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PhilD October 6th, 2006 03:09 PM

Re: Bug thread
Diseased unit not losing health
In Dom2, and in the description, a "diseased" unit should lose 1 hp per turn. I've had a diseased guy regaining health over a few turns of doing nothing (it might be a sacred unit, and my pretender does have a Nature blessing, but I don't think it should matter - and my Pretender is fast asleep)

This is in the demo version, in case it matters.

Nonexistent Pretender from an absent Nation shows up in Hall of Fame

While trying the demo, I mistakenly created a Pretender for Arcoscephale, named "a" (couldn't quit without typing a name, and the caps key wouldn't let me call him "A"). When I created a game, with no Arcoscephale nation, "a" showed up in the Hall of Fame as the Pretender for Arcoscephale.

thejeff October 6th, 2006 03:35 PM

Re: Bug thread
Using the 'y' feature for Army Setup when there are troops in the targeted province works oddly.
The commanders and squads in the province appear and can be given orders but their position squares do not appear.

This may seem like an odd thing to do, since it's intended for coordinating attacks, but it seemed natural when I was reinforcing a seiging army.

Taqwus October 6th, 2006 04:05 PM

Re: Bug thread
Magic Duel: If the spell behavior has changed to be less lethal except in heavy gap in astral magic, the description does not reflect this.

Frostmourne27 October 6th, 2006 09:22 PM

Re: Bug thread
<font color="green"> [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img]In the demo, all of the provinces I've found (on different maps) with Kappa population (on land) can instead recruit tritons. Then, if I recruit tritons, the tritons drown (its not an underwater province)
Somepeople seem to be having the same problem, but I'm not too sure. </font>

Cainehill October 7th, 2006 12:39 AM

Re: Bug thread

PhilD said:
While trying the demo, I mistakenly created a Pretender for Arcoscephale, named "a" (couldn't quit without typing a name, and the caps key wouldn't let me call him "A"). When I created a game, with no Arcoscephale nation, "a" showed up in the Hall of Fame as the Pretender for Arcoscephale.

Yeh - might just (hopefully) be the demo, but I get duplicates of my pretender in the HoF, for my nation. Also usually a PoD which I've never used with the demo, showing up for my nation.

Frostmourne27 October 7th, 2006 01:50 AM

Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Coral Spears seem to be secondary effect allways... a bit weird... I don't think this is deliberate since it makes mermen etc way too powerful vs SCs. since defence isn't too powerfull vs masses. It makes poison resistance required which doesn't feel right.

Cainehill October 7th, 2006 09:49 AM

Re: Bug thread
If you mean that their poisoned weapons always cause poison when they hit, it's always been that way. If you mean they cause poison even if they don't hit, that'd be a bug. But mermen and other troops with poisoned weapons have always been tough to take.

Nerfix October 7th, 2006 09:52 AM

Re: Bug thread
I've noticed they are less tough in Dom 3.

thejeff October 7th, 2006 11:55 AM

Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img]Unrouted squad disbanding.

Battle won, squad still attacking at the end, but removed from commander. Stayed in the same province.

Turn attached.
The battle takes place in The Bottleneck.

LeSquide October 7th, 2006 05:20 PM

Re: Bug thread
Playing Sauromatia; attempted to use Astral Travel to drop my prophet and his huge army into an enemy province. According to the spell description, this should work.

Only the prophet shows up, the 215 troops that should have been with him no longer attached and instead chilling in the province he left from.

He got slaughtered by the enemy.

I can't find a reason for this; was there something I missed, or is this a bug?

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