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Xietor February 16th, 2008 04:00 PM

Re: Horrible news in Marignon.
The Noble race of Arcoscephale will happily accept new citizens from Bandar Log! Peace has existed for ages between our races.

Our Astrologers are not big fans of communions-with a few notable exceptions. Flaming arrows can take down mistform/fog warriors.

Xietor February 16th, 2008 07:43 PM

Re: Horrible news in Marignon.
The Field of contenders is thinning, with Agartha, Mictlan, and Bandar Log all dying off in quick succession.

It will be interesting to see who emerges from the pack to win EH II. My money is still on Caelum, but I am not as confident in my pick as I was.

Xietor February 18th, 2008 06:56 PM

Re: Horrible news in Marignon.
Stale turn warning to Ermor.

While Ermor has never stale turned 2 turns in a row, he has 5 stale turns. That position is strong and will not be set to ai, but I will seek a replacement player if the stales continue.

I think Zeldor said he wants back in the game if someone needs a sub, so he will get 1st crack. Of course if Sieger is a bit more diligent with his turns, then the issue is moot.

If anyone else has an interest, pm me. If Ermor stales next turn I will get a sub for that position, which is as strong as any really.

Zeldor February 18th, 2008 07:00 PM

Re: Horrible news in Marignon.
I am traveling soon, so I rather cannot touch anything new until at least 4th March. I still don't know how much freee time I will have there, so I do not want to get into new commitments http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Xietor February 18th, 2008 08:27 PM

Re: Horrible news in Marignon.
Bones: A Blue Dragon?

Undead General: Yes Creator, a dragon. It attacked me in what I must assume was a chance meeting. It is a fierce beast, but it turned tail and ran when I got a hit or 2 on him. Typical behavior of the living.

Bones: Great Mothers! Dragons! What else could possibly descend upon us next? Angels? It is too bad Marignon decided not to treat with the Astrologers. Had the Dragon, obviously possessed of more brawn then brains, deemed to treat with us, these chance meetings could be avoided.

As it is, tell the troops that are saving the last Bandar Log refugees to be on the look out for flying creatures of all sorts.

shard February 22nd, 2008 12:59 PM

Re: Horrible news in Marignon.
I'll be leaving for a trip and I'm not sure when I can get email access so I'd like to request for a 24hr extension if possible.

Thanks in advance!

Xietor February 22nd, 2008 03:20 PM

Re: Horrible news in Marignon.
I will grant a 24 hour delay.

Xietor February 23rd, 2008 11:40 AM

Re: Horrible news in Marignon.
Turn 50 status report:

Atlantis has the forge up, as well as Mother Oak and Gift of Health. Atlantis has double the gem income of any other nation and is 2nd in research. Atlantis also owns 4 capitals.

Other strong contenders in order of power:

Caelum-soon to have 4 capitals and a great spot in the corner
Marigon-angels plus Pythium and bandar log capitals
Ermor-ist in research, strong armies
Arcos-2 capitals, a distant 2nd in gem income, 3rd in research
Eriu-do not count out Baalz.

Zeldor February 23rd, 2008 06:46 PM

Re: Horrible news in Marignon.
Looks like you should gang up on Atlantis now instead of picking on poor Baalz http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Xietor February 23rd, 2008 07:12 PM

Re: Horrible news in Marignon.
It may be too late to gang up on Atlantis, and he is hard to get at in the water. Most of the races that can go easily into the water, Shinuyama and Agartha, are dead.

But the casting of the forge is akin to Wrath of the Gods and Arcane Nexus. It is not something you cast in a mp game unless you think you can beat the combined might of the rest of the world.

Sir_Dr_D February 25th, 2008 05:58 AM

Re: Epic heroes II
Should we stall the game some more for Shard. He is away, trying to get his turn in, but may be unable to commincate he cannot find intenet access,

Agema February 25th, 2008 11:20 AM

Enemy at the gates
At last, it seems the defiance of Man is to be shattered.

As Beowulf and the Prophet of Man struggle to hold the outlying provinces, a vast force of Fir Bolgs under the direction of the obese goddess Baalz and her Tuatha minions is assaulting the gates of the capital. The tower guards hurry to reinforce the splintering gates and rebuild the crumbling walls. The witches make their preparations, pondering the best use of the last baubles left to them for their highest magics. In the deepest recesses of the inner temple, the god Sluice dispassionately contemplates the end of his endeavours, and dreams of the future of the world.

Xietor February 26th, 2008 02:40 PM

Who stole all the Artifacts?
War unfortunately delayed Arcoscephale's arrival to constr.
8, but I am shocked that all the good stuff I have paths to is gone(: Thieves I say! Oh well, sometimes it is easier to take artifacts from other players in combat then to forge them yourself! Saves gems too.

