![]() |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
PS 2050 Hashmal (never seen that before as a base sprite for Pirians?) you can then alter sizes and colors a bit for different units.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
well the pretender will probably be low dominion yes.. more a SC type I think.. ala Ghostking.
I think they will have powerfull priests.. I don't see priests as a very powerfull thing for a nation unless they are very very blessable then having a H3 recruit will be a severe advantage. As it is my intentions is to flavor them as anti demon.. so 1-2 H2-H3 spells for doing more than regular damage against demons. Holy summons would be a nice idea.. not for this nations though... why ARE angels astral anyway :D |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
yeah I'm busy on this nation.. has so much going for it (from my point of view
- I've been waiting for an undead nation in dom 3K (and the other one that might be it seems on hold. - It's undead yet clearly different from ermor in several respects - It has clear and defined abilities for all units (sort of like dragons. I'll try to make the things that aren't fixed as different between troops as I can) I like this coherence in a race myself though some might find a race a bit boring due to it. - I can use sprites that exist in the game and I don't need to mod spaceforms (who is lazy) Most important though.. since I've written the basic story of the race (even though it's only a few lines) down I can't stop thinking of it and I keep thinking "this is kewl" so I have to do this :D. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Be honest does this sound like the basis of a nice nation?
#name "Souls of Shiar" #epithet "Shards of a dead world, seeds of a new religion." #era 3 #brief "Remnants of a destroyed world have landed in a province the undead souls of the dead, blessed by a god and cursed by another, want to take over the galaxy creating an undead leadership over all life." #descr "The people of Shiar had a long culture of ancestor worship next to the worship of their benign pretender, they had researched ways of easy communication with the souls of the dead, leaving the bodies resting. This benign death magic was widely practiced on Shiar and supervised by the clergy of their pretender to avoid evil use of necromancy. The world of Shiar was recently destroyed by demon invaders and their terrible pretender god. In the moment of destruction the pretender god of the Shiar, not strong enough to battle the demon pretender, tried to save his people by blessing them with eternal life using all his powers including his lifeforce. The demon pretender warped his spell and now the souls of the inhabitants of Shiar live on, undead. The spells also affected the dying pretender and he too was changed, now undead, and less benevolent. Shards of Shiar have fallen in a distant province and are now the centre of a new nation and religion. The new Shiar nation does not want to extriminate all life but want leadership of selected suitable undead souls over the unbalanced and often unthinking forms of life in the galaxy. They use their still powerfull death magic abilities in their old, but also in new ways." #summary "Restless undead souls of inhabitants of Shiar are going to conquer the universe. An undead religious nation." |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Darkwind: With the new version the pretender somehow got messed up, it now looks like unit number 0 (nothing) and has a maxage of 50.
Streamguns: I didn't actually say they were bad until I used them. I know they fire 5 shots per round, but they're still useless. 3ap damage versus say an average prot of 12 for infantry units in the mod, prot is reduced to 6 for its effective protection, you need a DRN roll of 4 to do 1 damage. In my case I had a bunch of them shooting at space trolls and failed to do almost any damage. On the other hand laserguns tear things apart and may be even a bit too strong. The only thing that would prevent me from hiring nothing but deep one soldiers is their complete lack of a melee weapon. If nothing else you can give them a melee attack with their gun. Make it have similar stats to a Combat Knive, but with one extra length. Also, the sprnbr error is still there. Aezeal: It's interesting, sort of a blend between t'ien ch'i, ermor, and amos' traveler's mod. I'm thinking if you make this nation it's going to need a nation to pair it against... one with ties to its tragic past ;) |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
hehe yeah I'm leaving that one open... a completely demon nation.. there are such things around.. might convert one :D. Then again demons totally do not appeal to me in anyway so I'll probably do Machaka sooner.
No one is stopping you from doing it though :D |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I'm going to take a guess that you started in province 1? For some reason when I start there I don't start with any units. I think there's something wrong with the province commands for that province.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Well, I know why you get space krakens called predator aliens now. Was working a bit on the map and I realized that I had the answer in my documentation.
