pretty low on the research scale for their power. I could maybe lower the weakest ones a bit more so you have early acces. Also.. they have 3 multi heroes which are the low level summons (but have very good combat magic paths) so think about luck 3... also helpfull for your gems. If you go relatively high on commanders you could go O 3 for commanders, some troops and lots of castles and then save points on the production scale. A pretender with like 3 magic paths to create boosters, some luck and order and low dominion can help with research too. I'll do this.. before we start the MP game else Loren will have no fun at all. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Air one so it's easier to get thundercloud dragons partly, but also because that way they could forge amulets of missile protection, since they have very poor missile protection for dom3k that would help them a lot. Or maybe give them 1 air income, so they can get air started more easily with their pretender.
You were going to do something to make the venemous dragons do higher damage... atm they have a 4 ap ranged attack, that makes them slightly better at range than ulmish planetary guards. The summons are a bit low on research requirements for the power, yes. It's only the conjuration 5 ones that I am suggesting any sort of change to, they probably come early enough, it's just a matter of getting to the summons, having the gems and being able to cast the spell. I think probably your best bet is a sleeping 4F3A4E5S statue of the dragon god, with that you can cast your first level of summons without needing to get a huge amount of construction first and most summons you can't cast are in close reach. But they really need a huge amount of gems to get those dragons, and it's a bit hard to scrape them together in such a crowded map, with slow expansion. Obviously we need a Baalz guide to dom3k dragons :P It's hard squeezing in all the magic that the dragons need plus scales too. But yeah, both luck and order are very important. With my suggested pretender chassis above, you can get 3 order, 3 luck, and dom 6 with 1 heat and 1 sloth. Taking another sloth or 1 death gets you magic 1, which is almost necessary with the low rp to cost of dragons. Sloth is dangerous though, with 2 sloth I had a second fort in the game I was playing earlier and all surrounding provinces and couldn't build a single commander from it. Yeah, hopefully this will be enough to make them competetive enough to get somewhere in the mp game. I certainly wouldn't want to try how they are now, it would be painful :D |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
ok then I'll add 1 air to the stargazer, I think the dragons are getting a lot there though, sacred, good stats for a mage (very very good), reseach bonus, no old age.. they'll be massed. I 'm doubting wether they should be all castle then... one of these/turn is a pretty solid research base.
And the AP weapons and higher damage on the venom... |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
PS I'm thinking for empowering air 1 or 0 makes no difference.. with his magicboost he'll have 2 after empowerment. (and when I go air 1 I'd have to remove that or he'd have 2 automatically.)
I could give him a2 (incl boost).. would make him pretty powerfull more magic than most recruitables, certainly cap only and costing more.. I do think getting some air somewhere would be thematic. and it's either this or a new dragon but that would make it so.. predictable.. let me hear what you think venom got 8 dmg now. all recruits now have AP claws, which left the bonebiters a bit equal to all others (especially steels) so I gave him a single AP claw attack but made his whiptail -2 att. (it's non AP so it's not that much of a bonus in dom 3K but might give him advantage over steels (with his higher str and hp etc) for some situations. anotherthing: do all onebattlespell work properly now? |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Giving the stargazer air2 wouldn't be bad, and yeah, I'd agree on keeping them cap only. That would help them significantly and put thundercloud dragons much more realistically in reach. I never really liked the idea of a new dragon either, so I'm glad to see a different method used.
I'm not sure if all onebattlespells are working properly, I'm pretty sure the stargazers do luck but I haven't looked through the dm for anything else. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
yeah new dragons would be summons only I'd say..
I think 2 more lvl 5's and/or lvl 6 wouldn't hurt those lvl 5's could be pretty much elemental or paraelemental (as in Dnd) lvl 6 and higher must be something special though :D I've made the lvl 5's 25 pearls though but I'm wondering if you have 55 gems would you get 2 lvl 5's or one lvl 8-9 summon (even assuming you'd have access to both) 25 is pretty cheap. well the lvl 9's are much stronger so maybe I'd get them anyway. I'm contemplating a summons of the dragon god (or his avatar or something) but it's pretty hard making stronger dragons than the ones I already have :D if I make a 999 pearl summons would it be fair if it was a pretty unbeatable (multiple forms each nearly the same so he wouldn't LOOK like a shapeshifter but so soulslay wouldn't work even if they go through the MR (which would be very high) avatar of the dragon god (more so than the avatars that can be pretenders) casting requirements something like 7 astral and 7 something else (death maybe since it's relatively easy to get and this is somewhat of a ressurection :D most high class summons have powerfull onebattle spells |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I don't mind the idea of a super powerful summon that is supposed to be the dragon's god being brought back into the world. But I would make the casting requirements even higher. Say 9 astral, 9 death, and instead of making it a summon make it a different path, like enchantment. Although it would be better if it was a path that really didn't help the dragons otherwise, like thaumaturgy.
