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RabbitDynamite September 18th, 2009 06:48 AM

Re: Noobs & Vets: Rise of the AI Menace. EA, BI, Recruiting.
I'll sign up as a noob, only two games experience.

chrispedersen September 18th, 2009 11:28 AM

Re: Noobs & Vets: Rise of the AI Menace. EA, BI, Recruiting.

Originally Posted by Septimius Severus (Post 710821)
That method would work fine (assuming I understand you correctly) grouping and choosing 3 uncontested picks at a time in a series of rounds, though there are likely to be quite a few conflicts so it will probably require a few rounds. So we would probably need a larger list of nations from each team, as opposed to if we were to just give each team their uncontested first, second, third, and so forth picks.

So we have 17 available nations (excluding the vet picks and water nations). Grouped into 3's and ranked from least to most desireable. That's 5 groups of 3's, I guess the sixth round/group would only contain 2 then?

Regarding the AI choices. If your intention above is to reserve some "decent" nations for the AI by assigning them out of the first round picks, that might work, though I'm sure Gandalf will be able to work with whatever is left.

I would just go with five groups of three, leaving two nations unbid for (increases the chances of no conflict).

Order the groups from most favorite to least favorite. Absent conflict, you get your entire group of nations.

Each team are going to put together concepts - so this lets a team get its entire concept - rather than a hodge podge.

If the entire 5 rounds go through with one or more teams with no choices, remaining teams repeat the process.

Septimius Severus September 18th, 2009 12:54 PM

Re: Noobs & Vets: Rise of the AI Menace. EA, BI, Recruiting.
Ok hunt, your on Chris's team.

Hoplo, it is alright if you don't see totally eye to eye with your captain on certain things. I think a good captain should guide their charges and should allow a certain amount of room for individual choice.

Chris, I am aware the human teams may decide to go for a bless strategy, or some other theme or concept so I am sure a team would rank appropriate nations higher anyway. I'll let Gandalf work with the whatever is left for the AI team though. Much easier that way, unless he informs me otherwise.

If everyone is OK with Chris' idea, each team will need to come up with 15 nation picks, grouped into 3's, and arranged from most wanted to least desirable.

Welcome Rabbit, two slots left, you may join the Mysterios or The Blessed Ones.

Let's try to line up some reliable alternates too, saves time and trouble. And as usual, I will guarantee our alternates spots in future games and may give a first or second choice priviledge to them for helping out.

Septimius Severus September 18th, 2009 01:10 PM

Re: Noobs & Vets: Rise of the AI Menace. EA, BI, Recruiting.
I am assuming everyone is good with the revised option 1 starting locations.

With regard to CBM, I generally like the pretender enhancements and the worthy hero stuff, but some of the more recent changes give me pause. I am also concerned about possible conflicts with the BI mod. I am going to investigate a bit further and possibly contact QM or Edi regarding this. The BI mod removes most of the useless chaff units from the AIs choices anyway, so I don't know if it will help or hinder the AI.

pyg September 18th, 2009 02:02 PM

Re: Noobs & Vets: Rise of the AI Menace. EA, BI, Recruiting.
If more voices/votes make a difference, I would prefer CBM.

melnorjr September 18th, 2009 02:09 PM

Re: Noobs & Vets: Rise of the AI Menace. EA, BI, Recruiting.
Well, it seems I will be co-adminning this game(unfortunately not playing it though).

I'm mostly going to be on the forums(and this thread) from about 17:00 GMT(5 pm) to about 1:00 GMT (1 am). (or about noon-8PM central standard time, for those in my part of the world.)

The best way to reach me for something urgent though is to PM me - I might go a few hours without reading the thread, but I'll usually get a PM within a few minutes.

DrPraetorious September 18th, 2009 02:36 PM

Re: Noobs & Vets: Rise of the AI Menace. EA, BI, Recruiting.
Well, I do *not* want CBM because I'm in two CBM games already and CBM seriously generfs Niefelheim now :(.

chrispedersen September 18th, 2009 02:39 PM

Re: Noobs & Vets: Rise of the AI Menace. EA, BI, Recruiting.
There is a lot of water under the bridge on this.

Dr.P was given Niefle, based on a nonCBM game. I've gamed more than 5 games preparing for the BI mod; the changes in 1.6 - no gem generators, item pricing changes is a *vast* difference from the starting conditions announced at the beginning.

I of course will *cheerfully* play anythign that is decided - I just think its late in the process to change the game conditions.

Edit: Ninja'd a bit by Dr.P. As I said the changes to Niefleheim are substantial enough to really make it unfair.

melnorjr September 18th, 2009 02:42 PM

Re: Noobs & Vets: Rise of the AI Menace. EA, BI, Recruiting.
In my opinion, it would be somewhat unfair to use CBM at this point, since DrP is playing a nation that he chose contingent on the non-use of CBM.

edit - Err, yeah. this was already said. :p

Executor September 18th, 2009 02:49 PM

Re: Noobs & Vets: Rise of the AI Menace. EA, BI, Recruiting.
Well I suggested CB Pretenders that have no impact on any nation playability(if that's even a word :p), not necessarily the whole CB mod to be used in the game.
Like I said, I'm merely suggesting this, as I feel CB Pretenders opens a whole other set of strategies for any nation.

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