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atul August 7th, 2008 04:55 AM

Sticks and stones are the ultimate weapons

Xietor said:
kidding about pillow fights in our neck of the woods. We are not fighting with sticks and stones.


But we are!

Looks just like a huge waste of upkeep, those aren't going to do anything for you now that your neighbour has been invaded by giants.

But in other news:


Bandar Log believes in reincarnation and eternal cycle of life, but...

...stranded on eastern continent. With megalomaniac nation lead by someone called Bright Insight. That has all those cronies. While hope is lost...

Could it be that BL's true god Hanif was in former life one-eyed, ugly, undead and quite immortal? The cycle keeps repeating, and here's the proof!

Xietor August 7th, 2008 08:59 AM

Re: Sticks and stones are the ultimate weapons
There are only a few giants in our neighborhood, and only a few elephants pictured. Besides, my elephants, unlike other elephants, get 3 attacks and can damage a giant. Especially my lucky ethereal elephants, that are berserk. More importantly, I am not at war with any nations-yet-that my elephants cannot trample.

Anyway, I was not showing off the handful of elephants, but the mechanical men, banelords, and 38 mages doing communions and reverse communions. Elephants just tend to hog most of the camera. I had a bunch of clockworks in there somewhere, but they are hidden from view(:

Unoptimized August 7th, 2008 12:55 PM

Re: Sticks and stones are the ultimate weapons
Hey guys. For the record, I wanted to thank you all for an awesome game. Few better ways for a NUB like me to get his feet wet. The battles with some jerface giants went well, and our last fight remains as one of my personal favorites. You know it's to the wire when a grand Thaum. is in MELE WITH AXMEN AND LIVES. (Disclaimer: We checked, and it was not a blind giant)

Then LA Marig. Showed up, and taught me a very important lesson. Undead are like so many welcome mats to a player who has access to holy pyre.

Good game all, and I'm excited to play with you all again in this amazing community.

Unoptimized August 7th, 2008 12:58 PM

Re: Sticks and stones
PS. Don was correct in saying that my defeat was a dual effort. He took out more of my resource than I would have dared to admit pre-my death.

DonCorazon August 7th, 2008 01:09 PM

Re: Sticks and stones are the ultimate weapons
GG Unoptimized
Our last clash was an epic one - nicely done. And you're correct, those were in the days before the giants self-pleasuring habits led to widespread blindness. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Look forward to seeing you again.

Xietor August 7th, 2008 02:47 PM

Re: Sticks and stones are the ultimate weapons
Thanks for playing Unoptimized, and I am glad you enjoyed your stay.

MA Ermor is a fairly tough race, so i understand you getting double teamed(: MP games seldom result in fair 1 v 1 wars as I experienced in the last Big Game when I was on the short end of the stick.

Herode August 7th, 2008 03:01 PM

Re: ELF - Eriu Liberation Front

Zeldor said:
My estimation of capitol ownership [I could make some mistakes about eastern continent]:

3 capitols:
LA Man [EA Ermor, MA Abysia]
EA Lanka [EA Hinnom, LA Pythium]
EA Niefelheim [MA Pythium, EA Agartha]
LA Marignon [LA Atlantis, MA Ermor]

2 capitols:
EA C'tis [LA Mictlan]
MA C'tis [MA Machaka]
MA Bandar Log [EA Ulm]
LA Utgard [EA ARcoscephale]
EA Helheim [EA TC]
MA Marignon [EA Sauromatia]
MA Atlantis [EA Caelum]
LA Pangaea [EA Yomi and going for MA Ashdod]
LA Caelum [EA Vanheim]
EA Tir na n'Og [MA Vanheim]
MA Arcoscephale [EA Marverni]
EA Mictlan [LA Patala]

1 capitol:
Well, other nations.

Hey hey ! You can count EA Oceania with 2 capitols since my Knights managed to conquer MA Oceania, not without some efforts due to the attrition guerilla leaded by Great Baalz and his Caprithings.

I hope to reach the 3 cap's nations as soon as we will defeat the nasty Aboleth although I have to admit here that their resistance is painful (but futile, of course http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif )

sansanjuan August 8th, 2008 02:41 PM

A couple questions...
Is there any skew towards the (average) LA nation's province count vs those of EA/MA at this time of the game? It seems in theory the LA units would be stronger early game (with typically higher protection) and the EA nations later game (with a magic edge). There is certainly a lot of confounders as far as applying this to the Kingmaker game but I thought I'd ask anyway.


Xietor August 8th, 2008 02:58 PM

Re: A couple questions...
After the next host, Llamaserver has a new feature that will give numerical displays of the score graphs. I will post them.

There may be some way of linking them so people not in the game can see them.

Tichy August 8th, 2008 05:32 PM

Re: A couple questions...
Hello all --

I am going to need a sub for two turns. I will submit the turn due Sunday (8/10), but I will most likely need a sub for the turns due Tuesday and Thursday of next week (8/12 and 8/14). I will be camping, and I don't expect to have internet service available.

I'm trying here first and if I don't get a response soon I'll start a thread on the MP board.

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