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-   -   Mod: Arga Dis, Blood and Bronze - NEW VERSION 1.4 (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=34577)

Sombre May 6th, 2007 03:15 AM

Arga Dis, Blood and Bronze - NEW VERSION 1.4
2 Attachment(s)


-- version 1.4

-- FIX - Just shuffled around IDs to make this conflict free with Warhammer MA, CBM, Endgame Summons, FW Thugs

-- version 1.35

-- FIX - sorted out bug with urtyr shaman summon

-- version 1.3

-- CONTENT - Added "Bray of the Urtyr" spell

-- CONTENT - Added Urtyr shaman and troops as blood summons

-- TWEAK - Slightly upped companion protection - leather cuirass to hauberk

-- TWEAK - Recosted some commanders and troops slightly

-- TWEAK - Tweaked Myrmidon description.

-- TWEAK - Helgrot scout brought to stealth 10 in line with other scouts

-- TWEAK - Gilgan fear, berserk and cost reduced slightly.

-- TWEAK - Blackwing riders got scale mail hauberks to make them more useful and accentuate the foreign influence on them

-- TWEAK - Blood Wind pretender removed. I never liked it.

-- Version 1.2

-- FIX - Argan myrmidon captain's move to be the same as his troops

-- FIX - Apparently weapon 57 was sickle, not hoof. Hoof is 56. Fixed.

-- FIX - Hoof attacks on sworn companion and blackwing changed to non str based horse hoof attack id 56

-- TWEAK - No more misborn starting scout. Now they get a nice helgrot scout instead.

-- TWEAK - Misborn are now younger, with lower maxage.



Very minor fix here. I messed up the mr on some units, so now I've sorted that out. I also added a bit of gold cost to the augurs, so you have to pay them upkeep. Not much though.



Fixed price error for Harpy.
Reduced cost of Augurs.
Some other tweaks (primarily resource cost corrections. Now Arga is more of a sloth nation, befitting their lack of armour.)


Added a harpy blood summon
Added an Augur mage blood summon
Tweaked many a stat


This update addresses some balance issues, fixes a bug or two I recently spotted and gives the Argans a fine pretender selection, including a new national one, the Blood Wind.


This is a small update fixing numerous bugs in the previous version. Sorry about that, but it's worth downloading this, trust me.



Includes a whole bunch of stuff. Couple of new recruitables, changed values, moved to the middle era rather than early, 3 national heroes.


A society which venerates war and bloodshed. Their city nation watched over the imprisoned Gilgan blood giants. Following a terrible war it seemed Arga would be razed and forgotten, a terrible fate for a once glorious nation. In their darkest hour the Argans turned to the blood giants and swore an oath in exchange for power that would allow them to save their city and slay their foes. The Gilgan's were freed and not only fought the enemies of Arga but gave a 'gift' to those who swore loyalty to them. This gift was a glimpse of the afterlife, of Dis, a terrible place of brutal conflict where the strong reigned. The newly sworn Argans turned to their foes as changed men and fought like devils, finally defeating them and saving their city. Now Arga is a changed city, more brutal and violent than ever, more focused on slaughter and glory. It is effectively ruled by the Gilgans and with the coming of God they have turned their attentions to the surrounding lands.

1. Truly elite infantry
2. Frightening shock cavalry
3. Effective Haimgrot blood hunters
4. Thuggable Gilgans
5. Magical diversity via Augur summon

1. Spears are poor against high protection
2. Gilgans and Companions cap only and expensive
3. No preaching
4. Lack good missile weapons
5. True elite aren't sacred

Note: Sworn Brothers and Sworn companions fight on after death in a temporary 'mortally wounded state'.

Foodstamp May 6th, 2007 03:23 AM

Re: Arga Dis, Blood and Bronze
I have been waiting for this one. I will give it a go tomorrow http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Juzza May 6th, 2007 05:35 AM

Re: Arga Dis, Blood and Bronze
Yaaay, been waiting for this, it'd better be good *shakes fist* :p

Juzza May 6th, 2007 06:02 AM

Re: Arga Dis, Blood and Bronze
Two quick things, one I think the shield bash does too much damage, if being stabbed by a spear does +3 then shouldn't being bashed back by a shield do a bit less then +0?

Just my opinion, think on it, oh and the Argan Hoplites have a white spot on their shield, lol, dunno why I noticed that looked out of place to me.

their kinda hard to manage with their most expensive troops not being sacred, goldwise I mean, it's challenging to play, I love it!

Sombre May 6th, 2007 06:40 AM

Re: Arga Dis, Blood and Bronze
I might well tone down the shieldbash - right now it lets them kill light infantry a bit too fast. Maybe give it another -1 to attack and drop the damage by a few points.

They're definitely supposed to be a nation where keeping a large army of your elites is impossible. Since they have powerful blood magic and an efficient bloodhunter they can go for an upkeep free blood summon army to go alongside their super-elites.

Juzza May 7th, 2007 04:07 AM

Re: Arga Dis, Blood and Bronze
oh, wait, I thought of this the other night, it really depends on what you mean by "shield Bash" do you mean like, they are fighting with their spears and as they are doing that, using their shield to bash them one handed, if so than I think you should keep it the way ti is, although perhpas take some parry off it, considering they'd be flining their shield around as a weapon rather than blocking.

However, if you meant it as the way say, 300 did it with the line of sparatans and sort of bashing them back in line, I think you should take a bit of damage off it at least.

Um, did you understand the way I explained it? sometimes I'm bad at explaining things, sometimes, heh, most times.

Sombre May 7th, 2007 07:21 AM

Re: Arga Dis, Blood and Bronze
They're smashing their shields into people's faces, slamming the edge into exposed throats, generally smacking people around with them. I set the damage to -2 because it was making them a bit too good at crushing light infantry.

Juzza May 8th, 2007 02:47 AM

Re: Arga Dis, Blood and Bronze
ah okay, I wasn't sure exactly what it meant, that being the case though, -2 should be okay, oh and I have to say this is the only mod I've seen the AI utilize effectively.

Sombre May 8th, 2007 03:00 AM

Re: Arga Dis, Blood and Bronze
I think the powerful infantry, lack of any need (or capability) to bless and direct ratio of gold to kickass armies would be the reason for AI effectiveness.

However the nation is a blood one and as far as I remember I didn't give the #bloodnation tag in the .dm, so the AI should be pretty abysmal magically speaking.

Juzza May 8th, 2007 04:40 AM

Re: Arga Dis, Blood and Bronze
if you wish them to be effective as an AI I'd suggest not to give them #bloodnation, it would most likely effect their gold income too much for considering they have no special blood spells.

But some new spells would define the nation even more and not nessisairly blood magic since their mages rely on blood mostly making something that needs 5 death skill or 5 astral skill to cast would put a bit of strain on pretenders, also with adding a death spell, you could make something along the lines of "Risen Brother" anyway, hum, you know I'm not modding much and don't really mod my own stuff right now, I could help make some summons if you'd like, if you need some help or are too lazy to script a spell, just send me a pm with some details.

Good mod never the less, oh, except the banner, http://cooltext.com/ I do most of my banners from here and modify them to my liking if I want something special in there.

Once again, this is just my opinion stick to your own originality, these are simply suggestions.

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