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Johan K December 21st, 2004 06:03 PM

Re: Dom II bugs
Thanks for the info Verjigorm! Now could you try it when running with the -s (no sound) switch. I suspect the sound thread is living on afterwards.

Verjigorm December 22nd, 2004 01:01 PM

Re: Murder
Gote, Nergash, and Saladaar (to a lesser extent) are merceneries who could be upgraded to cast the spell. If you killed him via crushing his candles, it might be possible that the wizard who cast the spell lives on in a neutral province perhaps? Then again it could always be a bug http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Edi December 22nd, 2004 01:53 PM

Oceania Bugs
Three bugs with Oceania:
  • Mermidon (1101), the land-form, has wrong action points. It retains the AP value of the underwater form, Base 24 modified by armor, when it should have base 14. As a consequence, they are as fast as heavy cavalry on land.
  • Turtle warriors turn to regular mermen (1046) when you take them to land and back to water again. This is because the regular Oceanian merman (1046) has land-form merman (1047), which is shared by the turtle warrior. 1047 reverts back to 1046, regardless of whether it started out as turtle warrior or merman 1046.
  • Turtle Captain suffers the same fate as turtle warrior, he just becomes merman captain.
I think the turtle warrior and captain bugs are a consequence of incorrect secondshape assignment, because turtle warrior is #1097 and turtle captain is #1099, but I can't get monsters #1098 and #1100 (presumably the turtle warrior and captain landforms, respectively) visible in any way. These bugs take a lot of the flavor out from Oceania, in my opinion.


rylen December 25th, 2004 10:18 PM

Major Network Bug
Happy Agnostica and such. I've got lock up behavior when trying to connect to my Newbie-Borrowed Time MP game.

Mostly irrelevant details:
Dom 2.15 (latest patch)

Connecting via MS Small Business Server to a standard provider

SBS does the usual DNS work instead of just connecting to the home router -- unnecessary but technololgy is fun.

Recently changed the profile on my machine slightly, but had this problem before.

Working on Windows XP.

Problem Description:
This is a transient problem. Sometimes when I try to connect I get the screens for server name and port #. Then it tries to connect and freezes. Every time (perhaps 5, spread over several days) it freezes, I've killed Dom2, restarted, and had it work fine. Mostly, I am able to connect immediately and w/o problems. Today the problem has persisted. The XP taskmanager labes Dom2 as "not responding."

Hope this helps you diagnose it. My (unfounded) hypothesis: the folks I'm trying to access are down and the Dom2 timeout isn't working. I'll ask the server manager on the Newbie-Borrowed Time thread about it and to post here.


Verjigorm December 26th, 2004 01:26 AM

Re: Dom II bugs
With the -s switch on, the game continues to run unabated after being exited. Would you like another -dd listing?

Arralen January 1st, 2005 06:22 AM

Re: Dom II bugs
Is it just me or did anybody else notice, that
troops types in some provinces do not match the troop types which defended it?!

Bug or feature ?

Endoperez January 1st, 2005 08:04 AM

Re: Dom II bugs

Arralen said:
Is it just me or did anybody else notice, that
troops types in some provinces do not match the troop types which defended it?!

Bug or feature ?

I have noticed that the province from hwich you can recruit Elephants does not have elephants defending it, but I don't remember other than that. I believe that it could be a feature, but in that case and probably in most others too it is a bug.
What others have you found?

tinkthank January 4th, 2005 03:21 PM

Bad BLast Land
1 Attachment(s)
I got a NGF: Bad BLast Land.

I had two commanders cast Earth Attack monthly. The first month, everything ok; second month, I couldnt watch the battle replay of one of them, ditto the second month.
That means: I clicked on "View Battle", and nothing happened.
Third month, when clicking "View Battle", I got a NGF: Bad BLast Land, and the game crashes.

Cainehill January 4th, 2005 03:31 PM

Re: Bad BLast Land

Maybe they went into a province with no commanders, or only hidden commanders?

tinkthank January 4th, 2005 03:42 PM

Re: Bad BLast Land
But the spell targets a province, not a commander?

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