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-   -   The Star Trek Mod - v1.9.7.5 (Oct 07) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=21042)

LordAxel February 9th, 2005 06:39 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Yeah it was the combat mod i must not have installed that last time i re-installed the game

Ed Kolis February 9th, 2005 09:00 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Here's a suggestion for you...
Remove the Self Destruct Devices and give the SDD ability to the Warp Core components. That way, SDD's will not be so powerful, as they'll be vulnerable to heavier engine destroying weapons. And after all, whenever they want to blow up the ship on Star Trek, they always overload the warp core, right? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Atrocities February 9th, 2005 11:00 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released

Ed Kolis said:
Here's a suggestion for you...
Remove the Self Destruct Devices and give the SDD ability to the Warp Core components. That way, SDD's will not be so powerful, as they'll be vulnerable to heavier engine destroying weapons. And after all, whenever they want to blow up the ship on Star Trek, they always overload the warp core, right? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

That sounds likea good idea. A lot of work, but a good idea.

Atrocities February 9th, 2005 11:10 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
[qoute]Star Trek Mod v1.9.1.2 - PENDING

1. Fixed Error in the FQM QuadrantSize file, Sparse Maze Entry.

Star Trek Mod v1.9.1.1

1. Fixed Error in Bynar (Neutral Race 001) General file
2. Changed Description of Self Destruct Device (SDD) Boarding Defense Ability
3. Added New ship sets for Minor Empires

Star Trek Mod v1.9.1.0

1. Fixed Cost error in Robo - Miners II. It is now the same cost as Robo - Miners I & III
2. Changed Code for all Propulsion Mounts to PM1, PM2, etc.
3. Changed Propulsion Mount 7 from Vehicle Size Minimum 1500 to 2000.
4. Added Propulsion Mount 6 for vehicle Size Min/Max of 1501 to 1999 (For Queens Cube)
5. Added Resource Ship to vehicle Size file. (Custom Hull Size for Supply Replicator Component and mount)
6. Added Supply Replicator I - III
7. Added Supply Mount (SUPM) for use with Supply Replicator I - III and Resource Ship.
8. Changed Intro image to Custom Image by David Gervais. (Birds Of Prey)
9. Changed Telekinetic Torpedo I - III Family from 2003 to 2113.
10. Changed Supply useage for warp core, Borg Warp Core, and Organic War Drive VI - X (Lowered)
11. Changed Federation Explorer Class Bitmap image from Escort to Scout
12. Changed Added new Federation ship set by Atrocities
13. Changed Added new DS9 ship set by Atrocities
14. Changed Added new TMP (Trek Motion Pictures) ship set by Atrocities.
15. Changed Organized shuttles into Shuttle I - V.
16. Changed Small Warp Core Tech Area Req from 3 to 1 - Tech Area Req 1 = Shuttle 1 (Shuttle III hull size)
17. Changed Description of Small Warp Core.
18. Changed Added restriction of Two Per Vehicle to Shuttle Phaser
19. Changed All Small Engines names to Shuttle Impusle Engine I - IV
20. Changed Dropped Tech Area req Propulsion from Shuttle Impulse Engine I - IV
21. Changed Description of Shuttle Impuse Engine I - IV
22. Changed Raised shuttle technology level from 3 to 4.
23. Changed Dropped Tech Requirement Construction 1 from Shuttle Technology
24. Changed Missile weapons Max Level from 9 to 15. AI should now research all missile weapons.
25. Changed Replaced Andorian Neutral Race with the Lurians
26. Changed Replaced Vulcan Neutral Race with the Talosians
27. Added Lurian and Talosian design names
28. Replaced Both the Lurian and Talosian neutral ship sets
29. Changed Updated all EMP files.
30. Changed Fixed errors in Events File. (Now in correct order)
31. Changed All Race Defualt AI_DesignCreation files (Reversed order of ship listings)
32. Changed All Race Research files (Re-organized some entries and added Not Connected entries)
33. Changed Added Generic Race ships
34. Changed Added Boarding defense to Self Destruct Device.
35. Changed Update all neutral and minor race emblems.

Atrocities February 10th, 2005 11:15 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Not to be rude or anything, but if you take the time to download the STAR TREK MOD, please read the included installation file and or any other document that came with the mod. Many questions like "why am I missing planet images?" and "Why can't I see some of the components?" can be answered simply by reading the read-me files.

