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Xietor September 6th, 2008 11:58 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
So sad to see the Lizards fight amongst themselves. The spirit of Bones, the former ruler of MA Ctis, is glad to see reconciliation amongst the lizards. natural allies if there ever were any.

LA Arcoscephale could not imagine harming EA or MA Arcoscephele. What a travesty that would be.

Ruin casts his piercing vision outward, ever seeking Utgard, the destroyer of the Golden Age. With each breath the giants draw Ruin's ire increases. The world needs a symbol. A sign of Ruin's divine might.....Something the peoples of the world can believe in.

atul September 6th, 2008 12:10 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
So, you either casting a global or attacking Utgård?

Since, the usual signs of great power, artifacts and unique summons are gone and you've got none. There's still some global slots left. ;p

DonCorazon September 6th, 2008 12:12 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Touch Utgard and we will make your pretender's name an apt one to describe the fate of your nation. Look to Eriu as an example of what befalls the foolish intellectuals that think books can teach them how to fight.

We will assume your message was the result of a Friday night Arcosphalean orgy that led to some bold, alcohol-induced bravery. Any more such messages will bring down the wrath of the horde upon thee.

PS In the meantime, to my longstanding allies and anyone else interested in silencing the oracles LA Arcos, please PM me.

Xietor September 8th, 2008 12:00 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
No ooc here.

Anyone who felt bad about picking on a noob, should take off the kid gloves when dealing with Darkwind. He ignored his nap with me and attacked me, despite my sending him a pm to make sure he understood what it meant. He confirmed he knew that he had to wait to attack me, but did so anyway.

Luckily for me, I always hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. But I do want to call him out as untrustworthy. In my long history of playing Dominions, going back to Dominions II, I have never broke a nap no matter how tempting. That is a record I am proud of.

And while i know some players think treachery is roleplaying etc., I never roleplay when it comes to making treaties/trades etc. If you give me some many gems for an item, you get the item. If you get me to agree to a nap, I honor it, even if it costs me the game.

To each his own style of play. I am sorry you chose to follow the path you did Darkwind.
Especially when it will avail you nothing. You ambushed 2 banelords with a huge army. Both banelords are now in the Hall of Fame. You attacked a castle and killed the pd and 9 mechanical men.

I hope it was worth it.

Zeldor September 8th, 2008 12:14 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I think we all see now who is the real threat and power aspiring for winning the game. While Xietor did all the propaganda against Caelum, Agartha, Helheim, Niefel he was secretly hoarding gems to put the most powerful gem maker. He also invades small weak neighbours.

I hope LA Arco neighbours realise that there is something bad behind their borders and decide to clear that mess.

Xietor September 8th, 2008 12:39 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Zeldor, reading comprehension is not your strong suit. MA Ulm attacked me. I did not attack MA Ulm. He sent me a PM telling me he wanted LA Tien Chi's lands.

I said(actually being a nice guy), what provinces do you want? He said I need capitals. I said regrettably, it looks as if I am only going to get one of LA Tien Chi's capitals as it is.
The other 2 are being contested by interlopers. And he said well I want the one you have. I said I am afraid you would have to go to war with me to get that one capital from me.

He said war it is. At that point, I reminded him of our nap, and said I accept his pm as notice of termination, and explained he needs to wait before attacking. He said he understood. Then he attacked me.

LA Arcoscephale is a small peaceful nation. We are only defending ourselves from a ruthless unprovoked attack. An attack that ignored a nap.

Why did LA Agartha attack MA Atlantis? LA Agartha has over 24000 research. When LA Arcos breaks 16000 let me know. we will pop the wine corks because we will have 2/3 as much research as la Agartha. But wait, by then you will have 28000(: oh well.

Darkwind September 8th, 2008 06:26 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
We had a 2-turn NAP. You reminded me, the turn before last I believe (although knowing me, I could have quite easily have forgot and thought it was the second turn so there you have it), of said NAP so we were on the same train of thought. I guess we were not (or perhaps we were until I presumably added another turn to the game in my head). What do you mean by interlopers anyway? I'm fairly sure the war was originally between EA C'tis and LA T'ien Ch'i, not between T'ien Ch'i and you.

At any rate, LA Arcoscephale is not small at all, and I somewhat doubt that it is peaceful (I remember something about attacking LA T'ien Ch'i when you didn't even have borders with them, which I do not see as much of a peaceful move).

Finally, I wouldn't break a treaty in Kingmaker should I roleplay (which I do in fact do). Monny is not an untrustworthy person (or stone, really). I suppose Anon is though.

One last thing before this post is over. I did not expect to win Kingmaker. I'm a bit surprised I survived as long as I have as is. My hopes right now are a) to actually survive this war, winning or no, or b) to have a really awesome AAR made out of my death (perhaps even two if I'm lucky). :)

Twan September 8th, 2008 07:14 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Erf I staled a second time, thinking the turn length was now 72hr.

Anyway for the ultra peaceful sleeping kingdom of ME Arco it doesn't make a big difference.

I was already asking for a sub as I've lost motivation and don't have much time to play these days (would be a good moment to start a war, but just thinking about having to spend 3-4 hours a turn scripting my communions convinced me to rather search a replacement).

(I played this one to avoid to cripple the realm too much, and will be carefull not to stale the next if a sub isn't found)

Xietor September 8th, 2008 10:08 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Hi Twan,

All you need is a war to get the juices flowing. Too many years of peace in dusty libraries
allows the points of your spears to dull and your generals to get fat from wine.

In any event, with your awesome research, you may at least want to test those communions on someone before handing the game off to a sub. Good luck either way and thanks for playing.

As to the length of the game's turns, here is the quote from the 1st post of the Original Kingmaker thread:

Speed: 24 hours per host for the first 18 turns moving to 48 hours per host until around turn 70+ in which it moves to 72.

So we have another 18 turns until the 72 hour hosting kicks in.

EA Oceania is now AI. Thanks for playing Herode. Good game. The water races are now beginning to dwindle. Only MA Atlantis, EA Atlantis, and EA Ryleh remain.

Zeldor September 8th, 2008 10:16 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!

MA Atlantis was the one that attacked me and killed my pretender twice. They expected some easy gains and now they are paying price for their greed and arrogance.

And you are surely in top5 nations in that game, so act like a man. We don't want to hear you crying about how bad your situation is. Attack someone at least remotely close to you in power. And don't do it 3:1.

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