![]() |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I've added a couple notes (for turns 27 and 28) to the Atlantis section. Hopefully I have catched the spirit of the thing :)
I need advice how to add notes in the future. These were done by editing turns 4 and 5 (which had no text in them ;) ) to turns 27 and 28 :) |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Doing the same. Plus changing the turn numbers to be appropriate.
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
The nation of ermor needs earth gems and is willing to trade away death gems or - in few amounts - other gems for it.
Mortius First Thaumaturg Ermor (Please write me a pm if you're interested) |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
We look forward to the exciting tale of your fort building / infrastructure project Ermor!
So, llamaserver has been back for a couple days - I haven't bumped up the time that llamabeast set since so many turns are still out at this point and no need to throw people off. Looks like there is about 3 days left til next hosting and then we'll be back to 72 hours. |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Atlantis is willing to purchase 50 nature gems. For payment Atlantis offers 50 water gems. Please do contact via PM :)
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I would say we its time for looking replacement TC and Marignon, isn't it?
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Feel free, I'm tired of looking for subs for this game and repeat my offer to turn over admin duties. I don't check the staling data anymore but since you do Calmon maybe you want to take over? :)
In fact, I'd be happy to end this game at any point given the unusually high player turnover, stales... And I think R'lyeh is doing pretty well but its just not that fun playing in a game where players are continually vanishing, leading to a lack of balance. |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Well I submited my turn, but it was as good as a stale, in fact it would have been better if it indeed was a stale turn.
This is the 3 time that damn ice devil escapes death. |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Apart from TC and Marignon the stales don't look too bad for this game.
It's a shame that KO staled a lot though. I guess he's a busy man. |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
KC .. I'm attacking T'ien Ch'i. Not sporting of me to battle someone in a stale-spin. I have no doubt you can put a hurt'n on Caelum with those ponies of yours.... and you likely have 1E6 gold for more... -SSJ |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
should be addressing KO not the mysterious "KC" -SSJ |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
At one point or another, I have had to find subs for or send messages to urge turn taking from Atlantis (before excellent Jarkko), TC, Hoburg, Marignon (now), and Man. That's 1/3 of the players and I don't think any have ever bothered to post a message - just vanish or start staling. While I think most games have 1-2 players vanish or stale, its pretty unusual IMHO to have 1/3 including nations that seem to be doing well. Then throw in the fact the point of this game, which I didn't organize, was to tell a story, not necessarily win. Its pretty sad. When I said I'd admin, I figured I'd change the hosting interval every now and then, not have to be sending PMs to prod players to play or trying to finding subs every other week.
Anyway, my rant is over. I am stuck in this game and now that I have vented I will see if I can find someone to turn TC AI, and sub for Mari. |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
That is pretty unfortunate. The admin should not have to find subs, people should do that themselves. I find it quite rude when they don't. Unless it's KO of course, sinec he's no doubt working on a new game for us! :)
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
TC is now controlled by the artificial intelligence co-designed by its player so the transition should be seamless :)
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Still a pity. It was a good story he started. And I hoped to not need to attack TC right now... Maybe at least some sub could be found? ;)
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Could be found by who? Feel free to look yourself. I am trying to find one for Mari who at only 4 stales is probably salvageable. 11 stales is too tough a sell for me.
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she. ----- Yes I did write that, an original work. I've been operating several computers for quite some time, and though I've produced countless pages of nonsense, I definitely wrote that paragraph all on my own. Greetings! New Marignon here. I understand this is a game where Muses roam the map, and I'm wondering what exactly my motivation is supposed to be. Have I been a cruel nation? whipping heretics and so forth? Benevolent? whipping only those heretics who are imprisoned beyond the protections of my nations legal system? Please, give me some guidance! In the mean time, I shall play the role of Nation in Turmoil - in fact, it seems a military coup has just overthrown the military coup that just overthrew the outgoing government, seizing power with popular support ("Viva La Inquisition!"). Scared but crazed with power, I know I must act quickly to mobilize the proletariat against some imagined foe before they get wise to my incompetence... ---------- Act 2, Scene 4 Quiet Meadow, sounds of monks chanting in the distance Military Strongman Turned Leader: "Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look..." Cassius: "Yoink!" Military Strongman Turned Fatally Wounded Leader: "Naive! But you're too late! My attack orders have already been issued against..." *dies* Brutus: "Yoink!" Cassius: "Et tu, Brute?" *dies* Undead Caesar: "Yoink!" [aside] "I'm pretty sure I could keep this up for quite some time, with each line becoming more intolerable than the last, so you'd better tell me what I'm supposed to be, tuit de suite." |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Welcome Cleveland! Chronicle players, through great personal sacrifices, your beloved admin has managed to recruit one of the most humorous and talented writers of the Dom community. Author of the great Lord of the Dai's here among other works of art. If anyone can spark life back into the Chronicles part of this game, its Cleveland (no pressure Cleve). Please PM him if you have any treaties etc.
