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-   -   The Star Trek Mod - v1.9.7.5 (Oct 07) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=21042)

Atrocities February 11th, 2005 08:58 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
What would be better? Having the SDD ability added to the warp core and removing the current device, or keep the current SDD with its Security Ability? The security ability allows anti security (Boarding) weapons to destroy the SDD.

Nodachi February 11th, 2005 09:38 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
I say leave it as is. If you add it to the warp core then races like the Borg won't be able to overwhelm it. I would, however, make it a little bit stronger. Right now it is too easy to overwhelm.

Atrocities February 23rd, 2005 07:30 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Hey all, just an update.

The next version release date is coming up soon. It will be a two part update.

Part one will be the data files and replacement neutral ships.

Part two will be only the New Federation and Minor Race ship sets.

I have a few things left to do before posting the mod on the 28th. So stay tuned and please report any bugs you know of ASAP. Thanks.

Atrocities February 27th, 2005 04:09 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
We are down to the gun lap for bug reports. Tuesday the 1st version will be released.

This new version does effect one race, the Breen. I had to change the size of the Breen cloaking device from 10kt to 20kt. Be warned.

For unique updates and such please visit the www.spaceempires.net forums under Mods, the Star Trek Mod.

Atrocities February 28th, 2005 10:43 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
<font color="brown">New Version Released </font>

Version of the Star Trek Mod has been released. www.astmod.com

The only race that should be effected by this update is the Breen. I increased the size of their cloaking device from 10kt to 20kt.


Star Trek Mod v1.9.1.2

1. Fixed Error in the FQM Quadrant Size file, Sparse Maze Entry.
2. Added More Questions and Answers to the Installation Read - Me
3. Changed Lowered fighter and shuttle defense ability slightly.
4. Changed Nausicaan Main.bmp slightly to offset it from the Cardassian color.
5. Changed Satellite Mounts Damage Percent from 100 to 70.
6. Changed Satellite Mount to Small Satellite Mount
7. Changed Vehicle Size Maximum to 50 for Small Satellite Mount (May effect saved games)
8. Changed Large Satellite Mount to Satellite Mount.
9. Changed Advanced Tachyon Sensors I EM Active scanning at level 7 to 6
10. Changed Advanced Tachyon Sensors I EM Active scanning at level 9 to 7
11. Changed Breen Cloaking Device I - III Tonnage Size from 10kt to 20kt (will effect saved games)
12. Changed Breen Cloaking Device I - III Cloak Level to (1,1,1 2,2,2 3,3,3)
13. Changed Klingon Cloaking Device I - III Tonnage Structure from 40 to 20
14. Changed Advanced Klingon Cloaking Device I - II Tonnage Structure from 40 to 20
15. Changed Federation Cloaking Device Tonnage Structure from 30 to 15.
16. Changed Romulan Cloaking Device Tonnage Structure from 40 to 20.
17. Changed Advanced Romulan Cloaking Device Tonnage Structure from 40 to 20.
18. Added Tachyon Grid I - II
19. Changed Removed Ship Construction Level 5 from tech requirements for Federation Cloaking Device
20. Changed Removed Federation Energy Weapons Level 5 from requirements for Defiant Cloak Mount
21. Added Defiant Pulse Weapon Mount
22. Added Movement Bonus to all Scout, Escort and some Frigate hull sizes. (may work, may not)
23. Changed Tweaked Shield Generator I - X abilities slightly
24. Changed Tweaked Bio - Electric Field I - X abilities slightly
25. Changed Tweaked Borg Regenerative Shields I - V abilities slightly
26. Changed Re-organized the DefaultDesignTypes

Star Trek Mod v1.9.1.1

1. Fixed Error in Bynar (Neutral Race 001) General file
2. Changed Description of Self Destruct Device (SDD) Boarding Defense Ability
3. Added New ship sets for Minor Empires