Oh I didn't get far enough to summon in that game, I'm going to start over with the pretender I suggested (I used one more rainbow with inferior magic paths that just wasn't going anywhere fast), and see if I can do better. Hopefully I'll even get a starting army this time. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Someone seems to have pushed a sloth dominion onto me, I can't for the life of me muster the willpower to set all those provinces by hand. I did my first today, hopefully as I do more it will feel less painful... I think I need to get some things organized first so the task seems less monumental.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
The organization work I needed to do is done and I have gotten a few more provinces completed. Hopefully I'll have a day soon with more time available in it where I can sit down and do more than a few provinces without having to run off for some reason or another. I haven't really had time to test much either, maybe I shouldn't have gotten myself into all those games.
On a different note, how are all the other nations coming along? It's been a long time since I've seen anything about the ermor nation, and what ever happened to aboleths/neoclidia? How are the pirians coming along? And finally, any more thoughts about the evolution of machaka? |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
@machaka: They're an Africa-esque nation, right? Why not 'update' them? My vision(please don't make me do Machaka, please!) of Machaka is this: A nation that has come back from a massive civil war. The many tribes, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, have finally unified under Machaka.
The tribes in general have less-powerful weaponry (one tribe might not). However, they are numerous, very numerous, and the order of the Black Sorcerers has returned. Machaka would have a lot of magic diversity, though each mage would have roughly the magic diversity of Ermor (ie, you get an okay amount in one path, or very little in two). And I have to leave so I'll finish this up later (I ended up writing the bottom part first). For the nations, I've got two Pirians done (the two heros). I thought I did the pretender too, but no. With winter break gone, I might work on them a bit more (I'd say less but that's not possible to do). As to Neoclidia, it's about finished. I forgot to update it for the forest-provinces, though, so I may get around to that too (or Aezeal might do it I guess since I posted "full" Neoclidia a while ago. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Hey, I must have missed the whole neoclidia mod then? you mean the whole dm file or the sprites too (I'm sure I've not seen the sprites)
where is it? |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
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Here's a .zip. It has both the text and .dm file. No sprites though. Never any sprites. I need a professional spriter or something. Maybe I can go into the year 3000 and steal a weather control droid from Ulm to sprite for me :D
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
hmm without sprites you can't play it :D, I assume Pirians don't have sprites either then... we need an artist taking interest in dom 3K
IS there a solution on the way for the sprites? Do you have pictures on the net that can be used as sprites? - maybe r'leyh sprites from teh void gate (down side is that r'lyeh and their voud gate and it's summons are still in the game - other sprites on the net? Once I have some time I could try to extract spirites from certain pictures if you point me to them.. perferably shots from a side (as dom sprites) if I need to alterstuff it's probably not gonna work. I've read through the file and I love it, only thing not viable is spaceships not being able to go to land provinces, they just can do that and we can't stop it.. you could make a landshape with lower AP, and movement though. And we do need forest shapes (if the unit needs it I assume most ancient ones, old ones and ships don't mind about being in space (unless you want the ships to be weaker on land which probably is a good idea)) maybe even make more other troops better suited to space making this a real space nation but weaker on land.. but with a few troops good on land (and put those and some space troop in PD) |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I might be able to forage some sprites, but it would take some time. Time better spent procrastinating :p I might go through it at some point, but I doubt I could ever summon up the willpower to surf the 'net for good ship sprites.
In fact, I'm almost feeling energetic enough to start right now. I have other stuff to do, unfortunately. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Pirians will probably be easier I guess :d just something with a fiery flare about it :D... and then just scale it with increasing size.. lol a whole nation based on the same sprite :D
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Yeah there are dominions sprites that I know would work at least as placeholders. I used them in a mod I occasionally fiddle with.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I'm dabbling in #copyspr right now, so one quick question: Do need the name of the unit I'm copying or its unit number?
