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Calahan June 1st, 2009 08:50 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 693901)
How about restart with same starting positions? :P

LoL, and with more reliable players!

Zeldor June 1st, 2009 09:02 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Yeah, fix some really bad positions, replace those that went AI and play it again :)

WingedDog June 1st, 2009 10:12 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I'm back to regain control over Abysia, many beers to archaeolept.

Would you please switch e-mail back?

Lingchih June 1st, 2009 05:40 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Wow, that was really funny guys. In the first battle with a Jarl, it ran up to my Gorgon, looked at it for one turn, then turned and ran as fast as it could off the battlefield :)
I have never seen a Jarl do that.

WingedDog June 1st, 2009 10:59 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 693977)
Wow, that was really funny guys. In the first battle with a Jarl, it ran up to my Gorgon, looked at it for one turn, then turned and ran as fast as it could off the battlefield :)
I have never seen a Jarl do that.

Perhabs he sudenly recalled he left his smoothing iron on at home?

Executor June 2nd, 2009 09:18 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Fomoria hereby places a bounty on Bogliod for he is a hard nut to crack!

We are buying hammers, thistle maces, fire boosters, moonvine bracelet, offer your prices.

Agema June 2nd, 2009 04:22 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Can I please put up a sub request for Caelum? I've got a RL crunch and I've struggled to pay it enough attention for the last few turns as it is. Caelum's not in great shape but there's still some fight in it.

Sorry guys.

Lingchih June 2nd, 2009 08:18 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Three more Nief Jarls killed. Killed them with maenads :)

Honestly, these are the worst Jarls I have ever seen.

Zeldor June 3rd, 2009 10:00 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Atlantis will buy F gems, we can pay in W. Also items available.

Executor June 3rd, 2009 10:20 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
What the hell!?!?!?!?!
Let's open a poll, how many sites did I find with about 30 site searching spells in the last 2 turns?

Agema June 3rd, 2009 10:29 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
If you're anything like me earlier on, about 2.

Executor June 3rd, 2009 10:31 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I wish! Zero, nothing, NOT A SINGLE ONE!!!
I blame Baalz for this!

Zeldor June 3rd, 2009 10:32 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Doest it beat 3 sites with 10x Voice of Tiamat?

Jazzepi June 3rd, 2009 10:37 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I laugh at all of you. I'm rolling in gems.

On that note, I'm offering forging services. We can do almost anything level 6 construction or below. We can even forge rings of wizardy and sorcery. Contact us to negotiate prices.


Executor June 3rd, 2009 10:40 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 694230)
Doest it beat 3 sites with 10x Voice of Tiamat?

Yes it does! EDIT: And by yes it does I mean no it doesn't...

Damn you Jazzepi! Damn you to hell!!!
I think it would be only fair if everybody sent me 5 gems of any kind to compensate my loses!

Agema June 4th, 2009 04:49 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Can I request a 12hr extension? Should be able to do the turn this evening.

Calahan June 4th, 2009 05:06 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Agema (Post 694354)
Can I request a 12hr extension? Should be able to do the turn this evening.

Guess that all depends on whether Baalz wakes up in time to see the request :) [shout] WAKE UP BAALZ [/shout]

Burnsaber June 4th, 2009 07:18 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Oceania is in need of following items:

Starshine Skullcap
Skull Staff
Any Fire Booster
Any Air Booster
Water gems

We can pay in astral/earth/fire gems, or in Lightless Lanterns, Clams or Fetishes.

First come, first served! PM me your proposition

Agema June 4th, 2009 08:23 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
For the record anyone who wants to negotiate, Caelum will now be under the control of VFB, thanks to him for taking over.

Jazzepi June 4th, 2009 08:26 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
TC is looking for earth boots. Can trade gems or items. Would also like to pick up a crystal coin.


Baalz June 4th, 2009 09:08 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Agema (Post 694354)
Can I request a 12hr extension? Should be able to do the turn this evening.

Sorry, request came at 3:45am my time and I didn't get it until after the turn host at 7am my time. You didn't shout loud enough. :)

Zeldor June 5th, 2009 01:31 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Crap, can we change notification emails to 12h? I misciclicked and looked at wrong turn at llamaserver and was sure that it hots at 8PM. I was out of home when I got the notification email, so could do nothing about it :(

Burnsaber June 6th, 2009 09:33 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Oceania is buying Death gems!

We can pay in earth/astral/fire.

WingedDog June 6th, 2009 04:58 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
"Umm… Master, I’m very sorry for the distur…”


“Umm… There's a person, master. He said he'd like to examine your dungeon, particularly the slave compound."

"Agrrrr! Another tourist! Tell him we are closed for the winter! Let him come back for sightseeing in a half of a year!"

"No, no. no, master, he affirms he represents the Blood Slave Union and would like to inspect the dungeons to make sure the living and medical treatment conditions for our slaves are observed, they all are having a meal three times a day and our sacrificial daggers are rust-free and disinfected, otherwise he’s writing a complaint to the Bloodhunting Department so they call off our licence and…”

"SILENCE!.. Urrr, bloody bureaucrats!.. What was his name again?"