--- pop type 86 - PREDATOR ALIENS #copystats 2716 #name "Predator Alien" #copystats 2717 #name "Predator Alien Queen" --- NO TYPE, ASSORTED SPACE MONSTERS #newmonster 2715 #name "Ancient Space Kraken" #newmonster 2716 #name "Space Kraken" #newmonster 2703 #name "Space Eel" Pop Type 86 pulled directly from the dom3k mod, copied and shortened in form to be easier for me to manage. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I saw it again when looking at the all view map yesterday.. but I couldn't figure out what was wrong with it since the name and the stats seemed to be correct :D
I've now changed the copystats numbers in poptype 86 (both 1 higher) so I think that should do it. THanks for your solution and again much thanks for your help (=all the work) on the map. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
The map was positioned to the lower left corner. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Povince one is the second province from the bottom left on the strip of land that goes across the bottom. If you started nowhere, well, I have no idea what to tell you about that.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I just realized that Neoclidia has almost no magic diversity. It has Earth, and it has Astral, and that's it. What do you guys think about adding a recruit-everywhere mage who can help diversify Neoclidia (and maybe take on the role of researcher)? I'd guess a 'Deep One Scholar' or something like that, with S1+110%SWFD. Any suggestions?
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
It's probably a good idea. Neoclidia could use a little extra magic diversity, and they could really use a more effective researcher. But maybe you should remove the 100% random on S, and just leave the 10%.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
no brains in a jar?
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
If I drop the 100% random, maybe I should boost it up the 10% to 20%? I don't want Neoclidia to be stuck with almost only Astral and Earth up until the late game.
@Aezeal: No, no brains in jars. Poor Yithians can't try out their experiments. I might make an Astral "Pocket Brain" item or something which boosts research, though. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
hmmm as long as you don't remove items that already exists you can do everything you want :D
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
No no, I didn't mean to remove the 100% random, just the astral part of the random. To lessen the amount of astral the mage gets and give it more diversity.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
1 Attachment(s)
Here's Neoclidia, plus the new Deep One Scholar. I also made a couple other changes, but they're not very large.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I swapped in the new mod and tried to load my game... got a "bad #addrecunit command" error.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I'm not sure what happened. I deleted all #addrecunit(and #addreccom) commands, saved the file--still a bad one, despite the lack of any commands to be bad. I delete all but one--still bad. I'm not sure what's up. It seems Dominions hates me--first the errors with the Orbital Stations, now this. I might just go PM a better modder about it, see what he (or she I guess) says.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I've looked at the lines and can't really find the problem.. what did you change between versions?
Maybe take old version again and put one of the changes in (PS was the scholar recruitable I couldn't see) and then test etc etc. (of course simple stat number changes you can do all at once since that shouldn't be a problem. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I'm reasonably sure that the only major change was adding the Scholar. I'm just going to go see what a better modder than I can say about it.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
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I contacted Amos, and his help started a spree of modding. As it turns out, I had done my #addrecunits in a rather wrong manner. I also discovered that the reason behind the Orbital Stations showing up as units was because I wasn't summoning them as commanders. The reason they crashed the game was because, due to a typo, they had no sprites (#sopyspr instead of #copyspr). So, I've fixed the no-commander-summoning issue, the typo, my recruiting list for Neoclidia, and I changed the #copyspr for the ships to actual sprites from the Dom3K mod because I was tired of the units showing up as priests and archers.
So there you go. here's a new, hopefully bug-free zip. Kudos to Amos for the help. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Next bug! The drones have weapon: fist, rather than the life draining weapon they're supposed to have. Probably another misspelling.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
1 Attachment(s)
As it turns out, I just never bothered to add in the Ancient Laser. And I can see why, since I have no idea what effect # Life Drain is. But, well, at least I've put in the Ancient Lasers now.
