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Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 6/8 Players Remaining
Why the **** did I send an expensive summon up against Embers, equipped just with a burning brand? That is ridiculous. Still, almsot my first SC losses, I think you have lost alot more so far Tiavals... Do not give up, Ossa!
Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 6/8 Players Remaining
I cant forgive myself for not checking that I didnt research conj-9 before. Now I've summoned 8+ Zmeys who are hiding in my castles waiting for daylight.
I'll start turning out embers from next turn on, but I dont believe that will be enough to stop you. |
Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 6/8 Players Remaining
I may have lost a lot more, it's true, but I also have a lot more resources than you. It will be interesting to see how it turns out in the end.
Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 6/8 Players Remaining
I can't believe I didn't block your retreat routes for that battle. I was actually going to, but the game hosted before I could re-submit (though I have no-one to blame but myself)
Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 6/8 Players Remaining
Tiavals, please tell us how many gems you did put into that darkness. If its ridicilously high we can end this sooner than later.
Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 6/8 Players Remaining
If you had used more of your Ember Lords to capture my castle province, I doubt my guys would have been the ones to retreat, and I did have a grendelkin defending it as well, albeit a poorly equipped one. Quote:
And it's not like I couldn't cast it again almost immediately since I get 70 death gems per turn. |
Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 6/8 Players Remaining
Well... than I believe it's decided. I think we could fight you and beat your hordes and SCs in daylight, but this way you'll finish us in about 20 turns.
Congrats from my side. |
Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 6/8 Players Remaining
Hmm Tiavals, I wouldn't have sent one of the ember lords, I would've cloud-trapezed a vanadrott or vanjarl with moderate equipment to each province - so that makes me feel better, as such a thug could almost certainly not beat a grendelkin...
Atm I think the darkness is almost benefiting us, because tiavals' income is way higher than ours, but the darkness puts everyone at 0, evening it out. Nearly all my SCs now are night-fighting ones, though I have lost alot through poor atk and def skill; it was an excellent decision to cast it Tiavals. What is decisive for me is that Tiavals' gem income has just grown, and where it used to be 50 below our combined incomes, it's now 30 above. I think I could win a few more battles, and am pretty proud that my left, centre and right fronts have so far held out (except the right front this turn) but it is clearly a losing struggle. Would you be ok with playing another turn or two Tiavals? Want to check out a few more battle outcomes. Though you have my formal surrender... |
Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 6/8 Players Remaining
The darkness does benefit me a lot, it's just that I've focused on Ulmish territory mostly since it's closer to my own near the places I feel are most important(my capital region where most of my summoners are). This means I'm sending around 6 Armies of the Dead each turn(600 longdead usually) to his various provinces. Often one army is enough to take one province. If I had to use conventional troops or use the spell in daylight, the results would be far worse, since ulmish troops are far superior to my own in every conceivable way. It'd also mean that even if the armies of the dead succeeded, it'd be much easier to retake the provinces. My mages are pretty good against his guys on the other hand, but if you guys had income, you'd have more mages too.
And the darkness doesn't necessarily put me to zero. My upkeep is less than 800 more than my income, but I often get lucky events(since I have a positive luck scale), and due to my high amount of provinces, it's not that rare that I actually gain 1000 gold on some turns. And I sometimes pillage provinces to squeeze some cash out of them, usually the once I capture with the longdead. Though I mostly use the money to build temples. It's crazy how strong the old ermorian dominion is, it's still the strongest on the planet despite me having almost all of his old territory for myself for dozens of turns. And I'd be interested in seeing the results of those battles, since it seems there'll be some very interesting ones in the next turn or the one after that. Don't be so quick to surrender, if those battles go terribly for me, you might have a much better chance. :) Regardless, it's been a fine game. You'd have fared a lot better, I think, if you had used the long range province conquering spells. Then again, your supply of death mages is pretty poor, and they're mostly death spells. I think there's one for Air though, and nature, but I'm not sure how well they'll work in the darkness, since my PD has darkvision too. |
Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 6/8 Players Remaining
Mwahaha, the defenders of point coral will never be defeated!
I wished for provinces and got 2. None of them belonging to agartha! I assumed that loads of provinces would have under 10 PD, which is a requirement for getting provinces with a wish. Now I wish I wished for a chayot instead :( Regarding province raiding spells Tiavals, I only researched army of the dead 2 or 3 turns ago, and call of the winds is basically useless vs PD. I needed the nature gems for various items, and call of the wild is pretty bad vs PD anyway. I will probably stop playing after playing 1 more turn, I will turn AI. Was an excellent game, I was amazed that I managed to stay in it, especially when fighting abysia and bandar together. My central position was very interesting to play with Vanheim's famous mobility, I had unrivalled control of the whole divided centre region, which was a great strength. Congratulations Tiavals, you did good lad. |
Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 6/8 Players Remaining
Yep, you truly did.
Tivials, if you intend to quit - after reaping the spoils of victory and claiming your godhood - I'd like to try it out vs agartha on ai if you dont mind. |
Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 6/8 Players Remaining
Ah, so that was what the weird message was. I've never seen anyone Wish for provinces. I pretty much always buy PD to 10(except now that income was crippled), since it seems to be the most efficient number to me, and costs only some 50 gold, which it usually reaps when someone attacks.
I didn't actually mean Call of the Winds but Phantasmal Attack. I'm not sure if it can capture provinces since the description says the army dissolves after use. Quote:
I believe this is only the second game I've won, so any win I get feels nice. :) |
Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 6/8 Players Remaining
gg guys
Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 6/8 Players Remaining
I've AI'd myself too, so have fun with reconquering the world Ossa. I'm guessing it'll be quite a bit easier against the AI. :)
Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 6/8 Players Remaining
I hope so;)
Who has admin btw? |
Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 6/8 Players Remaining
I did, I'll PM you.
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