"Bogus, master."

“Allright, nothing wrong is going to happen, if we let him in, I guess.”

“You are right, master.”

“I’m always right, you maggot! That’s why I’m in charge! Go now, proceed to your orders!”


This is ironic as I told to my business partner last turn the blood slaves I reserved for him 'ain't running anywhere'. :D

Falkor June 7th, 2009 05:47 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 685740)
Hosting: 24 hours per turn until 3 people request it gets lengthened.

I'd like to request 48h hosting time, please.
Who is with me? :)

Zeldor June 7th, 2009 05:49 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I'm not :P Turns take me 5 mins :P But it's really strange that we got so far with 24h without protests.

vfb June 7th, 2009 06:28 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Turns don't take me very long either. :)

But I just barely got the last one in, because I was out all day long. Actually the turn would have gone better if I hadn't managed to submit! :o

I'd be happy with a switch to 48 hours.

Executor June 7th, 2009 07:22 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I'm good with the current 24hours, the turns take some time now but I like a fast game and I don't have any wars now to take extra time.

Lingchih June 7th, 2009 09:01 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I'm still fine with the current hosting schedule.

Baalz June 7th, 2009 09:13 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
2 votes, one more and we lengthen it.

Cicadian June 7th, 2009 10:53 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I'd like to switch if possible. Work is pretty crazy at the moment and I'm having trouble getting turns in in 24 hours.

Baalz June 7th, 2009 11:26 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Switched to 48, kinda surprised we made it this long.

Lingchih June 8th, 2009 02:11 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Well, on a map of this size, I am glad we did keep it 24 hour for so long, and would hope we keep it 48 hour for even longer. This could end up being, like, a two year game.

Calahan June 9th, 2009 08:19 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Turn 38 - Message from Host
"Agartha had an unexplainable increase in wealth this turn. This could be caused by cheating"

Wish I did have a load of extra cash for no unexplainable reason. But no freebies came my way, and I'm just as poor as ever :(

Executor June 9th, 2009 08:35 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Calahan (Post 695263)
Turn 38 - Message from Host
"Agartha had an unexplainable increase in wealth this turn.


Fomoria demands 10000 gold pieces as tribute for your cheating!!!

Frozen Lama June 11th, 2009 10:46 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Throughout the lands of C'tis, lizards rejoice for the might of their dead brethren has again proved victorius against the forces of evil opposing them. only by summoning 200+ undead in the first turn could they prevail, but prevail they did. The basalt kings of Atlantis sought to imprison and subjagate them, but their ancestors would not let them fail.

C'tis shall live on...... if only on a single province

Jazzepi June 14th, 2009 03:28 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Selling air boosters and elemental staves.


Unoptimized June 15th, 2009 05:49 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Sorry guys, from the looks of things my turns are not resolving when I send them on a laptop. If its possible, I'd like an extension until thursday when I can get back to my PC.

Thanks, and sorry about the trouble.

Baalz June 15th, 2009 06:43 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I had a problem trying to take my turns on my wife's laptop because it was Vista. Long story short, just move your dominions folder to "c:\dominions3" rather than "c:\program files\dominions3". Granting an extension in case you can't figure it out.

WingedDog June 16th, 2009 01:23 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
When you you are at the turn sending stage, it doesn't make difference what operating system you are using and what path Dominions are installed. More likely problem caused either:
1) problems with your mail domain;
2) problems with your internet provider;
3) problems with llamaserver.

You could get yourself a new e-mail account on different mail domain and try to send your turn-file from it. Llamaserver doesn't care from which e-mail turn was send.

WingedDog June 16th, 2009 03:54 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Well, the reason was llamaserver, it is stuck again.

WingedDog June 17th, 2009 08:24 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Llamaserver works again, you may try to send your turn already. :)

Unoptimized June 17th, 2009 10:10 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
OH! Well, I'll give it a shot ASAP. Thanks Winged dog!

Executor June 18th, 2009 12:06 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Lingchih June 18th, 2009 10:39 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Well, I think I just saw a 50 turn attacker rout. C'tis may only have one prov, but he isn't giving it up easily.

Unoptimized June 18th, 2009 10:55 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Sorry guys, I would have been back sooner, but my car got towed. :( We will now be returning to your normal person-eating schedule

Frozen Lama June 18th, 2009 11:04 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
That's 50 turn attack #2 so far. the hordes of C'tis cannot be killed... even though they vanish after every battle.......

Burnsaber June 19th, 2009 03:06 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Oceania is buying death gems (again!)

We can give fire, earth or astral in return.

Calahan June 19th, 2009 04:27 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Sorry everyone, but I am going to need a 24 hour delay of the current turn as I won't have chance to get the turn done until Sunday afternoon/evening (llamaserve time)

So apologies for the slight delay, especially since it's so close to the one we just had :(

Baalz June 19th, 2009 07:07 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Granted, we've got to the point that turns can take a decent chunk of time so I'll be pretty liberal with reasonable requests for extension. Everyone just keep in mind that we've still got a lot of players so try to be considerate. One delay request per player per month still means we're barely playing.

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