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thejeff March 22nd, 2007 02:48 PM

Re: Bug Commentary
But the whole point of the changes from Dom2 was to get rid of the Holy/Unholy distinction.

Why preserve this one relic of the two different types of priests?

Edi March 22nd, 2007 02:55 PM

Re: Bug Commentary
It shouldn't be preserved. The special unholy stuff that Ermor and Desert Tombs C'tis had in Dom2 can be done with restricted national holy spells, and those were generally meant to boost the powers of undead creatures in ways other than bless. Note that they also generally affected ALL undead, not just unholy undead (which are precious few in number).

The blessings are separate and need to be applicable through normal bless. Why would a god who is the god of a nation that uses undead nad considers them sacred refuse to bestow his blessings on sacred undead? And why would the priests who also consider the undead holy refuse to do that?

UncleYee March 25th, 2007 09:17 PM

Re: Bug thread
I'd like to reiterate Calmon's report because it seems like a major bug which I cannot find on the shortlist. I myself have experienced situations where, having started with a low dominion strength, my temples remain ineffective even after building enough temples to get my conversion rates up to the 10X modifier. I've also seen reports of this referenced in other threads, so I think it's an issue of long standing. Surely the numbers you get when you click "Temple" would not be detached from your temples' actual effectiveness if this were WAD?


calmon said:
Thanks for the 3.04 patch.

Big http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Bug.gif
Could you please have an eye on the dominions increase chance bug which is reported priviously here.

I tested with 3.04 and modded a map with 45 temples and starting dominion of 1 and without connection to enemy dominions.

So i should have 45 Temple increase chances with 100% success (no spread besites the home province because its the very first turn)

But i only get very few additional candles every turn (between 5-6 in average) which shows that the chance of dominions increase is still 10% (from starting dominion 1).

This is a very serious bug and should be fixed as soon as possible.

Reay March 25th, 2007 10:29 PM

Re: Bug thread
The Tempest Warriors for EA Caelum seem to have icicle mail even if the description says that do not wear ice armours. It says they wear Ring Mail Hauberks and the protection is calculated correctly during recruitment. However during the battles I noted that the protection of both head and body seem to go up/down 2 for every cold/heat icon.

Edi March 26th, 2007 02:39 AM

Re: Bug thread
From Kristoffer's Encouragement Thread:

sube said:

This has already been pointed out somewhere else by several people, but just as a reminder... There's currently a limit cap of ~110 new sprites for mods, game crashes if there are more than 110. Can this limit be raised to, like, a lot more?

This sort of thing should be posted here to make certain that it gets shortlisted in the next roundup.

Edi March 26th, 2007 07:46 AM

Re: Bug thread

Reay said:
The Tempest Warriors for EA Caelum seem to have icicle mail even if the description says that do not wear ice armours. It says they wear Ring Mail Hauberks and the protection is calculated correctly during recruitment. However during the battles I noted that the protection of both head and body seem to go up/down 2 for every cold/heat icon.

Thanks for the report, but please read the instructions in the first post of the shortlist thread. This has now been reported, but the whole forum has now run out of exceptions.


Any future reports on units, weapons, armor, items or sites will be completely ignored unless the identification number for the object in question is provided.

The ID numbers for units, armor and weapons is available by viewing a unit and pressing shift+i. Item number by viewing item and pressing shift+i. Site numbers, poptype numbers and a lot of other stuff from the Dom3 DB.

I do not appreciate having to do extra work when the guidelines have been laid down and the special indulegnces and lenience end right bloody now. I don't give a damn if the bug is a complete game breaker, I will NOT shortlist incomplete bug reports that would necessitate additional research on my part. If it's an important bug in your opinion, then you WILL have time enough to go the effort to report it properly. Or you can make an incomplete report and pray that it gets fixed on its own.

Edi March 26th, 2007 12:11 PM

Re: Bug thread
Thanks to Reay for providing the unit ID for Tempest Warrior by PM, saved me from doing that when I get home. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Juzza April 3rd, 2007 08:16 AM

Re: Bug thread
Found a bug, when a fortress is being raided but nothing is inside and the fortress is just taken by your raiding forces, no battle, the recruitment orders that were previously given to the fortress are still there and you may dismiss the units in que for your enemies money back!

Edi April 3rd, 2007 08:24 AM

Re: Bug thread
That's been reported and shortlisted already. Thank you in any case. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

Juzza April 3rd, 2007 05:32 PM

Re: Bug thread
Oh, I checked the shortlist, I must have missed it sorry..

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