Other miscellaneous changes: I noticed that the otherwise-incredible Capital Ship had merely 10 MR, so I decided to instate a sort of system: base 9 MR, +1 for every 10 supplies consumed (5s go either way). So, the Capital Ship, with 65 supplies consumed, now has MR 15. Of course, it still requires 65 supplies, or else your 50-gold-upkeep Capital Ship is suddenly gaining afflictions very, very quickly. 50 gold, you say? 50 gold for an absolutely awesome unit, I say. Also, Streamguns/Streamcannons received boosts due to complaints (or a complaint). Guns are now 5 AP damage, Cannons 12 AP (compared to 3/8). |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Hey guys, kudos on the mod so far. I thought I would just write my impressions after playing the mod for a day:
?BUGS? I have never seen a space mine explode, even after sitting next to enemies for a number of turns. Also, R'lyeh seems to have Jomon's summons (except for the dragon). I found the space dynamic very fun and enjoyable. The nations are also much more balanced and varied than I expected, I am very impressed. But some are clearly more powerful than others. In particular the Dragon nation seems very weak. They are obviously billed for evocations and thugging, but that is much less effective when the standard units have AP and AN ranged weapons and many indies, even, have thuggish units. The one bright spot is their incredibly effective assassins. Assassins in the mods are generaly much more powerful. Jomon and the Dragons both have thug-level assassins that should be able to take out most mages and their bodyguards until some serious research/kitting has been done. Thug-level units are also surprisingly prevalent, especially among indies. In particular the Pirate Space Station (big pirate ship) is much more powerful than the rest of the pirate ships combined. I have often lost to this single ship multiple times, but had no trouble with the other pirate ships. For the Insects, I disagree with the comment in their description. I don't see why a blood hunting nation should take death (though it is thematic) and, seeing as all the Nest units are holy, I think an imprisoned pretender with a strong bless (I took F9/A6 for damage and protection against the all too common missiles) is better. I can transform one starting female to get my blood economy going, while the other (with my strong bless) can take any province at all with the starting army (the spear spiders take land and the males take space). The Hive and Swarm are not Holy, nor are they more space-capable, so I do not consider either superior to the starting Nest and therefore I have little incentive to research. Even my spear fighters come with poison throwing if I need it, obviating the need for the one unique Hive unit. Ulm and Jomon are both extremely powerful. Jomon also has a very powerful assassin, along with the AN ranged troops and the Dai Oni, so they are very powerful and versatile. I did not play the Orcs enough to really understand them. In particular I did not understand the difference between an Aspiring Hero and a Hero. When would I not promote an Aspiring Hero? If there is greater upkeep on a Hero it doesn't mention it anywhere... The Commonwealth also seems a bit weak. Their troops cost a crippling amount of resources, even with a full production scale, and are only moderate in combat, using mostly AP or less attacks (when most nations can recuit AN) and no ranged attacks. This might be different if I had got a bless (which I did not try). It does seem like the Commonwealth should be able to get rolling after their first few provinces, with all the unrest bonuses and defensive unit spells. In conclusion this Mod was an excellent change of pace from Dominions and I enjoy it a lot. Thank you, I hope to keep up with any improvements. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Fun mod, definitely different from the standard game. I liked how the blue aliens got space suits when I took them into space.
It was a bit difficult to get it running on Linux though. Linux is case sensitive regarding file names and "Dominons 3000" uses a capital D every second time. Also some "_small" postfix had the same problem. The Ork tank hero had a black frame around him which probably shouldn't be there. A starry background would make it feel more spacey though, I have to patch something for that into Dominions. How come you used forest instead of sea for space? Wouldn't the sea movement restrictions be practical. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Fate, I thank you for your evaluation of the mod. I'm glad to hear there are some others playing it aside from rdonj :D
It's nice you think races are somewhat balanced (with help of Rdonj I hope we got them withing the range of balance that vanilla dominions has.. since those nations aren't that balanced I hope we got there now) I think the air bless is probably way overpowered in the mod (anti missile weapon spells have been increased in cost but I can't make the air bless more expensive or less effective) I might need to decrease the number of holy units on the insects or do something about incentive to get Hive or Swarm, maybe remove ranged attack from Nest? The powerfull indies are meant to put on the map to make some province harder to take as in scenario maps. I think I need to use space Eels and spacestations less perhaps :D (Rdonj plz take his comment in account with your mapping :D) The Orcs shapeshifting of heroes has given me lots of replies like yours, the IDEA was 1. I could get a lower recruitment cost and after shapechange a higher upkeep. I can also change recruitment cost and upkeep separately now which I thought would give me more options for balancing (IMHO balancing races which are about domsummons etc is hard.) 2. It simulates somewhat the rising of commanders from the ranks by skill all in all there is indeed no reason not to shapeshift them though. The commonwealth only just got their AP weapons, before that they where even worse, same for dragons.. I hope they both are better now, commonwealth has very good shields against ranged weapons and that should help them. I think your reply about AP or less means you use an older version of the mod (from time to time I change a lot in short notice) so that could also be why your dragons are not as strong as they are now.. I hope. Maybe upload the latest version.. and DL the nation Souls of Shiar which I've released seperately it's the undead nation for this mod and I'll put in in later after some balancing (like dragons it uses no spaceforms so cann be used for dom 3 vanilla and releasing it seperately has 2 things I like about it: non dom 3K players might try it and dragons certainly got much more feedback) |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
@Fate: I've got a couple (semi) answers, but I'm not too knowledgeable about a lot of this stuff, so I'll just skip some.
