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Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
I do not like water races-except la ermor! muhahahhaha.
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
LA Arco should do really fine with diff research. Of course MA Arco is really more useful. I still cannot believe no one picked LA Mictlan. I wanted to try it, but I expected like 5-10 people putting it as number 1 . If someone will have tough it will be me. Instead of elephants I have some cave knights that cannot even trample http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
With few exceptions, most nations capital bought troops will be obsolete by midgame. So the strength of a nation will be determined by their mages.
In fact, in the 1st big game ma ctis castle bought troops were obsolete after turn 8-9, and it was their powerful mages that carried me. When you run into stuff like this, a battle MA Ctis won incidentally, you know that you better not be relying on Lizards: http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/...83da0cf12g.jpg |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
I'm not sure, but it might be wise not to send in your pretenders until after the patch. I don't think there is anything that has changed with the pretender design, but there is a new save format I think. This might not affect the creation of the game, but the bother if it causes problems is bigger than the wait for a few days more I'd say.
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
i am away until saturday. i hope the patch wont be released or else i might miss the game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
There will be a 7 day period to send in pretenders after the patch. And the patch is not even out yet, so I doubt there will be anyone missing the game because they are gone until Saturday.
I still am undecided what to do about the new race no one selected. Since the patch appears to be delayed, it bolsters my earlier thought to just leave them out of this game, as including them will only delay the game more as there would be a significant reshuffling of races(or a strong possibility of it). Part of the problem is i had many players that said they would play any race, but I did not want to give them a water race, a race that had to blood hunt to survive (micromanagement hell), or a new race. The new race, for all i know, could be a water race, or a race that requires blood hunting for dominion spread. |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
or else you can give the new race to the combo team me/folket http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. We are fairly experienced so I am sure we will manage no matter if its underwater or blood hunt race.
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
I have more races than starting spots at this juncture. I wish i could accommodate more players, but 61 was the absolute max for this 900 province map.
And I did not want a bigger map because of the unit limit issues YOU caused in the last game EH! |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection *DELETED*
Post deleted by sum1lost
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Bah! 61 or 62 players won't make much difference, admit it you are scared of the evil swede combo =)
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
there are still races left out ? any chances i could change to any of them from ashgod ? LA Midgard would be great =)
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Is there any chance we can have mist of deceptions removed from the game entirely? I dislike the notion that a defender with a mage, even if he's scripted to cast MoD, holdx4, retreat will always win in defense as long as he doesn't die during the holdx4.
http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...o=&fpart=1 Jazzepi |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
If mists of deception is banned completely, then why not wraithful skies as well? Or the Horror Harmonica? Or other spells that target the many more than the single casting mage?
I think Ko and/or Edi once said that battlefield spells and enchantments were supposed to end when the mage that cast the spell died or left the battlefield. And that is the way darkness works when the mandaha dies, and other spells also end when the casting mage dies or leaves the field of battle. But for some reason, some spells do not end, and apparently are not easy to fix. Velusion's solution to this problem, which i admit i copied, was requiring the casting mage to stay on the field of battle until his last available scripting turn. We could vote on the issue and require the mage to stay on the battle for the duration, unless he dies or is injured and retreats due to low morale. But then the issue arises as to whether a mage with ritual of returning up could ever cast such a spell without violating the rule? |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Wrathfull skies or any other spell don't allow the defender to always win if his mage survive, I think the difference is there. There is nothing to counter MoD once the mage has left the battlefield.
It's also very easy to abuse the 5 rounds rule, i.e using militias or other weak expandable troop with low morale, going to rout in round 2 or 3 (and storm to avoid fliers). |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
MoD is unique (as far as I know) in that it is self perpetuating. Wrathful skies (or anything else) ends if you kill or rout everybody on the other army, but it sounds like MoD is a guaranteed win for the defender and a guaranteed kill for any mindless units unless you kill the caster before he runs.
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Maybe we can mod the spell a bit. Is there any way to convert it to a battlefield enchant for air that does not exist? Like a battlefield mirror image?
It is a high level air spell, and I hate to just remove it completely(: While I did mod a good bit with units in the Epic Heroes Mod, I have not done any spell modding, so I have no idea what is possible with changing a spell via of a mod. We may have to wait until Dr. P gets back from Europe to fix this spell via mod. |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Yes if you want it's easy to do.
#selectspell "Mists of Deception" #copyspell "Mirror Image" #pathlevel 0 6 #researchlevel 8 #fatiguecost 400 #name "Mist of Mass Glamour" #aoe 666 #spec 4194304 #descr "Gives mirror images to all your warriors on the battlefield." #end should do it (not tested) |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Thanks Twan.
