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Jazzepi June 1st, 2007 11:27 AM

Re: (it\'s called ACTING! )

Meglobob said:

Baalz said:
Hmmm, much talk of oathbreaking in this world, this is worrisome to us. To any in the future who would consider breaking faith with the Mictlan empire know this - all other considerations will be dropped and every ounce of my considerable resources will be turned towards absolute destruction of anyone who betrays me. I will bribe, beg and bully aid from your neighbors and all will remember for a long time you are an honorless dog who cannot be trusted with friendship. I'll engage in a scorched earth campaign of nightmarish proportions, and your tongue will turn to ash in your mouth. I will gladly descend into Inferno so long as I'm grasping the ankle of the swine who betrayed me. Against that weigh the three turns notice it usually takes to honorably dissolve a NAP, and make sure you make the right choice even if your soul has no honor.

So basically if your going to backstab him, make sure to do it good... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

I recommend a 6 ft claymore to the back, as opposed to your normal dagger... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

I prefer backstabbing with a ballista.


Saint_Dude June 1st, 2007 11:33 AM

Pan\'s blather
Regrettably, it is true that Shinuyama was forced to break the NAP treaty with EA Pan one month after it was agreed upon. This is not however, because we are oath breakers, rather the opposite. As we explained to Pan we had a pre-existing treaty with EA Ulm which dictated collective defense of our borders. Since Pan decided to launch a war while simultaneously negotiating peace with both Shinuyama and Ulm, we had no choice but to back track in the negotiations.

We have taken an empty isolated province of Pan. For this we feel bad. We have canceled our NAP and will carry out no further offensive actions for the next 3 months. In the meantime, we will send Pan the gold income from said province until the end of the 3 month period, or until the treacherous Pan decide to carry out any actions of their own. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Gandalf Parker June 1st, 2007 12:15 PM

Re: Pan\'s blather
Sometimes I think that games such as Dominions should be played in high school with class discussions afterwards on how it changes their outlook on large scale economics, world politics, trades and treaties.

FAJ June 1st, 2007 12:21 PM

Re: Pan\'s blather
And then the giants give everyone indian burns and swirlies?

Jazzepi June 1st, 2007 12:21 PM

Re: Pan\'s blather

Gandalf Parker said:
Sometimes I think that games such as Dominions should be played in high school with class discussions afterwards on how it changes their outlook on large scale economics, world politics, trades and treaties.

I would like to note that Megablob raised his prices for Owl Quills almost immediately based exclusively on the intense demand. Then his lab collapsed.

ECON 101 : Try to process too many orders = Your factory explodes


Cor June 1st, 2007 01:47 PM

Re: (it\'s called ACTING! )

Szumo said:
MA Shinuyama, your treacherous treaty breaking has been noted and will be repaid in kind.

MA ULM is at war with MA Shinuyama. We call for an alliance against MA Shinuyama, Oath breakers!

Meglobob June 1st, 2007 02:11 PM

Re: Pan\'s blather

Jazzepi said:

Gandalf Parker said:
Sometimes I think that games such as Dominions should be played in high school with class discussions afterwards on how it changes their outlook on large scale economics, world politics, trades and treaties.

I would like to note that Megablob raised his prices for Owl Quills almost immediately based exclusively on the intense demand. Then his lab collapsed.

ECON 101 : Try to process too many orders = Your factory explodes


True, damn fire and incompetent mages... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif

Saint_Dude June 1st, 2007 03:12 PM

Re: Pan\'s blather
Oh, by all means follow in the footsteps of MA Ulm. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

At the beginning of the game the rushed us with their oh so scary Wyrm and prophet leading an army of heavy infantry. The all were slain to a man.

Only a fool would ally with MA Ulm. Their days are numbered. Their people will likely be no more than a laughable memory in less than a years time. tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.

davegg June 1st, 2007 03:19 PM

Re: Pan\'s blather
EA Pan, you are lucky our ally MA Shinuyuma is so generous. Now that your attacking armies have been defeated and you have pulled the remants of your troops out, we ask what you are willing to pay in the form of reparatations to allay our attack? As you know, so far you faced only our secondary forces, and we have two large army gathering on your borders.

Saint_Dude June 1st, 2007 03:21 PM

status page?
Just curious,

Why does the status page show some people as "Missed a turn" and others as "Turn Pending"? At the pace that this game has been moving I don't think there have been many missed turns.

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