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Wokeye July 1st, 2009 06:04 AM

Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]

Originally Posted by Micah (Post 698887)
Tsk tsk, seems Wokeye's got an interesting definition of withdrawal, judging from the continued sieges of at least one of Utgard's forts.

Hmm... yes I dont know hat happened in 74 - troops ordered out this turn. 57 is a riot by two recalcitrant thralls, Utgard is welcome to do with them what they will. Apologies to Utgard.

Micah July 2nd, 2009 05:13 PM

Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Ugh, are we done yet?

archaeolept July 2nd, 2009 07:02 PM

Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
come on Micah - it's only a few dozen more turns tops!


WraithLord July 3rd, 2009 06:44 AM

Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]

Originally Posted by Micah (Post 699309)
Ugh, are we done yet?

I believe we are.
For having a fighting chance to stop you some things needed to happen that didn't happen, chief amongst them:
- Breaking your iron grip on Utgard
- Overwriting your forge (cleverly disguised as Utgard's, you had me fooled for a while :) )
- Making the cost of earning each new VP very high to you. Apparently you just took them as you pleased.

With a bit, or a lot, of luck things might have gone a different route, but they haven't and basically you had all the corners covered. And while I might have enjoyed raiding your lands while you concentrate on other stuff - that would have ultimately proved an exercise in futility.

At this game I have had the privilege to get to know your MO better - both as ally (as we were most of the game) and as enemy (albeit, too little at that). You are indeed an outstanding player, but more than anything, the impression I take of you from this game is of the master manipulator, the unseen puppet master :)
Well done :D I hope to enjoy more games with you in the future.

I for one surrender at this point. If the other player's wish to cont. I am willing to look for a sub for myself.
I also wish to thank all the players that subbed in this game!

Calahan July 3rd, 2009 07:10 AM

Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Utgard will be more than happy to call an end to this game and crown Bogarus the winner.

Wokeye July 3rd, 2009 07:23 AM

Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Meh I would fight on if others wanted, but if there is a general withdrawal, then I'll turn my thralls to the overlord Micah as playthings.

Not sure I like late game Ulm, those thralls are just plain annoying. :)

Micah July 3rd, 2009 10:30 AM

Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Thanks Wraith, this will be one less thing to worry about while I'm out of town. The Forge was mostly motivated by Utgard's E9 pretender/bless, and wanting to take it away from Amhazair, and that providing a guaranteed overwrite, as opposed to being proactive about boosting my own power...I did chip in 800 or more gems for it though, so I felt I could demand forging rights.

The only bit of "manipulation" that I feel I am guilty of was the ceasefire with Marignon when Utgard came into the war, but that was because I had my back to the wall between having Gath's remnants coming after me while I was barely holding off the biggest, nastiest nation in the game. I quite overestimated Utgard's strength (he should have been much better off than I was with national clammers and a better start) and that ended up taking him out of the running, which I hadn't envisioned. I figured that if I could hold off Marignon for 6 turns Utgard could too, especially knowing that help would be coming. Once Amhazair broke his seraph force on Utgard's cap it put me solidly into the lead, a position I wasn't about to give up. So yeah, a bit of guilt there.

Anyhow, more reports may be coming later, gotta get to my flight now!

Baalz July 3rd, 2009 05:12 PM

Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Heh, yeah, I kept saying my (Utgard's) position wasn't as strong as everyone thought, though admittedly you have to take such statements with a grain of salt. Few clams (I don't think any when I took over...not many at any rate) and I took an annoying large amount of casualties in my war with Vanhiem immediately prior with no chance to really reap any significant benefit from my associated gains.

quantum_mechani July 3rd, 2009 06:03 PM

Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]

Originally Posted by Wokeye (Post 699411)
Not sure I like late game Ulm, those thralls are just plain annoying. :)

Yeah, if there had been the population/supply to support them easier it would have been ok, but it was really nightmarish managing the snowballing cycle of vampires and thralls (on top of the hoard items).

Lingchih July 3rd, 2009 07:18 PM

Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]
Nice, it's over. Good playing with all of you (on three separate occasions).

Good night from Vanheim. We held our VP til the end :)

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