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Wrana February 13th, 2009 04:45 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I'm going to describe the bravery of my Pretender soon - I am just not ready right now for the text which does him justice. But it will certainly be written before the next turn after I have some sleep! ;)
And congratulations to R'lyeh! You are example to us all. :)

DonCorazon February 14th, 2009 01:43 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Added 24 hours to try and see what is going on with TC - looked like they were going to stale for a 3rd time. I will PM TC and see if we should look for a sub.

Wrana February 15th, 2009 09:29 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I hope he shows up.
Another question, DonCorazon - what would you say about Ulm tactics? I was interested by Baalz' proposal some time ago but don't know how effective they are actually.
And on another topic - while it is certainly amusing to see Skaven cry treachery, our Foreign Ministry hereby officially declares that though we HAD offered them peace upon our first contact, we had no actual reply to this from them... ;) We have found that further pressing the matter was not in our interest due to geopolitical reasons. Of course, anybody observant can also see that they boasted on their attack on Caelum and then cried about Caelum attack... ;)

DonCorazon February 15th, 2009 12:34 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I have not heard back from TC - what do players want to do? Look for a sub, postpone for however long it takes to get an update on his situation ( I just added another 48 hours), or....? I hate to postpone to long as then other players start to lose interest / or in my case forget what the heck I was doing. :)

@Wrana: When you say his proposal, I am not sure what you mean? I think Ulm's strategy this game was reliant on a peaceful early game.

Wrana February 15th, 2009 03:39 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I meant Baalz's guide to MA Ulm:
Or he didn't use tricks from there this time? I ask before I'm thinking about using some of them for EA Ulm and would like to have first-hand report...

Hadrian_II February 15th, 2009 08:02 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion

Originally Posted by Wrana (Post 674543)
I hope he shows up.
And on another topic - while it is certainly amusing to see Skaven cry treachery, our Foreign Ministry hereby officially declares that though we HAD offered them peace upon our first contact, we had no actual reply to this from them... ;)

If this is true, i have just written down the nap, but forgot to send you my actual answer :doh:

Wrana February 16th, 2009 02:50 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Quite possibly. You should also consider your answers to trading proposal - arrogant at least - as one of the reasons any Oriental general should have attacked you the moment he had some means to... ;)
By the way, I wondered where your Grey Seers went - now we'll see what I can take them with...

Hadrian_II February 16th, 2009 07:31 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion

Originally Posted by Wrana (Post 674778)
Quite possibly. You should also consider your answers to trading proposal - arrogant at least - as one of the reasons any Oriental general should have attacked you the moment he had some means to... ;)

the skaven empire: your nice furry friends
did just seem wrong :D

Wrana February 17th, 2009 03:58 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
You forgot Skavenspeak! :D
(Men-things, kill-kill, et al.)
By the way - a letter my scout forgot about, translated into Skavenspeak:
Rat-rat, knock-knock! :p

rdonj February 18th, 2009 05:12 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
The great crusade seems plagued with misfortune. Several quick victories and the raising of a new fort saw the crusade nearly upon the gates of the capitol of men. Then disaster struck. Overconfident from their earlier victories, a large hoburg army was almost completely destroyed by one of Man's armies. That's when all hell broke loose. At almost the same time, a group of marauding knights attacked and took over one of the provinces the crusade had wrested from Man. The Abysians, apparently allied with the humans, suddenly attacked from the east, ruining all attempts to regroup and slaying most of the crusade's human host. Only a few months later, as the crusade sallies to fight back the scourge of abysian aggression yet another band of maurading knights has attacked, and now Hoburgdorf itself is under siege. It is a dark time for the Hoburgs, and the sacred beer is now consumed in such great quantity that the glorious sacred fountain has nearly dried up. If the great crusade cannot turn back the tide of abysian soldiers streaming across the lands quickly, the war will be lost.

But the greatest host the crusade has ever seen has been assembled, and the crusade has won its first battle against abysia's legions. Perhaps in the end the warriors of Hoburgdorf will yet still triumph over adversity, and bring peace to all the peoples of the land.