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
The unit number is better since dominions has multiple units with the same name.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Here's a version of it I made. It only works if you have a mod enabled (Dom3000 works), but it should still be up-to-date. Create a new game and play as EA Ermor. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I have a version of it now. :up: I'll be sure to use it when messing with sprites.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
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I don't mean to doublepost (well yeah I do), but I've finally finished Neoclidia. Three hours total to give it all sprites and add in the space/planetforms. Just in time for the MP game! :) It should work.
If it gets added in for the game, I'll stay with the Commonwealth. I don't want to give false impressions of the nation sucking by failing myself. Edit: Getting something about a bad #newsite command. Not sure what that means. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
let's not use it in our soon to start game yet since it's completely untested.
Maybe try and use the order Sombre uses in his mods for the different parts of the mod. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
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Darkwind, plz download the file I've attached to this post, I've edited your file, cleared up a few errors including the ones that didn't let you start the game, and another after that that wouldn't let you either.. and I've actually made your pretender appear in the game.. and given him the pretender stats of moral 30, mr 18 as they all have.. I think you'll need to do some thing with him though seems underpowered.. but at least the nations seems to be working. not tested it further though
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
ps the keypoint was that startsites can't use numbers but need to use names, seems to be incorrect in the manual.. I'll tell thingie that works on it
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
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I fixed the problem with two copies of each Shoggoth and my horrible misunderstanding of spells. Here's a new zip of the nation, hopefully less buggy.
I'll likely start actually playing tomorrow. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
hmm did you use my file? I can't think of solving your original problem with doing something to the shoggoth.. inmy recruitment screen I didn't have 2 version of each shoggoth
-In the descriptions for yithian units it talks about them having some kind of offensive mental powers, but none of them have any. -I had two different versions of deep one priests, yithian awakeners and elder yithian awakeners available in my recruitment screen. -There are two Create Orbital Station spells with the same name and description, but different levels/paths/costs. -Summoned a ranged old one... no ranged weapon. I suspect you have a ranged weapon messed up here somewhere. Suggestions: -I don't really like having troops with their only melee weapon being a fist weapon :) -I also don't like ships with fist weapons! -get rid of the random on the stations and make them automatically have 2E. -might want to do the same with the cultists, it's weird that their description says they can summon old ones when half of them can't. But with them it's less necessary. -you might want to give the neoclidians shields as well. They have a lot of prot but ap weapons drastically reduce the effectiveness or armor. Or you could leave them as they are now and make them into a slightly high numbers race as they are a little less resource-wise than most units. -streamer guns are pretty awful. 3 ap damage is not nearly enough to count as a ranged weapon in d3k. Try making them 6-8ap and seeing what happens. It may be a little overpowered but even 8 in not that much damage for d3k. -I think researching is unnecessarily hard for neoclidia, even their 4 research mage starts old, and is a bit expensive. And they're supposed to be summoning old ones with some of their mages, taking up extra mage time. You should probably rethink mage cost/rp/age, as they are now I think they will research too slow. -lightswords are pretty strong... I haven't used them yet but 16 armor negating damage might be a bit much for national recruitables. -I think the god is a bit weak, he has path costs worse than any titan pretender, barely has better stats than a human pretender, and has terrible research ability. At the moment he's not terribly useful for any purpose. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Okay I checked and the mindblasts you're using don't work because they are written Mindblast instead of Mind Blast. Just put that extra space and capital in there and it should work fine.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I like the feel of the nation though.. the sprites don't exactly fit their high prot etc for the regulars but it's close enough to work. Only thing that is sort of annoying is that R'lyeh usees the mindflayer sprites too.. but since they''ll probably always face eachother from other sides of the battle field it's probably not that much of an issue..
if Rdonj and I agree on the preteder being weak it must be so... Either you make him a rainbow and thus lower newpath cost but I think that isn't the way to go, or you give him some better stats, some ability to reflect his weirdness and an extra magic path, or one path up to 3. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I do really like what you did with orbital stations, having them be effectively manufacturing plants. That's pretty cool. And the ships are a bit closer offensively to what I was thinking when I first envisioned them. But I have the feeling they might be just a little overpowered compared to the units aezeal has made ;) Pretty low hp though.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Having another nation with spaceships etc is good for the mod too (though personally I think getting some new maybe weirder spaceships for this mod should be first priority, also because those sprites are being used a bit often maybe.)
