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Re: Great Forum, game running
Hello All
I gone to the AI land ! My pretender is dead and also most of my mages ... Thanks all for this game, my first MP. I feel that i definitively need to learn more on certain aspects of the game. Arnob |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Maybe there is a lot to learn. But first, you must (should) play a better Nation.
As far as I see, Ulm (MA) has nothing to compete against a nation like Vanheim, and looks very weak, with no magic variety and not a lot of possibilities. I have lost some battles, but I then have options to set different tactics. It seems to me that you had no option left when I for first won some battles. You had nothing to counter my attacks, tactics and general strategy. And the initial success you got was my inexperience and because you played well. Sorry to have put you out of the game. A la prochaine. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
@Num - Banana peels and monkey poo litter the battlefield. The smell of burned monkey fur drifts through the air, yet the monkey kingdom has struck a first blow and won against the spiders.
I assume you will be following up on other fronts shortly? We are engaging from the east where we border the spiders, and we wish to know what the troop movements of the other nations will be. Afterward, as we bask in victory, bananas shall be had by all! ;) |
Re: Great Forum, game running
I was definitly not prepare for the first point and a spam of thunder strike are just deadly for heavy armor unit ... With my new experience I shall take another pretender a SC with a lot in air magics Arnob |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Congratulations for the spell steal. We need you to attack the ugly spiders as soon as you can. @Finalgenesis I do not want you to be demotivated to play. So do not give me everything you have, do not give up. @Nrach I am not just talking and talking again. I have just broken my pact with the spiders. I will attack it as soon as I can (at turn 54). Let me cross the sea (144) and launch attack on (133) and then in the northern side of the Machaka empire. @Arnob I do not know. A magic path on a pretender is not that important. Magic path of the national mages are far more significant. Well I guess so. Not sure about that. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
@Nrasch - It seems that I slipped to your bananas.. That wont happen again :) after this conflict I'm not even going to bother talk about peace with you.
@Finalgenesis - I consider your "pact" with Vanheim rather lame. What do you think would happen If I gave half of my gems and items to another player just because we've had a common enemy? I hope this doesn't come a trend only that you all can bend before Vanheim. @Earcaraxe - you still haven't broke our nap.. how is it? When are you going to come in? If not.. I'm more than happy to aid to burn bananas if you decide to choose that road instead. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
@Lihaässä: Yes, I'm sure attacking you will be met w/ no small amount of kick back. I have full respect for your skills as a Dom3 player, and I'm sure you have all sorts of tricks up your sleeve. :)
No matter who wins I think it will be a fun fight, and hopefully I'll learn something from the experience. :) - King of the Bananas |
Re: Great Forum, game running
The abysian warmachine is busy burning down the last woodhouses and the fuzzy animals of the pans. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Earcaraxe, we need you if we want to succeed in destroying the Machaka threat. Pangaea is no more. Without you, we shall be crushed exactly like Man and Shinuyama. Lihaassa is not an average player.
I have thought too about waiting for Machaka going to war with his others neighbours, but that is not reasonnable, his powers are growing very fast, it is maybe already too late. Please, for us, and you, break your nap with him and help us. Or you will standing dead. This is the same for you Muse, if you survive your weak dominion. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
To the leaders of rlyeh and vanheim. I, Ozzy - the prince of ****ing death - shall join ur war versus the spiders. I would like to sign a NAP5 with both of u to feel assured.
Leader of Machaka! Thou shallst burn along with your spiders and mislead followers. (3 turns from now) |
Re: Great Forum, game running
I am confused, the turn I am receiving from the server i have already done (i think). it's all the exact same events and battles. the only thing that changed is that it says my last turn wasn't a stale (with the last-last turn i did stale, and it showed correctly last turn). resending the turn from the server didn't change anything. I know I'm almost dead, but still, that is kind of weird? also re: chaning diplomacy rules, i'm against. the diplomacy has been fun and varied, but for obvious reasons a bit more conservative then 1on1 talks. I liked it a lot up to now. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
i sent the same turn as for 51, and it accepted it... so there's something weird going on.
Re: Great Forum, game running
i would like to trade for a boots of quickness. any offers are welcome!
Re: Great Forum, game running
boots for 7N or 10F =P, I hope you don't use that SC on me.
Re: Great Forum, game running
Thanks Earcaraxe for your help. Without you, I am afraid we cannot do anything enough powerful to calm down Machaka. A NAP5 is welcome.
@Lihaassa Quote:
Re: Great Forum, game running
How about 20F gems for two boots? I'll send them this turn. Ozzy, first secretary of the red empire |
Re: Great Forum, game running
(as admin:) please help me update the naps on the first page. i think its quite accurate, but not sure.
Re: Great Forum, game running
sounds good, I'll send both on the next turn (forging this turn)
Re: Great Forum, game running
Hollidays. I'll be away from friday 10th to wednesday 15th and then again from 22th to the 3rd. Should I get a replacement, or do dom3 games take breaks on the off season?