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
-SSJ |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Hi Don,
please extend the hosting for 4 hours. Thanks! |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I think this game has lost all its meaning.
It was about writing chronicles as you play along but more than half the players stopped, lost interest I guess. This game became just another slow pace game with not a whole lot going on, constant delays, people staling, dropping out... |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I stopped writing since most others were not writing and it was like giving away free intel to players who seemed to treat it like a regular game. It's surprising how people were excited to sign up but flaked almost immediately on the Chronicles part.
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Yeah, I was thinking at giving up the whole thing at one moment, this game is rather boring and unbalanced, but how often do you have a chance to play a mod nation.
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Sitting in your Golden Throne, atop your High Citadel, in your Forbidden City, you yawn drearily as the hours pass.
You glance around...in the far corner sits your War Minister, who has his finger (or is it fingers?) buried deep inside his ear, scratching at something which - by the contortions of his face - seems to be the facial control center of his brain...a bit nearer, your Royal Guards stand at, er, slouch at attention, and you note with silent surprise that only 2 of the 4 are actively drooling on themselves...to your immediate left, the High Concubine is slumped over an empty jug of fermented *snif, snif* is that garlic? toenails, possibly? Whatever it was, at least she'll be out for a while... How DID I end up here? you wonder to yourself. I'm supposed to be a ****ING PRETENDER TO THE CROWN OF CIVILIZATION! What have I done to deserve this nation of filthy half-wits!?! High on your daily bump of self-pity, you intentionally fail to acknowledge the entry of your Espionage Chief as he hurriedly scurries across chamber with a thin, weasily looking bafoon in tow. "Beg'ur pard'on, Lo-rd?" Imbicle. "Ahem, beg'ur pard'on, Lo-rd?" Rolling your eyes, you sigh long and painfully, finally settling your gaze on him. Sweet mercy, he's ugly! Does he even have any teeth? "Beg'ur pard'on?" Nope, just the one. Without saying a word, you make a slight gesture indicating that you'll hear what he has to say. "Si-ar! Tis 'oung scout ha' jus' retur'd from b'hind en'my lines!" You watch the fine mist of spittle he just ejected dance playfully in the sunlight. "E ha' NEWS! 'rom the n'tion a MARIGNON!" Marignon! Your brow perks up. Oh! If I could only lead Marignon... The familar fantasy scrolls in front of your eyes... Thier men, all so brave! So handsome! Such great conversationalists! And their women...the vision is abruptly dissolved by an unconscious garlic-toenail belch. Sure enough, the scout does indeed have news from within the Great Nation of Marignon, which had fallen silent in recent months, and was feared (by you, mainly) to be lost forever. But as it turns out, the entire nation collectively decided to take an extended, 3-month holiday, out of fairness to all the other nations. Those sportsmen! But the holiday is now over, and the Marignon government is back up and running, albeit with a super tan. As the blubbering mess wraps up his story, you find yourself already dreaming up ways to welcome Marignon back. Gold? Gems? A Ring of Sorcery or really any other booster though we're pretty good on Astral and Fire at the moment but would certainly appreciate a Moonvine Bracelet? So many options! Your gathered minions wince as you rise swiftly from your throne - the Concubine and Guards being exceptions - and stride quickly to your private quarters where you nervously scribble on a parchment: My Dearest Marignon, Who says this game is boring? That it can't be revived?... You agonize over it for hours, though you know you'll never send it... |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
The criteria for winning should have been the best writing as judged by an independent panel. That might have motivated some people or made the self-selection process more appropriate.
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Yeah, that probably would have been the way to go.
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I can't make the current deadline. Any objection to a four hour delay?
Sorry C |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
No worries. 4 hrs added.
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I'm on holidays and I promise writing on my chronicles. I might, however, need a temporary sub, as maybe you've heard of the earthquake here in Italy and I am trying to go and give help to the struck area as volunteer. I don't think I'll manage to do it as actually only medics, firefighters, civilian protection squads and the army can get there, but if I'll be able to go there I'll let you know. Thanks for your patience :)
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Tifone, of course whatever you need. Living in San Francisco, we are especially aware and concerned about earthquakes, as it is only a matter of time before we get hit again. In the words of an old punk band - "we'll sink with California, when it falls into the sea". Hopefully not for a while though. :)
Good luck with your efforts and let us know if you need a sub or extension. |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Good luck in any case! And cheers for you!
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I need an 8 hour extension. Looks like a lot of turns are still out too so I guess nobody minds.
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
FINALLY that damn Ice devil is dead, ALMOST managed to escape death for the, what? 3,4,5 time???