I'm thinking of another nation concept to introduce a death race in dom 3 K.. the sprites would be easy, and no different space forms probably. A world inhabited by religous creatures, with lots of ancestor worship and communication with the souls of ancestors, destroyed by demons, blown apart. Their god/pretender usually a distant sort tried to save them and put all his remaining power into a casting to protect them to give them life eternal even. But the god of the demons twisted the spell and give them life eternal as shades and revenants. A few pieces of that world land in a province, the site Shard of a broken world. A lot of capitol only immortal souls of the pplz of the death planet, warped bu the spells of gods to be undead, ethereal and immortal. In other castles they can only force the souls of the dead that have lived there to follow (regular sort of shadish creatures, probably ethereal, not immortal) all troops have AN attacks but with lowish damage Relatively powerfull priests. Recruitment of the death is not as in LA ermor, you can just buy the souls you want (I'll think of something blabla that the race was advanced in contacting souls no real magic was needed, just some cash to get the right stuff to arrange it etc etc) No spaceships A variet of cap only leaders, a small selection of everywhere recruitables. A capitol |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Hmm, just got some weird "spr number too high for this file" error. I am not quite sure what caused that. I had just summoned my first orbital space station that turn? Yeah, and it doesn't seem to show up in my list of commanders. Unless maybe building one kills the one that made it?
Hmm, you could try something like that. A race with recruitable immortals could be pretty tough to balance. Having lots of ethereal units could be tough too. But if you feel up to the challenge :D |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
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@ranged weapons: Ranged Old Ones are supposed to have lots of Mind Blasts. Streamgunners are supposed to attack 5 times, per turn.
@the pretender: He's supposed to be a semi-SC who can also get high in Astral. I'll lower the path cost to 50 maybe and give him S3. He also has a Mind Blast, but that's not too important. @weapons: The Neoclidians are armed for a new era of Ranged Space Combat. If you're having melee problems due to having almost no melee weaponry, buy some Shoggoths. Trample the opposition under-blob. :p You could also buy Streamgunners. @Orbital Stations: The higher level spell is level 3 Orbital Station. It can only be accessed by a Level 2. Higher levels get higher paths and consume fewer supplies, in addition to being tougher. I think I'll just give them 2E, since you're right the 1E ones are useless. @research: Awakeners are now poor leaders, but have research bonus 4 (ie, 6/7 research). Elder Awakeners also get the research bonus. Both of them get a decrease in age(Awakener 10, Elder 25). Not much, but the Awakener shouldn't start old now. Not sure what's up with the sprite numbers. Neoclidia is 2200-2248, maybe that's the problem. Checking an old version of Dom3K, it seems that that's 2600+. And I'll fix the double-cap-only problem. it's because I placed the capital only troops & commanders as recruitables. Here's my newest .dm. Time to play! Edit: Also fixed a problem with Heavy Laserguns. Edit2: I didn't want researchbonus 4. Too much. Down to 2 now. Tripledit: Added Neoclidian Warship to unit roster. Quadrupledit: Fixed a problem with the recruit screen mixing the space & land forms of units up. Edit5: Two units were number 2205. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
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JUST as I was about to post edit 6, my editting limit runs out. Ah well.
Assuming this is stable, it'll be the last 'edit'. I'll wait for some other people to post first :D So, I fixed the number problem (for real this time) and went through with my promised changes to the pretender. Aaagh, I forgot to actually post the .zip. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
hmmm low hp, no prot, and the immortals would be cap only... if needed high resc can prevent to much of them coming in the game.
I'm thinking an immortal trooper an immortal |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
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As for the immortals, I'd think that giving their unique pretender a naturally low dominion would help keep the immortal units down a bit. I wouldn't want too powerful priests, either. H2 at most. Finally, anyone have any experiences with the hopefully less-buggy Neoclidia? I've attached yet another .dm, as before I was accidentally saving the .txt only to the .dm--when I made a new change, the old ones were overwritten. |
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