If that works, that may be a better fix than removing the spell completely. A mass mirror image spell could be useful in conjunction with arrow fend and fog warriors. I think it would be especially lethal for armies of high damage troops like shin shifters, that are somewhat vulnerable due to little armor. |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Just tested, it works but has an interesting side effect :
By chance number of images isn't based on caster level but on the target one, so troops get just one. But all air mages get a number of images = their air level, like if they casted the mirror image spell themselves (I see no way to give them just one). So it's an excellent spell to buff an army of thugs with air magic. -- But there is a potential problem with the spell AI. I fear the AI will recast this one as soon some units have lost their image. |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
can i switch to LA Midgard ?
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Lots of players have pmed me about switching races. And many of them got their 1st choice of race, out rolling players who also wanted the race they got. So it is very doubtful I will
want to reopen races, as that will definitely cause a chain reaction that will delay the start of the game. But I will not give a definite response until the patch is released. The sooner it is released, the more inclined i would be to allow changes, since it is my shared goal with the players to make as many people happy as possible with their race selections. But fyi, you are not the 1st to ask to switch to midguard, or the new race, or la mictlan.... If the patch is not released in the next 3-4 days, then it is highly unlikely we will want to delay the game any further than the patch already is delaying it. And if the patch is not released by June 1, the 2 players with new races will be allowed to pick midguard, mictlan, or abysia, and we will be starting. The Big Game is best played during the Summer, and as much as I would love to include the new races/patch, I do not think anyone anticipated it not being released by June 1 when we agreed to use it. |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
why not just allow people to switch freely if they want to?
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Because 4 different players want to switch to the new race. And is it fair to allow the switch if they already received their 1st choice of race?
For instance, Lolomo out rolled Admiralzhao for LA caelum. But now lolomo wants to ditch his 1st choice, and play the new race(as do 3 other players). Say I let Lolomo switch. Then Admiralzhao, seeing that his 1st choice, la caelum, is now open, says I want la caelum. And so on and so forth. What is likely to result is more roll offs for races. And to be quite honest, I have already spent many hours on the race selection process. Creating spreadsheets and ranking players' picks, then having a roll off. Not sure I want to go through that again, and I am also not sure I want the game delayed while a second bite at the apple occurs. And inevitably, someone(s) will still not be completely happy even if the process is repeated. Of course race selection could have been 1st come 1st serve like most games, but i decided to follow Velusion's seeded race selection process for several reasons. If it had been 1st come 1st serve, I would not have been stuck with LA Arcos, that is for darn sure! Though there is nothing "bad" about them, just not a race i would have selected 1st, or 10th, or 30th. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Like if two players both agree to take the other's nation. |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
I am unaware that any 2 players want to trade nations. But I certainly have no objection to that.
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Xietor, I agree totally with you not wanting to allow switching. I cant even imagine how I would go about doing the rolls in the first place. What I am trying to say is thanks for going to all the trouble, and that I am impressed the skills needed to tackle the task.
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Will he ever learn? Jazzepi |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Would anyone be willing to sub for me from June 4th to june tenth? I'm going to be 500 miles away from my computer, and I probably wouldn't be able to get away with staling through that time. I would really appreciate it.
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
My Pretender is ready, but I will hold off on sending it in, until the game is ready to go.
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
(Something else I've noticed, everyone's assumed to be male here.) |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Jazzepi |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
There are some female players. But not many. What ever happened to Honeybadger?
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
I was pretty sure honeybadger was a dudddeee.
jazzepi |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
umm no.
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Perhaps a topic for another day, "What scares off the female Dominions players?"
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
horror helmets
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Lack of Bog Beasts.
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Male dominions players.
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
I did my part! I posted a picture a while back http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif
Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker)
Does map download work for you people?
I get the Kingmaker file, but it shows only as an "executable unix file", not .zip or an image file. What format should it be? I'm one of those weird people with Mac OSX (10.5.2) so that might contribute something... :-/ EDIT: Never mind, managed to open it with Gimp and it looks ok. Just something strange with file type, I hope it isn't going to cause any problems? |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
As to what happened to her, probably got burned out. Happens to me about every six months. |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Dude. Don't do any of that. Who cares if player x chooses to switch with player y. Let 'em switch. The player who originally had the race gets to decide who plays the race. |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
*************** ad **************************
Smile.. by the way.. I am willing to trade for any of the new nations (what the heck) and others! *************** ad ************************** |
Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Chris, you may have missed my post above, but I did say I did not mind 2 players trading races before the game starts. That is not a problem. Good luck trading MA Man!
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