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Nerfix October 12th, 2006 02:30 PM

Favorite nations so far?
Mine are

Early Agartha:

Oozes with flavour and I like playing them. Rhuax Pact is lovely and Troglos rock.

Early Atlantis:

I really like it for some eldricth reason I can't put my lantern organ on.

Late Atlantis:

Too cool. I really like their units, the theme, the flavour, all of it. They're kinda capital dependant but I really like it.

Late R'lyeh:

Ftaghn. That's "word" in r'lyeahian. Actually it's "waits".

Ygorl October 12th, 2006 03:04 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
I had a blast in the test game I made with late Atlantis... Also, I was amused to have to send two rotting assassin bears to kill a Hoburg Hero, since he dispatched the first one I sent without a scratch!

dirtywick October 12th, 2006 03:06 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
I can't wait to get my hands on the full version, but with just the demo Kailasa. I haven't been able to play Atlantis with much success yet, I'm still working out strategies with them.

Archonsod October 12th, 2006 03:14 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
EA Ulm
EA Caelum
EA Abysia
LE Atlantis

Haven't tried them all yet though. Haven't moved into the mid or late era's beyond a quick look either.

Shovah32 October 12th, 2006 03:19 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
I like:
Late Atlantis
Late Rlyeh (they ROCK!)
Jomon (ninjas with shurikens kick ***)
Yomi (Dai oni can cast invunerability, soul vortex AND fireshield)
Middle Marignon (good access to those big angels)
Early and Middle Agartha (they are just plain fun)
Early Abysia (kickass sacred troops, blood/astral combo, amazing assasins)

OK, so what if my list was a little long?

Archonsod October 12th, 2006 03:22 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
Would probably be easier to list least favourite nations http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

KissBlade October 12th, 2006 04:00 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
Late Ryleh (a bit too good IMO actually), Mid Ryleh, Early TC, Jomon, Yomi. Haven't played too much of the others yet though Patala is a bit intriguing with Nagahs and Sauromatia with the zons.

atul October 12th, 2006 04:16 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?

KissBlade said:
Sauromatia with the zons.

Sauromatia has got way too little love in these forums. I mean, what's not to like: Unit line-up with only one infantry unit, cavalry from archers to light to (EA-)heavy with lances, sacred lizard cavalry, standards from flayed skins, man-eaters, fear-inducing combat god witch kings, poison composite bows and hydras. Mages capable of mitigating both the death and misfortune scales. Um did I forget something? Oh yeah, optional blood sacrifice.

No need to ask what's my fav to date. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Twan October 12th, 2006 04:19 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
Late Rlyeh is really fun.
EA Ermor is also one of my favorite as you can really do anything with it (big living armies with well armored troops + healers, bless strat with cavalry, going death & summons or focusing on artillery magic or alteration/thaumaturgy for your astral mages, etc... you can really play it as you want, all ways seem efficient).

Foodstamp October 12th, 2006 04:24 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
I am not a min/maxxer, so keep that in mind when I list my favorites...

EA Neifelheim - I love running around with Niefel Jarls smashing hordes of enemies.

EA Vahheim - Frontlines of Vanheres with dwarven bladewind spammers, and later on the powerful wind mages making the battlefield look like a supercell storm blew in.

EA Pangaea - Stealther preachers, mages and centaurs running around ruining the enemies economy, taking a province and then going back into hiding while you mass maeiads and minotaurs to come in and smash the enemy for good.

So far I have not played a nation I did not like, but those 3 stand out as my favorite play experience so far. Tonight I plan on trying Helheim, I have a feeling they will become a quick favorite as well since they are so similar to Vanheim.

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