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TurboNoob May 5th, 2007 05:41 PM

Graphical glitch
A pretty big bug, I can't start the game because all I see is this:


I have the necessary requirements for the game (RAM and video card) but I'm running vista, is that the problem?

lch May 5th, 2007 05:58 PM

Re: Graphical glitch
Have you got Vista-certified drivers from your graphics card manufacturer? Do you have any similar problems with other games?

Edi May 5th, 2007 06:22 PM

Re: Graphical glitch
The problem is probably related to Vista. Dom3 has been developed mainly on Linux and intended to be multiplatform (Windows, Linux, Mac, Solaris). Vista was nowhere near out when Dom3 was completed, so not meshing with Vista, especially given the dismal state of Vista driver support at the moment, is no surprise.

TurboNoob May 5th, 2007 06:58 PM

Re: Graphical glitch
is there any way to uninstall vista and install xp?

Ballbarian May 6th, 2007 02:03 AM

Re: Graphical glitch
Not sure if it will help, but I use another pc as a server and had some really strange graphics glitches until I adjusted the video settings via the command line switches. Then everything worked like a charm.

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>******* Video Options *******
-T --textonly Use this with --tcpserver to get graphicless server
--opacity X Set gui opacity 0 - 100
-r --res X Y Set screen resolution / window size (default=800 600)
--animback Use animated backgrounds
-a --noanimback Don't use animated backgrounds
--fade Use fade effects
-f --nofade No fade effects
--nopopups No helpful popups
--fps X Aim for this nbr of frames per second (default=20)
--maxfps X Maximum nbr of frames per second (default=50)
--filtering X Quality of OpenGL filtering 0-3 (default=2)
--maxtexsize X Max texture size in pixels 32-4096 (default=unlimited)
--treequal X Tree quality 1-5 (default=3)
--texqual X Texture quality 1-5 (default=3)
--nolightfx No light effects in battles
--partamount X Max nbr of particles 0-8 (0=none, 4=default, 8=max)
--nograss Don't draw the grass
--noarcade Don't draw floating damage numbers
--noglext Don't use any OpenGL extensions
--vsync Enable vsync
-V --novsync Disable vsync
--renderpath X Use different optimizations 0-1 (0=good for low mem cards)
-x --fastgrx Faster graphics (use 3 times for best performance (-xxx))
-p --perftest Run a performance test and exit</pre><hr />

MaxWilson May 6th, 2007 03:25 AM

Undead blessing doesn\'t work?
1 Attachment(s)
Blessed Sepulchrals don't get full blessing effects. In attached save game (Wisp's Home battle or Upper Skelde battle), D9E9N4S4 Sepulchrals appear to receive the E9 blessing but no other effects (including +2 morale). Unknown whether this generalizes to all sacred undead.

-Max Wilson

Edit: 2 things. It turns out that there was no partial blessing applied--Protection was boosted by another mage casting Legions of Steel, not by the blessing. Also, DrPraetorious' hotfix (message #500877, "Black Tome of Alisophocus / Blessing Hot Fix", not sure how to create a link to it) corrects the problem. Nice work, Dr. P!

[Of course it's not really a .txt file.]

Edi May 6th, 2007 04:13 AM

Re: Undead blessing doesn\'t work?
The blessings have always been either straight out broken or otherwise strange with undead, so that issue is on the list.

Olive May 6th, 2007 05:00 AM

Re: Strange Transformations

mivayan said:

Olive said:
I may be wrong, but I'm 99% certain than before 3.08,

In 3.06 I've seen it happen both ways in different games. Might depend on the map used or something else.

That's it, it happens on Glory of the Gods (small), but not on Cradle of Dominions.

Edit : no, I've run some tests, it's not that. I've still one of the games where the capitol has been searched by spells, but I'm not able to reproduce it. Don't know how it happened. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif

Edi May 6th, 2007 05:10 AM

Re: Strange Transformations
Bug Shortlist has been updated to reflect the currently unresolved issues of version 3.08.

MaxWilson May 6th, 2007 06:20 AM

Re: Strange Transformations
Thanks, Edi! I'm glad to see that #startspell is considered a major bug.


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