Bones: My precious, Dark Scepter, it is lost. Lost! We curses you. We hates you. We will find the thief and hunt him down.

Sir_Dr_D February 27th, 2008 11:04 PM

Re: Who stole all the Artifacts?
I would like to make a request , since we are now in the late game, to have a 3 day hosting scedule. The turns now take to long, and it is hard to get my turns in.

Xietor February 28th, 2008 12:08 AM

Re: Who stole all the Artifacts?
for now i would like to maintain a 48 hour schedule, and grant 24 hour extensions on a as needed basis. But if more people need 72 hours i will reconsider. We went the entire epic heroes I game on a 48nhour schedule and that game went well over 100 turns. That is the reason I am only in 2 games max at a time.

But if i get 2 more requests for a 72 hour host schedule we will move to 72. Also if Atlantis requests a move to 72 hours, it will be granted given the number of provinces and troops etc he controls.

shard February 29th, 2008 01:11 AM

The embassy is reopened for business
I'm back from my trip so I'm fine for the time being. However I do have to jet off again for a couple of weeks at the end of March so I'll try and find a sub for that timeframe. Assuming Atlantis hasn't been partitioned yet of course :p

shard February 29th, 2008 01:30 AM

Panjang proclaims ANATHEMA to cowardly Ermor, for breaking an oath of Peace.

Let it be known to the neighbours of Ermor - Watch your borders well, and be aware that treaties by their diplomats are worth less than the offal of the very least of their blood slaves.

Also let it be known that Anual, the spineless fountain idolised by the misguided peoples of Ermor is now dust, along with a coterie of his grand thaumaturg underlings. Drunk with their own intoxicating astral powers, they underestimated the powers of the Deep. They paid the price with their deaths.

The Forges of the Great Panjang are open* for those who shall join Him in Executing Righteous Retribution upon the corrupt filth that casts its shadow over the lands and seas. Strike now while Anal remains shattered. Strike now before the fountain rises again, ready to teleport and enslave the minds of your peoples. For sure, He shall choose an easier target than the loyal minions of Panjang.

*pm his keeper for details

Xietor March 2nd, 2008 04:03 PM

Re: Bones-innocent victim?
Astrologer Headache: Sire 2 of our mages were magically attacked by giant Earth Elementals. Fortunately, their bodyguards defeated them with no loss. One of our scouts on Man's capital was felled by a mind hunt. We have 6-7 other scouts in the area, so it was not a great loss.

Bones: Earth Attacks! Mind Hunts! What has the peaceful race of Arcoscephale done to warrant such hatred? Have we not always honored our treaties? Have we not shown courtesy to our enemies?

I fear these evil magics were done by Atlantis. My attempt to recapture my stolen Dark Scepter from them failed. Surely they can not fault me for seeking to recover what is mine?
In any event, I will not rest until it is back in my hands.
Thieves stole it, and how Atlantis got its grubby paws on it is a mystery.

shard March 4th, 2008 05:40 AM

Re: Bones-innocent victim?
Sorry for the late notice but somethings come up at work so I have to stay back for a bit. I'd like to request a temporary 12 hour extension so I can submit a proper turn.

Xietor March 4th, 2008 11:03 AM

Re: Bones-innocent victim?
Sorry Shard. While I am on this forum a lot, I typically go to sleep at 11:00 pm. And your request was posted at 2:40 am(:

Xietor March 6th, 2008 01:49 AM

Re: automatic host is off
I had a request to turn off auto host and did so. So you can send in your turn early without worry that the turn will process. The game will not process a turn until the 48 hours has elapsed.

Xietor March 8th, 2008 09:50 AM

Quick host off
We had 2 players stale last turn. With quickhost off, there is no reason not to do a 5 minute turn early that covers the basics, then submit a more detailed turn later.

Things happen in life, and something may come up where you cannot do a detailed turn later. That is why it is smart to do a basic turn and send it in early. The game will not host until the 48 hour period elapses even if every player submits a turn.

So you still have the full 48 hours regardless of whether you submit a turn early. My empire is as big as most, and my base turn took 5 minutes.

Xietor March 8th, 2008 12:30 PM

Re: Quick host off
A reminder on a couple of house rules:

1. unexplained stales 2 turns in a row will result in either me finding a sub for your nation(even if I have to delay the game), or setting your race to ai if it is not viable.

2. All requests for 24 hour delays must be posted on the game thread. Do not pm me with the request. If a delay is granted, it affects every player and everyone should know why the delay is occurring.

