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Saber Cherry January 28th, 2006 04:38 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
An international black market would indeed be interesting. I'm sure that many nations, not to mention indies like Amazons and Blood Druids, would kill for a jade knife... (heh, heh). The market should also deal in flesh and jewels... blood slaves and magic gems, that is... and a sort of system for forming mercenary squads and renting them out to other nations at war (listed with all the indy merc squads) would be particularly nice.

shovah January 28th, 2006 04:58 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
that would be sweet, but people would destroy them (so if they cost you say 200 gold charge 300 maybe?)

OG_Gleep January 30th, 2006 01:49 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
This may or may not have been voiced yet...I didn't read through all the posts.

I really would like the ability to "Set Army Stacks" that have independant army screens. Its really hard to figure out how to place them on the screen when its cluttered with units you have no intention of grouping them with. I run into this a lot as I have staging areas, and I have to physically move everyone I want in a stack outside, arrange them, and then move them back to their original provence.

Rally point, or whatever they call it in TB games....in RTS you can set a point at which produced troops gather at. It could easily be implemented imho. You have the option to set a rally point, based on how far it is determines how many turns it takes. Those troops essentially dissapear off the map for x number of turns, and appear in the provence designated. If the route is broken, then they take the exact amount of turns to retrace their steps as has passed since their departure. This should be a feature of secured areas, and make stealth raiding all that more important, simulating the disruption in supply lines. It would also be following a theme I think. Commanders are the equiv of generals in this game. Theres basically 2 ranks. Pretender/Commander. Theres no difference between a national hero, and an indie commander. That being said, simple troop movements would be handled by Battalion/Division/company commanders, and thus can be modled "behind the scenes".

Somewhere in the game that documents what everything actually means. For instance....I just learned today that being coldblooded actually means something other than ...well that particular mob is cold blooded. There should be some in-game glossary that lays out what something actually does. Right now, the descriptions are written by an artist. Fine, theres a place for that. But somewhere there has to be something by a scientist.

Please make Ulm....well viable. They are awesome, its discouraging to hear everyone say they suck.

Calvary should have shoes. Everyone I have seen horseback riding has done so with footwear.

Gems....I don't like the whole "costs 1 gem" thing for spell casting. Not every battle is important. 1 out of 10 is lets say. If my caster uses 2 gem spells per battle, thats a lot of wasted gems. Seperate out the most powerful, game shifting spells, and all the rest just bump up in skill level.

This is pie in the sky wishing here, I know there are lots and lots of individual unit sprites, but is it possible to have different versions per sprite based on conditions? Say my ulm infantry would look badder, maybe different armor once they hit experience lvl 3. Or look worse for wear if they had battle afflictions. Same goes for commanders, they should look buff if I deck them out with all these fancy smancy weapons. Or atleast look like they have a hammer if I built one for them. Again, harder to do with sprites, I know, its just a wish.

Different sounds for spells. Blade wind and Invulnerability should have different sounds. Would keep my blood pressure in check.

Some way to divert resources to a particular provence other than building a keep. I have seen a ton of times that I find a site with really good troops but I can't recruit them because of resource issues, and building a fort there would be a bad idea. Be it a spell, or a resource giving unit, like a supply cart.

Make Ulm Viable. Yes I know I already said it.

Balance the schools. I don't think blessing should factor into the balancing. They should be balance with eachother independant of the acutal spells.

More national heroes. And every race should have atleast one or two viable mini sc's or atleast a super duper thug.

I think the religion aspect should be fleshed out a bit more. How you do that I have no idea. I think its really really simple right now. Temples, priests, prophets, thats pretty much it.

Thats it for now =)

Agrajag January 30th, 2006 02:26 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
How about having different population types for the different nations?
When one nation conquers a province, the local population is slowly replaced by that conquerors.
The special population will only be able to produce gold/resources for the corresponding race.
With the new populations, you could give the death themes a population changing effect, rather than just killing, so a province deep in AE dominion will have all of its population replaced by useless undead that don't produce gold for them, this way the effect of the death themes wouldn't be so deadly, and provinces that were once under their effect can be reestablished, and become useful once again.
A potential spin-off would be giving special properties to different population types.
Pangean population might produce extra supply, and perhaps CW-Undead population will produce less gold (instead of no gold as it is right now) which will help to make CW more fun.

Chazar January 30th, 2006 03:19 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist

Agrajag said:
How about having different population types for the different nations?

Yes, I think this one has been wished for before. In addition, a certain number of a certain population type should allow the production of basic army types for that population without a fort (but no commanders).

This would give the lesser national troops a new niche place.

However, patrolling should affect 'foreign' population types much more than the own type, and the native population (the independents) should also be more resitant to decreasing effects: Thus if I quickly reduce unrest in freshly conquered provinces, I might be able to recruit basic national troops of other players (only the weakish ones). Furthermore, nice native population that allows recruitment of lizard runners and lizard shamen might be lost if extensive patrolling and many battles take place at the province, not to mention the dominion effects (i.e. bad scales might drive them away too). Again, the national poptype and the 'native' poptype should be a little more resistant here.

It would furthermore be fun if population would slowly migrate from one province to antoher due to unrest/scales/over-under-popluation/too-many-too-few-supplies, etc...

shovah January 30th, 2006 03:22 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
OG_gleep, 1 or 2 boots have to do with increasing the users speed/say only works when on the ground so wouldnt really work if mounted. also (even though jotuns and such can use them) i dont think a man with flying shoes could make a horse fly

Endoperez January 30th, 2006 05:28 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
Rather than having the original population replaced, these suggestions should be tied to the existing dominion value.

So what if you are fighting with some fiery dudes, they are fighting for the Prince of Truth, and their warriors have been blessed by the Flaming Sword of Justice!

Besides, even under Turmoil dominion, people are much more contempt when the church intitiates some cleanings than if a conqueror were to look out for the rebels.

OG_Gleep January 31st, 2006 03:50 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
Yes this is true. Right now its basically an on or off. If its on, you get the effect. Its possible to make it conditoinal based on factors. Would be possible to check for certain coditions and then negate the effects if the condition is there.

I think its kinda silly that my Pretender on a horse can't use earth boots, while his little dwarf friends can.

Or fine if thats too complicated to code, allow calvary to dismount...like a shapechange for dragons. If you need inspiration, open up the old Empire rule book for Rieksguard knights on foot.

shovah January 31st, 2006 07:27 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
yea, ive always wanted an option for knights to dismount, maybe increase their attack+defence when they dismount for the added manuverability (and since they loose speed and hoof attack)

Wick January 31st, 2006 11:27 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
Yes. Add two new attributes: Steed & Rider. Then seperate all the mounts & riders and allow anyone who's good enough to ride any mount tractable enough. (Size & sacred permitting.) I've wanted this for ages, I think I was still playing Dominions I when I asked for it.

Riding, like now, adds 3 Def, 2 Enc, -2 Prec, all AP, and removes the fatigue penalty for armor while attacking. He also gets hurt when his mount gets Soul Slain out from under him. The mount moves and attacks normally but loses AP, encumbrance, and possibly Def based on the rider & barding.

Add magic horseshoes to the item list and a golden bridle as well.


Too bad it's so much artwork and not going to happen.

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