Wrana February 18th, 2009 03:27 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I'm seeing some problems with wiki - namely, Nekhekara's page is seen only till turn 5, though you can see a story from them at turn 19 (or close to) page. It's possible that other nations' stories can also be unseen.

lch February 18th, 2009 03:37 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
That's not a problem with the Wiki, that's a problem with the editors who still don't know that they're supposed to put their stuff on their nation pages and edit the turn pages directly instead.

lch February 18th, 2009 04:21 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Nehekhara was the only one that started editing the turn articles. And stopped after turn 19, because then nobody added turn articles anymore... :P I have now created a template for the turn pages so that there's not more than one line and a warning messages NOT to edit this page in them. Somebody from this game please continue to extend the turn pages in the same fashion from turn 19 on, and every time when a new turn has been played and a new turn page would be needed.

As for the nation pages, all one needs to know and understand is that the page is being broken up into section for inclusion on the turn pages. The code to mark the seperators for these sections looks like this:


== [[Chronicles:Turn_XYZ|Turn XYZ]] ==
</noinclude>{{#ifeq: {{{turn|XYZ}}} |XYZ|

Replace the XYZ in there with the number of the turn that you're describing, it all has to be the same number there, but you don't need to place those seperators for turns that you don't have any text for. You can leave them out for better readability of the nation page and add the required separators when you get to add story for the turn later, maybe.

DonCorazon February 19th, 2009 08:50 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I have to admit I am getting admin fatigue in this game given the abysmal level of participation. Anyone want to take over?

On a related note, I managed to get an EM from TC after the last couple stales, and didn't seem like he wanted a sub, but now I see a couple more stales and nobody requesting extensions. R'lyeh attacked TC this past turn (my turn was submitted last night). Got back from the doctor's this afternoon and I see turn has hosted and TC staled again. I don't want to attack a staling player but I also don't want to have to change my plans because someone is not playing their turns. I don't care what we do with TC or if we even bother to continue this game.

Wrana February 19th, 2009 09:04 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
A pity, I'd say. Our little dance just starts to really get interesting... :(
By the way, I'm voting absolutely against turning TC into AI. And who are other stalers?

solmyr February 19th, 2009 10:22 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I believe the pace is a little fast for this game. People are supposed to write something, but with the fast pace it seldom allow them to have the time writing anything. I suggest at least 72 hours with quickhost on.

lch February 20th, 2009 08:02 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I would love to read from Machaka / Otherling again. The first turns looked very promising to me and made it to the top of my list.

Tifone February 20th, 2009 08:38 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion

Originally Posted by Wrana (Post 675547)
By the way, I'm voting absolutely against turning TC into AI.

Totally seconded.

(lol, you wouldn't expect KRISTOFFER to stale :( )

Wrana February 20th, 2009 10:21 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I think initially the idea was for 48hr per turns, with postings about 1/4 days (more often if author feelas up to it). It would allow to skip some of the turns when nothing really happened to concentrate on more interesting occurrences. Of course, Kristoffer have shown that there is plenty of possibility to fill even less interesting turns with internal matters. But I don't think that could be expected of everyone everytime...
I would also like to see how Machaka story would develop - and I'd add to it a Man story, which also had a promising start. As it is, I like Tien Chi and R'lyeh stories best for now...

DonCorazon February 20th, 2009 12:24 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Ok, hunt11 asked for a one week break so I am going to add 84 hours. I'll leave it up to players to ask for extensions or tell me when people are staling since it has been a bit of a drag tracking down players and trying to figure out if they are still in the game or want a sub, etc. Also, I repeat my offer to turn over admin duties... :)

It would be nice if players with only one or two entries can use this week's break to give us some updates on the wiki. If someone is not interested in writing anything more, then in the spirit of the game, it would probably be best for that player to look for a sub. There was once a lot of demand and interest in this game so I am guessing we could find some writers...

rdonj February 20th, 2009 06:24 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
In that vein, I think I will go looking for a sub. My position isn't very good from a chance to win context, but there's plenty of writing opportunities.

sansanjuan February 20th, 2009 10:15 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion

Originally Posted by DonCorazon (Post 675539)
I have to admit I am getting admin fatigue in this game given the abysmal level of participation. Anyone want to take over?

On a related note, I managed to get an EM from TC after the last couple stales, and didn't seem like he wanted a sub, but now I see a couple more stales and nobody requesting extensions. R'lyeh attacked TC this past turn (my turn was submitted last night). Got back from the doctor's this afternoon and I see turn has hosted and TC staled again. I don't want to attack a staling player but I also don't want to have to change my plans because someone is not playing their turns. I don't care what we do with TC or if we even bother to continue this game.

