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nrasch December 22nd, 2010 01:32 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
OK all, as discussed, next turn will be due on Jan 1st. I hope everyone has a great Christmas and Happy New Year. :)

Also, I will be checking this forum and my email if anyone needs anything.

- Nathan

Num January 4th, 2011 03:00 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Hello and happy new year,
It should be a good idea to dispel the Gift of Health and Maelstrom globals. We may all send something like 100 (or less for a very wounded nation) astral gems to anybody who can perform effectively (strong astral, penetration items, magic site) one dispel after the other. I can do it if needed.
Gift of Health is probably first in priority. I believe this is urgent.
In addition it would be very helpful to harass Machaka in the rear and kill population, attack rear provinces or use any well-intended spell to weaken the spiders economy (Please do not do it in the northern territory, that may interfere with mine).
I implore everybody to do whatever he can do to attack, hamper and weaken Machaka. If you do not want to, you can abandon right now, you have just lost.

Lihaässä January 4th, 2011 10:01 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
@Num - I'll have to consider quitting the game if you continue playing on behalf of all armies. This is getting ridiculous. There's enough challenge fighting on four fronts.

Num January 4th, 2011 02:54 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
I am sorry, this is not intended to ruin your enjoyment.

But what am I supposed to do ? Wait to see everyone being destroyed one after the other ?
Where is the challenge ? You are crushing everything with ease. It is probably already too late for us.

And I have to repeat obvious things, the players are not the same as the beginning (and there is no way to discuss anywhere else). I cannot ask other player's help another way.

But you know that if there is no alliance (or not strong enough, or organized enough) against you, you have won.

Num January 6th, 2011 02:28 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
@Bandar Log
You can take, cross and attack Eastern Landbridge (124), I do not need that province to go north (my troops are able to hide, cross the sea and teleport across).

@Bandar Log, Abysia, Jotunheim and Shinuyama
I can dispel efficiently Machakas globals, please send me astral gems you get available to do it, I cannot do so alone.

Lihaässä January 9th, 2011 07:47 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
@ Admin - Is there a reason for the extension for host until Tuesday? It seems that Muse is the only one who hasn't sent his turn yet.

@ Everyone


Originally Posted by nrasch

So I'm cheating and sending you a private message.

I'm not going to attack you any more w/ Bandar. It is unfair in my opinion for the entire world to pick on you.

So, expect no more mind hunts and attacks from your eastern border.

Also, I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year's.


You shouldn't cheat.. somehow the forum will anyway hear what you have spoken ;). I'll post this one in the spirit of the first post and the game setting. Don't give up.. there's a lot to take behind you and you have strong astral.. something I or your competition cannot achieve easily.

- Ari

Ragnoff January 9th, 2011 08:14 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Unfortunately as Bander's most likely target this will keep me from fighting the spider people with any vigor, I have to be on guard vs Bander. This likely hands Lihassaas the game

Num January 11th, 2011 11:44 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
That is right, this is giving victory to Lihaassa (who deserve it, no discussion about that). Diplomacy is just All.
Anyway, even if I have just lost, Machakan armies and monsters must come and destroy my nation. I shall defend myself proudly.

@R'lyeh, if you are still giving a look sometimes here
If you do not want to play, please give the hand to the AI...

Ragnoff January 12th, 2011 01:04 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
I am ending the NAP with Bander, pulling out of the attack on Machaka is tantamount to an act of war! When your messengers bring you your monthly reports in Early Winter (turn 66) expect to find reports of me holding your lands!!!

(Offensive orders can be given in turn 65, we read about them in turn 66, is this how you understand the NAP 5 to work or do I need to give offensive orders in turn 66?)

Finalgenesis January 12th, 2011 08:14 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
To R'yleh, we seek NAP 3/5 with you.


Num January 13th, 2011 11:04 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Saturday ?!?
If the point is make everybody giving up and leave, this is the best way for sure.
One turn a week, every turn last until the last second, is there any motivated player left ?

Finalgenesis January 13th, 2011 11:15 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Wah? What's going on? Whose admin and what happened to host time?

nrasch January 13th, 2011 11:31 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
I'm the admin, and I had no clue the host time was so far out. I took over hosting, and this is the first time I've done it. Maybe it was a hold over from the holiday changes we agreed to make?

I'm sorry about the delay, and I'll get it changed ASAP.

What is a good hosting window anyhow? 24 hours?


Finalgenesis January 13th, 2011 11:41 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
oh oh thx for admining the game! I think we were on 72 hrs hosting? Not sure.