Oh and one more thing, isn't fire resistant 50 supposed to be NOT fire resistant 100??? It strikes me kinda odd how NOT A SINGLE AOE fire attack, nor fire spell did even 1 damage. Now I see Jotunheim has finally turned AI, well I just want to congratulate Solmyr for making my turns as unpleasant as possible to see, it's been a while since someone tortured me like this. |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
AI TC is a frikken pain in the arse as well. The AI just happens to know exactly where to cast Call of the Winds.
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Maybe he had scouts in place from the time he wasn't AI? ;)
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Dramatic Music
Taxman: (authoritatively) Halt! Halt in the name of the Accounting Gods! Hero: (meakly) Oh...er...hi! Is it that time of year again? Right! Great! What do you need from me? What do I owe you? Taxman: (furiously) Blasphemous fool! A High Cardinal of the Tax Code doesn't tell a worthless, pathetic, taxpaying citizen like yourself what YOU owe! That would be like...like... Hero: (cautiously) ...like every other bill I've ever paid my entire life? Taxman: (victoriously) EXACTLY! What do you think this is, the Telephone Company?!? Hero: (under-his-breath-ly) At least those ****ers eventually answer when I call. Taxman: (even more furiously) WHAT DID YOU SAY?!? Hero: (straight-face-ed-ly) ...Who, me?...What?...What did I say? Taxman: (confuse-ed-ly) ...er...Nevermind! Now, PAY UP! Hero: (perspiring-ly) OK, let's see...add line 34 to line 13...subtract the square root from line 63b of Form 432-042c...divide by the gross domestic product of the south asian country that shares the most letters with your last name... Taxman: (impatiently) Hurry up! Hero: (impatiently) Almost there! Alright, carry the 2, drop the remainder...and done! Who do I make the check out to? Taxman: (patiently) A...I...G. In the memo field, write, "Bonus for trying REALLY hard." Hero: (exhausted-ly) Will do. Alright, who's next? State Taxman: (anxiously) Me first! Regional Taxman: (no, I'm not making this up) No, me! City Taxman: (still not making this up) But I'm the most unjustified! Hero: (stales 3X) |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
C, Very good stuff. :D -SSJ |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
1 Attachment(s)
Unfortunately, while I was doing battle with Uncle Sam, Uncle Ermor has made short work of the Marignese Rear Guard, engulfing the Great Northern Territories like an undead amoeba (see Fig. 1) Attachment 8092 Fig. 1: Ermor v Marignon |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Binophe, Marignon (short before falling):
http://www.worldofaram.com/images/GCSiege.jpg Picture by Drakk Ermorian Draconian War Reporter |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
deja vu,
I know I've seen this somewhere. |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Does anyone else think we should update the list of players???
It took me ages to find the original list on page 20 and yet half those nations or players aren't even in this game, so I'm not sure who's actually playing in this game. |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
So just to make sure I have the story straight, I press-ganged Cleveland to sub for Mari, he declared war on Ermor, then staled 3x while Ermor mopped the floor with Mari's brains? Yikes. Meanwhile Man is back to staling I see, 2 more in a row for a total of 7 (~20% of the turns this game)....
I'd like to make an offer to end the game – the snails' pace at 72 hours, the parade of stales/going AI has removed any semblance of a real game, the fact the original intent of the game has been abandoned, etc. I'd propose someone either looks at the turn files and declares a winner or we just walk away. That said, if you all want to keep this thing going, then we may need a sub for Man or let his neighbors devour him. @ Executor: i can't modify the first post. We could make a new one if people want to keep this thing going. |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Alas... I'll sadly have to second that emotion... So far between turns I forget what I am doing... I have enjoyed the game nonetheless. If we do end it I will make a final Caelum summary in the wiki. I'd be interested to read other's motives and strategies as the game unfolded and would be happy to share turn files with anyone interested. Awaiting other votes... -ssj |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Lets play.
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Anyone else besides Calmon want to continue? maybe we can all go AI and he can play with himself :)
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Just want to say, my last two stales were not because I had forgotten about the game. First one, for some reason I didn't get my usual llamserver warning about the turn being due, the second one I somehow sent the wrong .2h
Given that frustration, I'm particularly keen on calling the game off. ;) |
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
I'm game, fight on.
Re: Chronicles_MA - General Game Discussion
Here's the prob I have:
Even winning this game would not be satisfactory and will take months at our pace. The landscape has been totally messed up by stales. For example, my strategic thinking was that Marignon would be a good counter to Ermor, but they just evaporated with stales/player transition totally changing the landscape. The same might be said about Atlantis (under its old player) vs. me (although we were allies), or TC, or Man, or Hoburg.... Even if R'lyeh won this, I wouldn't even want to count it. So why play on in a game where most players would rather quit and a quarter of the original ones have just vanished? Not to mention, the story telling purpose of the game has disintegrated and that was why I joined. Remember this - Quote:
So far its 4-2 against continuing. Caelum Marignon (PMed me) Rlyeh Man Any others have an opinion? If the remaining players strongly want to continue, maybe we can find some more subs... |
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