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NTJedi February 8th, 2005 08:40 PM

THE List of Dominions2 Questions
<font color="blue"> 1) </font> How many commanders can exist in one province?? I know how many can be seen before it scrolls... yet does anyone know how many commanders can be at one province?

<font color="purple"> 2) </font> Which harmful spells do not show the receiver who sent them?? I've looked yet never found a complete list.

3) For a province which is under siege yet the castle is still holding defenders. Which spells target armies and commanders which are sieging the castle?? Which spells target those inside the castle?? Do any of them do both?? (Baleful Star?) Surprisingly this was not in the book. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif A list for these would be great!

<font color="brown"> 4) </font> IN YOUR OPINION... which unique artifacts are garbage??
(the developers might be interested)

Also I wanted to give a HUGE thank-you to the developers for working on DOMINIONS_3 !!

Boron February 8th, 2005 10:12 PM

Re: THE List of Dominions2 Questions
For 2 most are listed at sunrays dominions site in section what is not in the spell manual .

1) I would like to know also how many commanders in total can exist .
I had at least 300 Commanders in my capitol in my last game though so the number of commanders per province is probably quite high .
The unitviewmap has even about 1100 commanders in one province and everything seems to work normal also .

4) Sickle who's crop is pain is cool if you have an ally who does 1 call of wind on your province with sickle + staff of storms every turn .
This gives you 21 deathgems for 5 airgems each turn . Not a bad bargain http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Alchemists stone , Barrier , Aegis , Magebane , Summit and hammer of the forge lord are very good also . Those i always try to get if possible .
Finally the +3 death staff is good too and the area petrification sword and gift of kugri .

Most other artifacts i rather rarely forge .

quantum_mechani February 8th, 2005 10:38 PM

Re: THE List of Dominions2 Questions

Boron said:

Alchemists stone , Barrier , Aegis , Magebane , Summit and hammer of the forge lord are very good also . Those i always try to get if possible .
Finally the +3 death staff is good too and the area petrification sword and gift of kugri .

Most other artifacts i rather rarely forge .

The soul stone of the wolves is always high on my list. I will usually forge all artifacts given the time, the only one that comes to mind as being total junk is the Crown of Overmight.

Kristoffer O February 9th, 2005 06:22 AM

Re: THE List of Dominions2 Questions
Crown-ey. We'll have to make it cooler then.

2500 com's in one game.

Turin February 9th, 2005 08:26 AM

Re: THE List of Dominions2 Questions
I like the crown, you can make a tough charming boy with that, it is overpriced though.
Other overpriced artifacts are the ankh, carcator and the unique armors.

The other artifacts are well worth forging.

tinkthank February 9th, 2005 09:05 AM

Re: THE List of Dominions2 Questions
I like the unique armors! I almost always try to make that Callius Robe, Virtue Armor is nice for non-astral commanders, I like Fenris Pelt, and those heavy ones are good for just protecting people who dont do much but cast fatigue-low spells or carry important items (such as the Sword of Augelmer).

- I find the Green Eye to be fairly meek for being unique and requiring eyeloss
- I dont particularly like Blink, but I suppose that is because I dont use SCs, so hence I never get those Crane Boots
- Never made the Crown of Overmight, I find it mighty unsexy.
- I have never made a number of the weapons, they didnt seem particularly appealing.

Turin February 9th, 2005 09:41 AM

Re: THE List of Dominions2 Questions
oh I just meant those two heavy protection armors, I guess you are almost always better off with marble armors. The others are useful.

The green eye´s specialty is the +2 penetration bonus.
You can stack it with the other penetration items and get a +6 bonus.
And it casts sleep in battle, so you have more chance for your charming/hellbind heart to work =).

Oversway February 9th, 2005 12:24 PM

Re: THE List of Dominions2 Questions

I havn't found the twin spear that turns killed units into longdead to be really useful. The other twin spear that summons lessor horrors is pretty cool, though!

Chazar February 9th, 2005 01:01 PM

Re: THE List of Dominions2 Questions
There should be some way to get a hint were the unique items currently are (like the libraries provided in WarlordsI). I think it is fun to be able to track and hunt down the wearer of a unique artefact. After all, the uniques shoud have some reputation which might be difficult to conceal...
(...or are spies already capable of reporting about unique items?)

Boron February 9th, 2005 01:26 PM

Re: THE List of Dominions2 Questions

Chazar said:
There should be some way to get a hint were the unique items currently are (like the libraries provided in WarlordsI). I think it is fun to be able to track and hunt down the wearer of a unique artefact. After all, the uniques shoud have some reputation which might be difficult to conceal...
(...or are spies already capable of reporting about unique items?)

Good idea .

Indirectly you can see at least the battleuniques when you watch battles of your opponents with your spies .
At least this way you can spot the magebane using AQ http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

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