Also for your convience please read the list below. I update it whenever something needs to be convied about the mod such as missing Stellor images, or combat string violations.

Thanks and enjoy the mod.


Atrocities said:
<font color="red">http://www.astmod.com/startrek/webpa...comm-badge.gif Offical Star Trek Mod Web Page</font> - ALL NEW http://www.astmod.com/startrek/webpa...comm-badge.gif

Star Trek Mod -= FORUM =- at SE.net


Also if you are updating any Version of the Star Trek mod before Version - DO A FRESH INSTALL OF FULL and then update to Updating from any Versions prior to will cause errors and problems.

<font color="blue">If for any reason you get an error that a back ground bmp will not load, download FQM Delux and copy over all of the system images to your base systems folder in your space empires iv directory.</font>

Be sure that you have installed the latest Image Mod Packs. Planets, Components, Facilities, Events, and Combat or you might get a scan line or other type of error.

735 Downloads from Shrapnels Site and counting. (01-03-2005) (301 and counting from Offical STM website)

<font color="red">12-28-2004</font>
The Last patch of the year.
Star Trek Mod v1.9.0.9 - Patch
Star Trek Mod v1.9.0.9 - Patch Without Spash Screen
Star Trek Mod v1.9.0.9 - PBW Data Files for Update
Star Trek Mod v1.9.0.9 - Full Version (Torrent File)

Web Site Revision History

I have posted the back story for the mod if any one is interested in a long read. The Cleansing


<font color="red"> 12-18-2004 UPDATE</font>
Star Trek Mod Patch v1.9.0.7 (Will update any Version from to current.) Players DOWN LOAD THIS ONE.

Star Trek Mod Patch v1.9.0.7 Ai and Data files only (Contains only AI and data files - no graphics. Will update any Version from to current) - PBW WEB ADMINS USE THIS ONE TO UPDATE PBW

Star Trek Mod Full Data and AI files only no graphics. (FIXED LINK)

<font color="red"> 11-18-2004 UPDATE</font>
STM v1.9.0.2 With Intro 5.0 megs
STM v1.9.0.2 Without Intro 2.5 megs
STM v1.9.0.2 Data and Ai files only. No images 500k

<font color="red">11-14-2004 UPDATE </font>

Star Trek Mod Patch With Intro 2.5 megs (New File - Should no longer cause error when being unzipped)
Star Trek Mod Without Intro 400k

Part 1 of 4 STM
Part 2 of 4 STM

Part 3 of 4 STM
Part 4 of 4 STM

<font color="red">11-14-2004 UPDATE </font>


The latest Version of the Star Trek Mod can now be downloaded. Please report any bugs or questions to AtrocitiesATgmailDOTcom. Thank you and enjoy.

Star Trek Version Download Link 22 Megs (149 downloads so far)

Be sure to update to the latest Versions of the Component and Events packs. SJ Image Mod Site

I would like to get input on what things need addressing for a final update for the Star Trek Mod.

As it stands now, the only suggestions I have are to work on the Romulan AI, adjust the cost of some facilities and components for races like the Breen, 8472 and a few others.

Any suggestions that have to deal with the Ai and or minor tweaks or bugs would be appreciated.


8 emails this morning, count them, 8!

geoschmo February 10th, 2005 11:22 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released

Atrocities said:

8 emails this morning, count them, 8!

Ah, the curse of having a mod that people actually like and play. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

boran_blok February 10th, 2005 03:53 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
now you know how malfador must feel http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Atrocities February 10th, 2005 10:02 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Poor Aaron. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I have a new list idea...... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Samurai99 February 10th, 2005 11:24 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released

Is it possible the Star Trek Mod doesn't work with the Map Editor? I keep getting an error message saying something about quadrant types.

Please forgive me if this is covered elsewhere, but I've tried searching the forum and can't find an answer.

Atrocities February 11th, 2005 08:47 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
You need to use the Mod Launcher to open the map editor for the STM or any mod for that matter.

Matrix Mod Launcher Download

Start the Mod Laucher
Select the Star Trek Mod
Click on the EDIT MAPS button

This will load the Map editor using the MOD FILES. You will have to direct the Sav Map or Load Map to the Mods Map folder though.

Good luck.

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