Re: Great Forum, game running
if u find a replacement, that would be very kind of u. If not, i will postpone.
Re: Great Forum, game running
Please look for, and most of all find, a sub. It would be painful to stop for 20 days. Actually the pace is not that fast.
Re: Great Forum, game running
I wouldn't mind to have a christmas break. There is alot to do and I will also be out of town quite a few days. BvG's suggestion suits me well.
I recall that this game was set for people who are not in a horry. Quote:
Re: Great Forum, game running
I think i'll just stale, it's not that I'd miss huge opportunities, and a replacement would probably just immediately decide to go ai ;)
Re: Great Forum, game running
sorry for the zmey in brightstone, he got loose and somehow didnt follow the intentions of the abysian generals. It will retreat immediately.
Re: Great Forum, game running
@Lihaässä - You evil fiend you! How much did you bribe LlamaServer to ignore my turn and stale me?!?! ;)
On a happier note, happy Friday! :) May your spiders have a great weekend doing... uhhh... well, whatever spiders do on a Sat. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
@Nrach - Propably as much as you paid for the developers when few turns ago my beautiful Ember Lord retreated to enemy terriory with no wounds and fatigue and your troops were routed ;)
Out of curiosity.. did both of your thugs die when retreating to my territory? nicely built btw.. @Admin - what about the christmas break and turning to longer hosting intervals? |
Re: Great Forum, game running
i postponed the game until the dawn of dec 16 GMT.
I prefer sticking to this hosting interval, at least for a couple turns from now. I suggest talking about it again aftter turn 60. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
@Admin - It seems that llamaserver didn't approve your extention.. This is from our game site. Should we play turn 55 today?
Game: Great_Forum Quote:
Re: Great Forum, game running
I postponed it again, this time i will doublecheck. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
lamaserver still resists my attempts. I will give it a couple more tries. if the turn resolves today - despite my efforts - it will be invalid, and the game will be rolled back, so no need to send the 2h-s in today.
Re: Great Forum, game running
@ Admin - It seems that everyone rushed their turns in. Maybe we could have the delay for turn 56.. right after you have played your turn? What do you think?
Re: Great Forum, game running
I would like to emphasize that we do need the help of everyone, including you R'lyeh (calling you crustacean people was something friendly if you ask) and you Jotunheim (not a puppet but a reasonnable point of view do have to make everything against The Hydra, remote attacks or anything). Every action must be done against Machaka.
We do need you, God of bbq, to attack and crush the enemy in the center, quick, I implore you. But beware, there are tons of Tartarians Gods and monstruous thematic creatures, fully equipped with the best artifacts ever created which are waiting for you (and are attacking me, aside). What about collecting everybody's astral gems in order to dispel the Machaka's global enchantments ? |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Dear fellow players!
I'm quitting dominions for now and that means both of my games. It has been a pleasure to play this game with u, i learned a lot about the game and about people in general. thanks for joining this game i set up. I would like to pass the admin password for someone who is willing to do manage this (it has been a very easy task so far). u might want to find a new leader for the lavapeople and their evil lord of death. happy christmas to everyone and even more happy wargaming in the future! earcaraxe ps.: i have postponed the game by 48 hrs. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Not sure about what thinking of this...
Kind of disappointed (but convinced that a game must be very fast to hold the players in) and demotivated. I could take the admin role, but I am not a lot flexible, I guess. And my available time is not extensive. Do you plan to find a substitution ? |
Re: Great Forum, game running
I'm also available to do the admin work if you all like. I'm pretty much near a computer 24/7. :)
Re: Great Forum, game running
@ Earcaraxe - I'm surprised, but thanks for setting up the game. Could you seek your own sub?
@ Everyone else - I think Nrasch would be a better option to host the game.. 24/7 availability sounds great for hosting purposes :) I think we need at least until wednesday to get things rolling. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
i would like u to seek a sub for me, i'd prefer to not put any more time to dominions. bye all!
Re: Great Forum, game running
I have the admin password. So, I can admin the game, or I'm happy to send the password to some one else to admin. I think at this point we have an extension, and we are looking for a sub, correct? It is too bad he didn't leave after the great war w/ Lihaässä was over.... we could give one of the losers his empire to keep playing. I'll setup a post later today asking for subs. I'll also throw another 24 hour extension on our game while we come to a consensus. Lastly, I hope everyone is having a good weekend. Nathan |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Thanks for managing the game, Nrasch. Yes we shall need an extension of time.
I have already written a post asking for a sub. The position of Abysia is very good, I think it is an interesting role to play. Do not expect to destroy Machaka easily, all I see in the nortwest corner is frightening, I hope the coming of Abysia will be decisive. And I am still ok for a Christmas break, althought not too long (but we did not play a lot the last weeks anyway...). |
Re: Great Forum, game running
I assure you I wasn't assuming Lihaässä is going to be the loser! I have nothing but respect for Lihaässä's Dom3 skills, and I as much as anyone could end up vanquished before it is all said and done.
