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Ektor January 8th, 2007 09:54 PM

Re: Late Age Game, Random Map, Victory Points

Arameyan said:
There is no Axis! I'm just one of the nation that decided to help caelum against Ermor. No one want to fight Ermor, but everyone is always happy when a few nations decide to go against it. Please dont backstab those who protect your lands against the scourge.

For the living!


-> By the way, I never even talked to Midgard.

Actually Midgard and Caelum are making a fest, without you.

Caelum have cheated everyone, saying that I was the main threat of the game, but it was a nice ruse.

Meglobob January 8th, 2007 10:04 PM

Re: Late Age Game, Random Map, Victory Points

Ektor said:

Arameyan said:
There is no Axis! I'm just one of the nation that decided to help caelum against Ermor. No one want to fight Ermor, but everyone is always happy when a few nations decide to go against it. Please dont backstab those who protect your lands against the scourge.

For the living!


-> By the way, I never even talked to Midgard.

Actually Midgard and Caelum are making a fest, without you.

Caelum have cheated everyone, saying that I was the main threat of the game, but it was a nice ruse.

Why would we? What do we gain out of Ermor's depopulated, death ridden wasteland of a domain? Only disease's for our starving troops thats what. Your lands will provide little income, you do not have a high gem income.

The only reason you were attacked was because in provinces/armies/castles/dominion etc...you were 2-3 times more powerful than anyone else. Myself/Midgard/Man have done everyone a favour in dragging you down.

Ektor January 8th, 2007 10:12 PM

Re: Late Age Game, Random Map, Victory Points
it's false, it's not because I have a high statistic about my quantity of troops that means I have the most powerfull army.

Caelum, alone, against me is already a balanced war, so against several...

Do not forget : I cannot recruit any serious troops, I must summon, and as you have noticed : I do not have a good gem income, not enough to be a threat.

Anyway it's the risk of LA Ermor, being banged because of the stats.

Ighalli January 9th, 2007 02:10 AM

Re: Late Age Game, Random Map, Victory Points
I consider attacking Ermor doing a favor for everyone else on the map. I don't think many of the other nations were lining up to slow down your wasteland. Your army size isn't the main threat I see from you, it's your massive dominion and province count. Better to contain you sooner than later!

Ektor January 9th, 2007 09:42 PM

Re: Late Age Game, Random Map, Victory Points
Question is not anymore if I was a major threat, etc,
we all know that invaders do always pretend some falses reasons to support a 'preemptive' strike on another country.

Question is :
Who can stop your alliance ? is it too late?

facts are that you're both allied, and aggressive.
facts are that there is no other alliance than yours
facts are that midgard is definitively the most powerfull nation.
so your alliance is the real major threat of the game.

Again I make a call to arms :

Who can stop Midgard ?
anyone who want to, I will support him, before it's too late.

Who can attack Caelum?
he can count on me.

Whollaborg January 11th, 2007 08:22 AM

Re: Late Age Game, Random Map, Victory Points
Declaration of war against arrogant fools,

As the War rages all over the land Agarthan legions must secure the interests of the Nation.

For long have the Acrosephalean minions wronged us. We offered them our friendship in our folly and thus they made us regret our offerings to them.

We offered them four and more neutral provinces but in their greed they did not listen to our borders agreement and attacked province that we wanted for ourselves and even fortified it same time we pleaded Acrosephalians to withdraw. For many months they held the province and we were forced to gather an army to retake what was ours.
And still we were foolish enough and let them keep the provinces we had given them in good faith.

And to further our mistake - we offered them a non-agression pact on a condition that they must not fortify or bring troops into very narrow corridor of provinces which geopolitically speaking was threatening our heartlands.

They didn't comment the condition of not militarizing the border. Instead they brought in very large armies and build fortrifications.

In this point we knew that war was the only alternative.

Meanwhile our other neighbours, Ermor and Caleum locked themselves into deadly wrestle which we couldn't join with our friends; the Caleum.

...We had to start a long march to bring troops against Acrosephale who had refused our terms on peaceful borders and brought in more troops.

Our diplomatic embassy noted that the court of Acrosephale was partly thinking or was pretending that they believed we had an non-agression pact which we didn't have. If they though so they would have been reading our correspondence as a three year old would read. This is without sense of logic and awarness of what they agreed on as they on their own fallacy of fantasies that we are weak and could be trated without respect or even answering our clause of not militarizing the border that was presented them with the offer of non-aggression pact.

Now foolish Acrosephale will pay for their arrogance.

-K'telos, who Liveth the Grave and now speaks for it

Ektor January 11th, 2007 08:49 PM

Re: Late Age Game, Random Map, Victory Points

Whollaborg said:
Declaration of war ...
our friends; the Caleum.
-K'telos, who Liveth the Grave and now speaks for it

Can, K'Telos, clarify his position with the Caelum?
You seems to clearly declare them as your friend.

Ektor January 11th, 2007 08:50 PM

Re: Late Age Game, Random Map, Victory Points
I cannot connect to the server, it does freeze during the 'waiting for the game info' screen

Meglobob January 11th, 2007 10:27 PM

Re: Late Age Game, Random Map, Victory Points
Server appears to be down.

Xox January 11th, 2007 10:28 PM

Re: Late Age Game, Random Map, Victory Points
Agartha's long winded and somewhat poetic post is just a way of prempting my announcement of his breaking our nap with no notification time.

Be aware that Whollaberg does not respect his treaties and will often add new clauses to them after the treaty has been agreed to and consider them part of the agreement and grounds for his breaking the agreement.

Short story is that he is breaking his nap with me at what he sees is a vulnerable time for me and making up excuses for the why of it.

Not sure why he could not wait the three turns except to get a tactical Pearl Harbor type advantage.

XOX of arco

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