1-Space Mines' "self destruct" (if I remember) has an area of effect. I think Aezeal meant for them to hit themselves, but it doesn't seem to work out that way. 4-The power level of assassins in the mod might be due to most nations being, in Aezeal's own words, rather more powerful than your average Dominions nation. 5-Once again, nations are generally more powerful in Dom3K than Dom3. Though, I guess a thug in Dom3 would still be fairly powerful in Dom3K. 6-I think that was from Amos's original mod, actually. He suggested it for thematic reasons. Oh, hey! Johan K, developer extraordinaire, is here! Let's see... @the tank: Yeah, the frame around the tank hero is weird. Hopefully it's easy to fix, though. @forest-vs-space: I think we settled on forest because water was coded to act like water, not space. Units can move 1 province/turn in water, period, which was a really big disadvantage. Sailing could've been cool though. Still though, the 1-move limit plus the lack of blood hunting sort of nailed the proverbial watery grave for water provinces. We wouldn't have to use either, though, if you let us play around with void terrain and voidforms! :D |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I will :) Although, honestly I've never had problems with the space stations. It's just a matter of getting the independants to flee, then eventually your units run into melee and carve the space station up with their ap weapons. They're a pain to bring down with ranged weapons, but just about any unit with an ap melee weapon can kill one eventually. I've always found space eels to be the most problematic, especially when there's 3 or more in a province.
Btw Fate, the commonwealth does have a ranged unit. I believe their gun does 4AN damage. I haven't found it terribly effective personally, though. Darkwind - Haven't had a chance to play yet to see if your new streamguns are effective. I'll try to look into that at some point. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I have implemented two new map commands for the next patch that I hope will be used for Dom3k. #skybox "myskybox.tga" will put a custom made skybox in a province. #batmap "empty" will remove the ground you fight on. Together they should provide the possibility for a decent space map without any pine trees floating around when you fight.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Hey JK, nice to have your feedback too :D, it's been quite a task to get it this far but if you don't mind a bit below average graphs and nations with not (yet) as much background as most dominions races the gameplay should be decent.