I think 60 hrs (2.5 days) hosting is a good compromise. What say others?

nrasch January 13th, 2011 11:44 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Oh, and for reference here is what Llama server has to say about our current settings:

Next turn due: 15:30 GMT on Saturday January 15th

Hosting interval: 48 hours
Quickhost mode: On
Reminder e-mails: Send 9 hours before hosting


Lihaässä January 13th, 2011 02:06 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
The turn 62 should be be played before Saturday, not 61.

I recommend using force host, since everyone was aware that the turn should be in today and there has not been a single ask for a delay. I don't like seeing people stall their turns but it's a lot better than losing the game.

48 h hosting interval is OK by me for now.


Hello! Please find the attached turn file - Machaka turn 61 for the game Great_Forum.

The next 2h file is due in by 15:30 GMT on Thursday January 13th.

nrasch January 13th, 2011 02:30 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
OK, if I don't see any request for a delay in the next few hours we'll force the turn. I'll leave the hosting interval at 48 hours.

If anyone else has any comments or questions please let me know.


Finalgenesis January 13th, 2011 03:35 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Thanks for staying on the ball! 48h okay

Lihaässä January 19th, 2011 03:26 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
@ Admin - It's starting to be annoying that turns are delayed without any notice. My plan was to play turn 65 today since I cannot play before Sunday evening. Because of this I request that turn 65 is not hosted before Sunday evening 22.00 +2GMT

I don't blame you for the delays Nrasch :) Maybe there is just something in the settings.


Hello! Please find the attached turn file - Machaka turn 64 for the game Great_Forum.

The next 2h file is due in by 18:45 GMT on Wednesday January 19th.

nrasch January 19th, 2011 03:47 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Doh, I'm very sorry. I don't know why it keeps doing that. :(

Does some one else have some experience hosting? I'll be happy to share the password, and we can resolve this once and for all.


Calahan January 19th, 2011 04:28 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Just popping in to say that the turns keep getting delayed due to how the llamaserver reacts to various events. In the past there were problems with the llamaserver, such as hosting games while its email client was down, and (when patches came out) accepting turns and hosting games with different turn versions, which caused problems in games for obvious reasons.

As such, llamabeast added a few auto-delay scripts to his server, whereby it would immediately delay games if it detected a patch, or if it detected a problem with its email client. And over the past week or two, these auto-delays have triggered a few times due to the patch (maybe email problems as well), and this has subsequently led to many games being automatically delayed, and without the admin of the games doing anything.

The llamaserver is a great server provided free of charge to the Dominions community by the very generous llamabeast. But in return for this, players who use it have to realise that there are times the llamaserver experiences a few problems, and there are times when a few gremlins creep in that means it stops functioning smoothly. And at these times, players need to have a bit of patience, and common sense, until the problems are sorted out. And patience in this case can sometimes mean waiting a few weeks, and not a few hours, for all the problems to be sorted out by llamabeast (who himself has a full time job and a busy real life)

But the patch has now officially been released, and while I can't speak directly for llamabeast or his server, the llamaserver does appear to have been updated, so all these auto-delays should now stop (or at least all of them related to the patch), meaning the server should now be back to operating its business as usual.

Although forewarning, if a bug is reported in the patch that prompts the need for another patch release (which is what happened with the last patch IIRC), then you can expect the same auto-delays to kick in due to the patch. And as I said, if that happens, the patience and tolerance of the players who use the server is appreciated, while the llamaserver is sorted out.

And, I hope all that helped answer the question as to why all the delays keep happening :)

Lihaässä January 20th, 2011 04:02 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Thanks for stopping by and sharing information Calahan! In this kind of case I have no problem to wait. Only remaining issue is the uncertainty of the next hosting time.

Lihaässä January 21st, 2011 04:22 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
@ Admin - I would still like to have host delayed to sunday evening 22.00 +2GMT. Thanks!

Num January 27th, 2011 12:21 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
I am close to the point when I shall not be able to defend myself effectively against Machaka. My territory is full of invincible monsters I have hard times to fight with.
If you could finish off Bandar Log very quickly, we should have a chance.
I seek your help to fight Machaka. Althought I do not know how you could reach the spiders provinces...
The same for you R'lyeh, though you can easily attack.

nrasch January 27th, 2011 12:26 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
@Num - Don't count out Bandar so quickly my friend.

Also, should it look like I'm going to fall, be assured Machaka will have a big goody basked heading their way full of gems and gold. Fair punishment for having Abysia attack me!

Lihaässä January 27th, 2011 03:32 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running

Hello from the LlamaServer.