I find I get bored and lose interest in games that get delayed too often(Alpaca is my best example), or have a long host schedule(72 hours), and I will not sacrifice the fun of the many for the few.

3. No request for an extension of more than 24 hours will be granted, unless it is a holiday. If you are going on vacation etc., find a sub. If you need help finding a sub pm me.

4. Dominions games take a long time to complete. Several months. EH I went about 110 turns. Therefore my view of a good game admin is to keep the game moving inexorably forward towards conclusion.

The end game takes more time to do turns. If you are in several mp games, or work insane hours, or have a demanding wife etc, and do not anticipate being able to manage turns on a 48 hour schedule, it may be time to look for a permanent sub. EH II, like EH I, will not be moving to a 72 hour host schedule.

Xietor March 9th, 2008 03:05 PM

Re: some changes for final version
1. I am going to tone down the immortal heroes a bit.

A. Monkey King's protection will be reduced to 20, and his resists will be 50 percent to everything rather than 100.

B. Will wait for input on the other immortal heroes. Though machaka is fine as is.

2. Arcoscephale-will get a magical tusk attack. When he has 2 shields now his only attack is a "useless kick." Arcos. will also be able to make at 1 per turn a decent foot soldier to mix with elephants for morale. This is thematic with his abilty to train soldiers as a great general.

3. Atlantis Epic Hero-Silver Orangs will be a rare dominion summon, and Epic Hero can make 1 per turn. Presently in strong dominion he gets 5 per turn which was not intended.

Atlantis Epic Hero will also lose his 2 death gems per turn and his ability to increase dominion.

Silver Orang's morale will be lowered to 12.

4. Black Phoenix-really has no thematic blood ties, so it is not thematic for him to produce blood slaves or blood summons. I may do away with the blood slaves, and have him summon comparable fire creatures.

5. Pythium's Angel will get an increase dominion ability, and a rare summon of the small angels of the host.

6. Shinuyama's Epic hero's mr is being reduced. Though monk's are traditionally immune to mind control spells, they should not be immune to other mr negates spells that are not mind control spells.

7. Agartha's Epic Hero needed a combat boost, but the weapon Dr. P gave him heals a bit too much. Will have to consult with Dr.p to see if we can tone it down just a tad.

Agema March 10th, 2008 09:25 AM

Re: some changes for final version
I'm going to be away from the 23-30th March.

I'm so close to defeat now that if by some chance Eriu hasn't polished me off by then, Man may as well be transferred to AI, as there's no point getting a sub.

Xietor March 10th, 2008 09:26 AM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor

Thank you for playing Agema. You and Beowulf have proved to be very hard to finish off for Eriu.

Sieger sent me a pm-too late to delay host-that he has worked over 24 hours straight due to flu hitting his co employees, and said he will not be able to finish the game.

MA Ermor's position is viable, especially with some diplomacy. So I will find a sub for Ermor.

I have pms in to 3 players. Anyone that knows of a sub, let me know. It does require endgame experience. Ermor will not be turned over to a new player. If all else fails I will beg llamabeast to take them over.

Xietor March 10th, 2008 11:34 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
Dr. P took a peek at Ermor, and confirmed they are a viable race, though with some problems. He sent in a turn pending my finding a permanent sub(thanks a ton Dr. P).

One has been found: AdmiralZhao.

Good Luck Zhao!

I have offered Zhao extra time if it is needed to get in his 1st turn.

LoloMo March 11th, 2008 12:19 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
Heya Zhao! You gave us a severe beating in Evermore, hope you don't do the same here! haha

AdmiralZhao March 11th, 2008 11:16 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
No, it doesn't look like I will. I think the most I am going to be able to do is smash the Atlantian empire into the mud. I would ask that my neighbors not attack while I go about this task, or that they help by dumping their garbage and industrial by-products into the ocean. If you lack an ocean border, please consider throwing waste into the nearest river that feeds into the ocean.

Xietor March 12th, 2008 09:56 AM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
Way to make a great 1st impression AdmiralZhao! I like your global.

shard March 13th, 2008 02:03 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
I'd like to request a 24h extension while I prepare Zeldor for his grand entrance as the new Keeper of Atlantis ( = substitute) while the old guy is incapacipated ( = on an overseas trip)

Xietor March 13th, 2008 02:44 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor

I changed Atlantis email address so Zeldor has the next turn.
He also was sent the present turn so he can look at everything.

Good luck Zeldor. Welcome back to EH II.

Zeldor March 14th, 2008 12:01 AM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
Oh man, thhat looks scary. I see that many things have changed. And Caelum so big? :|

Xietor March 14th, 2008 01:07 AM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
Caelum just finished a big war. He is big, but he has not cast any globals that focused the world's attention squarely on him.