DC ,
Sorry to hear you are burning out a bit. I am enjoying the game. First MP game I've tried that I took a balanced approach on and it feels much better roleplay-wise. (earlier strategies... "I've tried D10, W10, A10, N10.... hmmm... NOW let's see what *E* 10 plays like!..")

I will try to update the Wiki more. Thank you for your efforts.

DonCorazon February 24th, 2009 10:46 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion

Originally Posted by DonCorazon (Post 675676)
Ok, hunt11 asked for a one week break so I am going to add 84 hours.

:o Uh, I need to add another 84 hours to make it a week....so 84 more are going on.

Wrana February 25th, 2009 05:19 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Arrrgh. :mad:

DonCorazon February 25th, 2009 11:09 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Well, to be fair, that was just my bad math and not technically another extension. hunt11 asked for a week and I originally added 7*12 hours not 7*24 hours.

Wrana February 25th, 2009 11:11 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Maybe just a case of listening to Shoggoth mathematics too much... ;)

calmon March 3rd, 2009 11:14 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
This time i need a 24 hour extension.

Can you please add it Don.


DonCorazon March 3rd, 2009 11:39 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion

Originally Posted by calmon (Post 677930)
This time i need a 24 hour extension.

Can you please add it Don.


24 hours added

rdonj March 4th, 2009 09:41 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Well, the hoburgs are out. I'm putting in one last turn and then going AI. Tifone, I shall remember this day and one day, when I am not sandwiched between you and QM, I shall take revenge upon you! :D Not that QM actually did much of the damage to me, he just defeated one minor army at a very unfortunate time, as you attacked me immediately afterward....

My only regret is that I had no bigger spells to fling at you. And that somehow, in no battle did earth might EVER land on a single sacred. Ugh.

Edit: Okay, I kid. I probably won't remember that I was fighting you in the first place.

Wrana March 4th, 2009 09:47 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Your sacreds are cheesy enough without it! :D
A question before you leave - what your Pretender was?

DonCorazon March 4th, 2009 09:50 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
rdonj - thanks for subbing and guiding the Hoburgs to the great Hobbit hole in the sky. You took over a dire position and played it with good grace :)

On the admin side, Atlantis is staling. I could try attacking him to wake him up - that seemed to work for TC who is proceeding to wipe me off the Earth. Talk about a tactical blunder on R'lyeh's part. oh well...Shall we look for a sub, turn him AI, see if he stales again? I think Wrana, Tifone and Calmon might be the only ones who care :)

rdonj March 4th, 2009 10:24 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion

Originally Posted by Wrana (Post 678189)
Your sacreds are cheesy enough without it! :D
A question before you leave - what your Pretender was?

I never saw the pretender myself, but I'm 90% sure it was a w9/s9 oracle. Personally, I would have been much happier with b9 than s9, then at least I'd have had units who could damage armor.... Would have come in rather handy against abysia, at least. And those rampant knight attacks.

Well, what can I say DC, I'm a good loser ;)

calmon March 5th, 2009 10:23 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion

Originally Posted by DonCorazon (Post 678191)
rdonj - thanks for subbing and guiding the Hoburgs to the great Hobbit hole in the sky. You took over a dire position and played it with good grace :)

On the admin side, Atlantis is staling. I could try attacking him to wake him up - that seemed to work for TC who is proceeding to wipe me off the Earth. Talk about a tactical blunder on R'lyeh's part. oh well...Shall we look for a sub, turn him AI, see if he stales again? I think Wrana, Tifone and Calmon might be the only ones who care :)

Please look for a sub! There should be some interests for a water nation in this game. Maybe we can ask Baalz who already was in this game to take over. Please open a thread don, you're our excellent admin and it makes no sence anyone else do because we all have to refer to you to contact. :)

Tifone March 5th, 2009 10:25 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
GG man ;-)

DonCorazon March 5th, 2009 11:21 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Calmon, flattery will get you everywhere! Maybe we can get Micah and Wraithlord to sub for some land nations too - good idea. Your subtle maneuvers to rule the world are transparent to all! Know that the Lord of Insanity sees your every thought.

I will reach out to hunt11 and see what's up with his lethargic blubbery Atlantean azz. Never seen a game that entailed so much herding of cats! :) If I don't get a response, I'll post for a weak, ineffectual, noob for Atlantis. :) Might as well get some use out of the omnipotent powers of the admin....

Executor March 5th, 2009 02:59 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I agree, look for a sub as soon as possible!