I received an e-mail from you, but unfortunately there seems to be a problem with it.

Your 2h file seems to be for a different turn number to the one the game's currently on. The 2h file is for turn 67, while the game is now on turn 68.

Details of your e-mail:
Subject: Re: New turn file: Great_Forum, Machaka turn 67
Sent at: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 20:30:52 +0200
Attachment: mid_machaka.2h
Almost there ;) maybe next time I'll send turn in 52 seconds before hosting!

Ragnoff January 27th, 2011 06:09 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
@nrasch - of course I am only attacking you because you backed out of your commitment to attack the spiders AND tried to cheat (sent a private message) to do so!

BvG January 30th, 2011 05:44 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
@Ragnoff wow privmessage, we should have made him quit?

I'm not exactly hurting the spiders, but then, neither is he me :)

But what I actually wanted to ask, with the Dominions crash on llamaserver, do we roll back, or do we all take the stale turn?

nrasch January 30th, 2011 06:28 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
yep, I told lahassa i wouldn't attack cuase i felt bad he was getting gang banged. if u think that is cheating i'll be happy to step down and give up my spot in the game.


Finalgenesis January 31st, 2011 03:10 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
I see, so you've basically been private pming a few times already, once to Lihaässä and ragnoff that we know of which suggested more in the past. Once someone called you on this inconsistency you basically threaten to throw a tantrum.

You are aware this is an open diplo game and all diplomacy is to be done through forum? It would otherwise seem that you suffer a complete failure to grasp the basic concept of gamesmanship while sounding righteous about cheating.

Num January 31st, 2011 04:18 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
It is probably better to not play and send anything before being sure we could continue safely. So if a stale shall happen, that will be for everybody. That will be balanced I guess.

Right now, the game has just disappeared. Please do not play, we must avoid a rollback.

For public diplomacy, well, you know the rule.

Ragnoff January 31st, 2011 10:15 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
I was NOT private messaged. I was referring to the private message nrasch sent to the spiders (in which he even acknowledged that he was not supposed to be sending a PM). I have not been here long, but the first thing that I read was no PMing or chatting, all communication handled in the thread.

The other thing I was told was my predecessor and join an alliance specifically countering the spider people. I stated earlier that I felt pulling out of that alliance was an act of war, and thus ended the NAP with the monkey folk.

nrasch January 31st, 2011 11:16 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
@Finalgenesis - Whoah! I have NOT been PM'ing anyone but Lhassa ONE time. I DID NOT PM Ragnoff (who had better set the record straight). Also, I am NOT throwing a fit.... if you think I cheated then honor demands I be willing to step down gracefully.

Finalgenesis I think you took the tone of my last message completely wrong.

This is text in a forum right? You can't see my body language and so forth, and it is easy to attribute a tone to some one's words that doesn't exist.

In this case I not throwing a fit, being rude or anything else. I'm offering to quit if you think I was cheating by sending one--and only one--PM to Lahassa stating I felt bad for him being ganged up on.

Ragnoff, I need you to step forward and confirm that I didn't send you or anyone else you know of a private PM. Also, to clear my name, I would ask that if anyone on this board has been PM'ed by me to step forwards and post it here. I want everyone to see that no such thing has occurred.


nrasch January 31st, 2011 11:41 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
And in other news....

What if anything do we need to do about Llama server barfing?

I haven't logged into the admin part of the game yet, as I don't want to mess anything up.


Ragnoff January 31st, 2011 12:06 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running

@Finalgenesis - Whoah! I have NOT been PM'ing anyone but Lhassa ONE time. I DID NOT PM Ragnoff (who had better set the record straight).
I the post above this I already said you had NOT PMed me. I am sorry if I gave any other impression.

I used the word cheating because your PM to Lahassa starts with:



So I'm cheating and sending you a private message.
I felt backing out of the alliance as you did, especially by PM, was TREACHEROUS! I am not questioning your honor as a player, but your action in this game. I am the target that tactically, once I was engaged with Lahassa and you were building forces on the sideline, you should attack! I also agree with Num that if your resources are not fighting the spiders we will lose (we are losing anyway, that will make it certain) and your lands likely hold the most S gems we need to dispell GoH. As you decided not to stick with the alliance and commit your resources willingly, I am trying to acquire those resources.

Your statement that you are going to send everything to Lahassa should you lose suggests that I was correct in my assumptions about your intentions. Sending everything to the game leader... <shakes head>

Num January 31st, 2011 12:06 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
The private message is no big deal.

