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Xietor September 3rd, 2008 11:34 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
As the neighbors of LA Tien Chi now know, Ruin, the presence of whom makes all sane beings tremble, gated himself into the heart of LA Tien Chi's land in an effort to save some rare artifacts of Lizard culture from being destroyed by the uncouth barbarians sacking EA Ctis' capital.

Since LA Arcoscephale is a land of scholars, poets, and historians, we could not, in good conscience, stand idly by and watch the last remnants of Lizard heritage be lost to the world forever. So the warrior poets went to war to preserve artifacts of a lost civilization.

Ruin has now laid claim to the lands of the Barbarian King. And he takes a dim view of province poaching. Any province poaching of LA Tien Chi lands will be dealt with harshly.

While LA Arcoscephale is a small nation made up of peaceful warrior poets, Ruin does not have much poet in him. Ruin likes war, and it is a strain on the Council to restrain him if he feels he has been provoked.

Herode September 3rd, 2008 11:58 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Ladies & gentlemen,

Not a very interesting post for many of you here but I really wanted to present my apologizes to EA R'lyeh for a mistake I made earlier in this thread :

I wrote on 2 occasions at least that R'lyeh broke the NAP we had signed because I thought that breaking a NAP means : putting an end to the NAP :"we have NAP 5 and I'll attack you in 5 turns, end of the peace".
Which is correct and fair.

But it looks like "breaking a NAP" actually means : "I have a NAP5 with you but I'll attack you before those 5 turns anyway". Which is dubious and unfair.

I want to insist of the fact that EA R'lyeh didn't broke any NAP with me in this meaning. He just put an end to the NAP we had. Sorry for the mistake then, and back to the ultimate war. Good luck for the survivors !

DonCorazon September 3rd, 2008 12:13 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
The heads of the Sidhe lords and their pretender enchantress now decorate the Mead Hall in Utgard. Vengeance is bittersweet though.

I know Cleveland has taken a break for the time being but nevertheless, we take our eyepatches off to salute his valiant and creative efforts that seriously knocked Utgard off our once proud trajectory.

We still have many more books to burn and civilizations to wreck however so if you see the horde, then run.

Darkwind September 3rd, 2008 09:20 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I dispute Ruin's claim to T'ien Ch'i's lands. It seems that the god of the Barbarian Kings has assigned to me the ownership of T'ien lands. I am afraid, Ruin, that you will not be getting all of T'ien Ch'i's lands, not without a fight. I do not wish for war with Arcoscephale, but if the Hoplites wish to test their mettle on the lances of the Black Knights then so be it. The Anons are waiting.

-Anonymous Black Priest Under the Power of Monny

P.S. Anon the Black Priest (as in prophet of Monny, not one of those other Anons) here. Do you know what an Iron Blizzard feels like? I don't but it's a bit disturbing watching tiny steel darts go through a man's flesh like so many miniature arrows, and even more so when the man begins to unravel before your eyes as the very essence of divinity is expelled from him. Take my word for it, if you will.

Tichy September 3rd, 2008 11:53 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
EA C'tis will have the world know that MA C'tis has broken a longstanding NAP with no provocation or warning with a massive sneak attack. We call upon all free nations to respond to this outrage appropriately.

Digress September 4th, 2008 12:24 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
MA C'tis admits to its extremely poor etiquette but takes umbrage that it could possibly be characterized as a sneak attack.

When we saw the temples of C'tis befouled by hordes of barbarians (literally) we felt we should act with all necessary speed. We shall do what we can to keep what remains of the C'tissian homeland C'tissian, that is a foul, disease-ridden bog of interest to no-one.

Zeldor September 4th, 2008 12:31 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
It looks like LA ARco is the biggest aggressor in the world - big, rich, arrogant and attacking only in packs. It is LA ARco that had no 1:1 wars [was it 2:1 or 3:1 against Abysia?]. Now they destroy TC x:1 and threat betrayed small EA C'tis with same actions.

And I though Xietor had at least some remnants of honour and was interested in at least somewhat challenging wars. It seems I was really wrong :(

Tichy September 4th, 2008 12:59 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
MA C'tis: We will accept the explanation that it is a misunderstanding, but you will need to leave our lands immediately.

LA TC is no longer a threat to us. If we were being overrun we would have contacted you and released you from the NAP, because it would have been the neighborly thing to do. Furthermore, none of the lands that border you were ever under LA TC's occupation, and if you were paying attention you would have seen that we *retook* a fort with a large force last turn, and this turn have sieged the last fort that LA TC had ever taken from us.

The fact that you did not contact us and attacked without warning is a breach of the NAP, simple as that. The only honorable course of action for you is to reverse the error and vacate. If you do so, I will also reverse the more pungent opinion of your actions that I voiced privately.

Xietor September 4th, 2008 02:22 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
score graphs turn 50:


la Arcos,with all due respect, has barely half the research of la Agartha, and 2/3 the provinces.

We also fought ea abysia after ma tien chi was all but beaten, and started the war against la tien chi when ea ctis was all but beaten. And we ported our immortal pretender into a province 2 squares from la tien chi's capital.

When you port your immortal pretender into the heart of an enemy's empire to start a war, we can talk.

Had we wanted an easy war, we would have attacked ma tien chi whose lands connect to our own, and who had a small nation. Instead, we risked our pretender and went to war with a nation in a distant area of the world, where we had no connecting border, who had more capitals than we did. Why la tien chi when ma tien chi was closer and much easier? Correct, we wanted to have some fun. and ma tien chi would not have been much of a challenge.

And we never sold out ea ctis. we have had no contact with ma ctis at all this game. In fact, it was at the invitation of EA Ctis that Ruin entered this fray. So EA Ctis had nothing to fear from Ruin.

Digress September 4th, 2008 05:48 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!

Originally Posted by Xietor (Post 636246)
we have had no contact with ma ctis at all this game.

MA C'tis says hello :wave:

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