Making spaceform for nearly every troops is quite annoying but just giving some troops space helmets was the only thing I could really think of.. and it's not as hard as giving them a whole new sprite (sprites are hard for me :D) I heard the linux comment before and I'm trying to correct it somewhat but when I heard a few nations and most base weapons I use where already done... can't even promiss new nations won't ahve it since on my system it doesn't give errors so I won't notice it. I'll look into the orc tank hero since I tend to borrow my sprites of the internet and then adapt them I've had some start with a alpha channel which makes them not recognized as the black which needs to be transparant, but just as pure black. I'd love it if I could get a spacy back ground !!! would increase the feel for space a 100 times.. About the seaprovince.. when others started this idea they started it about seashapes etc.. when I actually made a nation I noticed it isn't playable though. Several reasons: - Movement with spaceships should be fast, not limited to 1 prov/turn.. though considering how large space is between planets and that on the maps they should be considered as "zoomed" in that wouldn't be the largest province. - Biggest issue was this: spaceage dominions is not only about being in space, it's also about having more ranged weapons (though I try to include as many excuses for melee weapons since the combat system isn't nearly as much fun with only ranged weapons since it was not made for that.) anyway as you know sea provinces and ranged combat are an exceptionally bad combination. all in all forest use as space isn't that much of a problem except that I can't make ships that need to stay in space and all troops can walk into space and they will unless I make spaceform for them to discourage it. (which ranges from just having lowerstats to being in a freighter not being able to do anything.) Ow and fate, darkwind is right that suggestion to use death was from Amos mod (I've tried not to change to much in his mod) he wanted pop to decrease under insect rule which is why he thought to thematic, I think he's already replaced it with a sort of deathdominions now that command is added to our modding arsenal. anyway sailing could've been nice but if I want to create hyperspace lanes I can just link provinces which are distant. On assasination: I've not played much with assassins much so I might just have underestimated it... it's not been THAT much of a problem yet so I'm leaving it for now. On spacemines: yeah selfdestruct doesn't seem to do what I want, I've not encountered much mines myself though can some one tell me if they do actually attack or that they just don't hit them selves? Rdonj: spaceeels are meant to be problematic as indies they shoudl I was hoping for them to be some sort of indie anti thug. And as a summons for R'lyeh I think they will be devastating when equipped (I'll see if I can get there in our game :D) |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
JK, you are my hero
I'll put them in the map right away when the next patch comes out and see what happens I guess I can just use any file to set as the skybox .tga and then just add that and the the #batmap "empty" command to a province? Or will I actually need to use - #skybox "myskybox.tga" - and then I will get a background you've put in the next patch too Rdonj will do the same for our new bigger map. (I think :D) I think this will mean I'll wait for the next patch with our MP game since this will make it so much better. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
PS I'll look into the orc hero thing (didn't remember he had a different tank sprite any more) once I have access to my old comp again with the files and the game on it.. the compenents for my new comp included a defect 4850x2 videocard so I'm using my old card now. (needed to test the rest of the system) If it takes to long I'll put it back in the old one but for now I'm enjoying my newer faster system.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I'll throw in with Aezeal that the new commands sound very, very awesome. Though, if experience is any indicator, we'll have to steal a semi-decent skybox from the Internet, or from Dom3. Assuming I have any idea what a skybox is. One would think the name gives it away, but there's always the chance it's something crazy.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Ok, some further thoughts.
The Orcs are VERY powerful. If you can get 1 province to 7+ dom and put just a few heroes in it you can get a full army every turn. On top of that the Orcish blasters are very powerful. Significant numbers of Orcish Shooters can take down just about anything. IDK about the summons, but just the basic orcs can really tear stuff up. I still think the Common Wealth is underpowered. All their better belee troops are missing the all powerful shield. Also, their shield does nothing against the Neoclidean lasers (they get chopped down mercilessly). The only advantage to the Common Wealth is the ease with which they can defend territories. The turrets output ~20 AP rounds a turn, so two of them are normally sufficient to defend against most armies (with a little PD to catch enemy fire). Offensively I was helpless until I got Falling Frost, and even then I had to sacrifice swarms of my Teachers just to get close enough to cast it. This could also all be a reflection of Neoclidia, which I think is very powerful. The recruitables are good, especially anything with a laser. A group of 20 heavy lasers can take down anything, including space worms. The tramplers are useless because of the speed with which chaff is destroyed in this game and the generally large enemies (especially the indies). I think their cheapest militia unit having mindblast is a little overpowered. Unless you really swarm them or attack with very high MR units you are dead, because they can mindblast entire armies into oblivion. Then Neoclidia has powerful summons. I generally find the ranged more powerful for the above reason (if you get 40+ mindblasters there is really nothing the enemy can do). I was a bit confused at the way the summons ramped up. Because the higher level summons give you better Old Ones AND more Old Ones/gem there is really no reason to ever cast the lower level spells after that. Of course, some of the higher ones require more paths, but that logic doesn't apply to the lowest level versions which are easily researched and each makes the preceding version completely obsolete. I also thought Neoclidia had no need whatsoever for the (admittedly very nice) space ships, because most their normal units (and certainly their best units) can go into space anyway. I would probably suggest making the standard troops significantly weaker in space, and maybe even weakening the Old Ones in space, both to restrict Neoclidia a bit more and to force them to use the battle stations. And a small bug on the map, province 38 is connected to 25 (a planet on the far right to the center of jupiter). I found this out just in time to take advantage of it, :P Still a very entertaining Mod, thanks guys! |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
wow different views for different provinces NICE :D I'll start looking for some nice backgrounds. PS will larger images just resize to fit or will additional pixels just not be seen?