Star Trek Mod v1.9.1.0

1. Fixed Cost error in Robo - Miners II. It is now the same cost as Robo - Miners I &amp; III
2. Changed Code for all Propulsion Mounts to PM1, PM2, etc.
3. Changed Propulsion Mount 7 from Vehicle Size Minimum 1500 to 2000.
4. Added Propulsion Mount 6 for vehicle Size Min/Max of 1501 to 1999 (For Queens Cube)
5. Added Resource Ship to vehicle Size file. (Custom Hull Size for Supply Replicator Component and mount)
6. Added Supply Replicator I - III
7. Added Supply Mount (SUPM) for use with Supply Replicator I - III and Resource Ship.
8. Changed Intro image to Custom Image by David Gervais. (Birds Of Prey)
9. Changed Telekinetic Torpedo I - III Family from 2003 to 2113.
10. Changed Supply usage for warp core, Borg Warp Core, and Organic War Drive VI - X (Lowered)
11. Changed Federation Explorer Class Bitmap image from Escort to Scout
12. Changed Added new Federation ship set by Atrocities
13. Changed Added new DS9 ship set by Atrocities
14. Changed Added new TMP (Trek Motion Pictures) ship set by Atrocities.
15. Changed Organized shuttles into Shuttle I - V.
16. Changed Small Warp Core Tech Area Req from 3 to 1 - Tech Area Req 1 = Shuttle 1 (Shuttle III hull size)
17. Changed Description of Small Warp Core.
18. Changed Added restriction of Two Per Vehicle to Shuttle Phaser
19. Changed All Small Engines names to Shuttle Impulse Engine I - IV
20. Changed Dropped Tech Area req Propulsion from Shuttle Impulse Engine I - IV
21. Changed Description of Shuttle Impulse Engine I - IV
22. Changed Raised shuttle technology level from 3 to 4.
23. Changed Dropped Tech Requirement Construction 1 from Shuttle Technology
24. Changed Missile weapons Max Level from 9 to 15. AI should now research all missile weapons.
25. Changed Replaced Andorian Neutral Race with the Lurians
26. Changed Replaced Vulcan Neutral Race with the Talosians
27. Added Lurian and Talosian design names
28. Replaced Both the Lurian and Talosian neutral ship sets
29. Changed Updated all EMP files.
30. Changed Fixed errors in Events File. (Now in correct order)
31. Changed All Race Default AI_Design Creation files (Reversed order of ship listings)
32. Changed All Race Research files (Re-organized some entries and added Not Connected entries)
33. Changed Added Generic Race ships
34. Changed Added Boarding defense to Self Destruct Device.
35. Changed Update all neutral and minor race emblems.

Atrocities March 1st, 2005 07:40 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released

If you downloaded the update or the full version for STM v before 2am this morning, march 1st, you will need to download a FIX

I added an ability to the some of the hulls that effected the movement adversly. This has been corrected. If you have not yet downloaded the latest version, then your ok. Don't worry about it.

Captain Kwok March 1st, 2005 11:20 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
As per discussions at SE.net - it seems the movement bug is caused by the extra movement generation ability having the same number for value2 on the warp core and small ships, differentiating those will correct the problem.

DarkHorse March 1st, 2005 12:47 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released

Atrocities said:
<font color="brown">New Version Released </font>

Version of the Star Trek Mod has been released. www.astmod.com

The only race that should be effected by this update is the Breen. I increased the size of their cloaking device from 10kt to 20kt.

Hey! Quit shafting the Breen! What have we ever done to you?!? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

- Breen Confederacy, STM FINAL PBW game

Atrocities March 1st, 2005 09:16 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released

Captain Kwok said:
As per discussions at SE.net - it seems the movement bug is caused by the extra movement generation ability having the same number for value2 on the warp core and small ships, differentiating those will correct the problem.

I tried that, did not work. So I simply removed the ability from the hulls.

RazorSharp March 2nd, 2005 01:51 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
duno when this happened but...why oh why you nerfed borg shields size of 50 cost 1000 minerals and only 10 shields regenerated none will use them now...this is way to low...only thing who makes borgs better is bigger ships...maybe make them worthy again?
Species are nerfed 2 they're shields are only bit better cost twice as much and use more space why use em @ all?

sorry if I'm being offensive but when your 2 fusion cubes cant blow up tholian Bship then excuuusme http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif

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