![]() |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
However, the recruited ones have just as many afflictions. I quess that's how things are and not a bug with the event. |
Re: Bug thread
Flaming arrows. About half my army fire flaming arrows in the battle, while the other half fire regular arrows. When I check the unit description, they all show flaming arrows. It is my cheap monkey archers (Khalsi) who do not show the graphic. As they rarely hit, I have not been able to tell if their arrows are actually having the benifit of the flaming arrow.
Also, I never seem to win, but that may not be a bug with the game! |
Re: Bug thread
Small Bows are not affected by Flaming Arrows. |
Re: Bug thread
Are these by chance Markata Archers #1120 of Kailasa / Bandar Log ?? Those have "Small Bows" , which seem to lack a "Fire Small Bow" variant ... bug, most likely. </font> |
Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] siege calculations seem to be bugged
My fort was unsuccessfully stormed, then I've been besieged in a fortified city for like twenty turns. Occasionaly the enemy sends in reinforcements, then "defence left" drops to ca. 160, then during the following turns, although I get the message "our walls are damaged" the "defence left" goes up until I got the message "they can't breach our walls". I've only got 20 soldiers + 70 mindless, no flyers nor defence bonus troops in the fort while the enemy has 120-200 besieging troops and plenty of commanders to lead them. Either calculations are bugged or the enemy does something strange with besieging troops instead of sieging (no signs of pillaging here). Savegame attached, if anybody feels like looking into the situation (the siege in Vanheim) |
Re: Bug thread
I am sure they are the short bow weilding, 5gp one resource cost units, but can not check the name here in the office.
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
my bug list (been saving them up for bit):
dwarven smith appears twice in early age Vanheim typo in aboleth description "ot" in one case a randomly generated map had my home province NOT CONNECTED TO ANY OTHER PROVINCES. provinces not connected to any other are common in randomly generated maps menu still appears in wrong place when opened by pressing space while a commander is selected. appears partially off the right edge of the screen if the mouse is in the middle of the screen. alt-key still sticks frequently. window sometimes seems to... get lost... when un-fullscreening dom3 when in army setup screen, pressing tab can result in view being off the bottom of the list upper right hand corner "face" of GUI boxes sometimes doesn't appear when near the right edge of screen can scroll down using the plus key past the end (but only by one) of the units sound screws up if I leave the program minimized for too long battle sounds play during the betweeen-turns-calculations strands of arcane power "...X enemy mages with the help of HIS..." on a female caster bandar log middle era description is missing the "Race: blah...Magic: blah...Priests:..." (monthly) casting still doesn't work for some spells (Curse Of The Blood) also, (monthly) castings next-turn-gem-check still doesn't factor in that turns gem income hamas dryads still have flavor text that says they can't leave their home provinces... and still are perfectly capable of leaving their home province unit stacks get split in strange ways (ie click on a unit, press 'a' for all of them, select a commander to stick them on, and half a dozen slots may appear on the commander with a random assortment of units in each) battle symbols (crossed swords) appear in the first turn on newly created random map, as if a battle had taken place there before the game started. these include provinces that I can't see. sometimes interface doesn't seem to work... switching provinces and switching back fixes it. could just be confusion on my part? vampire lords can't use water breathing items, but national troops can? I guess this is probably intentional, one of the many, many ways that vampire lords have been nerfed vaetti hags start old age at 50. vaette cheiftains start it at 100. vaette at 50. independants have temples. happened in dom2 also, but seems much more common now vaetti hags don't require a lab to build you can search in territories you are besieging, but cannot see the sites found in such a manner if one of your forts was besieged, and you attack the besieging force and win, it may tell you that your province was conquered |
Re: Bug thread
Few things:
Make bugs bold. That makes them easier to find. Quote:
Hama Dryads and similar units will lose hp when away from their home province. Vampires can't go under water. And finally, independent provinces can be targeted by random events. |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
if someone post this already just ignore
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Bug.gif Mictlan Water Defence in Late Era is the normal mictlan land defence instead of the atlantis troops (like the manual says). Sometimes with a greater defence there are some light atlantean infs but the main force are land troops http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Bug.gif Abyssia Growth/Death Scale works like a normal Growth/Death from every other nation. Same Income Malus/Bonus and the same Farming, etc. |
Re: Bug thread
Dominions 3 Version 3.01 -
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Late Era Utgard and Midgard have no descriptions [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Shinuyama (Middle Era) national hero 'Heart Hider' has no description. Monster#: 1670 Resok |
Re: Bug thread
Good catch. I quess it's because å doesn't show up properly. On nation names, at least. |
Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Machaka national hero 'King Triumphant' starts out as old - 63 (50). In his unit description it mentions specifically that he was granted a 'rather long life as king'. This may be a design issue... but with the slim chance of landing a national hero, having him start out as elderly isn't exactly 'heroic'. This is compounded by the fact that he would have made a good thug if not for being at the end of his life (Awe 0, priest 3, standard 10).