I think we should wait until the server has recovered safely, and once this done (if done oneday...), you should set up two days for playing, like every other turn.

Finalgenesis January 31st, 2011 02:17 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running

Originally Posted by nrasch (Post 769731)
if u think that is cheating i'll be happy to step down and give up my spot in the game.


Ah I seem to have misread sincerity with something else.

I'd agree pming once is no big deal under the circumstances (just don't do i... get caught again), it's what I incorrectly perceived to be a bad attitude that made me actually jump in the fray.

BvG January 31st, 2011 06:04 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
whoops sorry for the escalation on the pm stuff...

anyway, will we rewind the "lost" turn, or not (whenever it arrives...)

Num February 1st, 2011 11:42 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
It looks like it is ok. For everybody I hope ?...

nrasch February 1st, 2011 11:50 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
@Finalgenesis & Ragnoff: I wanted to say no hard feelings on my side whatsoever. I can understand how my message(s) could have been taken as being rude etc. Frankly I'm having a great time in this game, and I'm glad to have a chance to play with everyone. :)


BvG February 1st, 2011 11:56 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
So do we simply send this turn? it seems to be fine on my end too...

Lihaässä February 4th, 2011 03:58 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
@ Nrasch, thanks for the gems.. I hope you are not giving up? You may try bells of cleansing and demon banes. Also those Shishs (Air summon) which has special bite against demons. If you need some anti fire equipment I could forge some.

I'm clad that the conversation about cheating has come to an end. From my perspective game "rules" were that everything should be posted to the forum. I posted Nrasch's PM and my answer to it. If you're more into chatting in irc or using PM's it's no biggie for me as long as you bring your conversation here as it was.. hopefully when the topic is still relevant ;)

@ Num

I am close to the point when I shall not be able to defend myself effectively against Machaka. My territory is full of invincible monsters I have hard times to fight with.
If you could finish off Bandar Log very quickly, we should have a chance.
Please.. you have SC's as much (or more) as I have. You've owned the last few fights with your lightning batteries and Zmey's. Do you have a forging site where your precious pretender sits?

Num February 5th, 2011 04:31 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Deciding who is the most powerful is now an absolete debate, if you have taken a look at the war south of our lands... Anyway, graph scores are displayed to be seen if you mind. And you do know where my pretender is, don't you ?

Ragnoff February 8th, 2011 05:48 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Ok, I asked this when I first came aboard, and got little to no response, so I will ask again, what NAPs currently exist between ANYONE?

Here is the list from the first post: (NAP3 unless a 5 is listed)

Bandar log - Abysia (Since cancelled)
Shinuyama - Abysia
Jotun - Bandar Log
Bandar Log - Vanheim
Vanheim - Jotunheim
R'lyeh - Abysia
Jotunheim - Abysia (5)
Machaka - R'lyeh
Bandar Log - R'lyeh (5)
Shinumyama - Bandar Log
Shinuyama - R'lyeh (5)
Abysia - Vanheim (5)
After I joined Bander Log promised not to attack Machaka, Jotunheim has asked for but not received a NAP from R'lyeh, and I cancelled the Abyssia-Bander Log NAP

Is this still basically correct? Are there any others?


Num February 9th, 2011 02:45 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
That is correct for my part : I have signed a pact with Finalgenesis-Jotunheim (3 turns), Bandar Log (5, with the previous player Grijalva) and Abysia (5, with the previous player Earcaraxe).

BvG February 12th, 2011 09:59 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Entries containing Shinuyama are correct.

Finalgenesis February 12th, 2011 11:57 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Entries with Jotun is correct

Ragnoff February 14th, 2011 08:34 AM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Bander Log is down to 3 forts, one under attack this month and the other two under siege. Two months ago the spider people re-awoke the cold war by attacking Abyssians, and this past month the Abyssians reminded the Machaka that we can HEAT things up for them!

Is it to late? Have Shinumaya and Vanheim been beaten down? The North route is open for Vanheim to take the fight back to Machaka but do they have any spirit left? The resources of the faint hearted apes are being added to the alliance's war effort, but the number of tartarians controlled by the spider people is frighting!

nrasch February 14th, 2011 12:04 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
For the record I hope the spiders eat you for lunch. :)

Also: Very fun game; had a great time playing w/ you all.


Num February 14th, 2011 04:09 PM

Re: Great Forum, game running
Kingdom of Vanheim is still standing next to Machaka, and is ready to push back the ugly Spiders to their swamps (which they should never leave if you ask).

Thanks for letting us the northern road. I shall need it.

Thanks for playing, really sorry have seen you abandon our alliance.

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