Zeldor March 14th, 2008 01:47 AM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
I see that shard made some tactical mistakes in the past that may be hard to repair. But I will try my best, he has my old land after all http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Xietor March 15th, 2008 12:05 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
EH II begins year 6.

Power Ratings:

Most provinces
1. Caelum(by a lot)
2. Atlantis
3. Arcoscephale

Most capitals:

1. Caelum 4
2. Atlantis 4
3. Eriu 2(soon 3 with tien chi)
4. Marignon 2(soon 3 with bandar log)
5. Arcoscephale 2

Most Gems

1. Atlantis(by a large margin)
2. Caelum
3. Arcoscephale


Atlantis(by a good bit)
Caelum(has twice as many as anyone except Atlantis).




Atlantis(by a huge margin).

Subjective Power scores:

1. caelum(not at war with anyone and building up).
2. Atlantis(at war with 4 races)
3-6 Ermor, Eriu, Arcoscephale, and marignon in no particular order.

7. Abysia

8-10 Man, Tien Chi, Pythium-hanging on for dear life.

Zeldor March 15th, 2008 12:11 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
Atlantis is so overrated. Anyone wants to exchange? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

AdmiralZhao March 15th, 2008 12:16 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
I'll trade you. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Also, could you people stop taking my global slots? I need those to get a decent gem income.

Zeldor March 15th, 2008 12:19 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
You should be dead for 20 turns or more http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I was really surprised that Atlantis did not destroy Ermor fast, with geography like that etc. Though he was doing some strange things in the north.

Xietor March 15th, 2008 12:25 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
Well there are 5 globals up now, and only Arcoscephale's global helps all nations. Every race has less disease, old age, and more income resulting from well of misery. And my benefit is small, gems with limited use in the endgame where astral/fire spells make it unwise to invest in undead troops.

So if anyone is looking to dispel something, you cut off your nose to spite your face to remove well of misery that benefits your race as much as mine.

Zeldor March 15th, 2008 12:40 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
But why do you really need both Chalice and Tartarian factory?

Xietor March 15th, 2008 12:53 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
Tartarian factory? I have 2 tartarians. Atlantis was making tartarians many turns before i even hit conj 9 on prov 228. Lord only knows how many tartarians Atlantis has-though you have lost at least 3 in combat. And since you have the dark sceptre, only my pretender can make them.

As to the chalice, it is one of the very few constr 8 artifacts that Shard left. I guess with Gift of Health up, he saw no need to buy the chalice. But he certainly could have as he beat me to constr 8 by several turns(and he had the forge up).

But are faulting me for forging it when it is available, or your predecessor for not forging it?

Zeldor March 15th, 2008 01:00 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
I was just making a guess as I had no idea who has it http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

But yeah, I can fault shard for many things. IF he really could forge Chalice and didn't do it then hmm... well, he could even forge it and sell to someone or just keep away from someone.

It is strange that Atlantis is first in research, his RP count is not great for that stage of game.

Xietor March 15th, 2008 01:38 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
Oh, it is no secret who has it. I have already told most players I had it so they would not assume Atlantis had it.

It will be interesting to see who casts GOH next, and what, if any, spell it overwrites.

Xietor March 17th, 2008 01:36 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
Interesting. A slot mysteriously appeared for another global.

I have a strong hunch that will not be the case for long. Though Arcoscephale has too few gems to cast any globals for itself(: Well except for d gems, and most the globals I can cast with those will result in world war. With me being solo
in the affair.

Zeldor March 17th, 2008 04:57 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
Ha! Maybe I will cast Arcane Nexus and see how much people love me http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Xietor March 17th, 2008 05:22 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
Go ahead. cast it. It will be a huge waste of gems.

read kitchen sink mod description on page one of the thread.

It will remove your arcane nexus, bot, utterdark, and astral corruption spells. You can cast them all you want-but they will not take effect.

Zeldor March 17th, 2008 05:29 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
Oh, right http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Agema March 20th, 2008 05:14 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
This is my last turn as I'm off on holiday, so remember to switch the last few tatters of my empire to AI for turn 63.

It's been good fun, thanks everyone.

Xietor March 20th, 2008 05:25 PM

Re:Looking for a sub for MA Ermor
Thanks for playing and sticking it out to the bitter end.

Beowulf will live on to honor Man as a Captain of the Royal Guard. For those too lazy to check the Hall of Fame from time to time, Beowulf eluded the Eriu forces and entered the realm of Arcoscephale seeking Asylum.(you get a gold star if you can figure out how it was done Baalz).

The peaceful Astrologers, having taken in refugees from Bandar Log, could hardly refuse the Noble Beowulf.

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