On another matter Nehekhara is looking to buy nature boosters, or nature gems, or/and earth booster, and forge hammers, and astral cap, and a bag of wind/or winged helmet.

Oh, and I don't suppose anyone's got some spare blood slaves and blood boosters?

Wrana March 6th, 2009 09:05 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
It seems Nehekhara is in need of everything. Maybe (just maybe) it can offer something in return? ;)

Executor March 6th, 2009 11:34 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Well what do you need in return? PM me with demands and offers if you'd like.

DonCorazon March 9th, 2009 02:39 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Please welcome Jarkko as the new leader of Atlantis to our little battle for divine ascension. Please PM him regarding any diplomatic arrangements you might have.

Jarkko March 9th, 2009 03:36 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Greetings all!

Reading through the wiki, altough I need to head to bed in a moment (have the damn early shift tomorrow). I'll make a turn tomorrow after work, so please do PM me (if possible) during the next 17 hours if there is some diplomatic arrangements or some such that I should be aware of :)

Jarkko March 9th, 2009 04:47 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
So... Does anybody have an estimate on how many turns Atlantis have staled? If I may guess, I would say its a few more than a few. I also am pretty sure what was the point where the former controller lost interest in Atlantis :eek:

Well. At least I have some money to play around with :)

Arise all you sons of this see
Let us sing of our joy to be free

Let us raise our voices
Oh, Atlantis!

DonCorazon March 9th, 2009 05:17 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
6 stales total, which actually only puts them in 2nd place for the title of Lord of Stales this game. 3 of their last turns were stales, however, thus the full coffers. Anyway, Jarkko, have fun and if it looks hopeless nobody will blame you if you turn them AI at some point, though some of the land nations might wince :)

Executor March 9th, 2009 06:38 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Nehekharas amphibian forces won't mind if you switch to AI. :)
Although it might be good to give us a head up to send troops into position.

Jarkko March 10th, 2009 12:57 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 679080)
Nehekharas amphibian forces won't mind if you switch to AI. :)
Although it might be good to give us a head up to send troops into position.

I have to admit I have one serious deficiency: Once I start something, I have a very hard time to give up :(

Atlantis will put together an army worth songs this turn. Next turn Atlantis will find out if the song is an epic ballad of honour and victory, or a sad tune of tragedy and death.

llamabeast March 10th, 2009 05:24 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I've just released a new version of the Tomb Kings mod, and copied it to the LlamaServer. Would you all mind downloading the new version from the link in my signature? Otherwise you'll get inconsistencies in the battle reports when fighting the Tomb Kings, as your copy will think they have different stats to what they actually have.

Executor: A few of the changes will have some effect on you. Your Tomb Kings now cost a hefty 500(!) gold, but gained some earth magic. The priests and sacreds are somewhat more expensive too. On the plus side your national holy spells are much more effective (they stick much better). Another major plus is that the Servants of Horus are now greatly improved, and represent a worthwhile thing to spend your fire gems on, particularly if there's any chance of fighting demons. There were quite a few other minor changes - check out the thread for details.

Sorry for the inconvenience everyone.

llamabeast March 10th, 2009 05:24 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I've just released a new version of the Tomb Kings mod, and copied it to the LlamaServer. Would you all mind downloading the new version from the link in my signature? Otherwise you'll get inconsistencies in the battle reports when fighting the Tomb Kings, as your copy will think they have different stats to what they actually have.

Executor: A few of the changes will have some effect on you. Your Tomb Kings now cost a hefty 500(!) gold, but gained some earth magic. The priests and sacreds are somewhat more expensive too. On the plus side your national holy spells are much more effective (they stick much better). Another major plus is that the Servants of Horus are now greatly improved, and represent a worthwhile thing to spend your fire gems on, particularly if there's any chance of fighting demons. There were quite a few other minor changes - check out the thread for details.

Sorry for the inconvenience everyone.

Executor March 10th, 2009 06:40 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Yeah sure, I also think they could use some modding. PM'd you Llama.

llamabeast March 10th, 2009 08:10 AM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Ahem. I'm afraid I just released another iteration of Tomb Kings. If you just updated, would you mind doing so again? This time will be the last iteration for a while, promise. The update addresses a couple of Executor's concerns, and some balance issues that have been nagging at me.

Executor March 10th, 2009 03:30 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I need a 48 hour delay if possible, I'm having slight problems with my computer, should give me enough time to sort it out.

DonCorazon March 10th, 2009 05:47 PM

Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
48 hours added.

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