Fate: I've toned done Orc armour in the latest version but ifyou already have that I might need to do more... giving the basic Shooters a bit weaker gun might be it since you get so many of them. Anyway if you can get that much commanders that easily then I'll just increase their cost and upkeep :D I might do this before our test game. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Larger images will be resized, but they really should be a power of two sized (512,1024,...) and not too large as they are rendered as a single texture.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Using the race in the regular game it's real strength is those assassins but I haven't been able to make those tactics work in 3k. Quote:
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Well the recruitable assassin isn't really meant to be able to take out spacestations or space-eels really.. he's just a recruitable commander, scout basically... He should be able to take some mages of most nations though. If you kit him out with a few cheap items he'll be even better. (pendant of luck and something regerating?)
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
1 Attachment(s)
@Fate: Yay! Someone's using Neoclidia! Now on to the post itself...
Also, have you tried the highest-level spells? If not, you really should. They definitely don't invalidate the other spells; they're on a whole different level from them. Quote:
And for your enjoyment, Neoclidia taking into account the account I've been given. :) |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Darkwind, once I incorporate the mod in dom 3K you'll have to update it in that file yourself (since I'm not about to copy all your changes :D) do you think I should put it in there already or do you want it to remain stand alone a while longer.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I created Neoclidia for the sole purpose of it being added to Dom3K. Of course I want it added!
Also, it'll feel a lot less out of my hands and I can actually start on Piria (or rather, NOT start and procrastinate). :D |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
hmmm there are some nice sprites in the vanilla game you could use for the pirians, in the old mod I started there is also an efriti which if you remove the sword looks decent (not the efriti sultan)
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
have you changed stuff to neoclia btw? Plz attach the latest version to a post and I'll insert it one of these days. Ow wait that last version is only a fe posts away.. i guess that will be it then :D. Means you can't make new changes untill I've posted this new versionthough :D
PS laser and laser melee have same number since you use all names in giving weapons I've just made the last weapon 668. (ow and I've arranged all weapons in order of number.. you made a mess of it :D) |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Btw, I got to mess around with neoclidia a bit today. The streamguns still aren't that great but they are at least useful now, at least on independants. I haven't had the opportunity yet to test them on properly shielded infantry though.
I actually think the yithian cultists are a bit overpriced now. At least if you compare them to r'lyeh's illithids. R'lyeh's mind blasters cost the same amount of gold, and have 20 more hp. So they are quite a bit more durable. And actually, the cultists should be relatively more effective against dragons than other units, since they don't really have that much mr and come in less numbers than most things. It wouldn't be too hard to have enough mindblasters in one province to paralyze an entire dragon army. I am interested in Fate's comment about neoclidia's lasers getting through the commonwealth's shielding so easily. I have been noticing that the lasers equipped on their normal soldiers seem to be abnormally good. They seem to hit far more often than their precision (14) would seem to indicate, and in my personal testing I have found it very hard to damage the commonwealth with non aoe ranged weapons... as in nearly impossible. Is there something going on here causing their lasers to be more devastating than they should be, or does it just seem like they're abnormally good because of the projectile art they're using (I have never seen a neoclidian laser strike hit a random part of the terrain). But if so why are they so good at getting through the commonwealth's shields? Also, question: Why is the Neoclidian Ghost hero given a theoretically inferior armament to that of Neoclidian Warships? |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
1 Attachment(s)
Ghosts aren't heroes, I think. I never intended them to be anyways. Did I do something wrong again?
It seems that I did. Here's a new .dm. And stop complaining about the weapons--the ship's ethereal! Also, you were supposed to get an "Outer-Dimensional Being", which is also ethereal. Immortal, too. Sucks to be you I guess. Anyways, new .dm attached. I fixed the conflict. |
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