Also, I think we have a great group of people in this game, and I feel lucky to be playing with such skilled players. I would encourage everyone to ride out this bump, and then I'm sure we'll be back in action shortly. :) Thanks! Nathan |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Hosting postponed for Great_Forum by 48 hours. The game will now host at 21:05 GMT on Tuesday December 21st.
Please note that this information will not be updated on the game status page for a few minutes. - Nathan |
Re: Great Forum, game running
I posted in the sub thread as well, i would be willing to sub. Pming nrasch my email info.
Re: Great Forum, game running
Hello and welcome,
Take your time before playing and sending your turn. Maybe you need a summary of the situation ? Ask anyway. Nrasch it would be great to give one or two days extension for the next turn. And maybe everybody wants a break for Christmas, as already discussed (until 1st of January ?) ? |
Re: Great Forum, game running
So I vote we induct Mr. Ragnoff into the game. Some one 2nd the motion? :)
[Edit] Nvm! Looks like Num has already took care of this. I'll update Abysia's email address to Ragnoff's. Also, Ragnoff, thanks for joining us!!! How about next turn on Dec 22nd, and then off till Jan 1st? Sound OK? Thanks! Nathan |
Re: Great Forum, game running
I have been reading through the thread but as I am not sure the opening post is correct if I could have a brief summary of the current NAPs. alliances and wars that would be greatly appreciated!
The thread has been a fun read, but I got a bit confused... |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Well, you should hear Lihaassa too but :
There is an alliance since turn 50+ of Bandar Log (Nrasch), Shinuyama (BvG), Abysia (You !), Jotunheim (Finalgenesis) and me (Vanheim) against the Evil Genius Machaka (So, Lihaassa). Machaka is leading the game since the beginning (in terms of everything) and is full of overpowered monster supercombatants, equipped with the best artefacts available. Of course, research is at his maximum, or almost. His gem income was huge for a long time, only reduced by the steal of the Eternal Pyre by Abysia and my Vans raiding the rearfront. In addition, Machaka has destroyed Man, is at this time destroying Shinuyama with ease, and is already at war with Bandar Log and me. Machaka is much powerful and is going to win soon if we do not stand and defeat him. Only R'lyeh is neutral (but should help us anyway). The previous player has declared war against Machaka a few turns ago (need to check the nap end turn) and we are waiting you to attack. We need you. Badly. Here you are. Diplomacy is simple, isn't it ? |
Re: Great Forum, game running
@Ragnoff - welcome aboard! I wish you look through the game statistics instead of Num's propaganda. He's attempt to turn everyone against to Machaka has become rather annoying. Just look objectively before acting. Abysia hasn't attacked me with single troop so far and as I see it, you shouldn't either. If you have read this thread through you can see that there is a lot to take everywhere around you.. not just across the tiny border we share. I'm willing to take a NAP5 with you if you decide not to attack.
@Nracsh - thanks for stepping in and taking the responsibility of hosting. @Num - I didn't take a single province from Man. I give the full recognition of their destruction for PvG and Muse :) |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Hey all, I just checked Llama server, and Abysia and Van haven't sent their turns in. Do we need another extension?
I want to ensure Abysia has enough time to get up to speed. @Ragnoff - I believe you and I have a NAP 5 in place, as I gave you a province for the treaty as well as some goodies. Lihaässä and Num have done a great job summing things up as far as diplomacy and state of the game, so I won't add anything to their fine work. Needless to say, you get to play kingmaker in this one. ;P Nathan |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Kingmaker ? Not at all.
Anyone who have some scouts in my lands and in Machakas could see there is no summon monsters in mine, anyone who can look at the stats could see that I am far away in research, and that the province number do not represent something real (I have landed some lone raiders this turn). And anyone in the game since the beginning can give evidence that I am not (from far) leading the game. I was never in this position. At last, there is an evidence that there is no choice : Every player has agreed that Machaka is the only one threat, the alliance has not happened for fun. Not detroying Machaka here and now is giving him victory in 25 turns. No discussion about that. If you follow the game from turn one to 55, I have never been in a position to win. Never. Not one time. And certainly not now. I would like every player could testify. Anyway, I can play my turn this evening in no time, but Abysia shall need more time for sure... |
Re: Great Forum, game running
It does look like the previous ruler of Abysia ended the NAP with Machakas, but I cannot tell if offensive action was possible on this turn or next, although I think it is next turn.
One thing that is a bit of a problem is the unique summons, I am not sure what has been sighted so I am afraid I will be throwing gems/slave away on things already summoned. Not sure if there is really anything to do about that though. I should be able to get this turn in on time. |
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