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calmon March 20th, 2007 10:08 AM

Re: Bug Commentary
I've read this bug some times ago but because i didn't find it in the short list so i bring it up again:

[b]Paralized summons stay paralized after death. It means for example a recast air queen still have the paralize(x) and is still paralized in her next battle! Same for all the unique summons.[b]

Edi March 20th, 2007 10:30 AM

Re: Bug Commentary
Thanks, calmon. I'll add that one. I remember exracting it out of the thread, but it probably got lost in the shuffle as I organized the stuff into categories.

lch March 21st, 2007 02:07 PM

Re: Bug Commentary
True, it was reported here: http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...306#Post500306

Edi March 21st, 2007 02:27 PM

Re: Bug Commentary
Thanks, Ich.

calmon March 22nd, 2007 06:16 AM

Re: Bug Commentary

* BHV SPELL Paralyze Unique summonable monsters that are paralyzed and then killed in combat will remain paralyzed when summoned again, and the paralysis becomes permanent, it cannot be removed at all. Is this possibly tied to the way paralysis works in combat and the unique ID tag of the monster in the game?

Its not permanent at all. If you bring up the commander in a new battle it starts paralized but the paralize count down normally.

Edi March 22nd, 2007 07:11 AM

Re: Bug Commentary
Thank you for the clarification. That also explains a lot of things. All units in the game have a unique identifier number that tells them apart from all other units and allows keeping track of afflictions, age, paralysis etc.

The unique monsters obviously also have these identifiers, and when they are resummoned, they will retain the characteristics they had previously (except maybe experience, which is afaik nullified). Seems that there is no similar nullification for paralysis, so when the unit dies and has the paralysis characteristic set to some value, it persists after the summon. So while it is a bug, it seems to be consistent with the game mechanics and not some totally bizarre behavior. I will amend the bug description.

calmon March 22nd, 2007 09:58 AM

Re: Bug Commentary

U359 Queen of the Sea no regen, should have regen 90% Dev Comment: she regenerates under water

Dev Comment is correct. All Queens have regeneration in 3.06.
The problem is that all Water Queens have the huge Regeneration in water AND on land. They shouldn't regenerate without water.


BHV SPELL Blessing (all varieties) does not affect undead sacred units, making them unblessable. There is a thread with a mod attached that temporarily fixes this issue here and DrPraetorius can probably help pinpoint where the problem is if it's necessary.

I think the idea is that 'unholy bless' is the bless for the undead sacreds and 'bless' is for the non-undead sacreds. This would work fine for me!
The problem is that 'unholy bless' is a national spell for ermor only.
This means that nations like LA ulm can't bless the sacred ghouls, same for Sauromatia which can't bless her national (undead) sacreds ancestral spirits.

Edi March 22nd, 2007 10:52 AM

Re: Bug Commentary

calmon said:

I think the idea is that 'unholy bless' is the bless for the undead sacreds and 'bless' is for the non-undead sacreds. This would work fine for me!
The problem is that 'unholy bless' is a national spell for ermor only.
This means that nations like LA ulm can't bless the sacred ghouls, same for Sauromatia which can't bless her national (undead) sacreds ancestral spirits.

This is a leftover from Dom2, where there were unholy sacreds and holy sacreds. Ermor had unholy ones. Everyone else had holy.

Right now, everyone has holy sacreds, whether undead or not, so normal blessing should work. Otherwise, what the hell good is any blessing? OR unholy blessing needs to be available for all. The best solution would be for even normal blessing to affect undead, but the special unholy undead boost spells (power of the Sepulchre, protection of the sepulchre, unholy power, unholy protection) being MA and LA Ermor only. So the bug report is correct and sensible.

calmon March 22nd, 2007 11:25 AM

Re: Bug Commentary
Yes you're right. I'm thinking about the problem again and there isn't any good argument for not having 'one bless to bless them all' http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Playing ermor it happened to me that i accidentally script the wrong bless spell which can be really annoying.

Maybe you can add it to the bug list that 'unholy bless' will become obsolete when fixing this bug.

Meglobob March 22nd, 2007 02:35 PM

Re: Bug Commentary

calmon said:
Yes you're right. I'm thinking about the problem again and there isn't any good argument for not having 'one bless to bless them all' http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

I think the idea was to seperate holy into 2 seperate paths ie...holy and unholy but sadly its created alot of problems for certain nations. Its more thematic to have bless for living beings and unholy for the undead.

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