Admittedly this may be by design and I suppose I could just make a mod to change this... however I seriously question if this was an intentional age set for a unique (only ever will get one of him) national hero. Resok |
Re: Bug thread
Agartha recieves the same province defense under water as on the surface.
According to the manual Agartha should receive wet ones as provice defense under water. In a current MP game I noted that they are receiving Pale ones and earth readers under water. |
Re: Bug thread
The skeletal ermorian legoinare with monster number 187 has a short sword, while his graphic shows spear.
Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
Dominions 3 keeps dissapearing on me in AI thinking stage in attached game when I press end turn.
Re: Bug thread
Modding National Spells does not work Thought: the mod manual claims that you use the same procedure as for Dominions 2- where you assign the spell a path of -2 and it appears pre-researched for the appropriate faction. Obviously that's not how it works, because Dominions 3 does not recognize the "level zero non-school spells" that Dominions 2 had. In Dominions 3, spells have a path and a research value even if they are specific to a nation. Therefore the actually modding command is something more like #restrictedgod. So in a way this is a manual bug more than a game bug. Although since I have no idea what the actual command is, I can't actually tell if national spell modding really works. -Frank |
Re: Bug thread
Ctis Desert Tombs can no longer summon Tomb Wyrms.
I can find no way to summon Tomb Wyrms. I even made a Tomb King my prophet and still did not have the option to summon Tomb Wyrms. |
Re: Bug thread
Bug: Reincarnation message with Bandar Log
I've seen twice in a game with Bandar Log the message: ****v has died and been reincarnated as a fully grown White One. The problem is '****v' is actually a series of squares followed by a triangle (point down). So I have no idea who died, can't see it and have no idea where it happened either. Renaming was allowed but I hadn't renamed any unit. |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Obsidian club sword is length 3
It should be 1, 2 tops by the look of it |
Re: Bug thread
Gods with Lvl 9 or 10 earth don't grant Protection +4 to blessed units on Marignon Middle Ages (don't know about the rest).
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] (esc) shortcut to menu not working properly
(esc) brings up the option menu ONLY when the right hand menu is active. If the menu is not displayed (toggled with (h)), (esc) does not bring up the options menu. |
Re: Bug thread
Found some map edit bugs
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] #startspell <nation#> "spellname" The spell is only available for the first turn. Upon hosting to the next turn all spells are forgotten. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] #fort <fort#> Fort types in deep sea provinces don't work properly. I was unable to get any water type forts to appear in a deep sea province yet labs and temples work fine. Land forts seem to be working. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] #randomequip <#> The description says a 4 will give many powerful items yet my testing reveals usually only 2 items will appear even tho the commander will have 7 open slots. Hopefully more options will become available for randomequip. |
Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Freezing mist does more damage than listed Freezing cloud seems to cause significantly more damage than listed 1 AN. Worse, cold resistance doesn't seem very effective, as my LA Atlantis units with 50 or 75 CR suffered heavily from it. |
Re: Bug thread
Oh, ok. Thanks.
