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UninspiredName December 2nd, 2006 10:47 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
...Oh, they are? Isn't that just for reanimation? (Which, now that I think about it, is I guess all that matters.)

And do any nations get their own Soulless? I haven't seen any yet...

Endoperez December 3rd, 2006 01:33 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

UninspiredName said:
...Oh, they are? Isn't that just for reanimation? (Which, now that I think about it, is I guess all that matters.)

And do any nations get their own Soulless? I haven't seen any yet...

Jotun does. Carrion Reanimation used to rock in Dom:PPP, before you neede corpses for it to work... You got insane amount of soulless Jotuns at every casting. Also, the monkey people will get their own soulless. They were implemented in 3.02.

From ulm.illwinter.com/dom3/dom3progress.html :


2rd november
* Monkey reanimation for Lanka, Kailasa, Bandar log and Patala

SoaviFox December 3rd, 2006 01:36 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
It would be nice if I could easily set certian items to only be forgable by certian nations.

UninspiredName December 3rd, 2006 10:34 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Not even the developers do that at the moment... (That Black Laurel is getting on my nerves, though)

Singularity24601 December 4th, 2006 03:02 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
At least "charge bonus on first attack", "range = strength/2", etc can be added by editing the .exe, although having #copyweapon would make this unnecessary.


HoneyBadger said:
How about being able to mod certain units (such as certain Pretenders) as no curse, no horror mark, no insanity, no age, etc?

I guess "no age" can be handled by setting maxage to a ridiculously high number. Meanwhile, I don't like the idea of a Vastness brought down by disease (or most other afflictions)... perhaps "immune to disease" and "immune to afflictions" abilities?

PS: I'm running out of room for capital-only units... perhaps allowing more than 4 startsites and/or more than 5 attributes per site.

Endoperez December 4th, 2006 04:17 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

Singularity24601 said:
At least "charge bonus on first attack", "range = strength/2", etc can be added by editing the .exe, although having #copyweapon would make this unnecessary.

PS: I'm running out of room for capital-only units... perhaps allowing more than 4 startsites and/or more than 5 attributes per site.

I don't count .exe editing as modding, because it's much more complicated.

Currently, all provinces are limited to 4 startsites, and all sites are limited to 5 attributes. Even if you wanted to give a nation income of 6 different gems, and a gold bonus and a resource bonus, you'd be able to give them total of 12 capital-only recruitables. That's twice as much as any current nation (LA Abysia is the one most limited by capital-only units AFAIK). Are you sure any of them couldn't be changed into e.g. summons?

DrPraetorious December 6th, 2006 01:06 AM

1 Attachment(s)
One thing I forgot, it'd be nice when we get the ability to mod magic items if we could make magic items that change hit point totals. I see why the basic game doesn't have any but they'd still be cool.

Otherwise, I have a proposal in response to the request to have random elements in unit specifications, which I said I thought was impossible. We ought to be able to have mutations!

Mutations work, from a game-mechanical standpoint, just like afflictions. It'd be nice if we could specify them ourselves through mod script - see below for the commands I think we'd need.

Unfortunately I don't think that's practical, but you could add mutations, even if none of the default units use them (although foul spawn should get them if they exist at all.)

The mutations in the attached list are mostly warhammer classics - if you added those (and mod commands to give them to units, with a bitmsask and a percentage change and all), that'd be super-keen and ought to cover most people's unit variety needs.

So, you'd need:
#mutation <bitmask> <chance>
-- Self explanatory, goes on units.
#spreads_mutations <bitmask> <chance>
-- So that we can add sites which mutate people that stay in the province with them.
-- Plus a spell effect that gives mutations! Chaos Channels! Huzzah!

If, on the other hand, you want to go nuts:
#attribute_pool <pool_number> <icon file>
#attribute <pool_number> <position>
-- Attributes, of which mutations are one type you could make, would appear in different types, each of which would have its own icon (and pool #), and each of which would have a, say, 64-bit bitmask. Position is the place in the bitmask, so a number from 0 to 63.

#require_slots (bitmask)
-- This attribute requires the combination of slots specified.
-- Mindless units cannot get this attribute.
#max_size (size)
-- You get the idea.

#stacks_to <position>
-- If you get this mutation, and you already have it, get this mutation isntead.

-- Other than that, each mutation would need the same stuff that units would get. You'd need a way to *modify* stats rather than just changing them, and you'd need a command to add or remove slots rather than just specifying which slots a unit would have.

-- Finally, for units
#attribute <pool> <bitmask> <chance>
-- And for sites.
#spreads_attribute <pool> <bitmsask> <chance>
-- And an effect for spells.

UninspiredName December 6th, 2006 07:28 PM

Re: Mutations!
Ooh, I like that one. Would really open up spell and site modding.

As for me, I'm having some serious issues creating combat summons that I have reason to believe aren't user error. You also can't boost the gem cost without boosting the fatigue cost for combat spells, which means if you wanted a barrage of fireballs that costed 3 gems to cast, it would most likely kill the caster, causing him 300 fatigue.

Endoperez December 6th, 2006 07:41 PM

Re: Mutations!

UninspiredName said:
Ooh, I like that one. Would really open up spell and site modding.

As for me, I'm having some serious issues creating combat summons that I have reason to believe aren't user error. You also can't boost the gem cost without boosting the fatigue cost for combat spells, which means if you wanted a barrage of fireballs that costed 3 gems to cast, it would most likely kill the caster, causing him 300 fatigue.

The latter is, unfortunately, pretty much unavoidable. Except for the killing part; casting spells doesn't kill the caster. And if the spellcaster has even one more level in the chosen path, he only gets half the fatigue, so he "only" gets 150+encumberance points of fatigue. You'd need 3 extra levels to get the fatigue down to 75 (300/4), though.

FrankTrollman December 6th, 2006 08:03 PM

Re: Mutations!
A high gem cost spell is pretty much uncastable by a character with the minimum path to cast it, casters won't use more than 200 Fatigue on casting a spell by choice, so they'll skip over even a scripted 8 gem spell.

But a character with an extra 3 path skill casts a spell at 1/4th fatigue - so they will cast that 8 gem spell.

So weirdly, if you want to have a spell that costs a lot of gems and is usable in combat, set the path requirements really low. A 1 Nature 800 Fatigue spell is theoretically castable by a Dryad, but actually it is only available to seriously badass Pans.


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