Now playing with Kailasa my Rishi casted gateway and his army of Apsaras was left behind. Also, my nature mages keep casting Berserkers on my archers when left with no orders. T_T Actually, one of the mages was stupid enough to cast it on himself... |
Re: Bug thread
<bold> Can't run the game in Ubuntu Draper </bold>
When trying to start the game in Ubuntu 6.06, the screen flashes briefly and I get the message: Creating link /home/winkler/.kde/socket-ubuntu. can't create mcop directory The game worked before, but stopped a few days ago after a routine update that involved nvidia drivers and I can't remember what else. I reinstalled the game and installed the patch, but no go. Any suggestions? |
Re: Bug thread
There are plenty of other 2-handed 'clubs' in the game that are also length 3. Resok |
Re: Bug thread
Then again, they didn't look at fixed versions of maps, the CB mods, etc, that had been around for over a year. Feh. |
Re: Bug thread
Freezing Mist is a deadly spell, but from what I've seen I think it works as intended. -Frank |
Re: Bug thread
Very little and unimportant bug:
Early age Caelum scout has the CR100 ability of a caelian but has the wing color of a raptor |
Re: Bug thread
Essentially it thinks you're running kde and expects certain directories to exist. Fix is simple though. Just create the directory it's looking for: mkdir -p $HOME/.kde/socket-ubuntu |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Mournful of LA Atlantis are depicted with shields, yet they don't get them
They are armed with halberds, but assorted Shamblers (war shamblers, coral guards, mother guards) get huge coral glaives along with turtle shields. It might be that coral glaives are one-handed code-wise and mournful's 2-h halberds override the shields |
Re: Bug thread
Found some more bugs:
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] ***** queen pretender still not working for at least one nation... late age Midgard. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] AI opponent of R'yleh dreamlands will send anyone into the void gate instead of units with the summoning skill. This results in the death of commanders... even powerful commanders such as prophets. I setup a R'yleh computer opponent with a non-moving(0/2) commander with 9_astral, two items and over 100 life to make the game more challenging. By turn_5 the creature was dead. Perhaps a small AI adjustment can be done where the AI opponents with mages of magic path 5 or higher are not used for entering magic sites. |
Re: Bug thread
Tien Chi Immortal with the iron crotch died of a disease in a friendly dominion and stood dead. lol
Re: Bug thread
Thanks thejeff. That worked great.
Now, why am I no longer able to go to fullscreen after I patch? |
Re: Bug thread
C'tis Miasma in 3.01 applies the -5% income/dominion, which is supposed to affect other nations, to C'tis. This makes the nation unplayable except for masochists, who are presumably only a small part of the market. |
Re: Bug thread
Here's a quick fix - copy into mournfulfix.dm and drop into your mod directory: <font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre> #modname "Fix: Mournful, Atlantis(LA)" #description "Gives Atlantis' Mournful the missing Bone Shield" #version 0.01 #domversion 3.01 =============================================== -- ATLANTIS, Frozen Sea (LA) -- =============================================== -- missing shield for Atlantis (LA) #newarmor 200 #name "Bone Shield" #type 4 #prot 12 #def 3 #enc 1 #rcost 2 #end * Mournful * - FIX #selectmonster 1703 #armor "Bone Cuirass" #armor "Bone Helmet" #armor "Bone Shield" #end </pre><hr /> |
Re: Bug thread
Am I doing something wrong? I conquered a coastal region that allowed me to recruit tritons and triton commanders. I did. The commander drowned the next turn. Seems wrong to me...has anyone else had this problem? I am using the 3.01 patch.
thanks. |
Re: Bug thread
Boldened for visibility. |
Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
In my 3.01 Testgame i just want to try out an Awe Pretender
I don't know why but when using F3 (Hall of Fame) There are 3(!!!) Arco Pretenders (my nation) in the Top 10, 2 of them are Virtues (which i chose) and 1 is a Mother of Serpents. I can click on each of the 3 Prtenders and got detailed inforamtions, but only 1 can be found on the board (the true one) Very weird. I attach my save game zip. |
Re: Bug thread
Re: Bug thread
I've got the same no fullscreen problem. I'd assumed it was a consequence of the fix to some of the Windows GUI issues.
I've just been playing in a maximized window, but it's still irritating. Did full screen mode go away on Windows too? [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] No full screen mode in Linux. |
Re: Bug thread
Tien Chi EA : Ancestors from the Call Ancestors spell are Holy but are never blessed ! (same as Sauromatia)
Théophile www.cyberstratege.com |
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